"Totally Tall" Women of MFP (5'9" and up) Open Group



  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    I've never seen so many women who are a similar height to me :o)

    I'm not adverse to wearing heels- although I cannot walk in anything over 2 and a half inches. Kinda look like Tina Turner..... not sexy!

    I too have a 36" inseam- and am outraged that a lot of the UK shops have started scaling back on their 'tall' ranges :o( Dorothy Perkins used to be great but now they only sell about 5 different pairs of tall jeans & trousers- no tall tops or dresses. BUT for you other UK tall women, and maybe some US ladies who shop online- here are a few 'Tall' stockists

    Dorothy Pekins- Tall. Some are available instore, larger selection online. UK Sizes 8-22 (US 4-18) with inside legs of 36" as standard.

    Long Tall Sally- Online. UK Sizes 8-18 (all styles) and up to a 24 in some styles. Inside legs of 34", 36" and a selection of 38".

    Topshop Tall- Insore & Online. Sizes 8-16 (US 4-12) (booooo, small sizes) with 36" inside legs

    Very (Tall section)- Online. Clothes sizes 8-24 (US 4-20)- with inside legs at 34" as standard, 36" in selected items.

    New Look Tall- Instore & Online. Clothes sizes 8-18. Inside legs 36".
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I'm 5'10" though for the longest time I would not admit to being over 5'9". Something about the double digit was just unacceptable! Needless to say I have never really been comfortable in my own skin, but it is getting better. It helps that finding clothes is easier now than when I was a kid.

    One cool thing was that I never needed maternity clothes! Saved me a lot of money when I had my daughter. I also have pretty small feet for my height (8 1/2) which I am very thankful for. Biggest drawback? I love me a tall man 6'4"+ and those do not grow on trees!

    As far as clothes go, my biggest issue is pants of course. I second the NY & Co suggestion. I wear a 10Tall there and for jeans I only shop at the Gap. I have a pair of size 8XL Sexy Boot cut that I love (they did not fit a week ago but do now!). Still have about 30lbs left to lose but hopefully it will disappear from the top half!

    Feel free to add me!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    I am 5'9 i would not mind if i had long legs but i have to wear short or regular leg boo :laugh:
    My ex was 3 inches shorter than me. It used to drive me mad.
    My now boyfriend is 6'1 and i can wear high heels again :wink:
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Good morning Tall Beautiful Ladies!!! :blushing:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hi beautiful & Totally Tall Women!! I hope all of you are having a wonderful day.

    For those of you with clothing and shoe store info stateside and across the pond please send that info in a message to me and I will post it in my 1st post. Thanks!
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Hi beautiful & Totally Tall Women!! I hope all of you are having a wonderful day.

    For those of you with clothing and shoe store info stateside and across the pond please send that info in a message to me and I will post it in my 1st post. Thanks!

    Just sent you something. I am a tall girl that LOVES to spend money, my money and whoever else wants to let me spend theirs. Lol
  • kdudz
    kdudz Posts: 39 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm 5ft9. I was always the tall girl in class growing up. As an adult I've gotten better about being tall but sometimes I feel like I stick out because of my height.

    If I wear heels I'm taller than my husband. He's just about 6ft.

    I was so super excited when jeans started coming in "super model length". I even need to have them hemmed!
  • Hi can someone tell me how to start my own topic? and also explain to me what exercise calories are? i keep reading that you people aren't eating them and since i don't know what they are, i have no idea if i'm eating them too. ha.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Hi can someone tell me how to start my own topic? and also explain to me what exercise calories are? i keep reading that you people aren't eating them and since i don't know what they are, i have no idea if i'm eating them too. ha.

    To start your own topic navigate to the section you want to post in (e.g. food and nutrition). At the top of the forum there is a green 'NEW TOPIC' button. Click it!

    To know what exercise calories are you need to understand what MFP does.

    When you enter your profile you enter your sex, age, weight, goals and activity level. From this MFP calculates how many calories you need just to live and then subtracts an amount from that to give you a calorie deficit so you will lose weight based on the rate you selected when you set your goals. The number of calories you are allowed is showed in your daily summary on your home page. That number decreases as you note what you've eaten that day.

    If, like me, you want to eat more than that then you need to exercise to burn those extra calories off - those are exercise calories. When you log your exercise MFP adds those exercise calories back on so you can eat those too.


