

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,409 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    We don't have pumpkin flavoured ANYTHING here. We don't even have tinned pumpkin. You can buy fresh ones around Halloween but that's about it (and I think we have pumpkin soup!). I don't really know what it tastes of. Another thing to try if I ever make it to the USA again.

    Oh yes we doooooo! Go to your local Tescos and find the 'Around the worlds' Section. It has a load of American foods, including pureed pumpkin. I found it last year and was so happy to see it back. It kinda disappeared over the summer. Beware though. That section also has yummy pop tarts, massive packs of Oreos and other yummy things.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I confess I'm a home wrecker......

    Today as I was out walking I noticed a pretty blue gray bird by the side of the lake and as I passed, I watched it fly off it was beautiful.
    When I turned my face forward again I did so just in time to see the middle of a rather large spider web. It spanned over my head to mid chest.

    First of all I'm sorry spider for wrecking your very close knit large web. I'm sure it took along time to make. I hope you have enough web to build another one

    Secondly. Shriek, wild thrashing about with my arms trying to get it off of me, and dear God please don't let that spider be on me.

    I was pulling weeds in my front flower garden Saturday. (It was WAY past due, and the weeds were way out of control, but that's a different confession.) I have a certain garbage can that I put pulled weeds in. It's really old and has a hole worn in the bottom, so I can't put anything small or liquid in it. Anyway, I pull out this garbage can and there is a GINORMOUS black widow spider in its web behind the garbage can. I don't have a photo to show you, because I was too busy SQUISHING it!!!

    Black widow spiders freaked me out as a kid. Some how I got the impression that if they bit me I could become very ill and possibly die.

    We had a tack shed that they seemed to like for some reason. I remember going into it with my sister behind me.
    Well there was one over my head and running right at me. I think I ran clean over my sister to get out.

    My husband laughs about when he was young that they ( all boys in the family) had a black widow spider as a pet. They would feed it flies. They kept it in a mason jar with little holes in the top so it could breathe. All went well until till she had about 1000 babies that were small enough to crawl out the holes in the top. They all laugh about it.

    To this day I can catch and hold almost anything but spiders.

    I woke up with a black widow on my chest once (on top of the blanket) as a teenager. Totally freaked out about that!
    This is the one I killed from my shed last week. This is not a good picture but I wanted to make sure I killed her. She was the biggest I have seen.

    Yeah, the one I squished was about that size.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I confess I'm a home wrecker......

    Today as I was out walking I noticed a pretty blue gray bird by the side of the lake and as I passed, I watched it fly off it was beautiful.
    When I turned my face forward again I did so just in time to see the middle of a rather large spider web. It spanned over my head to mid chest.

    First of all I'm sorry spider for wrecking your very close knit large web. I'm sure it took along time to make. I hope you have enough web to build another one

    Secondly. Shriek, wild thrashing about with my arms trying to get it off of me, and dear God please don't let that spider be on me.

    I was pulling weeds in my front flower garden Saturday. (It was WAY past due, and the weeds were way out of control, but that's a different confession.) I have a certain garbage can that I put pulled weeds in. It's really old and has a hole worn in the bottom, so I can't put anything small or liquid in it. Anyway, I pull out this garbage can and there is a GINORMOUS black widow spider in its web behind the garbage can. I don't have a photo to show you, because I was too busy SQUISHING it!!!

    Black widow spiders freaked me out as a kid. Some how I got the impression that if they bit me I could become very ill and possibly die.

    We had a tack shed that they seemed to like for some reason. I remember going into it with my sister behind me.
    Well there was one over my head and running right at me. I think I ran clean over my sister to get out.

    My husband laughs about when he was young that they ( all boys in the family) had a black widow spider as a pet. They would feed it flies. They kept it in a mason jar with little holes in the top so it could breathe. All went well until till she had about 1000 babies that were small enough to crawl out the holes in the top. They all laugh about it.

    To this day I can catch and hold almost anything but spiders.

    I woke up with a black widow on my chest once (on top of the blanket) as a teenager. Totally freaked out about that!

    I used to keep a carafe of water next to my bed because I woke up thirsty a lot. One night, I was lazy and, instead of sitting up to drink, I just picked up the carafe in the dark and tilted it over my mouth. A COCKROACH fell off the lip. ONTO MY FACE. To this day, a cockroach is the only bug that will send me running and screaming. Before that, I wasn't at all afraid of them. A cockroach running across your face can do that to you, apparently.

