June-Day by Day Challenge-pt 10 (OPEN)



  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Thanks for starting us up again Lee! Can't believe we're on part 10 already!

    Welcome to all the newbies! Hope you stick with this and find it as helpful as I do. It seems so simple setting daily goals but I find the act of writing them down motivates and encourages me to achieve them.

    I didn't get around to posting yesterday for today but generally did wel (apart from the chocolate after dinner)!

    Thursday's Goals:
    1. Water.
    2. Take lunch and some fruit from home.
    3. Combat or run or at least some form of exercise.
    4. DO NOT GO OUT AFTER WORK because otherwise I will fail on number 3!
    5. Don't proscrastinate at work. There is plenty to get done so just get on with it!

    Have a great day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I hope it is not too late to join. I need to set daily goals to keep myself on track in June, since I did not make much progress in May. Here are my goals for today:

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water.
    2. Run 3 miles.
    3. Eat 1200 cals
    4. Log everything I eat.

    it's never too late to join! welcome! thanks for finding us!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Pam, I decided to answer your rhetorical questions:
    Ask yourself:
    Do my clothes feel better on. Can I wear things I couldn't before?
    Do I have more energy and am I more motivated in my other activities in life?
    Can I exercise more than I did before?

    My clothes do fit better. I tried on a skirt the other day and as I tried to walk in it, it fell off. Like most of my old "fat" clothes, they had an elastic band, so I couldn't loop a belt through it. Check my new profile pic, me, out of all people, wearing skinny jeans. I never thought I would in a million years. I couldn't even wear things like that in high school. Size 11 in juniors!!

    I have tons of energy, way more than even this time last year. I am super motivated to find a job and start the master's program in the fall (if all goes right!)

    I used to be the girl in zumba that hid in the back or made sure I was always out of the view of the mirror. Now I stand next to the instructor. There may be times where she stops and ties her shoe or grab a kleenex for her nose and points at me to motion everyone to watch me. How cool is that?! Once she even left out the room to go to the restroom and I did the routine for the next song. I didn't even notice when she came back in the room. So that's definitely a YES!

    I encourage everyone to answer the questions, too. It will give us a little more insight about who you are! I mean, we will potentially be together for the whole month of June and beyond! :)
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    Leela, you look awesome!!! WTG! and I remember from the other challenge when you were getting discouraged.... You go girl....
    Yes, please anyone answer the questions.... it helped me through my times where I felt progress was limited!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    June 1st Goal:

    1) No carb's past 6 pm----YES!
    2) drink 6 cups of water ( I better get started :wink: )
    3) Do NOT Gorge tonight
    4) weight train 20 minutes

    YAY!!! I was good today :drinker:

    New Goal for June 2nd..................... Thursday

    1) No carbs after 6pm
    2) 50.7 ounces of water ( 3 bottles)
    3) Don't Pig out after dinner
    4) weight train 25 minutes
    5) 30 minutes exercise / cardio

  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I have 1 goal today and that is to not eat any mayonnaise. May sound silly, but it is a HUGE thing for me. I love it like some people love icecream. YES
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    Hi, Leela! Great idea!

    1) Drink a min of 12oz of water - NO, only 8oz
    2) No chocolate today, eat apple instead ;) - NO, but I also ate the apple!
    3) Walk/ride bike after work - a min of 30min - YES, walked for and hour with my husband
    4) Stretch before returning from lunch - NO, forgot...

    6/2 Goals:
    1) Drink a min of 12oz of water
    2) Attend one Zumba class after work
    3) Leave a love note for my husband
    4) Change cat litter :grumble:
    5) Be in bed, lights out by midnight
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    June 2 goals:

    1. going to bed before 11 oclock.

    2. staying under my calorie goals.

    3. Go to gym regardless if I get there late.....:-) Since I can't sleep tonight!:yawn:
  • caretmier
    caretmier Posts: 66
    I like this one! I always have daily goal to meet but putting them here in a forum will definitely help me be more accountable for them! Here are my goals today:

    1. Drink my water (YEP - Got 10 cups!!!)
    2. Burn 600 calories (Yes - 766)
    3. Only 2 diet soda's today (Yes!!)
    4. No alcohol tonight! (Finishing this post and 10 min of show left, then off to bed w/NO alcohol!) (even though Hubs just cracked open a beer.. . :(_ LOL)
    5. Make healthy choices while grocery shopping today! (Did good, but it is hard with kids I have to feed!)

    Thursday, June 2nd Goals:

    1. Drink 8 cups of water
    2. Burn 700 calories
    3. No alcohol and only 1 soda
    4. Pick up dog poo... YUCK!
  • Juniper88
    Juniper88 Posts: 142
    Hi! I would like to try this challenge. I have a harder-than-I-should time trying to meet my goals. Here goes!

