Hello and welcome to a new community of carb conscience people. We are a group of people who eat low carb and high carb through out the week. Whether you follow Chris Powell or some other program, we all are in this together. We are looking for active members to post here daily for accountability and support. We ask that you sign your post with your name or nick name so it's easier to respond to you. Please start with an introduction, and three goals you want to accomplish this month, and let the support begin !


  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Hi! I'm fairly new to the MFP, although I've been logging for awhile, I hadn't really embraced the community part of this site. I watched Extreme Weightloss on TV for a few seasons and figure if they can do it, so can I. I'm currently on Chris Powells turbo cycle, I low carb two days, high carb a day then low carb the next two, then Sunday's are a free day.... I have quite a bit to learn on this type of diet and looking forward to this thread. I'm a wife and a mother of a college age son. I would rather workout then eat keeping with in the carb principles is a challenge. But I know, when I eat right, the scale moves more than just exercising alone..... I look forward to meeting new friends here !
    My Goals for September....
    Workout 6 days a week
    Prepare two new meals a week
    Lose a pants size !!

  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    edited September 2015
    wooohoo carb cyclers unite :) ...I am Megan I have been carb cycling since Aug. 8, 2015 I am loving it ...3 goals I would like to accomplish this month are to lose 6 pounds continue my workouts without having back pain(just started hurting yesterday) and to find more delicious low carb meals (tired of eating the same thing)

    Sue thanks for starting this group ( maybe we should put this under groups ) instead of motivation ...Let me know if you would like me to start a group

    :) Megan
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Megan - Thanks for joining! Yeah, I wasn't sure where to start this...just knew we needed to do it. Let's see how many people join up and go from there. I like the ease of the way the thread works here rather than under can scroll through comments easier. But hey, I'm open to anything to keep me motivated to do this !

    That's fantastic you have been doing this for a month....what has been your results so far?
  • Db8688
    Db8688 Posts: 186 Member
    edited September 2015
    I've been using MFP for about three years but I'm very new to carb cycling. My official start date is set for 9/14. My goals are:
    1. loose 8 lbs in the first month
    2. continue to amp up my weight lifting to build more muscle and reduce fat
    3. to fit back into the small batch of clothes I bought and wore for one season before falling off plan and regaining about 30 of the 60 lbs I had lost in 2013.

    I haven't used the message boards very much so I'm new to this side of MFP. I know that building a support group is an important part of succeeding in this journey. Thanks to social media and the internet there is no reason people cannot find some form of support group to follow or participate in to help keep them on track.

    I'm learning that many of us share some of the same challenges in our quest to follow a healthy lifestyle and a lot of us have spent years thinking that we were alone with our struggle. One of my favorite quotes is "If we don't take care of our bodies, where will we live?"

  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Tiffany. I love Chris Powell and his show, it's so inspiring. Right now I'm only carb cycling my dinners until I get used to this healthy eating thing (it's only my 2nd week). I'm no stranger to weight loss and dieting. I lost 33 pounds back in 2012 with diet and exercise. I gained it all back plus more.

    3 goals I would like to accomplish this month are:
    1.) Working out a minimum of 6 days a week.
    2.) Eating out only on my reward meal day (Saturday).
    3.) Loose at least 6-8 pounds.

    It's nice to meet everyone
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    edited September 2015
    Welcome DB! I love your goals and have no doubt you will reach them ! I work out quite a bit but it's been at home with some sort of DVD. What sort of workouts do you like to do ? "If we don't take care of our bodies, where will we live?" Could not be more true !! Thanks for sharing!

  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    Megan - Thanks for joining! Yeah, I wasn't sure where to start this...just knew we needed to do it. Let's see how many people join up and go from there. I like the ease of the way the thread works here rather than under can scroll through comments easier. But hey, I'm open to anything to keep me motivated to do this !

    That's fantastic you have been doing this for a month....what has been your results so far?