    OMG, I would literally just die at that moment.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #22

    this was saturday afternoon and was probably the most "non-date" first date ever.
    i'll fully admit, i didn't even attempt to try.

    had been talking to this dude for a lil while, and we kept trying to set something up, but schedules were always getting in the way. so on saturday he's like hey! i'm free for a bit this afternoon if you want to chill. my reply? it's a pajama jams saturday, i have zero intentions of doing anything other than having beverages and listening to my ipod. zero fracks shall be given. (yeah, not trying, at all).

    apparently this dude saw my ghetto attitude as fun and refreshing (lol), and was like sounds awesome!
    so dude came over and chilled on the porch for a while with beverages, chit chats, and a random cig here and there. he was also very fond of my batman pajamas (yeah i don't mess around). found out he's a lawyer (classy!), and really, really chill and relaxed, which apparently doesn't quite meld with his profession. so i'm thinking the idea to sit on a porch with a chick in pj's and beverages would be a fun change of pace.

    and he was really nice! hung out for a few hours, and i actually had a great time.
    maybe a #2? who knows, gonna have to wait and see, but overall a good day :)

    Can I just say that I think it's Super Great that the date you didn't want has been the best one lately? I hope there's a #2.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I confess I'm a home wrecker......

    Today as I was out walking I noticed a pretty blue gray bird by the side of the lake and as I passed, I watched it fly off it was beautiful.
    When I turned my face forward again I did so just in time to see the middle of a rather large spider web. It spanned over my head to mid chest.

    First of all I'm sorry spider for wrecking your very close knit large web. I'm sure it took along time to make. I hope you have enough web to build another one

    Secondly. Shriek, wild thrashing about with my arms trying to get it off of me, and dear God please don't let that spider be on me.

    I was pulling weeds in my front flower garden Saturday. (It was WAY past due, and the weeds were way out of control, but that's a different confession.) I have a certain garbage can that I put pulled weeds in. It's really old and has a hole worn in the bottom, so I can't put anything small or liquid in it. Anyway, I pull out this garbage can and there is a GINORMOUS black widow spider in its web behind the garbage can. I don't have a photo to show you, because I was too busy SQUISHING it!!!

    Black widow spiders freaked me out as a kid. Some how I got the impression that if they bit me I could become very ill and possibly die.

    We had a tack shed that they seemed to like for some reason. I remember going into it with my sister behind me.
    Well there was one over my head and running right at me. I think I ran clean over my sister to get out.

    My husband laughs about when he was young that they ( all boys in the family) had a black widow spider as a pet. They would feed it flies. They kept it in a mason jar with little holes in the top so it could breathe. All went well until till she had about 1000 babies that were small enough to crawl out the holes in the top. They all laugh about it.

    To this day I can catch and hold almost anything but spiders.

    I woke up with a black widow on my chest once (on top of the blanket) as a teenager. Totally freaked out about that!

    I used to keep a carafe of water next to my bed because I woke up thirsty a lot. One night, I was lazy and, instead of sitting up to drink, I just picked up the carafe in the dark and tilted it over my mouth. A COCKROACH fell off the lip. ONTO MY FACE. To this day, a cockroach is the only bug that will send me running and screaming. Before that, I wasn't at all afraid of them. A cockroach running across your face can do that to you, apparently.

    Oh my gosh that is the most disgusting thing ever.

    Agreed! Yuck!

    Glad it didn't go in your mouth. But yes how horrable
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I confess I'm a home wrecker......

    Today as I was out walking I noticed a pretty blue gray bird by the side of the lake and as I passed, I watched it fly off it was beautiful.
    When I turned my face forward again I did so just in time to see the middle of a rather large spider web. It spanned over my head to mid chest.

    First of all I'm sorry spider for wrecking your very close knit large web. I'm sure it took along time to make. I hope you have enough web to build another one

    Secondly. Shriek, wild thrashing about with my arms trying to get it off of me, and dear God please don't let that spider be on me.

    I was pulling weeds in my front flower garden Saturday. (It was WAY past due, and the weeds were way out of control, but that's a different confession.) I have a certain garbage can that I put pulled weeds in. It's really old and has a hole worn in the bottom, so I can't put anything small or liquid in it. Anyway, I pull out this garbage can and there is a GINORMOUS black widow spider in its web behind the garbage can. I don't have a photo to show you, because I was too busy SQUISHING it!!!