    Thurs. Jun/2/11 Goals:

    (1)- drink 9 cups of water
    (2)- no late night pig-outs (only tea/hot-choc after 9:30)
    (3)- in bed by 11:30 - sleeping by midnight
  • silveryflutterby
    What a great thread! A great way to make small goals and be held accountable...I'm in!

    June 2

    1. complete 30DS L1 D2
    2. run at least 2 miles
    3. take my kids to the park or for a walk outside
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Wow, two days in and already at 2 pages, fantastic!

    Thanks for starting this months thread Leela!

    Pretty madly busy at the moment so I'm going to keep it short and sweet today. I'm Kim I'm fromt he UK and I've been using this fabulous thread for 6 or 7 months now and certainly would have dropped out of my new health life style a long time ago with out it. So a big thanks to all the lovely ladies on here who have kept me going.

    I've had some good news. I won't have to move for my partners new job and he won't have to be away 5 days a week! So happy.

    Goals for today:
    1. Run after work
    2. Be sensible at friends birthday lunch but still have fun.
    3. Water
    4. Tidy the house so I won't be embarrassed when my brother comes to stay tomorrow.

    Have a lovely day! See you later
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    1. Drink more water (didnt meet that one yesterday)
    2. Try to change my menu up a bit
    3. Get some chores done this evening so there is less to do this weekend.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    June 1st

    1) Morning walk wtih dog - Mild jog a little past yesterday. - did not happen he ate a bird and took to long so didn't have time
    2) Elliptical with workout partner - 1.2 miles in 30 mins. - 1.25 miles in 30 mins
    3) No soda today - despite lack of sleep.- achieved

    No goals today as it is 4 am, I haven't slept and am headed to work so I may be productive in this time of no sleep. So todays goal is to make it to this afternoon :)
  • StartingOver4Me
    Kim I am VERY glad that things have worked out for you!!!!

    Looks like everyone had a rockin' day yesterday!

    June 1 (yay)
    1.) water, it's 11 am and I haven't drank a drop!!!!!! I need to get on it!--YAY!!!:drinker:
    2.) make SMART choices. Right now the calories are my last issue. I need to wein myself from the junk again.--I THINK I DID PRETTY WELL.

    Thursday June 2.
    1.) Gather food and create menu for Camping trip this weekend.--halfway completed this at 6am this morning.
    3.)pack clothes for camping.
    4.)don't forget to call dr to see what time my sons surgery is tomorrow. (I forget every single time!)
    5.) Again, make smart decisions. It shouldn't be as hard as I make it out to be. I need to not put myself into positions where I am starving and then there is unhealthy food choices.

    Hope everyone has a GREAT day. I will TRY to post over the weekend but do not know if I will have service at the campground. So if you don't hear from me, just keep me in your thoughts.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    June 2nd Goals

    1. NO MAYO (that will be an everyday goal for awhile I am sure! LOL)
    2. Get my laundry folded and put away.
    3. Make cookies to send to a friend WITHOUT EATING ANY OF THE RAW COOKIE DOUGH!
    4. Wash my car and clean it out.
    5. 6 miles on the mountain bike tonight.
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    June 1, 2011 goals:

    1. drink 64 ounces of water- YESSIRREE
    2. workout, intentionally - YES INDEEDY
    3. write down calorie totals on my calendar - YEPPERS

    THANKS Leela!!!!!

    My nutritional goals will be the same everyday for June, it's my personal 30 day challenge. However, everyday I will list 3 non-nutritional goals that I want to achieve.

    June 2, 2011

    Nutritional goals
    1. drink 64 ounces of water
    2. workout, intentionally
    3. write down calorie totals on my calendar

    Non-Nutritional goals
    1. Clean the house (dust, sweep, bathroom, etc.)
    2. Read my Bible & pray
    3. Be a blessing to my husband

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • matchpek
    matchpek Posts: 15 Member
    Ok - hopefully this will work - always heard that if you write them down - then you are more likely to accomplish.

    1. Drink only water (used to be addicted to Diet Cokes in the morning) YES
    2. Exercise at min of 30 mins tonight - despite the heat. YES
    3. Compliment my two beautiful daughters at least once. YES

    June 2 goals
  • matchpek
    matchpek Posts: 15 Member
    Ok - hopefully this will work - always heard that if you write them down - then you are more likely to accomplish.

    1. Drink only water (used to be addicted to Diet Cokes in the morning) YES
    2. Exercise at min of 30 mins tonight - despite the heat. YES
    3. Compliment my two beautiful daughters at least once. YES

    June 2 goals
    1. drink only water
    2. exercise at min of 30 mins
    3. compliment myself at least once
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    mommawarrior - I know what you mean about mayo, except mine is sour cream!! I love it on almost everything!!:love:

    frubjious - congrats on your good news :drinker:

    I think this is a great idea. Looking through everyone else's goals made me think of some things that I want to do. How awesome that we can not only help each other become healther people, but better people. Thanks again Leela!! :bigsmile: