

  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    Oops sorry Cat from San Diego.
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    It’s homecoming week at the high school this week so has been quite busy. My daughter has been dressing up for school – yesterday was farm day, today is tacky tourist day, and tomorrow is “generations” day so the underclassmen dress as babies and she’ll be wearing footie pajamas. Powderpuff football game was last night and her sophomore team beat the freshman team, but the sophomore boys did not fare as well in their ironman volleyball game. Tonight is her busy night because she goes straight from school to volleyball practice then to jazz band and then to show choir. I will pack her a dinner and take it up to school so she can eat between volleyball and jazz band. Hubby leaves for another business trip today, so I’ll have some time to myself tonight. Maybe I can catch up on the book I’m supposed to be reading for book club. :)

    Daughter#1 texted from college to tell me she has a sore throat and may have been exposed to strep throat. Her first time to be sick and not have mom around to pamper her. :'(

    Terri – I’m sorry to hear that your RA is progressing. You are smart to read up on the meds they want to prescribe you so that you can make good decisions with your doctor. My brother-in-law has RA and has been on meds for years and has recently been suffering from some of the long-term side effects of those medications.

    Dr. Katie – Your walking route looks beautiful and peaceful.

    Mindy – 10 pounds since August 6th is great, congrats! Glad to hear you had an awesome day. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Definitely not TMI. I’m sorry for all that you and your family have suffered and I wish you success as you move forward. You are definitely a survivor! I am glad that you find some support on this thread.

    Michelle/NC – That is quite a story about your Bonnie. Hopefully they got all the tissue for our little girl kitty. She was a little tired and achy last night and just wanted to cuddle, but she is back to her usual ball of energy this morning. It’s an easier procedure for the boys, so our boy kitty was already running around and playing last night. It will be hard to see these kitties go when they get adopted. :'(

    Sorry to hear that so many of you are dealing with pain and injuries. I’m praying for you all. ((((hugs)))) <3

  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member
    Enjoying God's beauty on my walk this morning!
    Maryann in Michigan

    That's a beautiful picture!

    Elaine in Lansing
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    edited September 2015
    My walk with Jake after work yesterday. I am so lucky to be able to enjoy this whenever I need to clear my head.
    Chris in MA
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Pip – thanks. RA is a confusing disease. Basically it is the body’s immune system attacking itself, usually the smaller joints, like fingers, which is why you see some people with hands that look like claws. When a “flare” happens, it is hard to straighten (or bend) the joint, so I do stretching almost all day every day, just to delay that side-effect as long as possible. // A very happy birthday to your sister. It is so nice that you continue to celebrate her much-too-short life. I am donating blood in November to celebrate my middle sisters life. She used to donate with us.

    Miriam – The disability story sure sounds familiar, except my sister contacted an attorney before even filing. Yes, the process went smoothly, but they took what I consider to be an awful lot of her money. It’s so nice of you to be so helpful to that man. Hugs and prayers ! ! !

    Drkatiebug – nice scenery. Your sister is so lucky to have you ! // Stop by my place to declutter any time. :D

    Mindy – Hugs ! Thanks for sharing. I wish and pray for you ! ! ! o:)

    Maryann – Nothing Deep fried. That is a nice, attainable goal. Good thought ! I hope you and DH find something to do that makes both of you happy. // Thanks for sharing your sunrise.

    Michele – laughing about bonnie. So sorry about your DH. He’s lucky to have you ! ! !

    Barbie – Hugs for your hip/muscle pain, and for everything Jake is going through at this time. How nice of you to set your alarm to wake him so early. Better safe than sorry.

    DJ – My rheumy said the bigger joints hurt less to get the cortisone shots; she said the hands and feet hurt the worst. It is only a few seconds of pain for months of relief (in my opinion). // Yes, I gave my Dad ALL the details, so he is now more determined than ever to attend or volunteer at an Honor Flight soon.

