

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Confession: I judge on people who use the Smith machine. For those of you using it, ignore me. Any workout is better than no workout. But the squat rack will give you better "bang for your buck" than the Smith machine. You use more stabilizing muscles when squatting in the squat rack (read 'stronger core' here, and who doesn't want that?).

    Well, Miss Judgy Pants, there is only 1 squat rack in my gym and it was being used last night. I actually prefer the rack over the machine anyway, because I DO feel like I'm doing more of the work, instead of the machine.

    I will wait for the squat rack, and even ask the user when they are going to be done. Get out of my squat rack!!! :p

    What do you do while you're waiting?

    Sit and stare at them, to make them uncomfortable. LOL, JK!

    I will do the other lifts in my program, if I don't think they're going to be long. If I get done with those and they are still in the squat rack, I then ask them how much longer they are going to be. They have ALWAYS left when I asked that so far.

    Yeah, but you're a cop and quite intimidating. I mean, didn't a guy ask if you were a power lifter? No one would EVER ask that of me.

    Also, doesn't he (the SL French(?) dude) say not to do the lifts out of order?

    It does make the squats harder when they are last. I've never actually watched the SL guy, cuz I already knew how to perform the lifts. I just downloaded the app and started.
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    I'm curious - to those who lift, do you wear a HRM to track calorie burn? I'm just curious about it because I recently got an HRM and was wondering whether the chest strap thing would get in the way if I was lifting.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    I'm curious - to those who lift, do you wear a HRM to track calorie burn? I'm just curious about it because I recently got an HRM and was wondering whether the chest strap thing would get in the way if I was lifting.

    I have a Fitbit Charge HR, so I'm always tracking heart rate, but my understanding is that heart rate data is really only useful for steady cardio-type things (like your Zombie running). So I wear it but don't really pay attention to it except for when I'm running. Someone who uses real heart rate stuff might know more/better/different information.
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    I'm curious - to those who lift, do you wear a HRM to track calorie burn? I'm just curious about it because I recently got an HRM and was wondering whether the chest strap thing would get in the way if I was lifting.

    I have a Fitbit Charge HR, so I'm always tracking heart rate, but my understanding is that heart rate data is really only useful for steady cardio-type things (like your Zombie running). So I wear it but don't really pay attention to it except for when I'm running. Someone who uses real heart rate stuff might know more/better/different information.

    Oh interesting. I didn't know that... I may have to check Auntie Google to see what info I can find. :smiley:
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I'm so tired from this crazy week and I totally want to bail out of going to the gym. I'm trying to think of something to bribe myself with that won't undo everything I do at the gym.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Went to see sister. She was up and about and looking completely normal. I thought she'd have a patch or something, but even her bad eye looks ok. I made her sit down and she promised she wasn't going to do anything more than get up to the bathroom for the rest of the day. She still has to have 2 weeks of complete rest and 6 weeks off work, but doesn't have to do the head forward thing (because of having oil rather than gel bubble), so that makes it a lot easier to deal with. She will have to have another surgery down the line to remove the oil, but she already has a bit of vision back that she'd lost, so that's encouraging, although she said it's quite blurry. I guess time will tell, but right now it's looking more encouraging.

    Thanks for your continued support. It means a lot. xxxxxx

    (Also, fun fact: she had this surgery done with local anesthetics etc, and she said she wasn't freaked out about that as she had her recent plastic surgeries (arm lift & tummy tuck) done with twilight sleep/spinal blocks!! Major surgery! EEEEeeep! I had no idea they did that.

    Wow. No way would I want to be awake when someone worked on my eye. So glad it went well!!!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So there is a pretty major wildfire near my house. Luckily we have the river between our house and the fire. A coworker, however, had to evacuate yesterday and may lose his home. I've been thinking of, and praying for, him all day. His name is Dave, if anyone wants to chip in.

    Ok even though his name is Dave I'll add my good wishes!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited August 2015
    crosbylee wrote: »
    @KylerJaye I hope you seriously kicked that frog to the curb and down the storm drain. Dude has no couth or respect for anyone but himself. Sorry you had to come in contact with that person. I hope copious amounts of antibacterial were used after you talked to him. Possibly even a shower.

