

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    13,400 steps
    98 minutes of dog walking
    most of the intermediate line dance class
    two doctor visits

    Mae, my animations come from Free Smileys and Glitter Graphics.

    Penny, I loved the video of your town....what a beautiful place......loved hearing about your hubby trying on clothes...my hubby went through his clothes to take on his trip to Ohio and ended up buying two new pairs of pants and three shirts because his dress up clothes didn't fit

    Lisa, your story is definitely soap opera material....I have lived in small towns and learned to never use names in conversation in a public place because it was likely that the people at the next table were friends or relatives of whoever I was talking about.

    Heather, I hate legal forms....I once missed the opportunity to refinance my mortgage to a much lower interest rate because I dreaded filling out the forms.

    DJ, congrats on continuing to show up for line dance

    Kim, poor Levi not being able to walk and play....and poor you having to walk alone. :'(

    Margaret, Gayle, and Mary you look beautiful and happy together

    This morning I saw the chiropractor who told me that I was healing but it would be slow. I was so happy to hear that there wasn't anything seriously wrong beyond what could be fixed with patience and moderation. In the afternoon I saw the women's health doctor about my bone density results. They are worse than last time two and half years ago but not yet osteoporosis. I am considering the drug suggested by the specialist I saw two years ago. Jake went with me to listen to what she said and ask questions. He thought that lifting weights would be dangerous for me with bone density issues and she put his mind at rest by telling him that lifting weights was the best exercise I could do, even better than walking and dancing.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    stats for the day:
    ide hm 2 gym- 11.42min, 14.9amph, 2.9mi = 110c
    Spin- 40min 91r 99w 10-16g 17.8mi = 403c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.46min, 14.1amph, 1.3mi = 95c
    ride dome 2 hm- 14.30min, 10.2amph, 2.4mi = 192c
    total cal 800
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Mary, Margaret, Gayle - what a lovely picture of such lovely ladies. I would have loved having lunch with you all. Maybe someday. Thanks for sharing.

    Janetr OKC

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Mary, Margaret, Gayle - what a lovely picture of such lovely ladies. I would have loved having lunch with you all. Maybe someday. Thanks for sharing.

    Janetr OKC

    I see a MFP road trip!!! Today was fun, great women!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I'm still having a really rough time of it. I have a 7 am meeting with my biggest cause of stress right now, so I covet your prayers and good vibes that I conduct myself with grace and dignity. I am so hurt by and so angry with this person that I will need all of the help I can get.

    I had a short phone call from my (mental) therapist this morning and she has advised me, to the best of my ability, to put aside all of my worries and concerns about my children, work, the person I'm meeting tomorrow, and anything else causing me stress that I have no control over, because I need to focus exclusively on my own psychological and physiological health while everyone else takes care of themselves. That is, of course, much easier said than done! She has also recommended some changes to my medications to see if that will make coping a little easier.

    To help myself, I contacted my surgeon and requested a change in my pain medication since Percoset is not a good choice for me. I picked up the script right after PT and had it filled after work. I set up an appointment with my GP to discuss the changes in my psychotropic drugs--that's on Monday. I called a former coworker who happens to be a pastor in a neighboring town and will probably have a conversation with him on Friday. I need someone further removed from the situation -- both mentally and geographically. I truly am trying to take care of myself!

    I'm not going to try to respond individually, but please know that you each rest in my heart.

    Carol in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    I joined a class at our community, senior center - it’s an hour called gentle yoga – really more a stretching class, it was really good, lots of stretching and core work. I became old enough for this class this year, and instead of $20/hour or more for yoga this class was $3 per hour, just because it is for seniors (55+)

    It has been 104 today.. tomorrow is to be 106 – with no air conditioning it’s pretty tough. By the weekend it is to be better. I am hoping so.

    Margaret, Mary and Gayle – How fun

    Barbie – How great that the Doctor was able to help Jake understand. I am glad you are doing better.

    Carol – sending good vibs for grace for you and vib to the other member of the meeting to listen, not judge, and for peace.