    My results have been I have lost 7 lbs since Aug. 8th ....I workout 6 days a week low carb days I do strength training to Chris Powell's dvd. and high carb days I do aerobics ( this week since hurting my back yesterday ...I am doing all cardio ( 3 days walking to Leslie Sansone dvd's and 3 days aerobics)

    Welcome DB and Tiffany :)

  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Welcome Tiffany! Yay ! Thanks for joining. I totally agree on the eating out timing ....if I could only convince my husband to get on the same page ! Starting out small will probably be more successful in the long run . I weigh in on Wednesdays, and this is start of my second week . I too lost weight years back and gained it back .....sounds like the people in this group have a lot in common, which is amazing.
  • Db8688
    Db8688 Posts: 186 Member
    I started with easy DVD's - Leslie Sansone's Walk at home series (I have two different ones) - Then I moved on to Pilates, Yoga, and Kettlebell DVD's. Once I dropped the first 30lbs my energy levels soared and I came across the 90 Day Supreme Workout Series at a Big Lots store for $4.99. I followed the workout schedule but not the food schedule. This series is much like P90x. There are about 9 different DVDs you rotate through either focusing on weight lifting or cardio. The mix keeps your body from adapting to a routine. Now I go to a gym 5 days a week. I do weight lifting classes 3 times(Body Blast) and cardio 2 times (Zumba and Spin Class). My favorite exercise is weightlifting. Zumba is the most fun cardio I've ever done. (Besides walking or jogging on the beach, LOL) I don't like traditional cardio workouts very much so with Zumba I forget I'm getting a good cardio workout too. I would love to hear what workouts you and other posters do as well. I'm about at the point where I feel like I've seen or done about every exercise out there in some form or fashion. Winter time is always my hardest time of year. It seems like around November I go into hibernation mode and stay that way until about April. Hopefully going to classes and staying active with the message boards on MFP will prevent this from happening this year.
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    Welcome Tiffany! Yay ! Thanks for joining. I totally agree on the eating out timing ....if I could only convince my husband to get on the same page ! Starting out small will probably be more successful in the long run . I weigh in on Wednesdays, and this is start of my second week . I too lost weight years back and gained it back .....sounds like the people in this group have a lot in common, which is amazing.

    I've been struggling with eating out too often for the past 2 years. Eating out combined with a lack of exercise caused me to reach my highest weight ever. Right now I'm trying to convince the husband to get his junk food cravings out of his system at work. The last time I lost weight it was for a trip to Antigua and I had a lot of strength to stick to a diet. I don't know what happened between 2013 and 2015 because I went in 2 more tropical vacations but I never could stay on track with my eating and was not happy with how I looked on vacation. I am determined to stick with diet and exercise this time around and plan a reward vacation when I reach my goal.
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    Db8688 wrote: »
    I started with easy DVD's - Leslie Sansone's Walk at home series (I have two different ones) - Then I moved on to Pilates, Yoga, and Kettlebell DVD's. Once I dropped the first 30lbs my energy levels soared and I came across the 90 Day Supreme Workout Series at a Big Lots store for $4.99. I followed the workout schedule but not the food schedule. This series is much like P90x. There are about 9 different DVDs you rotate through either focusing on weight lifting or cardio. The mix keeps your body from adapting to a routine. Now I go to a gym 5 days a week. I do weight lifting classes 3 times(Body Blast) and cardio 2 times (Zumba and Spin Class). My favorite exercise is weightlifting. Zumba is the most fun cardio I've ever done. (Besides walking or jogging on the beach, LOL) I don't like traditional cardio workouts very much so with Zumba I forget I'm getting a good cardio workout too. I would love to hear what workouts you and other posters do as well. I'm about at the point where I feel like I've seen or done about every exercise out there in some form or fashion. Winter time is always my hardest time of year. It seems like around November I go into hibernation mode and stay that way until about April. Hopefully going to classes and staying active with the message boards on MFP will prevent this from happening this year.

