
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    DJ ~ That is so funny and so true! HaHa (I heard on the news this AM that saying LOL is no longer in style) Hope your friend gets better soon.

    Sylvia ~ Getting food poison on a trip sucks. When we visited The Biltmore Estates in Asheville a few years ago we ate at a steak house and both of us were sick all night long. The place you visited sound a lot like our Helen, GA when they are celebrating October Fest. I hated all the crowds and loud music.

    Meg ~ How old is your daughter? I am so sorry you are having to go through this and hope it gets better.

    JanetM ~ Very scary about your DH's infection.

    Joyce ~ Your azalea may have rust where the leaves all look like they are coated in a brown thingy. I read that this does not kill the plant. On another note, your front might look more balanced if you removed the lonely bush.

    Lisa ~ When my brother took over managing Dad's restaurant, his heart was not in it (he had a law practice at the same time) and the staff ran the place into the ground. I hope your crew chief improves and the cooks return.

    I tried to make a pizza using frozen bread dough last night and it was a total failure. The toppings were good but the dough was thick and not very tasty.

    I could not sleep last night for some reason and found myself teary this morning for no good reason over the slightest thing. Guess it's a result of the no sleep.

    Carol ~ GA Peach

  • 321654987anna
    321654987anna Posts: 2 Member
    Loved that password joke! That is so me.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Yea! We actually closed on both houses!

    Have a great day everyone! We are going to go and celebrate!

    Mary from Minnesota

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It's been a long time coming. So happy for you.

    Mia in MI

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member

    My backpack was extra heavy this morning, I was too tired to drive here to work to bring the stuff here so I wouldn't have to haul it in my bag today. same o same o. we'll see how today goes.

    exermom - yeah, i know about the ghost bike, it's usually painted all white

    whippet - sorry you don't feel well..

    gawworthing- good for you! keep it up!

    damnit - ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    type to ya later.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    herdofsixcats: This is what works for me: 1. log every bite and swallow, 2. weigh or measure food so that I know how big my portions are, 3. move more and make it fun whenever possible. In order to accomplish the weigh/measure goal I bought a food scale and restaurant style dishers. The dishers look like ice cream scoops and they're really helpful in keeping the amount of food standardized and measured. Many people use various devices to measure the length of their exercises but I just use a watch and keep track of time. Both strategies work. :flowerforyou:

    DJ: I read your Senior Trying to Set a Password to DH and he laughed out loud. Thank you for sharing! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yoga today! I'm still doing my personal science experiment for bone density and am starting to feel better. I don't know if my new regime has any effect on how I'm feeling, or if it is simply getting over an unpleasant surprise and trying something different.

    Our car and dinghy trailer are fueled up, hooked up, and waiting for our neighbor to head to Neah Bay. I'm happy that he volunteered to help DS bring the boat back down the coast, and am also eager to have DDIL here for a day or two. Her birthday is coming up and I want to do fun things with her to celebrate. I think her mom will be here for a while, too.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • cd_va
    cd_va Posts: 31 Member
    Morning, all!

    I worked all weekend - no rest for the weary. And back at it early this morning.

    I FINALLY got my car back!!! No more walking to the bus and arriving at work all sticky from the humidity.

    DH drove DD's now-fixed car back to her on Friday, and brought mine back to me Sunday. We paid big $$ to have the support braces for the radiator replaced, because the others were broken and had caused the front end to shake really badly.

    What does DD do? Calls us after we're in bed to complain that the car is still shaking. DH drove it for four hours and didn't have a single problem with it! Grrrrr She's been campaigning that "we should get rid of it" and "can't I get another one." I want to tell her that she can save her $$ to buy a car, because that one belongs to us....we paid for it.

    Trying to parent from long distance is very hard. My DH and I are working federal jobs four hours away from our home. Kids are in college (DD - 19 and DS - 20) and living in our house. It's so nice not to be BROKE like we were before. But there are difficulties logistics-wise and time-wise that must be dealt with now.

    Boy, am I on my whiny-pot! I need to take my thumb out of my mouth, pull on my big girl panties, and rejoice that I have my little car back!!! I think I'll go out and hug it during my lunch break!! :smiley:

    Have a healthy and marvelous Monday!

    Colleen in Virginia
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Hi, y'all! Back from the river where we had a relaxing weekend. We had no cell or internet service at the river, so I just had to skip about eight pages of posts. Hope everyone is doing well and ready for a new week.

    We ate and drank like champions all weekend, but we also spent a lot of time swimming and walking and generally being active. When we arrived we discovered an enormous pecan branch - the size of a large tree - had come down and smashed the bottom landing of the stairs. That's the same landing that got carried off in the Memorial Day flood and my brother and brother-in-law had worked hard to reattach it! Now it's worse than ever... it's always something. Philip and I didn't have work clothes and boots with us, but we spent a bunch of time chainsawing the big chunks of tree into smaller ones and hauling them out of the way so there'd be space to work. That is hard work, especially in 100-degree heat! Guess we'll have to schedule another family work weekend soon.

    Despite the stairs, we had such a good time. I think we really needed the time away to clear our heads and enjoy the company of good friends.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    good late morning from Connecticut~
    made blueberry muffins for my dad and took them up to him, Tom took our van to car max and got a great quote to sell. he wants to sell that and pay my car off.
    I said is that so we each have once car and when you ditch me one less thing to pay out? he said ya ya thats it. joking I guess.
    I asked if he had been thinking about things and he said he has put it on a shelf for a bit meaning for right now I guess things are going ok.. but who knows..
    he took today off from work so he is now on his way to speak with a power equipment place about getting the snowblower in good shape , we had a heck of a time of it this past winter and think it has to do with the self propel part..
    then he is coming and working on the kitchen..
    we went to see DFIL and he said Tom you look nervous. whats going on... the poor man can even feel the tension...
    thats ok he said we love you anyway ..
  • RunHappyMe
    RunHappyMe Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone, I am a 40 year old mother of 3. I work full time as a nurse. I have been running since I was a young girl. I traveled abroad for several months to a place that was hard to exercise and gained a bit. I never really had to lose weight before. I want to lose 15-20 pounds. I have been eating terribly, and my goal is to improve my eating. I love running so I am diving back in. I did not log well last week, but retrospectively put it in. This week I want to finish each day's log every night before I sleep and lose at least 1-2 pounds!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Finally home! (sat. Night) Traffic was a nightmare and the trip took almost 12hrs. when it is usually about eight. I 95 was one stand still after another. I have my own computer and ipad again. Lots of reading done, mostly skimmed. Loved all the pics. I will be on MFP three years come Jan.

    Well, the one week vacation turned into three weeks, terrible for both the budget and my weight.....not even getting on the scale for a few days. I do NOT endorse getting into any type of car accident that involves body work on your vacation. We also lost all the time we had planned to get DD ready for her apt. At Va.tech. Yesterday we quick did some estate sales and Bought a coffee maker and blender and toaster and kitchen linens and pots.utensils etc......which really kills me since I gave all the extra I had a couple years ago to one of her older classmates, what was I thinking???

    Cd.......Believe me when I say YAY for getting your car back!

    JanetMc.....Hugs to you and good luck to Larry.

    Heather........The legacy, finally.......great for you!

    Dr Katie........Cute house, best to your son, hope he is very happy there.

    Gayle.....Soft tissue damage can be more painful and the pain last longer than an actual break. I did my wrist in a few yrs. ago and had pain and limited movement for close to a year.

    Joyce........Yay for the trees being gone!

    Beth.....Sorry about your injury during the transfer.....I used a slide board for my mom.

    Nancy......The first thing I always ask is for a name when calling about a problem, etc. take notes and repeat everything back, then I know exactly who told me what.

    Mary......I would say fabulous pics, but that word isn't nearly strong enough!!! I also think your DH looks like Dustin Hoffman.