    THIS! I hope he doesn't know your address!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Confession: I judge on people who use the Smith machine. For those of you using it, ignore me. Any workout is better than no workout. But the squat rack will give you better "bang for your buck" than the Smith machine. You use more stabilizing muscles when squatting in the squat rack (read 'stronger core' here, and who doesn't want that?).

    Well, Miss Judgy Pants, there is only 1 squat rack in my gym and it was being used last night. I actually prefer the rack over the machine anyway, because I DO feel like I'm doing more of the work, instead of the machine.

    I will wait for the squat rack, and even ask the user when they are going to be done. Get out of my squat rack!!! :p

    What do you do while you're waiting?

    Sit and stare at them, to make them uncomfortable. LOL, JK!

    I will do the other lifts in my program, if I don't think they're going to be long. If I get done with those and they are still in the squat rack, I then ask them how much longer they are going to be. They have ALWAYS left when I asked that so far.

    Well unless they were dawdling that seems a bit pushy (not judging)...
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oh no! Did I miss it?!? Happy birthday, sweet little Charlie!!!

    I think it's tomorrow. I think today was prep day. But I could be wrong!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    thank you all for the thoughts, it's appreciated :)

    i realized after three days of heavy sobbing, much grief bacon, and large quantities of alcohol, that me "taking a break" was really just giving me more time to focus on him, and my misery and disappointment. so i figured might as well try to chat with some ppls, and find a little distraction.

    *post date update*

    ok, went out with a dude last night.
    full disclosure, i'd already had a few beverages, so i walked (trying to be a more responsible person, kinda) to a nearby bar to say hello. now dude was the one that suggested meeting up for beverages. ok, i have no problem with that (obviously). but then he didn't actually drink. was fine serving them to me, but stuck with soda for himself. even my lil drunken brain tabbed that as slightly strange.

    spent about two hours chatting, dude seemed nice, but a large chunk of his conversation had all to do with his "nylons and high heels" fetish. and how he likes to be "teased." i would like to think i'm pretty open minded, but dude, this is the first time i'm meeting you, chill. but of course me being me, i was like dude, that's fine and all but i'm a total jeans and tshirt kinda girl, you're in for a world of disappointment.

    he then went on to let me know that that's totally ok, but he would just expect a few little things here and there for his enjoyment. yeah...

    left the bar and walked him out to his truck, where he then tried to have sex with me.
    yeah, not so much. disengaged from the situation and despite the offer for a ride (pun not intended but it does work so well!) and a request to come back to my place, i declined and walked home.


    Back to being grateful I don't date...
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited August 2015
    bkhamill wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    I confess that I am SO OVER this back injury. Dude, just GET OUT OF HERE. *grumpgrumpgrump*

    I hate that I can't post regularly anymore because my ability to use my laptop is limited and my tab stinks for typing. And I hate that we might not get to drive to Bahrain to watch Inside Out at the theater because I can't sit for 3+ hours. And I hate... everything. Just everything. :sweat:

    *pitiful whine over*

    @Susieq_1994's back you better cooperate so she can watch her movie! What's your favorite snack(s) to eat at the movies?

    I always order the same thing--caramel-covered popcorn and a mixed (strawberry/lime, usually) slushie.

    Funny but true: The very first time Mr. Susie and I went to the movie theater (as newlyweds, no less!), I accidentally dumped an entire bucket of popcorn all over him right in the middle of the movie. We spent at least the next 30 minutes trying not to burst out laughing out loud while trying to pick all the popcorn off of him in the dark... Good times. :p At least it wasn't the slushie, right?!

    Confession: Mr. Susie and I walked to the 24 hour Tamimi market at 4.30 in the morning after no sleep at all (this is my excuse for encouraging bad choices :p) to buy ingredients to bake chewy speculoos spread cookies. My calorie intake is not pretty today.

    ... But those cookies were amazing.

    I need these in my life... Now

    Want the recipe? Easiest recipe ever. I can post it in the BatCave's recipe thread.