    September Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles
    Log everyday –
    Twice a week do floor exercises
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 –
    W2 – went hiking
    W3 –
    W4 –
    W5 -
    Kim from N. California
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Penny, not sure your home was on my bucket list, but does look like an interesting place to visit. Love the web site.

    Oconnell, welcome. Please tell us about yourself to help us get to know you. If you just start with the last page you will figure out who we all are. This is a great place for support and information. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location is good too, be it general or specific.

    Mia, sorry for your boo boo but glad it’s not too bad. Have a wonderful time on your trip!!!! Hope the bad pirates don’t get ya, mattie!

    Sylvia, sending healing thoughts for your DS. Geee, it just never ends for you does it? ((((Hugs))))

    QuilterLisa, welcome. We won’t discriminate because you are soooo young. Lol all are welcome here. Tell us about you and a name that you want to be called. Come often for great support.

    Heather, I do think you should stay at the expensive hotel one day, but when you can be there and take it all in. This just wasn’t the trip to do it.

    Yvonne, glad you are better. When you are feeling rotten, who cares what the weight is? Okay, we do. Lol

    Vicki, sure hope your knee gets better real soon.

    Susan, the general thought is that how many calories you burn exercising can be added to your intake for the day or some say you can eat back half. I don’t eat back any of my exercise calories so I don’t log it until I have finished my food log for the day. When you put in exercise it adds the calories back to your food calories left.

    Mary, thanks for posting the picture. You girls look like you are having fun. How many drinks do I need to add to my food diary? LOL

    Barbie, glad you are healing. Sorry to hear about your bone density results but good that it’s not osteoporosis. Yeah for the weight lifting being good for your bones.

    Ut Oh, Ladies, it looks like the guys found our secret hiding place. Cover your eyes, everybody!

    Carol NC, thanks for taking the time to share what’s going on with you. For sure you have my thoughts and prayers for things to get better and for you to get to a good place. Glad you are working to make it happen. (((((((Hugs)))))))

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Another lazy day with lots of tennis watching. Gosh there have been some great matches and I’m sure more to come. Stayed up late last night watching so going to bed now.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Carol NC - Good job of making all the appointments and taking an active approach to make sure you improve both physically and mentally. Praying for you and your meeting tomorrow with the person you mentioned. I know you've got this and can get thru it. Hang in there, keep on keeping on. Lots of big (((((hugs)))))

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited September 2015
    My husband is now in his rehab place. I left him with a very heavy heart since he looked so lost. He was so active today and then just looked lost. I would like to say it is because therapy worked him hard today but from what I hear it will even be harder. But the admission procedure was just me. He didnt involve himself in it at all. I tried to get him but he mentally removed himself. So now I have to completely change my routine that I have had the last 2 weeks. it is so weird being in this house all alone. With all the emotional battles he and I go through at times I thought I would like it butt I don't. They have told him he can go out as often as he wants and I know what he will think about that. But he is still to unstable for me to take him out for every evening meal. I would hope I can use it as an incentive for him to accomplish a certain goal in therapy. but I also know his stubborness of not eating at all, he just went through that for many days with very little eating.

    Vicki, you need to get that knee looked at. You heard it pop all those times and it needs attention.

    Penny I thought i saw in a recent show that the very colorful houses along the coast line have a paticular meaning. Do they have a meaning or just pretty?

    OOPS, forgot that I had my fasting blood sugar scheduled after my brownie. My blood sugar was 104. I know a lot of you would love to have one that low but i try to keep it at 100 or below and last one was 101. Oh well, it is what it is.

    Good night girls, going to sleep in tonight, well maybe.

    Joyce, feeling lonely in Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Joyce - My heart goes out to you, sweetie. I'm so sorry that you feel so alone. Know we are there in spirit and holding you and Charlie close to our hearts. Wish I were close enough to come sleep on your couch and help you take Charlie and go out to eat several times a week. Praying that his stubborness works FOR him and he just determines to do all they tell him and get home as quickly as possible. Do try to take care of yourself too thru all of this. Night, sleep well.

    Janetr OKC
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    :smile: (((hugs))) to all
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Mary, Margaret, Gayle - what a lovely picture of such lovely ladies. I would have loved having lunch with you all. Maybe someday. Thanks for sharing.

    Janetr OKC

    I think I remember DJ offering to have us meet at the beach!

    DJ - we saved you this time! Just a little creamer!!

    Susan- next time we car pool to Mpls for the day!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    I've had to skim and skip again in order to catch up, but I think I'm finally caught up again after my busy long weekend. Somewhere I missed Penny's picture. Can someone tell me what page it is on so I can go back and look?

    Mary/Margaret/Gayle - Looked like you were all having fun together. I do get up to Minneapolis periodically, so maybe one of these days I can join in on the fun.

    Joyce - I wish I was in Indiana so that I could be there to provide support. I'm so sorry that you are going through this and feel so alone. Know that we are all there with you in our hearts.

    Becca - I have to tell you that I was home alone the other day and so after I showered, I just walked around the house naked for awhile. Thought that, as my nudist friend, you would be proud. Maybe one of these days I'll get up the nerve for nude sunbathing. :blush:

    Sorry that I can't write more but it's late and I have a 7AM meeting at work tomorrow. And I'm not an insomniac like so many others here. I do best when I get 7-8 hours of sleep at night. Love you all and thank you for being my support mechanism. I think I would have given up by now if it weren't for all of you.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Mary/Margaret/Gayle - Looked like you were all having fun together. I do get up to Minneapolis periodically, so maybe one of these days I can join in on the fun.

    That would be great! Let us know when and we can get together!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mary: The sleep goal I set is a minimum number of hours. I try for at least 7.5 per night, but can deal with 7 if it isn't every day. I found a form online that was made for the purpose of recording bed time and wake time and used it for several months until I was sure I was doing better. I recorded the time when I laid down each night and the time when I woke up in the morning, and figured out how many hours it was each night, and a weekly average. I followed this practice for a couple of months before I eased off on the recording. :yawn: I also made DH sleep in the guest room for more than a month because his snoring was so disruptive. :noway:

    Penny: Your 360 degree panorama is wonderful. Thank you for sharing your community. DH was amazed, too. :star: My gym is about 3 or 4 miles away and I drive there. There is a gym a block away, but they're a Crossfit Gym, and not suitable for anyone who isn't already very fit. One of our sailing friends (who is a youngster of forty-something) was hurt so badly she was incapacitated for months because of their gung-ho practices and her lack of self preservation. :cry:

    Lisa: What worries me is that all this staffing drama might keep you chained there for longer than you'd like. I hope things get straightened out, no pun intended. :laugh: I am of the opinion that straight v gay is really not a choice for most people. It is wired into their biology. Faithful v unfaithful is definitely a choice and the individual is responsible for that. :ohwell:

    Margaret: Your diet sounds interesting. I hope you'll give us reports from time to time on how you're doing with it. So far it seems that you are doing very well. :heart:

    Heather: Your DDIL is in a tough spot. I hope things improve quickly and she can get back to her family and work. :flowerforyou:

    Terri in Milwaukee: Sorry about your dad's injury. I hope he is better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Janetr: I don't like the new owners of MFP. The "premium" services they offer don't appeal to me, except for freedom from advertising, and I'm not willing to pay for that yet. :ohwell:

    Sylvia: I hope the treatments your son is getting in the hospital will help him to feel better and get back home promptly. The DGKs are so lucky to have you as their grandma. :heart:

    Rita: It sounds as though you're making progress with pain, but not as much with sleep. I hope you'll get the sleep issue under control. In my own experience, sleep has a huge impact on thinking, mood, and energy. :heart:

    Kim: I'm so sorry your beloved canine walking partner has a serious strain. I can see you'll miss waking with him, but I can't see how you'll keep him inactive. Did the vet give you meds, or a cage, or teach you canine hypnotism??? :huh: We had a Springer mix long ago who was the best dog. :heart: I'm glad you've got a good yoga class. Most of my fellow students are 50+, but one of them brought two neighbor kids with her several times. The girl was 4th or 5th grade, and her brother a year or two older. They're back in school now. You younger folks come to the evening classes after work. :wink:

    Joyce: Thinking of you. (((hugs)))

    I'm in CO to help DD with babysitting. I'll be at it for 10 hours tomorrow but DD has three days off starting Friday. My darling little grandson remembered me and came to me with a big smile. That felt wonderful.:heart::heart: :heart: I'd love to make connections with our CO girls. I'll be in touch when I have a better idea of my grandma duties.

    Katla temporarily in Boulder County, CO

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    edited September 2015
    Oh my goodness your already to 24 pages!! ( I will catch up eventually!! )

    "Why sassy, where have you been?" I can hear you all asking. ;) Brief recap and to let you all know I am back! :p

    I have had the busiest, most eventful, record breaking heat indexes of a summer!

    My son is home!! His name is Darren and he will be attending University to become a dentist. OMGoodness I am so happy to have him here!

    Also, I don't do heat very well at all! I hate hate the heat, warm is good but hot is horrible. I really am a winter woman, I love the cold! This is my favorite time of year Autumn to winter and then on to spring!! :)

    I've been able to keep 20 of those 25 lbs lost off!

    Short, sweet, and a wee bit scattered. Sorry about that. lol Trying to keep it short so I can leave you this poem I read this morning by Maya Angelou. I really feel this is so us, each and everyone of us. I was literally moved to come here and share it with you all. So here it is; while you're reading it, I will go back and read 24 pages of you. ;) Know this ladies... We truly are Phenomenal women! We shown this time and time again. We never give up or give in. We get down but not out. We are so beautiful just the way we are. Enjoy the beauty of You!

    Phenomenal Woman

    Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
    I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size
    But when I start to tell them,
    They think I’m telling lies.

    I say,
    It’s in the reach of my arms,
    The span of my hips,
    The stride of my step,
    The curl of my lips.
    I’m a woman

    Phenomenal woman,
    That’s me.

    I walk into a room
    Just as cool as you please,
    And to a man,
    The fellows stand or
    Fall down on their knees.
    Then they swarm around me,
    A hive of honey bees.

    I say,
    It’s the fire in my eyes,
    And the flash of my teeth,
    The swing in my waist,
    And the joy in my feet.
    I’m a woman

    Phenomenal woman,
    That’s me.

    Men themselves have wondered
    What they see in me.
    They try so much
    But they can’t touch
    My inner mystery.
    When I try to show them,
    They say they still can’t see.

    I say,
    It’s in the arch of my back,
    The sun of my smile,
    The ride of my breasts,
    The grace of my style.
    I’m a woman

    Phenomenal woman,
    That’s me.

    Now you understand
    Just why my head’s not bowed.
    I don’t shout or jump about
    Or have to talk real loud.
    When you see me passing,
    It ought to make you proud.

    I say,
    It’s in the click of my heels,
    The bend of my hair,
    the palm of my hand,
    The need for my care.
    ’Cause I’m a woman

    Phenomenal woman,
    That’s me.

    "If you do not consciously form good habits, you will unconsciously form bad ones."

    Sassy aus Austria

    • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    • Being Fat is Hard.
    Losing Weight is Hard.
    Maintenance is Hard.

    Choose Your Hard.

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member

    I am having problems with the website. When I click on the bookmarks icon I just get an empty rectangle even though it shows there are X# of new posts. The past few days I ended up search for the Women age 50+. Today the same thing but I clicked on something else that opened a list of all of the replies from all of us. I also can not bold or do italics The only thing that does is put at opposite ends of what I want to bold and at opposite ends of where I want italics. So if it's a little more difficult to read my posts because its all in the same font you now know why :(

    RITA - When I was reading your post where you quickly went through replying to a whole bunch of people in one big paragraph I was reading fast and picturing one of those people on commercials who talk so fast they can't breathe in between paragraphs! Great job of getting so much info into a short amount of space. It did make me chuckle!

