The June Move-It 360 minutes a week challenge



  • arubababy
    arubababy Posts: 46 Member
    1st Week of 360 Moving Minutes

    Wednesday - C25k, week 3 day 3 - 25 mins, Gym - Bike - 35 mins, Brisk walk - 20 mins = Total 80 minutes, 512 calories
    Thursday - Walk - 78 mins = Total 78 mins, 334 Calories
    Friday - C25k, week 4 day 1 - 37 mins, Walk - 120 mins = Total 157 minutes, 628 calories
    Saturday - walk - 300 mins = Total 300 minutes, 1014 calories
    Sunday -

    Total Minutes - 615 - Achieved!!!
    Total Calories Burned (Estimate) - 2488

    Went to the seaside today as was nice weather and spent most of the day walking along sea front. My feet aren't thanking me now.
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    I did it!! 180 minutes of kayaking sure did help, but I also did 202 minutes of walking and 163 minutes of wiiactive and wii goldgyms dance. I still have tomorrow and I plan to keep going. If you had told me 7 weeks ago when I first started mfp that I would be doing that much exercise in one week.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    chickadee2010 progress for week 1
    Monday - cleaning and strength workout = 56 minutes
    Tuesday - walking and cardio workout = 38 minutes
    Wednesday - walking, cleaning, and two strength workouts = 55 minutes
    Thursday - three cardio workouts = 80 minutes
    Friday - two strength workouts and throwing a baseball = 23 minutes
    Saturday - cardio workout = 42 minutes

    Total minutes = 249
    Left to go = 114
  • adub762011
    adub762011 Posts: 7 Member
    Week 1: totals 470 min/2500+ calories burned !!
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    Week 1 in the bag!! Not too shabby either!!

    ********DAILY GOAL BURN 500 HRM *************

    Monday 5/30 752 92 min
    Tuesday 5/31 705 90 min
    Wednesday 6/1 558 61 min
    Thursday 6/2 666 77min
    Friday 6/3 878 139 min
    Saturday 6/4 666 83 min
    Sunday 6/5 512 58 min

    ***TOTAL FOR WEEK: 4737 cal 600 min
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Monday- 91 mins (including tf and biking) -approx 500 cals
    Tuesday- 42 mins tf- 259 cals
    Wednesday - 55 mins tf - 359 cals
    Thursday- 60 mins tf - 454 cals
    Friday- 65 mins tb - 200 cals

    Totals- 313 mins- 1742cals
    Remaining - 47 mins

    I got this!! Fire 55Ez today so well over an hour. Woo hoo, I made it!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I got this!! Fire 55Ez today so well over an hour. Woo hoo, I made it!!

    Great Job, Shannon
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    360 min week starting 5/30/11:

    Mon: 90 min = 30 min Leslie Sansone DVD, 30 min bike, 30 min weights......................................270 min left!
    Tue: 25 min Leslie Sansone 1.5 miles....................................................................................................245 min left!
    Wed: 40 min LS DVD - 2.5 miles...............................................................................................................205 min left!
    Thu: 30 min LS DVD 2 miles......................................................................................................................175 min left!
    Fri: 70 min = 30 min bike, 40 min weights............................................................................................. 105 min left!
    Sat: rest day
    Sun: 105 min = 65 min bike, 40 min weights....................................................................0 min left!!!!:heart::heart: :flowerforyou:

    I forced myself to do 30 more min on the bike today to meet my 360 minutes quota this week and I had such a good time working out today. Saw some old workout buddies I have not seen in a while because I usually don't go to the gym on Sunday mornings.

    Congrats everyone and keep on wiggling and jiggling next week!! It is nice having so many join the group this month!! You all are rocking it!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Week 1 in the bag!! Not too shabby either!!

    ********DAILY GOAL BURN 500 HRM *************

    Monday 5/30 752 92 min
    Tuesday 5/31 705 90 min
    Wednesday 6/1 558 61 min
    Thursday 6/2 666 77min
    Friday 6/3 878 139 min
    Saturday 6/4 666 83 min
    Sunday 6/5 512 58 min

    ***TOTAL FOR WEEK: 4737 cal 600 min

    Wow!!!! Congrats!! I see you all mean serious business!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Week 1: totals 470 min/2500+ calories burned !!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Sorry for being MIA ladies, I have just been so "cotton picking" busy!!

    Monday~worked all day.
    Tuesday~36/363 Agricise HRM
    30/ 223 PW HRM
    Wednesday~60/582 W-INT HRM
    Thursday~150/1553 Agricise HRM
    80~518 Weedeater workout HRM
    Friday~60/419 Gardening HRM
    35/293 Walking the dogs HRM


    91 today! There was frost here last week!