    Lisa – Hugs for your medical problems. I hope you get everything resolved quickly. I stopped my naproxen on Sunday, and I already miss it terribly. May you enjoy your tramadol-sleep.

    Katla – so sorry about your kids making sad decisions. I hope you find the peace you deserve (and that they make wise decisions before it’s too late).

    Mae – Hugs for all the health issues. I’m so glad you are trying so hard to be healthy. We are going through this together, so keep coming back for support.

    Gayle – do you have a transfer belt for your Mom? It isn’t much help, but using one allows for proper body mechanics better than not using one.

    Cat from S.D. – Hugs and good luck with your eating and exercising while visiting. I know you can do it.

    My Dad won extra Screening Passes to see “Everest” tonight, if anyone wants to drop into the Milwaukee Area and meet me at Mayfair Mall . . . But I can't have popcorn, so I may spoil myself with a large Icee (we'll see how I feel, and what my food diary says about that).

    Tomorrow I am NOT going along for bowling. I don't need anything from Big Lots, and I need to finish the baby blanket for my sister's son, who is having a baby girl in October. And since I'm off my anti-inflammatories, I need to do as much crochet as possible now. Plus, I can't give DS any advise, since he is so much better at bowling than I could ever imagine, and I likely can't go to Sunday's tournament, since I will have started the yucky part of the colonoscopy prep, and not getting more than a few feet from the bathroom.

    Now it is time for me to get ready for lunch (spinach, tomato without skin, and ham salad). I hope everyone is able to make wise choices today.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    mikesmom - Purdy pic, you are lucky
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    My walk with Jake after work yesterday. I am so lucky to be able to enjoy this whenever I need to clear my head.
    Chris in MA
    Beautiful picture

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited September 2015
    My news is that DDIL and DS#2 are going to Paris after all. :D Happy for them, but an exhausting weekend ahead for us!
    We have to get up there 4pm on Friday ready for them to leave the house at 6.30 am on Sat to catch the train to Paris. Takeaway kebab on Friday night! :D DGS has football practice on Sunday morning so DH will drive DS' s car. DGS is 4 yrs old! ! ! ! !
    Otherwise I hope they fill the fridge with healthy snacks and I will buy something to eat on Saturday night. The local Turkish place does a great roasted veg stew! :)
    They will be back mid afternoon on Sunday. Phew!
    I am really pleased that they are going. It has been booked since March and was DDIL's birthday present, but last week she couldn't contemplate it.

    Had to fight off the munchies today with DH at cricket for the 2nd day. I did some extra recumbent cycling to compensate as yoga doesn't burn off the calories. Not feeling brilliant though as I haven't been typing my memoir. Just eating! >:) Must do some typing tomorrow and I've got the food ordering to do for DH's birthday weekend. Finding that a bit daunting. :* My routine is upset when I have to take DH down to the cricket. It's a rush to complete my exercise regime and then going out in the car somehow gets in the way of settling down to my typing, which I usually do immediately afterwards. I'm not good on willpower. :ohwell: Habits are important to me.
    My birthday present for DH is a parking place at the cricket ground, so next year will be easier. :D

    Barbie - hope you are feeling better soon! :flowerforyou:

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    194 posts and 7 pages behind! No time to read through or even skim. I have been having a horrendous 2 weeks at work and home. Funeral (DSF), my DS and I had a major falling out, and 3 departments relocating at work temporarily for construction! I am stressed out, in pain (back and knee), and exhausted. Will catch up more later.

    Just wanted to touch base and say I am thinking about all you fine ladies!

    Rita from CT
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    DJ, Jake will be out of town for a week....my plans are to do anything I want without interruption..it doesn't take much to make me happy.

    Gayle, how about seeing a chiropractor for your injury?

