

  • lauriebeloffmarks
    Hi there:
    Is this a group or just a discussion? I am not sure how to join if it is a group. So, I am 55, trying to lose 87 pounds. This is my third major weight loss battle in the last 10 years. The first was 50 pounds, then over 50 and this time I really did some damage. This last time, I suffered a Back injury - not horrible but enough to stop exercising and keep eating. It came on fast this time. from last summer to about January. Then I kind of held there for a few months and then realized I had to get moving and curb my eating to get back. So I am at 213.75 right now, 23.25 pounds down, but it has been a really TOUGH road. I am looking for a group that is in a similar situation to me.
    Over 50, not our first rodeo, etc. Any ideas?
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Laurie - We are a group discussion :) We have a tremendous camaraderie here between women from varied walks of life and even some other countries. We are friends. We support and encourage each other and are even ready to give a swift kick in the rear end when needed. We have all been thru the struggles of losing and maintaining weight loss and the life struggles that pop up along the way. First and foremost you need to log every bite of food each day on MFP and up your exercise. You will find what works best for you and what you are comfortable with. We ask that you sign a name you want to be called at the end of each post with your location for easy identification in responding. If you've read many of the posts you will see we all share our challenges with life, not only food. Welcome, stop by often and post as you feel comfortable.

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Vicki - MAJOR Hi Five for sticking to your guns over the scheduling! You should be VERY proud of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    lauriebelofina - Hi there! Yes, I have lost serious amounts of weight about four times, but with the help of this group I have managed to keep it off this time. Checking in here often keeps me accountable. You can do it and have made a great start. :flowerforyou:

    Off to bed to read my Kathy Reichs. :D Got to set the alarm for the train tomorrow. Must pack a Quest bar for "emergency" rations, just in case.

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    @skrace We aren't a fussy bunch, just a place to vent, be accountable, and typing your journey daily is all you need to do. No joining neccessary. I however had to give a urine sample, a long background check, and swab my inner cheek for some reason....but that was just me. I did get a clean bill of health from @pipcd34 ...phew.

    and no I don't partake in the funny little green leaves that are legal in Oregon presently..... lol

    funny!! oh, i still don't have the authorization to release information form signed by you so i can look at your medical records.

    um....I did get a notice of "illegal access activity" into my file...was that you? hahahahahaha......Becca
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    I now have a tablet (iPad), and am going to TRY to post on the board from time to time. I haven't figured out how to respond to you individually w/o taking notes by hand on paper first. I DO enjoy reading your posts, and they really encourage me. I realize that I haven't lost many pounds, but I have learned to exercise, and am really enjoying the ability to be more flexible, and manage the arthritis pain better. My NSV would be loss of inches, and wearing some things that I couldn't even get into a year ago. Take care, y'all, and hang in there-- you ARE worth it! janie
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    edited September 2015
    Lauriebeloffmarks ... Last year this time I was down 72 pounds with 40-50 to go. Then I let circumstances derail me and gained back 25 of those pounds ... Now losing again. You are not alone here! Welcome!

    Beth in Western New York

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,996 Member
    momof10 wrote: »
    Hello I have to say it'ssso nice seeing some from when I first join still here this is always been a wonderful group thank you Barb for keeping it going

    :) How great to see you posting with us again....keep coming back

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    Becca - Thank you for your positive insight. You are so correct in saying meal prep is the key. I resolve to get that part going ! I'm finding it hard to get my husband on the same page. He needs the calories,and carbs...and I need a whole lot less.....

    Susan MN

    Susan I play "chef Becca" a lot of times when I cook for my son and husband. I have found that I am really content with saute'ing some zucchini and adding some wild rice, with lots of cayenne pepper and tumeric. They don't like that and its not my job to change their eating habits, but just keep tabs on mine. I have an area in my kitchen that is MINE....looks like this:

    I have decided that this is my own journey and I shouldn't have to drag my family along. I know many people would disagree with that way of doing things, but the Navy killed my husbands taste buds...really! And my son is really picky, thanks to my husband....so as long as he eats a salad once a week, eats his protein, and takes a multi-vitamin, I am doing good.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @GodMomKim aw thanks for the compliment about my dress. I really enjoyed the evening with my dear husband. We never did anything like that when we were raising our kids. As each of our kids left the nest for the Navy, we have realized the importance of us, without any hobbies, or distractions, or the idea of "living our lives thru our children". At the time it was the #1 important thing, and maybe this "coming together mentally and just being content" is the natural process of things. I think its really important to have a support system that you can trade clothes back and forth as you lose weight. Being comfortable in your clothes is as important as being comfortable in your skin. Having clothes hang on you is really uncomfortable! :-)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    My eldest son walking on the helo pad on a frigate he was assigned to. Just a normal day out at sea.


    Missing my sons...... its been only a month with the eldest son, but a year since I have seen the middle son :-(
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,996 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    Elaine, this is a great place for encouragement and support. I read the posts with my breakfast on mornings when I have to be out early. I don't always post long replies, often just a line of two.