    Lisa......You always amaze me!

    Kayla.......I have had osteoporosis. Yes, it was a shock, but I am still chugging along and you will too. Hugs.

    I could write so much more. Best to all. Must run.


  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Well it is Monday morning and going to be another HOT day. I am working my 7-3 shift today. Last evening DD and family came to town to shop for things DGS will need for college. He is going to attend the college only 25 miles from us and living in the dorm. So we went out for supper at Red Lobster. I watched what I ate, but still was over for the day. Not going to beat myself up as had a nice visit with the family. I got here early this morning and got my lab work drawn. I have my appointment tomorrow. Been a crazy day so far, but is Monday.

    Meg--Sending hugs and prayers. It is so hard when if they would just listen they could avoid so much pain.

    Rori--Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    janetr--Glad to hear DBiL is doing better. Keeping all of you in my prayers.

    katiebug--Boy! you have been busy at DS's place. That has to be burning calories big time. I agree it sounds like water wieght. Don't panic. Great NSV with the dress.

    PJ--Welcome, Glad to have you join us and Thank God your attack was not worse.

    Sylvia--Sounds like a nightmare. I do hope you feel better this morning. Please be careful and I would be making phone calls and writing letters to the management. Sounds like the food could be what made you so sick.

    janetm--How scary. Praying all goes well and he gets better and come home.

    gayle--9th of 250. That is great, be proud.

    Lisa--You sure have a mess. I pray they get it right soon. It amazes me the younger generation does not have much of a work ethic. Know my spelling is bad, but hope you know what I am trying to say. I have said more then once by trying to make things better for our children we have made a generation of spoiled brats. I really admire you and this job you are doing.

    dj--How cute and I can relate. When I have to call tech support at work and just want to cry.

    Carol--Hugs. Hope your day is getting better.

    yvonnie--Sounds like an interesting weekend. Glad even with the step and tree issues you got to relax.

    yanniejannie--Glad you are back home safe and sound.

    Well ladies I up caught up and not alot to say. Going to try and get some walking done when I get off work. See how hot it is. Enjoy the day ladies and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited August 2015
    I can tell by looking at my DH and DSs how they are feeling (and they can me as well). Hazel eyes that turn a different color and our hazel eyes to begin with are all different colors. My DDnL that is married to DOS is impossible to 'read' . . . other than when she gets home, she is miserable - hates her job and has been looking for a different one with benefits - even if she has to take a cut in pay. One she pretty much had, they changed around a few things and it became a part-time one, so she did not take it. They tell her that they will be opening up another couple of positions and will keep her resume on the top of the stack. Other days she is in a great mood - especially on weekends. Last week I surprised her with asking if she wanted to meet somewhere for lunch. I've never done that before. I think it was a 'good' thing to do, since our relationship has always been a bit on the shaky side. My other DDnL is totally different. She's always in a good mood and nothing bothers her. My sons are totally different and have a good relationship with one another. Maybe the fact that each DDnL are so different makes them get along good. When DDnL (who was just a fiancée at the time asked me about present DDnL - I told her that we really did not meet under ideal circumstances; but, that I would not say anything about her, other than she 'has a good heart'; and left it at that. Said that she would have to make her own decisions about how she felt about her.

    I had been in a near fatal auto collision, was finally home, but pretty much in the throws of a Bipolar episode and my DOS had told her that he did not want us to meet until I got better. She came anyway to the house and I just was surprised that she introduced herself as his fiancée because while he was technically divorce at the time; I was fearful that she would not let us see our DOGD just to be mean. A couple of years later she came to live with her Daddy and DDnL. Best change that EVER happened. Her mother has now lost all her children to DFACS because of a lot of things, mostly drug related. DOGD has nothing to do with her (she is 'in jail' now on a probation violation) and she doesn't believe anything she has to say in her letters to her. One is with her paternal grandmother, the other one with her biological father.

    DOS said that his best friend, whose Mother and Dad are both deceased since he was in HS. Told him that he had left everything to him, and 2 more of his friends. It upset my son because he couldn't believe that he would do such of a thing. Of course he told son that he did not have anybody else to leave it to; and doesn't want to leave it to his sister. Son was concerned when this friend also told him that he really did not think he would live very long and he will 'definitely' not get married or have children. He was in a wreck recently; and lost a lot of weight; which he did not need to lose. He is at least 6 feet tall and he told son that he weighed 140lbs now. He's always been skinny; but, I was shocked the first time I saw him after the wreck; and, it could have been so much worse. He got T-boned by an older gentleman. The wreck killed one of his dogs that he had kenneled in the back of his truck. Probably would have killed him if he had not been in a truck that set up high off the ground. Of course, my son says he will probably burn through all that he inherited. He owns some land that he inherited from his grandmother that is shared with his aunt and sister. I think he ended up getting all the land in the process, I don't know what else he got but it is a huge estate.

    Sending kids to college is expensive. We are glad that our DGD gets 'HOPE' which is the lottery-funded schooling where those who make and keep a "B" or better average gets a certain amount of money to go to school. She also gets a PELL grant that does not have to be paid back. But she has had to borrow money because instead of going up like it is suppose to the PELL grant has been going down. I hope that she will check on this - but like always she says she 'doesn't have the time'. GGRrrrrrr! Kid, now-a-days expect their parents or someone else to see about things for them. Her Daddy has told her that he 'knows' how it is to go to college and get money to do so. The state did not have a lottery when he was 'in school'. But, then he got married to her mother for a short period of time and did not go back because he had a family to support. At least she did not get any of his retirement. But, he felt like she got more than her fair share. I told him that with one child they had a percentage they went by and he fell right down the middle of the lowest (because he only had one child). At least when he got custody of his child the arrearage that she claimed that he 'owed' her was abated and over time, she would have ended up paying him. But he did not ask for her to do that and never pushed the issue either.

    I'm reading back to my last post and will probably not post anything unless something hits me to do so.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Barbie, you are so tiny! congratulations for all the hard work!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    DJ - Password fail, cracked me up. I had to share it with a few friends. I know Jack will he appreciate he and pass words just DO NOT mix. :) THANKS.

    Carol ~ GA Peach - Sorry about the not sleeping. Hope the tears dry up (((hugs))). Maybe a little nap is in order this afternoon.

    Colleen in Virginia - Remember if the big girl panties don't work, break out those Super Duper Granny Panties. We here to listen to the whining. :)

    Yvonne in TX - sorry about the tree breaking up the steps but its wonderful that you were able to have such a good weekend.

    My NSV for the day (because I refuse to get on the scale anymore). I ordered two pair of size 12 Short Lee jeans from Penneys. They came today and I tried them on, they are so baggy in the butt and legs that they look like pajamas. Probably a fluke on the sizing, but it still lifted my spirits and gave me a little swag in my walk for a while. :)

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @DJ - great joke!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy mon,raining today,can use the rain.Had a great grandma day with Violet.WE played games,sand songs and just had fun.
    HUGS jane
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    Gail (& Lisa) – Aren’t some people amazingly stupid the things they will attempt? I had it in writing that no one could call in sick on April 20 without a Doctor’s note, so one employee tried to tell me he was having a friend drive him 3 hours away to see his own doctor for a broken leg. And one time a waitress told another waitress (who happened to be my best friend for decades) that she needed a knee replaced so she was planning to stage a fall so Worker’s Comp insurance would pay for her surgery. Nut cases. // Lisa – I have been told by employers that negative comments on Social Media is grounds for termination. It is slander, and can be prosecuted. Good luck with that “gem” of an employee.