    MNMargaret....good to hear that there is progress for your DS

    Katla, the new prescription I have is for Raloxifene....it was recommended by the Osteoporosis specialist at the University of Washington medical center...my bone density numbers are not at the level of osteoporosis but they have declined on my last two bone density scans...right now it is osteopenia...sorry to hear that your kids are doing things that aren't the best for you or them

    Maryann in Michigan, I have two standard poodles, Brandy and Sasha...they love to walk....when I get up in the morning I walk each one for 10-20 minutes to "do business", then I eat my breakfast and walk each one again for as long as she wants (30-90 minutes)....after lunch I walk each of them again for about 20 minutes. Jake takes them on shorter walks at other times and when he is gone, I do his walks but the dogs get me to walk them longer than he would.

    Cat, good luck on your visit with your kids and on your staying with your eating and exercising goals.

    Dr. Katie, nice scenery...hope it helps to make up for less than sterling living conditions right now

    I got to bed late last night and slept fitfully knowing that the alarm would go off right after 1 AM....when I called Jake, he was already awake having slept fitfully as well, being concerned about getting up....I didn't sleep much after that and finally got up early and took the dogs for their walks in the dark and had nearly 10,000 steps by the time I got back....Jake just called to say that he was on the ground safely in Cleveland so maybe I'll be able to take a nap now. I watched my recording of DWTS this morning and am looking forward to the new season with some interesting people and good dancers.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    hugs from Il
  • Fragmoss
    Fragmoss Posts: 66 Member
    Beautiful BC, Canada here! I love the west coast! 54 years old and loving life :-)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • claremaigheo
    claremaigheo Posts: 11 Member
    I turned 50 nearly 2 weeks ago and need to get in shape. I'm about 30 pounds overweight and very lazy. I've been logging in and using MFP for about 20 days now and have lost 3 pounds. I need to get on the treadmill more though. If anyone wants to add me for motivation, feel free!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Just popping in to say hi! Sending well wishes to all <3 !

    I love being retired!!!! I just finished cleaning out my top kitchen cabinets, they look marvelous, now I have to tackle the bottom cabinets :# ! Next will be the pantry, it`s not too bad, so it shouldn`t take long to tidy it up! We have had fall like weather the past several days, the mornings have been down right chilly, Ms. Dog loves it, it invigorates her. It makes me want a hot chocolate :laugh:.

    Heather :) So happy to hear your DDIL and the new baby are okay! Hope DS and DDIL enjoy their time in Paris! I just have to tell you, I made bread today...it looks gorgeous, not sure what it tastes like, but it`s pretty. Reminded me of the loaf you posted...yum! I know your grandchildren will be happy to see you this weekend!

    Chris :) Gorgeous photo!!!! Wish that was near to me!

    Pip :) Congrats my friend on that great ride!!! Hugs to you for your sisters birthday!

    Sylvia :) How is your oldest granddaughter doing in school? Is she still being bullied? Hope your son is doing well.

    Joyce :) Hope you`re feeling better! Sounds like Charlie is doing a bit better! Hugs for you my friend!

    Terri :) Sorry to hear your RA has progressed :/ . Sounds like you`re doing all the right things! I say you should wear your tiara all the time!

    Margaret :) Happy birthday to your mom!!!

    Barbie :) It sounds like you`re feeling better!!! Hope you got a nap in after your early wakeup!!!

    Michele :) Sending good thoughts and prayers to you and Vince!

    Time for me to get off this computer and take Ms. Dog for a walk.

    DeeDee in gorgeous NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Sitting in cardiac waiting room. Procedure should take 4 to 6 he's but could be as many as 8. Will answer when can. How do you post to main page from phone? Thinking of every
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Vince is back in his room. All went well. He'll be off all meds. I was surprised. I thought they would have weaned him off but he's going off cold turkey. Leaving Hosp now.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited September 2015
    Rita prayers. Hope things are calming down for you.

    Glad to hear things are going better for Vince. It is hard on the caregiver, too. Yes some days instead of feeling like a sandwich I feel like a pancake.

    Enjoyed day with mom. Time for a swim in the pool to relax after tea and yogurt break.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    exermom - thinking of you. take care