    Yes please! :)

    Recipe is in the Super Great Recipe Thread. :) I also posted the four soup recipes that @bkhamill posted here yesterday, since I figured they'd all get lost. (Which is why we made the recipe thread to begin with. ;)) They were already ten pages back when I went searching for them! :o

    Thanks, I forgot we had a recipe thread over there.

    No problem at all, I don't mind maintaining that thread by posting recipes others post in here. :) I'm the recipe catcher. :p

    Sooo... Susie. Not to be pushy. But... can you do a confessions cookbook that you pull together on watpad or something that we can all print or download and keep? Maybe start to curate it now and that is our Xmas gift? ;)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I'm waiting to hear from my BIL. My sister's been having headaches and funny vision for a couple of weeks. Yesterday she thought she should get it looked at, so she dropped in hoping her optometrist could see her. She still hasn't been home! It's a partially detached retina. They sent her straight to a specialist who said she had to get picked up (no more driving!) and go directly to the hospital. She needs emergency surgery, which should have happened last night, but the surgeon was already operating, so she had to stay in. Hopefully it will happen this morning. When she gets home she has to spend 2 weeks face down on a massage table, and 6 weeks total off work.
    If she's lucky, she'll keep the sight in that eye. :#

    I think we're all in shock.

    Ack! Good luck to your SIL! I can't imagine having to lay face down on a table for 2 weeks. I will keep her in my prayers.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I confess that I am SO OVER this back injury. Dude, just GET OUT OF HERE. *grumpgrumpgrump*

    I hate that I can't post regularly anymore because my ability to use my laptop is limited and my tab stinks for typing. And I hate that we might not get to drive to Bahrain to watch Inside Out at the theater because I can't sit for 3+ hours. And I hate... everything. Just everything. :sweat:

    *pitiful whine over*

    @Susieq_1994's back you better cooperate so she can watch her movie! What's your favorite snack(s) to eat at the movies?

    I always order the same thing--caramel-covered popcorn and a mixed (strawberry/lime, usually) slushie.

    Funny but true: The very first time Mr. Susie and I went to the movie theater (as newlyweds, no less!), I accidentally dumped an entire bucket of popcorn all over him right in the middle of the movie. We spent at least the next 30 minutes trying not to burst out laughing out loud while trying to pick all the popcorn off of him in the dark... Good times. :p At least it wasn't the slushie, right?!

    Confession: Mr. Susie and I walked to the 24 hour Tamimi market at 4.30 in the morning after no sleep at all (this is my excuse for encouraging bad choices :p) to buy ingredients to bake chewy speculoos spread cookies. My calorie intake is not pretty today.

    ... But those cookies were amazing.

    I like your husband. Probably because he and I share a birthday.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited August 2015
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Guess I should shave my legs. My dear son jas leaning up against my leg and turned around and rubbed it and informed me that it felt like spikes.

    Kids! They have no filter. LOL!

    No, they don't! Danny's cousin gave birth to her second daughter a while ago, daughter 1 noticed her mum got fat before giving birth and so proceeded to ask me, in front of everyone, if I was having a baby as well.

    Ground, please open up and swallow me. :s

    Oh, that's awful! And - I'm sorry - but I laughed a little.

    A few Christmases ago I was at my aunt's house and playing a Wii game that involved lots of jumping and sprinting in place. My younger cousin informed me that my butt jiggles :unamused:


    ETA probably laughing
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Again, thanks for positive thoughts for my sister. It's very encouraging to hear of people who have had good results after the same injury. If anyone knows of bad outcomes, thanks for not telling me about them. :)

    She's still waiting for surgery, unfortunately. I don't know what's going on. They seemed pretty sure it was going to happen today, but everyone is very vague about it. (For US people - this is the price you pay for socialised health care! Yes, you don't pay for the surgery, but on the other hand, you have to be patient.) (A patient patient).

    Anyway, I saw her earlier and took her some stuff so she could shave her legs and dry shampoo her hair because a girl likes to look respectable before having surgery. I also ran around and picked up the after-surgery equipment she needs - this is stuff like a massage-table type bed arrangement and a chair that enables you to sit up while keeping the face tilted downwards. I hope that will help.