    Vicki in Devon, we have had several members from the UK....I hope you keep coming back..our challenges and successes have no national or oceanic boundaries

    Katla, bon voyage, I hope it is a great trip

    Sue, it sounds like you are making the most of your weekend

    Rori, I lost my weight with Isagenix and have kept it off for years using the shakes and other products. When I travel, I bring a blender and shake powder. I hope you'll like it as much as I do. I admire how well you do with all your travel....it's not exactly health and fitness but "Better Than Before" by Gretchen Rubin is about habits and how to make them work for you.

    Alison, it sounds like your trip took a turn for the better....enjoy

    Sylvia, one of my mother's cats brought a small snake into the house many years ago and my mother called and insisted that I come and get the cat, because she didn't want a cat that brought in snakes.....sorry to hear about the lizard.

    Vicki, glad there was a good outcome for the staffing problem at work...enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Laurie, welcome...Janet gave some great first steps. When I found MFP in 2009, at age 62, I didn't believe I'd ever lose the weight but with consistent logging of food and exercise and supportive women to keep me moving one day at a time, I reached my goal weight and have stayed there even through some injuries and travel and life's ups and downs.

    Heather, I have read some Kathy Reichs but not for a few years....I loved the books.

    Janie, sometimes even with computer, I just take a few notes and respond to a few people.....sometimes I just talk about myself.

    Jake made lunch and then suggested a nap.....it doesn't get better than this

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful drizzly NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have been trying to post for about two hours but my two daughters sitting here with me always m,e me laugh so much I can't have my time to post. I didn't post last night because for one everything was going so well and when. We all got home and had a good time and I didn't get to bed until around midnight. Christina got to his room early and said that she was to be my substitute for the morning and I come whenever I woke up. Well when you need those two grand kids of mine to deal with along with their Dad who works on slow time, you sit on the step ready to go until they are ready. It takes me 15 minutes after I wake up till I am in the car. So we get here about 10;30. Repeat of yesterday when he was real drowsy. Hopefully that will be better like last night. Oh, I guess I didn't tell you about last night. He ate really well and liked it!!!!! I talked to him today about what he remembered about being here. He doesn't remember anything past waiting a long time to get into his room from the emergency room. So he doesn't remember the 11 days,

    Well my family is here and although they are trying to take over a lot of burdens, my precious Ellie is so giggly that she can be difficult to take at times. Last year when we went to Panama City, she say in the back all by herself and Trinity sat in the bucket seat next to me and it was so quiet in the car. But if they in the same seat it can be constant giggling. Last night coming home from Bob Evans, I just told them that I would pull over In a parking lot and stay there until they were quiet. talk about frost in the car.

    Was spa proud that I gained a pound over night. I think it was because it actually had 2 regular meals yesterday. The kids are also having fun pushing me from door to hospital room in wheel chair so I don't have to work.they go back sometime. Tomorrow.

    love you all, Joyce.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    My middle son....last Sept. when he got married....hes such a handsome guy! A friend straightened my hair.


    missing my long hair.....
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    annr - there is such a thing called extensions ya know
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,895 Member
    Hope everyone who celebrates is having a good Labor Day weekend. Cloudy here today. DD daughter is working on new slats for her bed as she bought a new mattress. Helped her yesterday to saw them to the right length. Need to get dear nephew who is an electrician over here to help us out with electrical in the barn. Some lights work and some not even though we have changed bulbs. Some outlets work and others not and there are wires that we have no idea about.

    Heather - Clothes for DGD are very cute.

    Beth - loved the mouse-trap! That might actually work.

    Joyce - Continued prayers for you and Charlie.

    Tina - Hope things work out with the furbaby.

    Pip - Nice nails! Good for you being so co-ordinated.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Trying to make this thread easier to find, .... the star will not turn yellow :-( What am I doing wrong?
  • ealtman48
    ealtman48 Posts: 3 Member
    Maeadair -- I usually just search the "Recent Posts" view for September until I find the thread. But yes, the favorites isn't working for me either.

    Hi again -- thanks for the all the welcoming words. I successfully logged yesterday but didn't do my steps. One of the things I seem to be battling is menopausal mood swings. I've been up and down feeling seriously depressed sometimes. I don't want to take HRT because my mother had estrogen-linked breast cancer. I'm hoping this (plus waking up every two hours with night sweats) is as bad as it gets.

    One of the happiest things about me is that I like to sing. I sang and played guitar with a friend at church this morning and got lots of compliments, which was great -- made me feel loved. I need to practice guitar more.

    Since my feet don't hurt too much today I will do some housecleaning and take a walk in the evening -- probably not make my 10,000 steps but at least do something. Still need to log my food. My sensible lunch consisted church potluck, but this at least included salad and fruit.

    My daughter and her friend are over here baking cupcakes.

    Elizabeth Southern California

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mae - click on the star directly a cross from where it says WOMEN AGES 50 + FOR SEPTEMBER 2015. It's NOT the star up by the bell and gear thingy. Hope that helps.

    Janetr OKC
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Thank you Janet, I was clicking the wrong star :)