for those of you who are scared to eat whatever you want...



  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    So... can we keep this thread for forever for the people who claim that "clean eaters" never do exactly what is happening in this thread?

    OP: Good on you! It is super freeing knowing that weight loss can be enjoyed and is not punishment!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Those two videos were awesome! What a remarkable man.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    brdnw wrote: »
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    But..that was not the point of the thread. Im never going to eat vegetables unless i get a tongue transplant or something. And the ones i do like..well lets just say they come in a can.

    For basically my whole life i basically thought i was doomed to be fat because i don't like (read hate) most healthy food. I have really strong food adversions.

    So my health aside, i am pretty sure i get enough iron based on the amount of bread, cereal, and red meat i eat..anyways. you can eat all the food.

    you don't like vegetables because you're too used to processed, crappy food. It's important to get a real amount of protein and more importantly to have your kids eat nutritionally. feeding your kids ice cream, chicken nuggets and other garbage isn't doing them any good.

    I'd rather get nutrition out of my food and eat junk food more seldom, acting like you can eat garbage just because it is X calories isn't a good argument, i'd like to see the "1500 calories of just oreos diet" and see how someone's body responds to that over an elongated period of time.

    and for me personally, eating food like that doesn't get me what i need so i'm really against it. I need lots of protein and eating food that you discussed doesn't remotely come close to that.

    Thank you, too many people virtually high fiving the OP for questionable food choices.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    But..that was not the point of the thread. Im never going to eat vegetables unless i get a tongue transplant or something. And the ones i do like..well lets just say they come in a can.

    For basically my whole life i basically thought i was doomed to be fat because i don't like (read hate) most healthy food. I have really strong food adversions.

    So my health aside, i am pretty sure i get enough iron based on the amount of bread, cereal, and red meat i eat..anyways. you can eat all the food.

    you don't like vegetables because you're too used to processed, crappy food. It's important to get a real amount of protein and more importantly to have your kids eat nutritionally. feeding your kids ice cream, chicken nuggets and other garbage isn't doing them any good.

    I'd rather get nutrition out of my food and eat junk food more seldom, acting like you can eat garbage just because it is X calories isn't a good argument, i'd like to see the "1500 calories of just oreos diet" and see how someone's body responds to that over an elongated period of time.

    and for me personally, eating food like that doesn't get me what i need so i'm really against it. I need lots of protein and eating food that you discussed doesn't remotely come close to that.

    Thank you, too many people virtually high fiving the OP for questionable food choices.
    I forget, was it the actual Burger King himself, or some other food monarch who died and made you king of deciding what food is questionable for an adult to eat of her own choosing?
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    But..that was not the point of the thread. Im never going to eat vegetables unless i get a tongue transplant or something. And the ones i do like..well lets just say they come in a can.

    For basically my whole life i basically thought i was doomed to be fat because i don't like (read hate) most healthy food. I have really strong food adversions.

    So my health aside, i am pretty sure i get enough iron based on the amount of bread, cereal, and red meat i eat..anyways. you can eat all the food.

    you don't like vegetables because you're too used to processed, crappy food. It's important to get a real amount of protein and more importantly to have your kids eat nutritionally. feeding your kids ice cream, chicken nuggets and other garbage isn't doing them any good.

    I'd rather get nutrition out of my food and eat junk food more seldom, acting like you can eat garbage just because it is X calories isn't a good argument, i'd like to see the "1500 calories of just oreos diet" and see how someone's body responds to that over an elongated period of time.

    and for me personally, eating food like that doesn't get me what i need so i'm really against it. I need lots of protein and eating food that you discussed doesn't remotely come close to that.

    Thank you, too many people virtually high fiving the OP for questionable food choices.

    ummm I think that there might be a very good chance that people are 'high fiving' because she is doing what's working FOR HER, for doing something for her health (yes, health, whether you or anyone thinks her approach it's good enough or not), for doing what SHE WANTS and not what some health authority patrol group think is good for her or not.

    you should consider take time and write your own post so YOU can expose what YOU thinks is right and is Working for you.

    but again there must be some virus in some of our computers cause we def. missed the title of this thread that apparently was: what you guys think about my diet/ is it good or healthy enough?
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,651 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    But..that was not the point of the thread. Im never going to eat vegetables unless i get a tongue transplant or something. And the ones i do like..well lets just say they come in a can.

    For basically my whole life i basically thought i was doomed to be fat because i don't like (read hate) most healthy food. I have really strong food adversions.

    So my health aside, i am pretty sure i get enough iron based on the amount of bread, cereal, and red meat i eat..anyways. you can eat all the food.

    you don't like vegetables because you're too used to processed, crappy food. It's important to get a real amount of protein and more importantly to have your kids eat nutritionally. feeding your kids ice cream, chicken nuggets and other garbage isn't doing them any good.

    I'd rather get nutrition out of my food and eat junk food more seldom, acting like you can eat garbage just because it is X calories isn't a good argument, i'd like to see the "1500 calories of just oreos diet" and see how someone's body responds to that over an elongated period of time.

    and for me personally, eating food like that doesn't get me what i need so i'm really against it. I need lots of protein and eating food that you discussed doesn't remotely come close to that.

    Thank you, too many people virtually high fiving the OP for questionable food choices.
    I forget, was it the actual Burger King himself, or some other food monarch who died and made you king of deciding what food is questionable for an adult to eat of her own choosing?

    The Dairy Queen!

  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    The point is, i knew i had basically the definition of a 'crap' day. But i kept my crap to my allotted calories, and i lost. I lost a lot. I see so many posts about people saying i only eat healthy why of why can't i lose..

    It is hopefully encouraging for other people to see that everything is ok. Even all at once if you follow the rules.

    If i ate 3500 calories of chicken breast and broccoli i don't think i would have seen the same results.

    Not to mention, my kid was pretty happy i was there. So..i win all the way around.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I have high hopes for the entertainment value of this thread. It already includes some of my favorites:
    - processed foods are bad for you
    - lists of woo science from non-credible internet sources
    - judgement about what someone feeds their kids
    - your body processes sugary and fatty foods differently than more nutritious foods

    Plus I heard there were chicken nuggets, Little Caesars, ice cream, and wine.

    @WinoGelato just wait until someone posts that we should be eating Peanut Butter Banana Ice Cream or Arctic Zero.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    I went back and read the OP's post. I can't find where she asked for any critiques on her diet. Nor did she ask what she should be eating.

    I think her point was that someone could still lose weight and not have the healthiest diet.
    Some of her choices weren't that bad...IMO.

    OP...I am having a similar day today...a planned one. I eat lots of vegetables but I am kind of burned out on them so today I am having a ham sandwich with cheese, onion, tomato and avocado along with chips for lunch.

    Tonight I am having pizza.

    Breakfast was a bowl of cereal w/banana and almond milk.

    Could I be making healthier choices...I guess so but oh well. There is always tomorrow for more veggies...but not today.

    Werd! B)

    What she said.

    I have a whole pint of frozen yogurt planned in my diary on Monday & Thursday om nom nom nom nom.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    The point is, i knew i had basically the definition of a 'crap' day. But i kept my crap to my allotted calories, and i lost. I lost a lot. I see so many posts about people saying i only eat healthy why of why can't i lose..

    It is hopefully encouraging for other people to see that everything is ok. Even all at once if you follow the rules.

    If i ate 3500 calories of chicken breast and broccoli i don't think i would have seen the same results.

    Not to mention, my kid was pretty happy i was there. So..i win all the way around.

    Yes you do. :)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Your body just digests food. It doesn't have two different pathways for processed and natural foods or something ridiculous like that.

    I'm sorry, but you should educate yourself. All contemporary humans have two stomachs. One digests processed food, and at least 87% of such food processed by the processed food stomach is instantly turned to fat (95% if you have insulin in your system when the processing occurs). The other digests unprocessed foods, as well as boneless, skinless chicken breast, bacon, almond milk (including store-bought with carageenan), Kind bars, and Chipotle. I think those sugar-free Haribo gummi bears use this one as well, as well as any homemade juice (but not store-bought, that's Satan's juice). The beautiful thing is that if your non-processed food stomach is processing you cannot store fat, and a full 50% of the calories from foods processed by this stomach will go to make muscle if you are lifting weight. That's why people who eat lots of unprocessed foods and no processed ones have to be super careful to do only toning exercises or they will bulk up.

    I have a link from authority nutrition that proves this.

    Oh, and in more seriousness:
    Learning a new way of eating is something that can be conquered in steps. Right now, the OP is addressing HOW MUCH she's eating. Maybe her next step will be tackling WHAT she's eating.

    Those of you castigating the OP are missing her point and derailing this thread and spreading some really bad information here.

    Best review ever for Sugar Free Gummi Bears.
  • aDivingBelle
    aDivingBelle Posts: 49 Member
    Wait til you get closer to your goal or have recomposition or fitness in mind. What you eat will matter more.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    edited August 2015
    OP I feel the same way about fish as you do vegetables. I have found a few kinds of fish I can eat and the more I eat them the easier it is, but every once in a while I get a bit close to the skin, or a new kind of fish and I wretch. I have to go rinse with mouthwash to stop the gagging feeling. And I make my husband eat his sardines on the porch. So I understand. Plus I have two friends who have very few vegetables that they can tolerate.

    I do believe that you can eat virtually anything and lose weight if it is less than your calorie expenditure for the day, but I think it would be more difficult if you do not include lots of filling foods (like vegetables) in your diet. More difficult still if you were to eat lots of highly palatable, low nutrition, low satiety food (aka junk food) on a regular basis.

    I read an article today that talked about food scientists working to make products with low satiety, so that people would eat more. I don't think this is tinfoil hat thinking, I think it's rational for a company to formulate a product that makes you want more. It's the low satiety that keeps me away from junk food as much as possible. Sometimes it feels like desserts have "negative satiety". I can be full from a great meal, no interest in eating another thing, and out comes the dessert and I think, "Oh, I could probably fit in a tiny piece", only to find my appetite rekindled once I have had that piece.

    Here's an excerpt:

    '"If the taste builds too much, consumption will stop … and snacks need to be eaten non-stop until the packet is finished," Thorton Mustard wrote, back in 2002. He was a food industry consultant who revealed, early on, some of the secrets of the food industry, in a book called The Taste Signature Revealed. He wrote that fullness or satiety, is "quite a serious enemy for a product."

    Mustard claimed he could help food companies design foods that were guaranteed to be "more-ish," which he defined as a quality that made a consumer want to eat more. It helped, he advised, if the food was easy to chew.

    "If people had to chew the food to extract the flavour enjoyment, it would take longer to eat, be better digested, and the feeling of being full reached far sooner. People would need to consume less," he wrote.'
  • aDivingBelle
    aDivingBelle Posts: 49 Member
    OP I feel the same way about fish as you do vegetables. I have found a few kinds of fish I can eat and the more I eat them the easier it is, but every once in a while I get a bit close to the skin, or a new kind of fish and I wretch. I have to go rinse with mouthwash to stop the gagging feeling. And I make my husband eat his sardines on the porch. So I understand. Plus I have two friends who have very few vegetables that they can tolerate.

    I do believe that you can eat virtually anything and lose weight if it is less than your calorie expenditure for the day, but I think it would be more difficult if you do not include lots of filling foods (like vegetables) in your diet. More difficult still if you were to eat lots of highly palatable, low nutrition, low satiety food (aka junk food) on a regular basis.

    I read an article today that talked about food scientists working to make products with low satiety, so that people would eat more. I don't think this is tinfoil hat thinking, I think it's rational for a company to formulate a product that makes you want more. It's the low satiety that keeps me away from junk food as much as possible. Sometimes it feels like desserts have "negative satiety". I can be full from a great meal, no interest in eating another thing, and out comes the dessert and I think, "Oh, I could probably fit in a tiny piece", only to find my appetite rekindled once I have had that piece.

    Here's an excerpt:

    '"If the taste builds too much, consumption will stop … and snacks need to be eaten non-stop until the packet is finished," Thorton Mustard wrote, back in 2002. He was a food industry consultant who revealed, early on, some of the secrets of the food industry, in a book called The Taste Signature Revealed. He wrote that fullness or satiety, is "quite a serious enemy for a product."

    Mustard claimed he could help food companies design foods that were guaranteed to be "more-ish," which he defined as a quality that made a consumer want to eat more. It helped, he advised, if the food was easy to chew.

    "If people had to chew the food to extract the flavour enjoyment, it would take longer to eat, be better digested, and the feeling of being full reached far sooner. People would need to consume less," he wrote.'

    Can you link this article? I'm interested in reading it.

  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    OP I feel the same way about fish as you do vegetables. I have found a few kinds of fish I can eat and the more I eat them the easier it is, but every once in a while I get a bit close to the skin, or a new kind of fish and I wretch. I have to go rinse with mouthwash to stop the gagging feeling. And I make my husband eat his sardines on the porch. So I understand. Plus I have two friends who have very few vegetables that they can tolerate.

    I do believe that you can eat virtually anything and lose weight if it is less than your calorie expenditure for the day, but I think it would be more difficult if you do not include lots of filling foods (like vegetables) in your diet. More difficult still if you were to eat lots of highly palatable, low nutrition, low satiety food (aka junk food) on a regular basis.

    I read an article today that talked about food scientists working to make products with low satiety, so that people would eat more. I don't think this is tinfoil hat thinking, I think it's rational for a company to formulate a product that makes you want more. It's the low satiety that keeps me away from junk food as much as possible. Sometimes it feels like desserts have "negative satiety". I can be full from a great meal, no interest in eating another thing, and out comes the dessert and I think, "Oh, I could probably fit in a tiny piece", only to find my appetite rekindled once I have had that piece.

    Here's an excerpt:

    '"If the taste builds too much, consumption will stop … and snacks need to be eaten non-stop until the packet is finished," Thorton Mustard wrote, back in 2002. He was a food industry consultant who revealed, early on, some of the secrets of the food industry, in a book called The Taste Signature Revealed. He wrote that fullness or satiety, is "quite a serious enemy for a product."

    Mustard claimed he could help food companies design foods that were guaranteed to be "more-ish," which he defined as a quality that made a consumer want to eat more. It helped, he advised, if the food was easy to chew.

    "If people had to chew the food to extract the flavour enjoyment, it would take longer to eat, be better digested, and the feeling of being full reached far sooner. People would need to consume less," he wrote.'

    Can you link this article? I'm interested in reading it.

    Sure, but I have to warn you that some of the article is going to cause raised eyebrows here. Phrases like "sugar addiction" etc.

  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    Wait til you get closer to your goal or have recomposition or fitness in mind. What you eat will matter more.

    Probably..but ..still i never said this was the way to go. But being 130lbs is not going to magically make me like stuff. I will probably have to get creative..i don't find vegetables to be filling. At all actually. I have never understood the whole idea of eating some huge salad before a meal. I don't wanta salad, i want my food. I do the same crap with my six year old, he has to eat x before he can have y. Well he would eat chips all day long, so i know i have to stuff nutrition in their somewhere..i know i don't only eat chips, do im not concerned about my exact nutrition. Oh the horror! Honestly, i can't imagine ever being like..oh i need more calcium or protein is do not on my radar.

    When i put green beans on my plate, i do it because i 'should'. Not because i get any joy out of it. Honestly id rather just not eat them. Im happy as crap when my 3 year old snatches them off my plate.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Oh, what the heck. YOLO.

    NSFW, so don't hit 'play' if you are in the office or your kidlets are right there.

    "Losing Weight with Derek Weida":

    And just so you know where he's coming from for real:

    "Wounded Combat Veteran Derek Weida Opens Veteran Oriented Gym":

    Love this guy!

  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    The point is, i knew i had basically the definition of a 'crap' day. But i kept my crap to my allotted calories, and i lost. I lost a lot. I see so many posts about people saying i only eat healthy why of why can't i lose..

    It is hopefully encouraging for other people to see that everything is ok. Even all at once if you follow the rules.

    If i ate 3500 calories of chicken breast and broccoli i don't think i would have seen the same results.

    Not to mention, my kid was pretty happy i was there. So..i win all the way around.

    I think it's also important to note that you also didn't have a meltdown over it either. Every so often someone will post that they had a day like yours, declare that they are a failure and decide to quit.