    Janetr – that was a rocking shopping trip. I sometimes go to Kmart, but the Sears around here is pretty far away comparatively. I almost never pay full price ; ALWAYS looking for the sales and Clearance (love me some clearance). TJMaxx is pretty close, I should try that, as I have seen some people post positive shopping experiences. // You are so lucky to have a handy DH. Mine can fix anything related to refrigeration, air condition, and furnace, but he won’t. Just not motivated. // This has probably been covered in the past, but what is a Florida room?

    Drkatiebug – Congrats on getting so much done in DS’s new house. What a sense of relief you must all feel.

    DJ - I also travel with an extra pair of undies in my carry-on, plus brush-ups, deodorant, yarn, and bamboo crochet hooks. Everything else I can buy a few days later if my luggage is lost. One time DH forgot to pack ANY shirts for DS, so he got a new t-shirt wardrobe that year in Las Vegas. I hope you are able to relax and enjoy your trip.

    Beth – Hugs for your Dad. It is rare for one of our doctors to give a person with shingles anything besides pain meds. I hope your Dad finds relief soon.

    Becca – Feel free to organize my house any time. In fact, I need a “get real” friend to help me throw things away, too. I’m not as bad as a hoarder, but I will admit to being a packrat.

    Joyce – I almost wish my life were wrapped around DS and his sports, but DH still travels a lot for bowling, too, and we sometimes leave DS behind for the longer trips. Since my hobby is crochet, I can take that anywhere, and I make the best of my travels by trying at least one new thing during each trip. It was the same with DD, except that her dad didn’t do anything, so I either took her myself, or took her with my current DH. Again, gotta love the portability of crochet (and walking). Kaitlynn’s dad took me to 1 place our entire marriage, and that was Colorado to visit his dad, and I always hated those trips. Anyway, enough of the bad past. I LOVE to travel finally, and doing new things or visiting new places (and since I’m not shy, I always meet new people, too.) // Congrats on signing up for a challenge. It takes guts just to sign up, so I’m sure you did your best. One of my favorite things to do when it is hot and I have to be outside is a frozen bottle of water in my bra-cket. It keeps me just cool enough to not feel overwhelmingly hot, and it is barely noticeable. I’m sure your cooling vest doesn’t look as huge or obvious to others as you imagine, so if you need it, wear it with pride.

    Glo – Your salad sounds amazing. I am used to kale now, so I think I will go back to it again soon, and I forgot how far a little feta goes, so I should buy some of that, too. Thanks for the reminders.

    Tammy – I log either before or after, depending on the situation. If I know where I’m going to eat (or what options I can choose), I like to log before, so I can make educated decisions. You will find what works best for you.

    I am also guilty of taking better care of everyone else than myself, and just had an “ah-ha’” moment. DS and DH are going to take turns on a Wednesday Sport Bowling League starting in a few weeks. Usually I would stay home, play on my computer, and go to bed early to watch Criminal Minds (one of the few TV’s shows I hate to miss). Well, 0.64 miles from that bowling alley, on the same street, is a Big Lots. So, whenever the weather is such that I won’t mind making that walk, I’m going to walk to Big Lots while the “boys” bowl.

    Well, this has turned into another crazy day at work, and now I am only up to page 25 and need to start closing my day, so I will sign off, and try to catch up more at home tonight after I log all my radio codes.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (I bought a t-shirt at State Fair yesterday, and will post it soon, because I hope plenty of you will find it funny)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    home from work, and tomorrow will be a crazy day... have a dr's appt at 9 with kidney dr, of course they put a huge 6 unit bridge in at 8:30 knowing full well that I wont be there to assist .. I will not cancel Dr's appt. this needs to be taken care of.
    I am having a little pity party for myself and will talk to Tom tonight about it..
    He is home before me every day.. and I am just sort of having a time thinking I have to come home to a house and a husband that doesn't love me..it just really really hurts.. this weekend he said he is putting it all on a shelf for right now. but what does that mean? your just gonna let things go along as they are?
    Oh well I will get over it..
    gonna go chill out and go to bed, back to the gym in the morning... still have to check out the strongfit website