    I'm pretty boring when it comes to workouts. I go to the gym and lift weights and do cardio on the elliptical, walk on my home treadmill, walk at work, anything to get in my 10,000 steps. I'm outside walking right now and it's so hot at 10am! It will reach 105 here today. I agree about the winter months. When it's cold and rainy I don't want to get out of bed for my 5am workout and I crave comfort food.
  • SpectacuLaura
    SpectacuLaura Posts: 144 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Laura and I'm on week 4 of a carb cycling program and I'm loving it so far! I do low days Sun, Mon, Thurs, Fri and high days Tues, Wed, Sat (with one cheat meal on Saturday night). I also do weight training followed by cardio 4 days a week and cardio/yoga every other day for my "rest" days. I've only lost 3lbs so far, but I'm committing to this program for 12 weeks so I'm hoping to see some more drastic results as I stick with it. Would love some extra support from MFP buddies :)

    3 goals for this month:

    1. Stop chewing so much gum! I'm obsessed lol
    2. Continue to work hard and go up in weight on all of my exercises
    3. Lose 3-5 lbs.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Welcome Laura :)
  • bbowman1225
    bbowman1225 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! Glad to see this thread! I skimmed Chris powells book and began the turbo carb cycling 8/17/15 I lost about 2 lbs per week for 3 weeks- good I think and I was never hungry. However I ran out of things to eat that werent the same thing all the time. Constant cottage cheese, deli meat, salad and chicken and the guidelines still confuse me. I feel like I am fairly knowledgable about how to lose weight but this is a new system to me and I am having trouble keeping it all straight and figuring out what to look for on labels when shopping to stay within the carb cycle "rules"...I also ate normally over Labor Day weekend while we were camping and have not started back up carb cycling and I need to do that ASAP! Any recipe ideas or snack ideas you guys? So glad to see this group. I am happy to say that My body appreciates and responds well while sticking to the 5 small meals every 3 hrs and eating breakfast first thing upon waking.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    edited September 2015
    Welcome bbowman ...I use and for my low carb days( there is a section that says low carb) ....I am always over on my sodium when I eat cottage cheese and jennie o deli turkey
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    edited September 2015
    Welcome Laura and bbowman !! We're glad you found us!!

    Megan - love the links thanks for sharing.....

    Do you all Pinterest ? DB. thought about a meal recipe board just for us.... Thoughts ?

    Ok... What's for dinner ? It's my high carb day so I'm thinking some sort for potato or rice added into my meat and veggie duet. What are you guys doing ?
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    DB - I'm duly impressed by your workouts. I want to try spinning but a little intimidated at the moment

  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Bbowman - I'm doing the turbo cycle too. Today is high carb day for me.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    tiffkittyw wrote: »
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    I've been struggling with eating out too often for the past 2 years. Eating out combined with a lack of exercise caused me to reach my highest weight ever. Right now I'm trying to convince the husband to get his junk food cravings out of his system at work. The last time I lost weight it was for a trip to Antigua and I had a lot of strength to stick to a diet. I don't know what happened between 2013 and 2015 because I went in 2 more tropical vacations but I never could stay on track with my eating and was not happy with how I looked on vacation. I am determined to stick with diet and exercise this time around and plan a reward vacation when I reach my goal.
    I always do better with these type of rewards - goals, unfortunately I have figured out one yet
  • jillmarie36
    jillmarie36 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi!! My name is Jill. I'm interested in joining this group however I've only heard about carb cycling through the show Extreme Weight Loss (which I love)! I've only been doing FMP since yesterday, I too am one to workout hard instead of focusing on eating. My only saving grace is I'm good a portion control. I've recently had a baby boy and it's harder for me to get to the gym so I figure the easiest thing is to watch and control what I'm eating. I factor in my breastfeeding calories so I'm not compromising my milk supply.

    My goals would be to:
    1. Track what I'm eating daily, so make my entries daily
    2. Workout at least 3xweek
    3. Control amount we eat out and food over the weekends

    Is there an area/website you would recommend I read to learn more about how to carb cycle and what I follow as far as meal plans?