

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    lisag0328 wrote: »
    Hello all! I'm new here and need some feedback please. I've lost 44 pounds since June 2014 which I'm so grateful for. The thing that is weird to me is that most of the people I know and don't see very often, maybe once every 3 months or so, never say that they notice I have lost w eight. I've been a yo-yo dieter for so long but recommitted to losing weight and getting healthy the last 5 months. I have gotten a haircut about that time which no one comments on either! It is so weird to me because people normally notice! Thanks!

    That is not unusual at all! Congratulations! That is a great achievement. I am also a yo-yo dieter. Hopefully this will be a life change for the both of us!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! Not a lot of time to comment on everybody's post. We have a to do list of around 100 items. We have replaced just about all of the light fixtures on the main level. Today I am waiting for the plumber to connect our water softener. We have a lot of lime in our water. With my long hair I need to be able to comb through it! Soft water will help a lot with that.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    My Dad (and daughter) kept me busy last night, so my laptop lost power, and I was unable to log my evening food, so I will attempt to get back on track today. Work is back to crazy again, and I need to make an emergency trip to the dentist this afternoon. I haven't had this amount of pain in ages, and it hurts even worse to floss, so I'm guessing a loose filling. I hope I won't need a root canal, because I just don't want to take the time off work (sad excuse, I know, but I'm not afraid, I just don't want to do it).

    I wish I had time to catch up on reading and posting, but I hope you all know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,678 Member
    morning peeps and new peeps, welcome-

    well, the battle of the insurance begins. got a hospital bill 9737.46 and ins. paid 250 something dollars. I don't think the hospital billed my ins. and they think I still owe it.

    Kirby about had a cow... mooooooooo
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Good morning everyone! I have a ton to get done this morning at work but wanted to check in. I find if I don't repeatedly do something until it becomes automatic, it quickly falls by the wayside. Sooooo, I logged in this morning to finish up yesterday's food log and exercise log even though I went over my calories for the day. Time to get real and own up to my choices. UGH!

    Lisag0328: Congratulations! That is a great achievement. I agree with the comment I saw above that people are like that a lot. They don't comment because it's all about them and it kills them to compliment someone else. You keep up what you are doing and try not to give it another thought because you know inside how great you are doing and that's what really counts!

    Have a great day everyone. I will try to check back in later.

    Tracie in Green Bay
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    morning peeps and new peeps, welcome-

    well, the battle of the insurance begins. got a hospital bill 9737.46 and ins. paid 250 something dollars. I don't think the hospital billed my ins. and they think I still owe it.

    Kirby about had a cow... mooooooooo

    It is all just paperwork! That happened when my husband got injured last year. You just have to submitted to your insurance or make sure that the hospital has your insurance information. You will not have to pay more than your deductible. My husband was close to $200,000 and we only had to pay the $5500 deductible.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I just wanted to add a comment about people not commenting about a person's weight loss. I know that I myself have not commented about a person's weight loss because I felt they would think that I was thinking that they were fat before! And if I said well you look really good would that mean that I didn't think they looked good before! I think some people just feel uncomfortable saying anything.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I just wanted to add a comment about people not commenting about a person's weight loss. I know that I myself have not commented about a person's weight loss because I felt they would think that I was thinking that they were fat before! And if I said well you look really good would that mean that I didn't think they looked good before! I think some people just feel uncomfortable saying anything.

    Mary from Minnesota

    I agree...I have often said nothing to someone who has lost weight because no matter how I think I can say it, it seems like it would say they didn't look good before.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rita: It is great to hear from you after an absence. It sounds like you're making progress. I hope we'll see more of you around here. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I can't believe it is already back to school in your part of the country. We have a little more time, as our school year begins after Labor Day, and the kids don't get out until mid June. It works out well for us. We have generally lovely late summer/early fall weather, and our spring rains last until mid June. The school schedule was originally engineered so kids could help harvest farm crops. :flowerforyou:

    OConnell5438: I had to make sleep a priority because I was getting to tired for my brain to work properly. I am doing much better since I started making sure that I get enough sleep. :bigsmile:

    Heather: Your grandchildren are adorable. It makes me wish that I could see mine more easily. :flowerforyou:

