Dieting during medical marijuana smoking



  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    You sure? How much we talking for the weed budget?

    Unless you are like, um my friends and get it homegrown for free. (I live in's pretty rampant here haha)

  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    fishshark wrote: »
    dakotababy wrote: »
    Gross. Quit smoking drugs would be the obvious answer.

    my my arnt you judgmental... eek.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    bbontheb wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    You sure? How much we talking for the weed budget?

    Unless you are like, um my friends and get it homegrown for free. (I live in's pretty rampant here haha)

    depending on prices and in my experience if Your weed budget is more than for one person 240 a month something is wrong with that picture. That is being generous. I can have that much weed last for close to two month while I smoke daily.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    bbontheb wrote: »
    Efemral wrote: »
    I heard, from... a friend... that vaping caused less of the munchies than using a bong. But that is just one person's experience. Another idea is to buy really healthy snacks so that when you do get the irresistible urge to eat, it's going to be carrots you're raiding the fridge for. (Also, if possible, go out and do something interesting when high, it'll take your mind off your hunger.)

    Yes, this. My friend, um, also told me that using a vaporizer might help. Also, save enough calories for when you toke...or eat meal right after. Plan food ahead of time..
    You can't fight the munchies like its just a craving. That is all it is. One big craving.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Pot can make a person content with whatever they are doing. If you start smoking while on the couch watching tv with a bag of cheeto's on your coffee table, you'll likely feel content staying there on the couch, watching tv and eating cheetos.

    Likewise, if you are cleaning house, smoking some pot can make you feel content with cleaning your house.

    I kind of suspect that a lot of people get the munchies because they expect that effect given how pot use is portrayed (and some effects exaggerated for comical effect) in popular media.

    All I know is my uncle got a heavy second hand dose of marijuana on a road trip. According to him, the fast food they picked up on the way tasted like the best food he'd ever eaten :tongue:
  • emily_fox
    emily_fox Posts: 62 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    That's like a post saying you get drunk then eat 2 pizzas and make a fort out of the boxes.

    The food isn't the issue its the loss of control from self inflicted drug use.

    Or maybe plan a head and have healthy snacks layed out on a plate.

    I recommend carrot and celery sticks, soak then in water and different food colouring so when your high you think your eating music or colours. Job done.

    ????? This is weed, not hallucinogens. Stupid comment.
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    slaite1 wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Interestingly, population studies have shown marijuana users tend to have lower weight than non-users.

    Any theories why?

    High correlation between pot smokers and cigarette smokers maybe?
  • kmajor2015
    kmajor2015 Posts: 23 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    That's like a post saying you get drunk then eat 2 pizzas and make a fort out of the boxes.

    The food isn't the issue its the loss of control from self inflicted drug use.

    Or maybe plan a head and have healthy snacks layed out on a plate.

    I recommend carrot and celery sticks, soak then in water and different food colouring so when your high you think your eating music or colours. Job done.

    It isn't acid.

  • pointkoala
    pointkoala Posts: 66 Member
    Not everything that is legal is healthy.... and not everything illegal is unhealthy. Weed is far more healthy than, well, almost any other "drug" (including legal ones like caffeine, Advil, Tylenol, etc.). Weed can help a LOT for many things.... anxiety, insomnia. One of my friends has it prescribed for chronic pain.
    Anyone who says weed is bad... well I hope you say no to everything natural and unnatural that may have any side effects at all. It's mostly hypocritical for those who drink coffee/caffeinated tea and think weed is bad. LOL. Look at the stats, my friends :)
    But yes, it definitely does have the side effects of the munchies. Have some carrots, celery, etc. out for when you are smoking/vaping/whatever. Some low calorie crackers (I found these awesome rice crackers that are 12 for only 60 calories.... uhhh YES!). Also sunflower seeds in shells... that way it takes the time to open them before you snack on them so generally you eat less.
    Just my tips.... :)
    Also I want to move to Cali. I was there a couple months ago and loved how weed was just like a $100 fine if caught lol. Smoking while walking down the street.... loved it. Other states and countries need to learn from California!
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    Bunch of knobs, OP said Dieting during medical marijuana smoking, I didn't read all the comments, but the ones saying stop smoking and making fun, bunch of Knobs! if OP is on medical marijuana there is a reason for it, plus OP is battling weight and is asking for help! OP have you talked to our doctor about this? My only suggestion is to stack your cupboards and fridge with healthier options. I wish you all the best and what ever you medical reason is why you are on marijuana I hope you heal.
  • dinosaurparty
    dinosaurparty Posts: 185 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm too stoned and lazy to read through the past few pages, so I'm sorry if someone has already made these suggestions!

