What foods have you given up to loose weight?



  • PoppyinBoulder
    Binging :bigsmile: that's it for now.
  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    I gave up on donuts. I love them but they are not a good thing to have around. Ill eat the whole box!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I gave up practically everything I liked. Few years ago it would be unthinkable to me to give up Big Mac, pizza or Chinese food, but this time I did it.

    Last year I developed very strong motivation that helped me implement drastic changes in my eating habits. As far as food was concerned, I was determined to do anything humanly possible to lose weight.

    Now, most of the days I eat fresh fruits (apples, blackberries, and blueberries), vegetables (lettuce, tomatoes, green and red pepper, cucumbers, carrots, spinach), whole grain bread, turkey breast 99% fat free, grilled skinless chicken breasts and fish.

    I lost 46 pounds fast and I would say it happened painlessly. My approach to weight loss is working for me.

    My only concern is noticeable muscle loss.

    When I read this post it could have been mine! In February it was like a switch went off in me and I have been very focused. I really enjoy this new lifestyle and pray that it will bring me to my goal.
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I haven't completely given up anything. I just have to watch it with fast food, sweets, & soda mostly. I still allow myself a little here and there, or find a healthier version.
  • jeannas
    jeannas Posts: 109 Member
    So many changes in food.... I'm finding more and more it is about eating things like good fats, proteins and carbs. I went to the gym for so many years without having the proper knowledge of how important diet was, don't get me wrong exercise is important and I do it 6 days a week but I really know now that it’s 80% diet. I know different things work for different people but honestly I can't believe all I've taken away from using myfitnesspal. The struggle of knowing what to eat is still a daily learning process for me and I find myself eating more and more of the same things because over the last 4 months it has worked so well. I have always eaten pretty good foods (so I thought). As of right now I found what is working for me but I know in a month it could change because i will get bored or I find out something new. I hope that if anyone has good ideas or see changes I could make let me know and I will consider it, try it out and let you know how it works. I am always looking for any information that will help me feel better and live healthy. There is a lot more changes I have made but this is what I could think of.
    • instead of Iceberg Lettuce I eat baby spinach
    • Instead of eating French salad dressing I use fat free raspberry oil
    • instead of eating 95% turkey burger I eat buffalo meat
    • instead of eating flavored weight controlled oatmeal I eat 1 minute Oats w/a 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon & ¼ cup of blueberries or raspberries
    • Instead of a candy bar I eat a Cliff builders peanut butter bar
    • Instead of butter I use smart balance
    • Instead of salt I use Mrs. Dash table blend
    • Instead of flavored water I drink only water and add lemon, limes or oranges
    • Instead of milk I drink almond or coconut milk
    • Instead of sugar free red bull I use NO Explode
    • I refuse to eat out anymore; I want to control what goes into my food.

    Some more tips….
    • I always make sure I get good carbs in before 5pm
    • Usually either Uncle bens whole grain wheat rice or
    • Wheat noodles
    • 1 piece Wheat thin bread
    • I always eat 4 boiled eats sometime before lunch
    • I drink my protein drink right after my workout (I take it w/me and just add water after im done working out at
    the gym)
    • I eat a piece of fruit right before my work out (usually 1 apple)
    • I try to eat 10 or so almonds everyday
    • I allow myself to pick one of the following per day for a snack as long as I eat it before 5 pm (I do this because
    love snacking and because I have built into my calorie intake)
    o 100 calorie bag of popcorn (like smart balance)
    o Fat free sugar free cheesecake pudding w/ a little bit of Hersey’s dark cho. Syrup
    o Chocolate milk shake made as follows
    Dark choc. Almond Milk
    ¼ cup protein powder
    ¼ cup frozen yogurt
    ½ cup ice
    Little bit of water