    I am allowed 1380 cals per day.
    I exercise and burn 400 calories.
    MFP adds those 400 exercise calories to my allowance for the day so I can now eat 1780 calories today without eating "too much"

  • I'm 5'9" and love it :D I can never find jackets or sleeves that are long enough, but you cant beat the way long legs look! And forget wearing heels on most dates! lol. I still love being tall, but I agree, when a girl thats much shorter says she wears a tiny size, Im like, yeah. Screw plastic surgery, I'd need a hacksaw to remove bone. Yay for tall girls and seeing over busy crowds! My girlfriend is 5'11" and jokes about being a giraffe made to eat leaves off tall trees :)
  • I'm 5' 9", which is fine with my 6' 5" fiancee. I can even wear heels and not be taller than him. Yay! (I kinda like heels, make me feel all sexified and stuff)

    One thing I noticed today, somehow the topic of bra sizes came up at work today, and two of my co-workers, both a good 4-8 inches shorter than myself, wear the same size I do. There was a bit of a raging debate about HOW since I apparently look smaller-busted than either of them. (simple, I'm taller, and my boobs are perkier LOL)

    I have tiny small hands and feet. My engagement ring is a 6.25 and my favorite shoes are size 9, and I actually need them in narrow but they're not available in narrow, so I make do.

    I like being tall, I can see over all the short people and reach stuff they need a stepladder for.

    Haha amen! Rock it fellow tall girl! :)
  • cowiness
    cowiness Posts: 28
    Hello ladies!

    Im 5'9" and Filipino/Chinese...sooo... im reeally tall in my family haha. I have a freakishly long torso and short legs (which makes it really hard to find a nice pair of jeans without having to hem the length lol). I love being this height, because i think tall women are beautiful, like all the women i see in this forum.

    Im new to MFP boards and hope to learn ways to loose the pounds before i go into the classroom to teach =D

    And i agree, it does seem like i gain weight and loose weight without notice (like a pound or two here and there) but my friends loose like 3 pounds and its noticeable! I never thought to take my height into the equation! Thanks girl!
  • LaurenLynnCarter
    LaurenLynnCarter Posts: 51 Member
    6ft add me!
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
    5'9" here currently 203 lbs......everyone always says, you don't look like you weigh over 200 lbs......at my thinnest when I was a 3 sport athlete in hs I weighed 175ish and a size 12; I have a large frame also.
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    5'10" here!

    Loving all the tall beautiful people congregating. :) My shoe size is a 10.

    Funny story, today I was in an Adidas TV ad today and they gave us free shoes at the end. I asked for a 10, and it took them FOREVER to find a pair. I even had to change my colour preference. Haha. The woes of being tall...
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    5'10" here!

    Loving all the tall beautiful people congregating. :) My shoe size is a 10.

    Funny story, today I was in an Adidas TV ad today and they gave us free shoes at the end. I asked for a 10, and it took them FOREVER to find a pair. I even had to change my colour preference. Haha. The woes of being tall...

    Because of my oil tankers (feet size 11.5-12) I just automatically opt out and get men's sneakers. I think I should start looking for women's maybe the manufacturers would take notice.

    Maybe we Totally Tall women should start mailing off letters with our complaints. I never realized there were so many of us on this forum. Can you just imagine how many are just out there somewhere feeling the same feelings we are? We are definitely not a freak of nature as we might have thought growing up lol.
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    5'11" here--great thread!

    When I was in 9th grade, I overheard a couple other girls talking about their weight. "I'm 120, I have to go on a diet." "I'm 125, I'm such a cow!" I thought to myself, "I weigh 140--I'm HUGE compared to these girls!" At the time, I didn't have to perspective to realize that not only was I at least 6 inches taller than both of them, I was also wearing a D cup at least.

    I do love being tall; being able to reach things up on shelves, wearing high heels, dancing with my 6"1" husband--all fabulous!
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    I recently got some 5 inch patent leather black heels. I look HOT in them. Pity it severely limits my options with the men. I seem to intimidate them. Hehee. Love that.

    I love being taller than everyone. You always get noticed first when waiting for anything - eg. Drinks at the bar.

    I'm perfectly ok with weighing more than the shorties. My younger sister is 125 but I still wear the same size jeans as she does. Obvs I carry it well.

    ...don't tell her that shh!
  • RayofSunshine73
    RayofSunshine73 Posts: 24 Member
    Yippee! Finally a group I'd feel like I can join!! I'm 5'10'' and no one ever believes me when I say how large I am. I love being tall! But it does make for a pain to find clothes that are plus sized and look good.
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    I recently got some 5 inch patent leather black heels. I look HOT in them. Pity it severely limits my options with the men. I seem to intimidate them. Hehee. Love that.

    I find the exact opposite when I'm towering over men with flats at 6'2" . The shorter men are always first to approach. lol When I where heel it's like I barely make it through the door. I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding in september and because of my height heels are out for that day. non of the groomsmen are tall enough.