    Good job Alice!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Wonderful job everyone!! Sorry I could not comment to everyone and that is just because it is too many of you all this month! But you all are rocking for sure!!

    For those who are not going to get the 360 this week have no fear you still did something and tried it. You have plenty of time to get it this month!! So keep shooting for the stars because we are all stars!! Whoohoooo!!!

    Happy Sunday!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Sorry for being MIA ladies, I have just been so "cotton picking" busy!!

    Monday~worked all day.
    Tuesday~36/363 Agricise HRM
    30/ 223 PW HRM
    Wednesday~60/582 W-INT HRM
    Thursday~150/1553 Agricise HRM
    80~518 Weedeater workout HRM
    Friday~60/419 Gardening HRM
    35/293 Walking the dogs HRM
    Saturday~60/539 Weedeater workout HRM


    I wasn't quite done yet Mollie. I am now. Thank you for your support and magnificent motivation.

    Looking at your results for the week all we can say is, "Good Golly Miss Mollie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Monday- 91 mins (including tf and biking) -approx 500 cals
    Tuesday- 42 mins tf- 259 cals
    Wednesday - 55 mins tf - 359 cals
    Thursday- 60 mins tf - 454 cals
    Friday- 65 mins tb - 200 cals
    Sunday- 73 mins tf -590 cals

    Totals- 386 mins- 2332cals

    Thanx Kim!! I made it. I think this might be my first time. I feel accomplished. Maybe next week ill work on upping my cals.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Week 1 - 360 minutes per week

    05/30 - 90 mins of gardening
    05/31 - 20 mins walking to/from school + 30 mins run/walk C25K
    06/01 - 30 min elliptical
    06/02 - 20 min walking to/from school + 20 min run/walk C25K (short due to kids ) + 20 min bike ride
    06/03 - 20 min walking to/from school + 35 min elliptical
    06/04 - 90 min gardening
    06/05 - 30 mins run/walk c25k

    Minutes done - 385
    Minutes left - 0 Woooooohoooooo!!!! This is the first challenge I have finished! I think next week I will track calories as well!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: 7k (4.35 mile run) 38/368, 1.9 mile walk 30/118
    tuesday: 2.5 mile run 27/228
    wednesday: 5.6 mile run 57/487
    thursday: 2.9 mile run 28/250
    friday: 3.75 mile run 38/324
    saturday: 2.26 mile run 23/196, walk 70/227
    sunday: clean 40/98, yoga 35/86

    total for the week: 386 minutes/2382 calories
    miles this week: 21.36 miles :)

    i didn't get my long run in today due to a ridiculous blister plaguing the bottom of my foot...hoping i am still ready for my half marathon on saturday!!! :)
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Week 1

    Monday 5/30 - 40 minutes walking; 155 calories
    Tuesday 5/31 - 60 minutes; 302 calories (walking w/ dog, walk/jog)
    Wednesday 6/1 - 30 minutes weight lifting, 60 minutes calisthenics; 351 calories
    Thursday 6/2 - 85 minutes walking; 357 calories
    Friday 6/3 - 60 minutes walking; 354 calories
    Saturday - rest day (if you count 10 hours manning a garage sale in 98 degrees resting)
    Sunday - 50 minutes walking; 195 calories

    Minutes Left - goal exceeded by 25 minutes
    Total Calories Burned - 1,714

    Next week I hope to exceed the weekly goal by more than 25 minutes, but I'm thrilled I managed it this week! On to week 2!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I think I made it! I cleaned for 6 hours today, lightly. I'm so adding that because I don't do it too often, not that much anyway. Then my cardio workout later today. But I'll log everything around 11 tonight. :)
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    June Challenge - Week #1 Final

    Monday (May 30) - 37 minutes brisk walk- 37 min done
    Tuesday - 60 minutes, Zumba - 97 minutes done
    Wednesday -53 minutes - Exercise Video - 150 min done
    Thursday - 50 minutes - Step Aerobics - 200 min done
    Friday - 55 minutes - Zumba - 255 min done
    Saturday - 50 minutes walk on treadmill - 305 done
    Sunday - 55 minutes - walk on treadmill (45) - strength training (10) - 360 min done
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    360 Moving Minutes - Week 1

    Monday (May 30) - 72 minutes walking/jogging 610 calories burned (HRM)
    Tuesday - (May 31) - 43 minutes walking 221 calories burned
    Wednesday - (June 1) - 49 minutes walking - 336 calories
    Thursday - nada
    Friday - 55 minutes walking 427 calories burned
    Saturday -
    Sunday - 60 minutes walking/jogging 516 calories burned

    Minutes Left - 81
    Total Calories Burned - 2110