    • I eat 2 tsp. everyday of either natural peanut butter or flaxseeds
    • I drink only water
    • I try really hard not to use any salt or sugar of any kind
    • I keep a basket of healthy snacks in my car just in case I find myself in a situation where i need to eat something;
    don’t want to stop at a gas station. (almonds, protein bars, a baggie of protein powder)
    • I keep a 6 pack of waters in my car
    WIQQID Posts: 13
    I also gave up MOST foods. The reason I did this was because I know myself.. I know my strengths and my weaknesses. I am one of those people, in order to stay motivated, needs to see fantastic results, quickly. But, I'm not doing this naively. It took me 3 months to do enough research to where I feel comfortable losing weight really fast. I started my diet 11 days ago and have lost 19lbs so far. I watch my carb intake as well as my caloric intake. I am very careful about the type of carbs I eat; Almost all of which come from vegetables, whereas most of my calories come from protein. Eating enough protein will help me keep from losing muscle while I lose weight really fast. After another 6 days I will add some different foods to my diet and start more vigorous exercise to help rev up my metabolism. We'll see how it works. :)
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I've given up way too many foods to list! One big favorite was spanish rice *drool* Has giving up these foods helped me, definitely! I look back now and realize I was eating way too many carbs which were all turning to fat, making me fat!
  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    Well....starting really soon (June 16th) I am going to cut out sugar. The hardest part will be giving up my soda. I have a coke at work every day. (It helps me make it through my day when I want to go to sleep after lunch :) ) School is out on June 10th and I have training on the 14 and 15. I will be weaning myself now as the last few days draw near - so I hopefully won't have a withdrawl headache. Wish me luck..... I will need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:sad:
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    Soda. I only drink it at parties :)
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I really haven't given up any. I gave up gluten because I am sensitive to it and when I did dairy stopped giving me trouble so, it's been great. Eat everything still but in moderation and with a a lot more creativity and imagination thrown in.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I really haven't given up any. I gave up gluten because I am sensitive to it and when I did dairy stopped giving me trouble so, it's been great. Eat everything still but in moderation and with a a lot more creativity and imagination thrown in.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I've only given up eating more. I believe it's all about portion control, so if I eat half of what I could, I'm in great shape.
  • SJSharksChick
    SJSharksChick Posts: 83 Member
    Soda! When I was 200lbs, I'd have AT LEAST 5-7 Pepsis daily. & I wondered why I was heavy? Lol

    I've also given up doughnuts (that used to be my breakfast every weekend), the YUMMY ice creams (ie Ben & Jerry's Half Baked, Cold Stone's cake batter ice cream, etc.), & anything from McDonalds.
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    i haven't given up anything, i just watch my portion sizes
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Fast food in general like mcdonalds, burgerking, dairy queen, a&w etc.
    I still occasionally eat pizza, edo and subway.

    I have no other off limits foods though.....everything in
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Farfalle with Chicken and Roasted Garlic, from the Cheesecake Factory.

    2190 calories in a dish...!? RIDICULOUS. Even if I eat half, and bag the other half, that's way too much.

    I don't even want to say I "gave it up" because I don't feel deprived about it. Just thinking about the caloric count makes me want to run far, far away from that thing.

    Everything else, I still eat, just not as often and portion-moderated.
  • Mommyof3texans
    I've eliminated quite a few foods that I used to eat actually. I find a lot of what I used to eat just doesn't have a place anymore if I want to get the most bang for my buck when eating. Right now, my calorie goal is 1320 calories and that goes awfully quick if I choose foods that are more processed or just less healthy in general. I find many ways to get my fixes if I need to.

    I've tried to eliminate most processed foods, fast food, all soda.
  • weeze_h
    weeze_h Posts: 72
    I havent eliminated any foods as such but after ive eaten something then logged it I will think 'was that worth it for the calories?' if the answer is no then I havent had it again. But if the answer is yes even although it is high in calories I would have it again but as a treat occasionally.
  • sunnybigmc
    sunnybigmc Posts: 29
    When I was on my low carb diet from Jan to early May I had given up bread pasta starches sweets fried food.. all the good stuff. but now i'm on the low calorie diet now.. I still don't eat fried food. but it has definitely helped me lose my weight :) 37lbs down!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I gave up potato products, pasta, rice, sodas, and most processed foods. Surprisingly, I don't miss it at all. I feel great and have lost 18 lbs in the last 2 months but more importantly have dropped 5% body fat and lost about 6 inches around my waist, thighs, and hips.

    I'm on a high protein diet so I eat a lot of meat, and I've been able to build a lot of muscle doing major strength training. For the first time in years, my calves and arms are starting to show some definition. Sofar so good :)