    Terri_mom: It sounds like your DD is struggling with her emotions. I doubt this is something you can fix. You haven't done anything negative. I hope your daughter comes around sooner rather than later. I can only imagine how it might feel to be in her situation. All I can think of for you to do is let her know you're love her and are rooting for her. I see that she's already moving in the right direction. Have you shared MFP with her? I imagine it would be a source of support for her with or without surgery. :flowerforyou:

    Run Happy: I log my food on my phone as each day goes along. That way I don't have to try and remember what I've eaten, and it gets logged when I'm travelling without my computer. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: I suspect people are reluctant to comment on weight loss for fear of saying something offensive. A woman who worked where I did lost quite a bit of weight, and I couldn't figure out what to say to her for months. One day I finally thought of something I could say & told her she looked wonderful. It put a smile on her face and that made me feel good, too. :bigsmile:

    Kim: I can't believe how many things are being restricted where you live! :noway: Yikes! I'd be going for cold sandwiches or green salad with chicken or shrimp. :flowerforyou:

    DH is having computer problems today. He's too close to the "full" line for comfort and needs to get rid of info or and memory. Our guests are still sleeping, but I am skipping spin/zumba with our neighbor because I don't want to go off for an hour or more while I have company. The marina down the road is planning to build condos in the next year or so, and they want to talk to the owner to see what the plans may be like. We'll go along to hear, too. DH thinks he might be interested. I'm less enthused, but some of what Brad is talking about is appealing.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 398 Member
    Joyce, I used the kind in a squirt can that has milk, so not vegan. I am not vegan myself, but if there is some way to lower calories with a vegan recipe I will try it. This particular crisp recipe has only 8 T sugar (half white, half brown) and 4 T olive oil for one crisp, not one serving of crisp. Where I discovered the calories really are is in the almond meal and the pecans. Nuts will do it every time! All that nutrition what with fruits, oats, nuts and olive oil, but still I cannot eat this stuff regularly. Not with 299 calories per serving on a 1200 calorie plan. I will wait till week's end to get back on the scale.

    Also, I dearly love my homemade granola, but have not made it all summer because it just has too many calories, even if they are good ones.

    Has anyone tried this thing called the Portfolio Diet? I only looked at it as a way to lower cholesterol, but I think the guy who promotes it is way too flippant about calories for my taste. He seems to think a person should be getting all this soy, nuts and plant sterols in and sure go ahead and eat about 1900 calories to do so. Not me, baby -- there is no way I can eat what he suggests and lose weight too. But I am trying to include a bit more soy and almonds in.

    My simple goal for August is just to weigh less than I did the end of July...
    Betty WNY
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Janetr OKC – I hear you on being nervous to randomly join a group. I would suggest if you do find a Red Hat chapter near you to see if you can just go along with them for one or two times before committing to joining. The Red Hat Society is a “disorganization” and all chapters do not operate the same way. For example, there is a group near me who are perfectly lovely ladies, but they are almost all retired and are not concerned about their incomes. Thus, they will rent a bus to take them to a casino for a day or hold big formal dances. Fun events, but expensive and take up time a working gal cannot give. The group I am in just meet once a month and have lunch together. We occasionally do something special but always keep it to weekends and keep the cost down to a more reasonable level. Meeting a group that is a good fit for you can be hard but it is so much fun when you find them.

    Terri -
    terri_mom wrote: »
    She said it's not me, she is just irritated in general. Thanks again. I will keep trying with her.

    Whew! I’m glad it wasn’t you and just life in general.

    lisag0328 – Congratulations on your 44lb loss! That is terrific.

    I have lost 144lb. Trust me, it is noticeable. I have received plenty of compliments and am grateful for each and every one of them. At the same time, I have also been surprised at how many people who have not seen me in a while do not say anything at all. I have had at least two people hesitantly mention that they noticed I was shrinking. When I grinned and said “Thank you for noticing. I’ve been working at it.” They very visibly relaxed. They then went on to say they were glad it was on purpose and not because I was sick.

    I remember seeing a friend after she had lost 125lbs. I told her that I had always thought she was a beautiful woman and didn’t want to imply that losing weight made her a better person. She laughed and said “You can always tell me I look heathy now.” So I told her she looked heathy and radiant.

    So when I am disappointed that a friend does not appear to notice my weight loss I try to remember that some people don’t say anything because they are afraid of accidently saying the wrong thing. If I really want their opinion I will find a way of sneaking my joy at my loss into the conversation.