    Black widow spiders freaked me out as a kid. Some how I got the impression that if they bit me I could become very ill and possibly die.

    We had a tack shed that they seemed to like for some reason. I remember going into it with my sister behind me.
    Well there was one over my head and running right at me. I think I ran clean over my sister to get out.

    My husband laughs about when he was young that they ( all boys in the family) had a black widow spider as a pet. They would feed it flies. They kept it in a mason jar with little holes in the top so it could breathe. All went well until till she had about 1000 babies that were small enough to crawl out the holes in the top. They all laugh about it.

    To this day I can catch and hold almost anything but spiders.

    I woke up with a black widow on my chest once (on top of the blanket) as a teenager. Totally freaked out about that!
    This is the one I killed from my shed last week. This is not a good picture but I wanted to make sure I killed her. She was the biggest I have seen.

    Pretty big and is that it's egg sac?
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I confess I'm a home wrecker......

    Today as I was out walking I noticed a pretty blue gray bird by the side of the lake and as I passed, I watched it fly off it was beautiful.
    When I turned my face forward again I did so just in time to see the middle of a rather large spider web. It spanned over my head to mid chest.

    First of all I'm sorry spider for wrecking your very close knit large web. I'm sure it took along time to make. I hope you have enough web to build another one

    Secondly. Shriek, wild thrashing about with my arms trying to get it off of me, and dear God please don't let that spider be on me.

    I was pulling weeds in my front flower garden Saturday. (It was WAY past due, and the weeds were way out of control, but that's a different confession.) I have a certain garbage can that I put pulled weeds in. It's really old and has a hole worn in the bottom, so I can't put anything small or liquid in it. Anyway, I pull out this garbage can and there is a GINORMOUS black widow spider in its web behind the garbage can. I don't have a photo to show you, because I was too busy SQUISHING it!!!

    Black widow spiders freaked me out as a kid. Some how I got the impression that if they bit me I could become very ill and possibly die.

    We had a tack shed that they seemed to like for some reason. I remember going into it with my sister behind me.
    Well there was one over my head and running right at me. I think I ran clean over my sister to get out.

    My husband laughs about when he was young that they ( all boys in the family) had a black widow spider as a pet. They would feed it flies. They kept it in a mason jar with little holes in the top so it could breathe. All went well until till she had about 1000 babies that were small enough to crawl out the holes in the top. They all laugh about it.

    To this day I can catch and hold almost anything but spiders.

    I woke up with a black widow on my chest once (on top of the blanket) as a teenager. Totally freaked out about that!

    I used to keep a carafe of water next to my bed because I woke up thirsty a lot. One night, I was lazy and, instead of sitting up to drink, I just picked up the carafe in the dark and tilted it over my mouth. A COCKROACH fell off the lip. ONTO MY FACE. To this day, a cockroach is the only bug that will send me running and screaming. Before that, I wasn't at all afraid of them. A cockroach running across your face can do that to you, apparently.

    Oh my gosh that is the most disgusting thing ever.

    I don't know about that. I use a rescue inhaler for asthma and once took it out of my pocket and put it on a log while I was having lunch on a hike. When I needed it later, I sucked in a mouthful of small black ants. Literally a spit take. Rinsed my mouth out, spit again, rinsed again and spit again and then took the inhaler apart rinsed it all off and used it again. It's uncomfortable to sit with the inhaler in my front pocket, but I don't take it out while hiking anymore.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Just popping in for a second, I'm still here, just really busy!

    *If you have reservations about religion or God, you may want to skip this post, I really hope you don't, but if that's the case you may want to stop here!*

    These past few weeks I've been really struggling, especially after finding out that the doctors are completely confused about Raelynn and what we need to do from here. I literally drove home Friday in tears because I don't know what else we can do. She's got these problems, but she doesn't meet the criteria for this diagnosis and that one and so forth. I've been at the end of my rope. BIL and SIL invited us to come to their church last Sunday, and I decided to put my reservations about church and religion aside for that and go because they really wanted us to go. I absolutely do not regret that decision one bit! Something happened during that service, and I just threw my hands up and told God, "I don't know what's going to happen from here, I don't know what's down the road, but I know I can't keep living like this and I can't do this on my own. I need your help." Ever since, I've felt so much better, I feel like I've got so much peace in my life for once, and I'm so happy! :smiley:
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Now for what I came to confess: I skipped my weigh in yesterday because I don't want to know what the damage is from eating everything in sight Wednesday through Saturday last week and not going to the gum since last Tuesday.
    I have been sick for a week (thanks goldenrod and ragweed) and I just haven't been able to make myself eat well and move. I have eaten better the last two days and I am going to workout tonight. I'll weigh on the gym scale and record the damage.

    I am very disappointed in myself. This has been my biggest food screw up in two years.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    Now for what I came to confess: I skipped my weigh in yesterday because I don't want to know what the damage is from eating everything in sight Wednesday through Saturday last week and not going to the gum since last Tuesday.
    I have been sick for a week (thanks goldenrod and ragweed) and I just haven't been able to make myself eat well and move. I have eaten better the last two days and I am going to workout tonight. I'll weigh on the gym scale and record the damage.

    I am very disappointed in myself. This has been my biggest food screw up in two years.

    You will see it and own it. You know what to do to fix it. Just keep going. Good job for taking account for it.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #22

    this was saturday afternoon and was probably the most "non-date" first date ever.
    i'll fully admit, i didn't even attempt to try.

    had been talking to this dude for a lil while, and we kept trying to set something up, but schedules were always getting in the way. so on saturday he's like hey! i'm free for a bit this afternoon if you want to chill. my reply? it's a pajama jams saturday, i have zero intentions of doing anything other than having beverages and listening to my ipod. zero fracks shall be given. (yeah, not trying, at all).

    apparently this dude saw my ghetto attitude as fun and refreshing (lol), and was like sounds awesome!
    so dude came over and chilled on the porch for a while with beverages, chit chats, and a random cig here and there. he was also very fond of my batman pajamas (yeah i don't mess around). found out he's a lawyer (classy!), and really, really chill and relaxed, which apparently doesn't quite meld with his profession. so i'm thinking the idea to sit on a porch with a chick in pj's and beverages would be a fun change of pace.

    and he was really nice! hung out for a few hours, and i actually had a great time.
    maybe a #2? who knows, gonna have to wait and see, but overall a good day :)

    I might steal this date idea....

    Update on SSP:

    So we met at his place Sunday morning, no coffee, because he doesn't drink coffee, but he did make iced tea. He told me about the supervisor's class he took while in Houston and what it told him about relationships with subordinates and how it scared him. Something about being able to be 'friendly' but not being able to be friends or have relationships with them outside of the work environment. That's PART ONE of why he dumped me.
    Part two was that he was getting nervous about how attached I was and how attached he was GETTING! So on the BRIGHT side, I'm a really amazing girl and he likes me. But I'm not quite worth putting his career in jeopardy. Which I think is totally understandable, he's been doing this job for years and years and he's looking at retiring in a decade or so. He wants me to stay where I am and have the opportunity to use the tuition reimbursement and open hours of nightshift to get a degree.

    Anyway, I gave him his kindle back that he let me borrow, he mentioned something about it not being destroyed and I said I didn't even THINK about it despite how hurt and mad I was because I am a rational human for the most part.
    He said he thinks the circumstances suck and now he is one of those dumb ones. When I asked what he meant, he brought up that we had a conversation once about the men who were dumb enough to let me walk away from them. I told him not to worry about it and that I won't be waiting around for circumstances to change and that I don't expect him to either. He made some joke about him being eternally single and whatnot, we said our good byes and I left.
    I wanted to scream in his face and call him a hypocrite because him and the Lt hang out, ride motorcycles, and have dinner about once a month. If that isn't considered being 'friends' I don't know what is. If the Lt can be more than 'friendly' with his sergeants, why can't he(SSP) be more than 'friendly' with me?

    Oh well. He's made his choice and I'm already down a pound so, his loss.

    Anyway, I reconnected with a guy I met back when I was working at Lowe's in early mid 2014. His name is Jason and he always offered to buy me lunch when I was working as a cashier there, but I usually brought my lunch.

    We have plans for something on Thursday, but nothing concrete as of yet. I'm not feeling so much as a date as more of a 'hey let's just get out of the house for a bit' kinda thing. He knows the situation and is cool with maybe just some mini golf or a movie. "Having a new friend is good, if nothing else" he said.

    ETA: Edited because emotions make typing hard
    Edited again to add: I don't want to be with a guy who is going to be breaking things off because he's afraid of his own feelings anyway. That just shouldn't be a reason.

    Well the supervisor class is an excuse. If he is 10 years from retirement then he knows better than to have an affair with a subordinate.

    I think the 2nd part is most likely the reason. And 'eternally single' is a clue right there. Also at his age if he's never been married he is likely to be a commitment phobe. Enjoy your next date!

    This. You are right. You don't want to be involved with somebody who breaks things off because he's afraid of his feelings. You also don't want to be involved with somebody who breaks things off VIA TEXT. Still unacceptable, in my book.

    Enjoy your hangout time with Jason.

    NEXT :smiley:
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    Just popping in for a second, I'm still here, just really busy!

    *If you have reservations about religion or God, you may want to skip this post, I really hope you don't, but if that's the case you may want to stop here!*

    These past few weeks I've been really struggling, especially after finding out that the doctors are completely confused about Raelynn and what we need to do from here. I literally drove home Friday in tears because I don't know what else we can do. She's got these problems, but she doesn't meet the criteria for this diagnosis and that one and so forth. I've been at the end of my rope. BIL and SIL invited us to come to their church last Sunday, and I decided to put my reservations about church and religion aside for that and go because they really wanted us to go. I absolutely do not regret that decision one bit! Something happened during that service, and I just threw my hands up and told God, "I don't know what's going to happen from here, I don't know what's down the road, but I know I can't keep living like this and I can't do this on my own. I need your help." Ever since, I've felt so much better, I feel like I've got so much peace in my life for once, and I'm so happy! :smiley:

    It sounds like you have found a way to get some of the stress off your shoulders. I pray, so sometimes it helps to just let go and give those troubles over. Sometimes just getting them out helps. I know you and Raelynn will be just fine.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I confess I'm a home wrecker......

    Today as I was out walking I noticed a pretty blue gray bird by the side of the lake and as I passed, I watched it fly off it was beautiful.
    When I turned my face forward again I did so just in time to see the middle of a rather large spider web. It spanned over my head to mid chest.

    First of all I'm sorry spider for wrecking your very close knit large web. I'm sure it took along time to make. I hope you have enough web to build another one

    Secondly. Shriek, wild thrashing about with my arms trying to get it off of me, and dear God please don't let that spider be on me.

    I was pulling weeds in my front flower garden Saturday. (It was WAY past due, and the weeds were way out of control, but that's a different confession.) I have a certain garbage can that I put pulled weeds in. It's really old and has a hole worn in the bottom, so I can't put anything small or liquid in it. Anyway, I pull out this garbage can and there is a GINORMOUS black widow spider in its web behind the garbage can. I don't have a photo to show you, because I was too busy SQUISHING it!!!

    Black widow spiders freaked me out as a kid. Some how I got the impression that if they bit me I could become very ill and possibly die.

    We had a tack shed that they seemed to like for some reason. I remember going into it with my sister behind me.
    Well there was one over my head and running right at me. I think I ran clean over my sister to get out.

    My husband laughs about when he was young that they ( all boys in the family) had a black widow spider as a pet. They would feed it flies. They kept it in a mason jar with little holes in the top so it could breathe. All went well until till she had about 1000 babies that were small enough to crawl out the holes in the top. They all laugh about it.

    To this day I can catch and hold almost anything but spiders.

    I woke up with a black widow on my chest once (on top of the blanket) as a teenager. Totally freaked out about that!

    I used to keep a carafe of water next to my bed because I woke up thirsty a lot. One night, I was lazy and, instead of sitting up to drink, I just picked up the carafe in the dark and tilted it over my mouth. A COCKROACH fell off the lip. ONTO MY FACE. To this day, a cockroach is the only bug that will send me running and screaming. Before that, I wasn't at all afraid of them. A cockroach running across your face can do that to you, apparently.

    Oh my gosh that is the most disgusting thing ever.

    Agreed! Yuck!

    Glad it didn't go in your mouth. But yes how horrable

    @Susieq_1994 I can't even process that story. I would probably have been hauled off to jail or I would still be screaming...
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Just popping in for a second, I'm still here, just really busy!

    *If you have reservations about religion or God, you may want to skip this post, I really hope you don't, but if that's the case you may want to stop here!*

    These past few weeks I've been really struggling, especially after finding out that the doctors are completely confused about Raelynn and what we need to do from here. I literally drove home Friday in tears because I don't know what else we can do. She's got these problems, but she doesn't meet the criteria for this diagnosis and that one and so forth. I've been at the end of my rope. BIL and SIL invited us to come to their church last Sunday, and I decided to put my reservations about church and religion aside for that and go because they really wanted us to go. I absolutely do not regret that decision one bit! Something happened during that service, and I just threw my hands up and told God, "I don't know what's going to happen from here, I don't know what's down the road, but I know I can't keep living like this and I can't do this on my own. I need your help." Ever since, I've felt so much better, I feel like I've got so much peace in my life for once, and I'm so happy! :smiley:

    I'm so glad you're feeling at peace with things...
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #22

    this was saturday afternoon and was probably the most "non-date" first date ever.
    i'll fully admit, i didn't even attempt to try.

    had been talking to this dude for a lil while, and we kept trying to set something up, but schedules were always getting in the way. so on saturday he's like hey! i'm free for a bit this afternoon if you want to chill. my reply? it's a pajama jams saturday, i have zero intentions of doing anything other than having beverages and listening to my ipod. zero fracks shall be given. (yeah, not trying, at all).

    apparently this dude saw my ghetto attitude as fun and refreshing (lol), and was like sounds awesome!
    so dude came over and chilled on the porch for a while with beverages, chit chats, and a random cig here and there. he was also very fond of my batman pajamas (yeah i don't mess around). found out he's a lawyer (classy!), and really, really chill and relaxed, which apparently doesn't quite meld with his profession. so i'm thinking the idea to sit on a porch with a chick in pj's and beverages would be a fun change of pace.

    and he was really nice! hung out for a few hours, and i actually had a great time.
    maybe a #2? who knows, gonna have to wait and see, but overall a good day :)

    I might steal this date idea....

    Update on SSP:

    So we met at his place Sunday morning, no coffee, because he doesn't drink coffee, but he did make iced tea. He told me about the supervisor's class he took while in Houston and what it told him about relationships with subordinates and how it scared him. Something about being able to be 'friendly' but not being able to be friends or have relationships with them outside of the work environment. That's PART ONE of why he dumped me.
    Part two was that he was getting nervous about how attached I was and how attached he was GETTING! So on the BRIGHT side, I'm a really amazing girl and he likes me. But I'm not quite worth putting his career in jeopardy. Which I think is totally understandable, he's been doing this job for years and years and he's looking at retiring in a decade or so. He wants me to stay where I am and have the opportunity to use the tuition reimbursement and open hours of nightshift to get a degree.

    Anyway, I gave him his kindle back that he let me borrow, he mentioned something about it not being destroyed and I said I didn't even THINK about it despite how hurt and mad I was because I am a rational human for the most part.
    He said he thinks the circumstances suck and now he is one of those dumb ones. When I asked what he meant, he brought up that we had a conversation once about the men who were dumb enough to let me walk away from them. I told him not to worry about it and that I won't be waiting around for circumstances to change and that I don't expect him to either. He made some joke about him being eternally single and whatnot, we said our good byes and I left.
    I wanted to scream in his face and call him a hypocrite because him and the Lt hang out, ride motorcycles, and have dinner about once a month. If that isn't considered being 'friends' I don't know what is. If the Lt can be more than 'friendly' with his sergeants, why can't he(SSP) be more than 'friendly' with me?

    Oh well. He's made his choice and I'm already down a pound so, his loss.

    Anyway, I reconnected with a guy I met back when I was working at Lowe's in early mid 2014. His name is Jason and he always offered to buy me lunch when I was working as a cashier there, but I usually brought my lunch.

    We have plans for something on Thursday, but nothing concrete as of yet. I'm not feeling so much as a date as more of a 'hey let's just get out of the house for a bit' kinda thing. He knows the situation and is cool with maybe just some mini golf or a movie. "Having a new friend is good, if nothing else" he said.

    ETA: Edited because emotions make typing hard
    Edited again to add: I don't want to be with a guy who is going to be breaking things off because he's afraid of his own feelings anyway. That just shouldn't be a reason.

    Well the supervisor class is an excuse. If he is 10 years from retirement then he knows better than to have an affair with a subordinate.

    I think the 2nd part is most likely the reason. And 'eternally single' is a clue right there. Also at his age if he's never been married he is likely to be a commitment phobe. Enjoy your next date!

    He's more like 18 years from retirement...

    And BOOM! That's exactly what I plan to do.

    wow, boys are friggin stupid. i really like you, but that scares me, so now i'm just gonna bail. wtf?!

    sorry it didn't work out but AWESOME on you for washing your hands of him and pushing right on!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Just popping in for a second, I'm still here, just really busy!

    *If you have reservations about religion or God, you may want to skip this post, I really hope you don't, but if that's the case you may want to stop here!*

    These past few weeks I've been really struggling, especially after finding out that the doctors are completely confused about Raelynn and what we need to do from here. I literally drove home Friday in tears because I don't know what else we can do. She's got these problems, but she doesn't meet the criteria for this diagnosis and that one and so forth. I've been at the end of my rope. BIL and SIL invited us to come to their church last Sunday, and I decided to put my reservations about church and religion aside for that and go because they really wanted us to go. I absolutely do not regret that decision one bit! Something happened during that service, and I just threw my hands up and told God, "I don't know what's going to happen from here, I don't know what's down the road, but I know I can't keep living like this and I can't do this on my own. I need your help." Ever since, I've felt so much better, I feel like I've got so much peace in my life for once, and I'm so happy! :smiley:

    That's wonderful!! Sometimes the best stress reliever is to just give it to God. :)
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Now for what I came to confess: I skipped my weigh in yesterday because I don't want to know what the damage is from eating everything in sight Wednesday through Saturday last week and not going to the gum since last Tuesday.
    I have been sick for a week (thanks goldenrod and ragweed) and I just haven't been able to make myself eat well and move. I have eaten better the last two days and I am going to workout tonight. I'll weigh on the gym scale and record the damage.

    I am very disappointed in myself. This has been my biggest food screw up in two years.

    I know how distracting that must be but I'd bet that it's not as bad as you think
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,409 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #22

    this was saturday afternoon and was probably the most "non-date" first date ever.
    i'll fully admit, i didn't even attempt to try.

    had been talking to this dude for a lil while, and we kept trying to set something up, but schedules were always getting in the way. so on saturday he's like hey! i'm free for a bit this afternoon if you want to chill. my reply? it's a pajama jams saturday, i have zero intentions of doing anything other than having beverages and listening to my ipod. zero fracks shall be given. (yeah, not trying, at all).

    apparently this dude saw my ghetto attitude as fun and refreshing (lol), and was like sounds awesome!
    so dude came over and chilled on the porch for a while with beverages, chit chats, and a random cig here and there. he was also very fond of my batman pajamas (yeah i don't mess around). found out he's a lawyer (classy!), and really, really chill and relaxed, which apparently doesn't quite meld with his profession. so i'm thinking the idea to sit on a porch with a chick in pj's and beverages would be a fun change of pace.

    and he was really nice! hung out for a few hours, and i actually had a great time.
    maybe a #2? who knows, gonna have to wait and see, but overall a good day :)

    Oooooh this sounds promising!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,367 Member
    Just popping in for a second, I'm still here, just really busy!

    *If you have reservations about religion or God, you may want to skip this post, I really hope you don't, but if that's the case you may want to stop here!*

    These past few weeks I've been really struggling, especially after finding out that the doctors are completely confused about Raelynn and what we need to do from here. I literally drove home Friday in tears because I don't know what else we can do. She's got these problems, but she doesn't meet the criteria for this diagnosis and that one and so forth. I've been at the end of my rope. BIL and SIL invited us to come to their church last Sunday, and I decided to put my reservations about church and religion aside for that and go because they really wanted us to go. I absolutely do not regret that decision one bit! Something happened during that service, and I just threw my hands up and told God, "I don't know what's going to happen from here, I don't know what's down the road, but I know I can't keep living like this and I can't do this on my own. I need your help." Ever since, I've felt so much better, I feel like I've got so much peace in my life for once, and I'm so happy! :smiley:

    I'm happy that you've found a way to get peace and relief from the stress in your life!
  • katepig54
    katepig54 Posts: 12 Member
    Confession: I get really really excited when I poop before breakfast.

    i do too - reading this thread is hilarious and takes my mind off food! love it