    I have been wondering. Thanks for the update. Sorry everyone is still in limbo and what a great sister you are to do that stuff for her

    Thinking of her. Hoping all goes well. I am behind and probably will just be able to skim and jump in from time to time over the next 7 days. <3

    Are you headed to Boston?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited August 2015
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    It's finally Friday! Yay! I'm working a half day. Hitting the gym this will be the first time going by myself. Mr. NY is at a bachelor party this weekend and he left this morning. He gave me two routines to do while he's gone, so I should be fine. I'm looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend! I hope everyone has a super great day.

    So...does Mr. NY have a killer body? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Lol! Yes, he does...he is like 8% body fat and all muscle...he's super disciplined with his workout and diet, and you can tell! I'm a lucky girl! :wink: :blush:

    Nice! One thing I love about triathlon are the male bodies ;)

    ETA I should probably say male athletes....
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I wonder if I should be worried about my state of mind that tonight on the expresso bike I was running the cyclists over...aiming for them... rather than simply passing them. I even wiped out two at once. I was quite proud of that.

    Make sure you score them separately and set a goal for yourself!! Make it fun.

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Guess I should shave my legs. My dear son jas leaning up against my leg and turned around and rubbed it and informed me that it felt like spikes.

    Kids! They have no filter. LOL!

    No, they don't! Danny's cousin gave birth to her second daughter a while ago, daughter 1 noticed her mum got fat before giving birth and so proceeded to ask me, in front of everyone, if I was having a baby as well.

    Ground, please open up and swallow me. :s


    I always love hearing kids at the store I work at.

    The one little girl the one day kept screaming at her mom (she looked to be about 2-3) I gotta poooooooooop!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    I confess that I am SO OVER this back injury. Dude, just GET OUT OF HERE. *grumpgrumpgrump*

    I hate that I can't post regularly anymore because my ability to use my laptop is limited and my tab stinks for typing. And I hate that we might not get to drive to Bahrain to watch Inside Out at the theater because I can't sit for 3+ hours. And I hate... everything. Just everything. :sweat:

    *pitiful whine over*

    @Susieq_1994's back you better cooperate so she can watch her movie! What's your favorite snack(s) to eat at the movies?

    I always order the same thing--caramel-covered popcorn and a mixed (strawberry/lime, usually) slushie.

    Funny but true: The very first time Mr. Susie and I went to the movie theater (as newlyweds, no less!), I accidentally dumped an entire bucket of popcorn all over him right in the middle of the movie. We spent at least the next 30 minutes trying not to burst out laughing out loud while trying to pick all the popcorn off of him in the dark... Good times. :p At least it wasn't the slushie, right?!

    Confession: Mr. Susie and I walked to the 24 hour Tamimi market at 4.30 in the morning after no sleep at all (this is my excuse for encouraging bad choices :p) to buy ingredients to bake chewy speculoos spread cookies. My calorie intake is not pretty today.

    ... But those cookies were amazing.

    I need these in my life... Now

    Want the recipe? Easiest recipe ever. I can post it in the BatCave's recipe thread.

    Yes please! :)

    Recipe is in the Super Great Recipe Thread. :) I also posted the four soup recipes that @bkhamill posted here yesterday, since I figured they'd all get lost. (Which is why we made the recipe thread to begin with. ;)) They were already ten pages back when I went searching for them! :o

    Thanks, I forgot we had a recipe thread over there.

    No problem at all, I don't mind maintaining that thread by posting recipes others post in here. :) I'm the recipe catcher. :p

    Sooo... Susie. Not to be pushy. But... can you do a confessions cookbook that you pull together on watpad or something that we can all print or download and keep? Maybe start to curate it now and that is our Xmas gift? ;)

    Ooh, that's an awesome idea!! Wattpad doesn't let anyone save or copy published stories to protect authors from plagiarism, but what do you guys think of a PDF cookbook? Maybe even with pictures, if I can chase down each recipe donor for one... ;) That would be fun!