twilight fanatics challenge! get your vamp on by november 1



  • robston
    robston Posts: 67 Member
    drat. i'm up a pound. not the way i wanted my first weigh in to go! well, we'll just keep on truckin' all the same!

    No stressing on that..not allowed :flowerforyou:

    I only had a .02 loss this week, which feels like ZERO!! So I can totally relate, and I'm SURE there will be a week in this challenge that we all have a gain, its the name of the game..

    Great attitude..I'm gonna keep on keeping on as well :happy:
  • can I please join this it lines up perfect with my short term goal of 170 by 11/26/2011 it can easily be adjusted to 11/1/11 I am a twihard no doubt I need some support plz !!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    One of my challenges I've set for myself is drinking more water, but am having a hard time doing that with such a busy life. Anyone out there have a busy daily schedule and still manage to get the water in? How do you manage it? I know it's it's important, especially now with the heat.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    One of my challenges I've set for myself is drinking more water, but am having a hard time doing that with such a busy life. Anyone out there have a busy daily schedule and still manage to get the water in? How do you manage it? I know it's it's important, especially now with the heat.
    I take it with me everywhere, and for some strange reason if I have a cup with a straw I drink more water!!
  • eaber
    eaber Posts: 25
    I have so much motivation to meet this goal!! I want to lose 50 lbs by my 25th birthday as a personal victory and my grandmother told me that she will take me on a shopping spree when I lose 50. Plus I got my husband to commit to a Victoria Secret Bra shopping trip/spree if I lose 50! I am so excited and have so much motivation and you guys are also helping motivate me!! I even mentioned the challenge in my blog Im doing in hopes of others finding a challenge to motivate them. Lost 2 lbs this week too!! Hope everyones week is going well!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I have so much motivation to meet this goal!! I want to lose 50 lbs by my 25th birthday as a personal victory and my grandmother told me that she will take me on a shopping spree when I lose 50. Plus I got my husband to commit to a Victoria Secret Bra shopping trip/spree if I lose 50! I am so excited and have so much motivation and you guys are also helping motivate me!! I even mentioned the challenge in my blog Im doing in hopes of others finding a challenge to motivate them. Lost 2 lbs this week too!! Hope everyones week is going well!

    that's fabulous, eaber! and i really needed to hear someone kickin' it, because i feel so out of whack right now! it's good to hear how excited you are - i'm going to vamp on your vibes a bit to keep me going! way to go!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Just checking in! Hope everyone is doing well! I am loving all my challenges. They are keeping me right on track!
  • arielsinlove
    arielsinlove Posts: 17 Member
    uh oh, here comes the weekend. I do so very terribly on the weekends. I think it might be the booze. I know my weaknesses! haha
  • Had a real bad week... Have had no kitchen all week, so have not been able to cook any meals..... Very naughty I know but what am i to do... Should be back to normal by the end of today. Hope to shift those 3lbs plus 1 more. Wish me luck.....
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    morning all! i'm on my way to charlotte to visit family - it should be a a good time. i'm sort of off my game right now, but according to the scale (at least since the last pound i gained) i've been maintaining, so that's making me feel better - it hasn't gone up anymore since then. i'm struggling because i'm a nanny, and during the school year i don't go into work until 3pm, so i've been a gym rat since last august. my summer hours are 7am to 6pm, so i haven't gotten my summer workout mojo yet - but i'm going to! i hope all of you have a lovely weekend! i've gotten tons of weigh-ins - congrats on so many successes! i'll have the chart and new challenge posted tomorrow - probably a bit later since i'll be out of town, but maybe that will give everyone time to get their weigh ins to me.


    tell me your opinion on this - there are some names on the chart that have been sitting there complacently. i have no starting weight, no goal weight, don't see them on the boards...i feel that if these folks haven't responded by next saturday, then they'll be removed from the challenge.

    i'm also thinking that should be a general rule - anyone that misses 2 weigh-ins in a row will be removed. what say you? does that sound like a fair cullen kind of move or an unjust volturi kind of move?

    happy weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Just looking for a little feedback. I love that I am able to track my calories and exercise so that I know I am on track and the scale will more than likely reflect that but does anyone find the "accountability" of counting calories stressful? Like we are ordering italian for dinner and I really want a pizza turnover and I dont know how many calories are in it even though I am using a generic italian restarant calorie counter one. And its stressing me out that I might go over my calories and not know it. AHHHHH its stressful being accountable!

    I was worried about things like this but now I've decided that it really doesn't matter!!! I don't mean that accountability doesn't matter but that every single food and exercise entry is an estimate and that as long as I'm being honest with myself then the pluses and minuses will most likely cancel each other out. Also that your body will be the ultimate guide to how well you are logging - if the scale is moving as you expect then don't panic :)