    Grits – I love the idea of a pink flamingo on your hat. Now I shall have to look for a flamingo to add to my hat. My favorite Red Hat t-shirt is purple (of course) with 3 flamingos wearing red hats all done in rhinestones.

    Mia in MI

    August goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Get at least one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced Tea overload. 16 oz. iced tea daily plus 48 oz. water

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Michelle - I'm the same way, not a lot of close friends in terms of people I can talk to when I need a sounding board. I have a lot of very long term friends, but since my bestie passed away a couple of years ago my husband is the only one I can really open up to. I love him dearly, but sometimes I just want to talk to someone else!

    LisaG - Wow, I can't imagine not noticing a 44-pound weight loss! That's a huge accomplishment and they should be congratulating you! If you've been yo-yoing, maybe they're just reluctant to mention your weight at all.

    Barbie - Thank you for reminding us that we can start over.

    Lisa - Love the Lucy photo. I can say "not my monkeys" all I want but the fact remains that sometimes they are my monkeys, and sometimes those suckers really get out of control!

    Pip - Ugh, I hate it that we pay for insurance and then have to fight to get a penny out of them. I think they just try to make it so much trouble you'll give up.

    The heat here has eased up a little bit over the last couple of days (which is to say temps have remained in the double digits for a change), and I got in a motorcycle ride to visit with my Motor Maid friends this weekend. Even though it's still warm, our Maine Coon cat has been coming to wind about my ankles in the mornings as I sit at my desk so I think maybe he knows fall is coming. Both cats love to pile on top of my feet in bed, so they'll be happy when the weather cools off.

    I've been struggling with weekends. It's fairly easy to stick to my eating and logging goals during the week, but on weekends we get busy, spend a lot of time in places where I can't log, and eat out a lot. It seems like the weekends undo all my good work from the week before, even though I tend to be more active then. Since that's my pattern, I've been thinking about how I could incorporate it into my plan instead of fighting it. Could I step up my efforts during the week so I can treat Saturday and Sunday as "vacation days" and not stress over it?

    I'm behind on August goals. We've committed to having a party here the first week of September, so all our spare time is going to work around the yard and house to get ready. We are trying to take out some enormous opuntia that are in the way, and they do not want to go!

    -Yvonne in TX

    August goals:
    1. Track on MFP every day. - missed some due to lack of net access
    2. Cardio at least four times a week. - sticking with this on the stationary bike but would like to get the NordicTrack back for some variety
    3. Start and finish a sewing project. - probably not happening this month since I've started removing the carpet from what will be my sewing room
    4. Clear up the back patio so it's ready for guests - working on this one to get ready for party!
    5. Clear out the storage unit - we've been bringing a few boxes at a time, but I hope to use part of our day off this Friday to hook up the trailer and bring some large items
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Enjoying our visitor, but very, very busy.
    Have read all the posts and thinking of you, but no time. Got to light the bbq! :D

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,678 Member
    update - Aetna returned my email request for a callback.(sent them an email from their website when I got home) and said I owe 1154.50 (what it says I owe), going to call and pay that now. they said they sent them a chk for 5576.08on 7/30 that they probably haven't processed yet. and the emergency ambulance bill, told me not to pay that either.. whew! things are looking up
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    Grits – I love the idea of a pink flamingo on your hat. Now I shall have to look for a flamingo to add to my hat. My favorite Red Hat t-shirt is purple (of course) with 3 flamingos wearing red hats all done in rhinestones.

    Mia in MI
    I would love to see a picture of your purple shirt and flamingos with rhinestones!

    Heather - Love the pictures! Im glad you are able to enjoy time with your DGC.

    Katla - I usually rearrange my schedule when I have company too. Life Happens! Enjoy your company.

    Yvonne - It is so fun riding on the back of a motorcycle! I haven't been able to at all this year since my DH injured his wrist and nerves in his hand. Are your motormaid friends some type of a club?

    Has anyone ever had an urge to eat everything in sight? I want to eat soooo much and I feel out of control. I have eaten a healthy breakfast and I know it is just in my mind that I want to eat eat eat but I am still having all of these cravings. Hopefully they will subside and I will be able to resist!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Pip - I agree with what others said. Insurance companies are horrible about getting things paid and the paper work is even worse. It takes ages some times. Tell Kirby to cool his jets, my hubby does the same thing. Update: GREAT!! It does all take time, that's for sure. Glad to hear the news, probably not as glad as Kirby :)

    Katla - The kids in Oklahoma have all started again too. It does seem early. Oklahoma City proper went back Aug.4th. Seems nuts to me.

    Mia- thanks for the info on the chapters. There are a lot in the OKC are but some say they have two people. ??? I want a "group" lol I too am retired and would not mind some of the outings. My husband won't go with me to plays, musicals, etc. so I would enjoy that I think.

    Heather - Glad you're enjoying your visitor. No making eyes now, Ha!

    Mary - The question for me right now, is do I ever felt like NOT eating everything in sight? I've struggled for a week now with feeling like I want to eat non-stop. I told my husband this morning I was going to have to have him lock up my food. I think its because I feel I'm working so hard with no results. I suppose the additional exercise might make me hungrier but I mostly think its an emotional thing. This morning I replaced a protein bar with veges and 2 T. of yogurt dip. Hopefully I can do that the rest of the day. One step at a time. Hang in there, I feel ya.

    On telling someone they look good. I was fat and I knew I was so I loved it whenever someone noticed I had lost weight. I ALWAYS say something if I notice a difference, hair, weight, whatever.

    Janetr OKC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Has anyone ever had an urge to eat everything in sight? I want to eat soooo much and I feel out of control. I have eaten a healthy breakfast and I know it is just in my mind that I want to eat eat eat but I am still having all of these cravings. Hopefully they will subside and I will be able to resist!
    Mary from Minnesota

    I have been feeling this way for a few days. It is a struggle to keep it under control more so than at other times. I thought that I had "unlearned" this behavior but no. I believe with me right now it is stress due to my husband's job search. Ugh.... :(

    Cheri NE Ohio
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I just wanted to add a comment about people not commenting about a person's weight loss. I know that I myself have not commented about a person's weight loss because I felt they would think that I was thinking that they were fat before! And if I said well you look really good would that mean that I didn't think they looked good before! I think some people just feel uncomfortable saying anything.

    Mary from Minnesota

    I agree...I have often said nothing to someone who has lost weight because no matter how I think I can say it, it seems like it would say they didn't look good before.

    Oh my gosh! I never even thought about it this way, but you are right. If I really think about it, there are many times I haven't commented on a new hairstyle or weight loss because I didn't want them to think I didn't like it before. I take back what I said earlier about it being all about them...(although I do know some people who fall into this category). I think there is probably a much larger percentage of people who just don't know how to say it because they don't want to offend the other person if they don't word it quite right...

    Thanks for bring this up, Mary from Minnesota and barbiecat. I am embarrassed that I assumed the worst right away! So much for looking for the positives today (one of my goals)! LOL! :blush:
  • pjnva
    pjnva Posts: 17 Member
    All the talk about people not commenting on ones weight loss, I have to chime in here. Personally I think it is inappropriate for someone to comment on a person’s weight loss unless they are close with the person and understand the circumstances. Not all weight loss is a happy thing. Think about those that are going through chemo or other health treatments. I had a friend many years ago that wished to loose weight so bad then she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She lost all the weight and died shortly there after (about 3 months). She always said it hurt her to hear all the compliments about her weight knowing she was literally dying to get her new slim body. Now I never comment on an acquaintance’s weight. I prefer the “You look fabulous” or "You are radiating happiness”.

    Don’t be discouraged by others not “noticing”, they may just be being respectful because they do not know your personal circumstance. Come here often and feel all the love and praise. I have only been on these forum a very short time but feel the love and caring from a wonderful group of women.

    @barbiecat Thank you for the instruction on getting my ticker into my post. I works :)

    @terri_mom good luck at the dentist. Praying for a simple filling replacement.

    @pipcd34 Oh my! I still have not received my bill from the hospital for my stay 2 weeks ago. It will be interesting to see just how much it is. I have to pay the first $5000 and $6600 is my max out of pocket for the year.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited August 2015
    janetr and Cheri - I wonder if it isn't the time of the month? I am post menopausal and maybe this is the time I would normally be menstrating. I am going to keep track of this urge to eat everything in sight. I found out by tracking my hot flashes that they were worse during one week out of the month. I no longer have too many of those so Now it might be food urges. It is nice being able to talk about it with someone. I now are controling them or substituting with healthy food like janetr did!

    Mary from Minnesotqa