    JOYCE - More hugs and prayers

    CAROL - More hugs and prayers

    MIRIAM - Thank you for your kind words and understanding.

    LISA - OMG I thought my life was a soap opera but that story was priceless! Can't wait for Chapter 2

    TERRI - Hugs to your Dad. The story about his friend going back to the movies and eating the snacks reminded me of Seinfeld. I could so see George (Jason Alexander) doing that very thing.

    PIP - What dedication you have to your goals to ride with that shoulder. Hugs to you <3

    BECCA - You are how I see myself in my mind but just don't know how to let myself go anymore unless I have one too many glasses of wine (which is way too seldom :| ) so I shall live my life vicariously through your stories.

    The boys started school today and the grandson I have been having so much trouble with >:) was his sweet self today - total transformation o:). While I was putting his younger brother to bed he unloaded the dishwasher of his own volition. Now in order to understand how big a deal this is you have to know that while unloading the top of the dishwasher is his responsibility instead of just doing it he normally yells, argues, etc. for well over half an hour before finally doing it. :s Then he took a shower tonight - his idea! I think I already LOVE his new teacher! <3 Younger GS came home all smiles - likes his new teacher, ready to do his homework, etc. So all in all a wonderful stress free day. On top of that the sun was shining! B)

    I have read to page 22 but did not take notes. I know there were things I wanted to say to many more of you but since I can't even walk from one room to another without forgetting what I was going there for I will have to leave you all with generalities.

    To those who reached goals, had wonderful NSVs, had large or small losses, had breakthroughs in relationships or any other wonderful happening in your life - congratulations! :)

    To those who are hurting hugs and healing prayers <3

    To those of you who give of yourselves to help, support, motivate others I send you love <3<3<3

    I have not met my goal of getting to bed by midnight yet but am at least getting to bed earlier so guess I will just go to bed a little earlier every night until I hit the midnight mark.

    Good night my wonderful friends . . .


  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    So after I posted and saw the finished product I found out what the b in [parens] and the i in [parens] meant. LOL And I forgot to reply to one other person

    PENNY - Is that a college in the picture? I had no idea that people other than scientists and Santa Claus with his elves lived at the North Pole!

    Also meant to welcome all the new women AND suggest to stk_pkr that he may have taken a wrong turn into this thread?

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Katla - you nailed it on all your observations, in my opinion.
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Lisa: What worries me is that all this staffing drama might keep you chained there for longer than you'd like. I hope things get straightened out, no pun intended. :laugh: I am of the opinion that straight v gay is really not a choice for most people. It is wired into their biology. Faithful v unfaithful is definitely a choice and the individual is responsible for that. :ohwell:

    As did everyone who said it is indeed a soap opera. That said... I pulled her to the side yesterday, told her I didn't care what was happening outside the doors to the restaurant, none of it was to come through those doors. And, because I'm a trust, but verify, kind of kitty, also instituted triple sign-offs on all cash procedures. Which I will monitor closely. Plus have another employee from outside the restaurant counting the safe twice a week.

    The other piece was I told her to step up or step out. She has to prove she can do the crew chief job before I will recommend her for assistant manager or manager, and so far, she's done a lot of standing with arms folded watching. She stepped up yesterday, and if she maintains that for the next week, will push her to "acting" assistant manager. And continue to observe.

    I may be power mad.

    My end date is in sight - October 16. Five more weeks. I can do anything for five weeks except hold my breath...

    Lisa in West Texas
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    Linda love to have you join us.

    Sassy great poem.

    Katla I think after meeting Mary my diet does for me what Mary's strength training does for her. It gives me an inner strength I can count on. I do sometimes get sick but it is much less often and I recover quicker when I do. The diet I explained is my guide that I follow the best I can. I do slip, but with the help of this group and my other fitness pal friends I get right back on track.

    Mary all your hard work in strength training shows. You glowed.

    Gayle all your hard work with your ED group shows. You can see it in picture Mary took.

    :heart: MNMargaret