    1) Save calories for the inevitable. If weed makes you crave food in between meals then just go with it, but prep accordingly. Maybe try having smaller meals and more light snacks, and see if it helps.

    2) Prep and log before hand. Don't cook for yourself if you're in a place of weak self control. Cut up some fruit and veggies, pre-portion dip or peanut butter, and keep them in the fridge.

    3) Take advantage of the fact that pot honestly make everything taste better. Salads can be munchies too, and honestly I find that I prefer crunchy and diverse textures (like veg and chickpeas), to soft and mushy ones (like pizza or KD) when I'm high. Weed makes you more sensitive to the sensation of eating, as well as flavours - maybe use this to your advantage, and try out a new food, or one you typically don't like too much. I learned to love eating curry and tumeric this way.

    4) You're not really hungry, it's in your head - seriously, just remind yourself that you're high, and you just ate. You don't need to eat again. Learn to recognize the difference between how 'real hunger' and 'hungry because you're stoned' feels. Take advantage of how cerebral pot can make you, and reflect a little on your eating habits.

    5) You might want to consider putting sticky notes on your fridge or cupboards if you don't trust yourself not to overeat yet. Make yourself reminders that you need to wait until dinner time, or have a glass of water instead. Also, put the calorie-dense treats someplace where you cant see them - out of sight, out of mind.

    6) Experement with different strains. Your dispensary will be able to help you out the most here, and your individual preference may vary, but certain strains may make you more hungry, or lower your self control more than others. Maybe consider trying a 50/50 hybrid that let's you stay clear headed (assuming it would also help combat your symptoms. Some people do require very thc-heavy indicas, for instance, which can be baaaad for the munchies).

    Keep in mind that if you're new to this, there's an adjustment period. You're probably going to feel really, really stoned the first few times, and your self control might waver. Don't beat yourself up if you overeat a bit - your health is more important, and obviously your doctor perscribed you medical cannabis for a reason. Just learn how you act when you're high, and adjust your diet and eating habits accordingly.

  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    Talk to the dr prescribing it to you and see what they say. You can try to drink plenty of water, marijuana does tend to give you dry mouth, if your not hurting after smoking, try going for a light walk or clean or do something besides sit around and be tempted to veg out. that's all I got sorry.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I don't know if I posted this already but consider changing strains.
    many medical strains have the "munchies" aspect removed.
  • bfit172
    bfit172 Posts: 32 Member
    ghosthost6 wrote: »
    I live in California where smoking prescription pot is legal. Problem is...MUNCHIES!! Does anyone have tips on how to overcome munchies when dieting and actively smoking marijuana?

    Do you have a real medical need to use it or do you just say you have something to get the drug? Just stop smoking if losing weight is that important to you
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Try fruits, yogurts are pretty good too.
    This. The flavor of both is amplified.

  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    dakotababy wrote: »
    Gross. Quit smoking drugs would be the obvious answer.

    what a stupid comment to make regarding someone's medicine
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    edwardetr wrote: »
    ghosthost6 wrote: »
    I live in California where smoking pot is legal. Problem is...MUNCHIES!! Does anyone have tips on how to overcome munchies when dieting and actively smoking marijuana?
    I live in California and don't think marijuana is legal. Not yet, anyway. Unless you have a prescription.

    thread mentions medicinal in the title. not that hard to follow