    Chanstriste, I think it's fine to delete people if you don't hear from them for 2 weeks, it means that the numbers will get smaller but that is ok and will make it more manageable for you. You are doing this for us out of the goodness of your heart, so if people lose interest you don't owe them anything :)
  • foams
    foams Posts: 3
    I'm in, sounds great!
  • foams
    foams Posts: 3
    I'm in, sounds great!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    morning all! i'm on my way to charlotte to visit family - it should be a a good time. i'm sort of off my game right now, but according to the scale (at least since the last pound i gained) i've been maintaining, so that's making me feel better - it hasn't gone up anymore since then. i'm struggling because i'm a nanny, and during the school year i don't go into work until 3pm, so i've been a gym rat since last august. my summer hours are 7am to 6pm, so i haven't gotten my summer workout mojo yet - but i'm going to! i hope all of you have a lovely weekend! i've gotten tons of weigh-ins - congrats on so many successes! i'll have the chart and new challenge posted tomorrow - probably a bit later since i'll be out of town, but maybe that will give everyone time to get their weigh ins to me.


    tell me your opinion on this - there are some names on the chart that have been sitting there complacently. i have no starting weight, no goal weight, don't see them on the boards...i feel that if these folks haven't responded by next saturday, then they'll be removed from the challenge.

    i'm also thinking that should be a general rule - anyone that misses 2 weigh-ins in a row will be removed. what say you? does that sound like a fair cullen kind of move or an unjust volturi kind of move?

    happy weekend! :flowerforyou:

    I love this idea! Less work for you if people don't want to check in they should not be a part of the challenge. I vote yes! And its a Cullen move :smile:
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    Hi everyone! Today is my weigh in day and I tripled checked my scale and even had my husband try it to see if it was right. It said I lost 7 lbs!! I didn't even think that was possible!! Hope I don't gain it back!

    I didn't meet my goal of jogging a mile:-( although I did jog three times during the week:-)
    Has anyone did the couch to 5k thing? I am interested in trying that..might be one of my weekly goals in the future!

    My goals for this week are:
    1) Try a new exercise class at the gym.
    2) Work on jogging

    Have a great weekend everyone:-)
  • katiri732
    katiri732 Posts: 48 Member
    Is it too late to join? what do I need to do?
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    I've just gotten back on MFP after a LONG stressful lapse and I would LOVE to be a part of this challenge. TEAM EDWARD all the way! Is it too late to join???
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    Sorry I haven't been very active. I've had a TERRIBLE week. It started out great actually. I was keeping to my dieting plans really well and was down to 133.6. However that night for some reason I just gave up. For the last couple days it seems like I'm going back and forth from a period of just zoning out and feel like I couldn't make myself eat if I wanted to, to just eating everything in sight (and none of it healthy) I haven't done very well on my goals. I haven't worked out in several days and the last 2.5 days I've been kind of pigging out. I'm back up to 135.6 lbs. I'm sure a lot of it is water retention so I am trying to make myself drink a ton of water today.

    Alright, enough pity party. I need to get back on top of things before I start gaining more. This week's goals are pretty much a carry over from last week:

    1) Work out at least 5 days this week. Can include running, elliptical, strength training, one of my dvds, or going for a long walk with my kids (not just to the mail box)

    2) Get my diet back under control. Log every single thing that I eat (even tiny bites or tastes) for this whole week. If I have to come find it and put it in the food log I'm less likely to bother eating it.

    Here's to a better week this week and continued progress.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Sorry I haven't been very active. I've had a TERRIBLE week. It started out great actually. I was keeping to my dieting plans really well and was down to 133.6. However that night for some reason I just gave up. For the last couple days it seems like I'm going back and forth from a period of just zoning out and feel like I couldn't make myself eat if I wanted to, to just eating everything in sight (and none of it healthy) I haven't done very well on my goals. I haven't worked out in several days and the last 2.5 days I've been kind of pigging out. I'm back up to 135.6 lbs. I'm sure a lot of it is water retention so I am trying to make myself drink a ton of water today.

    Alright, enough pity party. I need to get back on top of things before I start gaining more. This week's goals are pretty much a carry over from last week:

    1) Work out at least 5 days this week. Can include running, elliptical, strength training, one of my dvds, or going for a long walk with my kids (not just to the mail box)

    2) Get my diet back under control. Log every single thing that I eat (even tiny bites or tastes) for this whole week. If I have to come find it and put it in the food log I'm less likely to bother eating it.

    Here's to a better week this week and continued progress.

    Those are great goals. I am sure you will get back on track in no time!
  • rissyroo2002
    rissyroo2002 Posts: 71 Member
    morning all! i'm on my way to charlotte to visit family - it should be a a good time. i'm sort of off my game right now, but according to the scale (at least since the last pound i gained) i've been maintaining, so that's making me feel better - it hasn't gone up anymore since then. i'm struggling because i'm a nanny, and during the school year i don't go into work until 3pm, so i've been a gym rat since last august. my summer hours are 7am to 6pm, so i haven't gotten my summer workout mojo yet - but i'm going to! i hope all of you have a lovely weekend! i've gotten tons of weigh-ins - congrats on so many successes! i'll have the chart and new challenge posted tomorrow - probably a bit later since i'll be out of town, but maybe that will give everyone time to get their weigh ins to me.


    tell me your opinion on this - there are some names on the chart that have been sitting there complacently. i have no starting weight, no goal weight, don't see them on the boards...i feel that if these folks haven't responded by next saturday, then they'll be removed from the challenge.

    i'm also thinking that should be a general rule - anyone that misses 2 weigh-ins in a row will be removed. what say you? does that sound like a fair cullen kind of move or an unjust volturi kind of move?

    happy weekend! :flowerforyou: