

  • stk_pkr
    stk_pkr Posts: 18 Member
    Since I saw someone flag my post, I asked the moderators to go ahead and delete it. I meant no offense, Please accept my sincerest apologies if you were offended. It was crass. I'm a 50+ too. So let me tell you what I really think - I should have said, "this is where all the beautiful women hangout". Being kind to another person, particularly a stranger, has a beauty that is altogether distinct. I think this thread is absolutely awesome and really, really, encouraging. Isn't it amazing that we 50+'ers know what it was like before any of this that we call "the internet" - and how isolated we all were? How hard it was to be alone with yourself and the echo of the thoughts in your head. I never would have thought having "friends" on MFP would have been such a huge boost to me in my health journey - but it's been that and so much more. You're doing some really awesome stuff here (KUDOS Barbie!), glad I stopped by and took a peek :)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Linda in Cali- Thanks :-) Yep we truely have to love ourselves in order to totally love others.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.05min, 15.8amph, 2.9mi = 127c
    Spin- 40min 86r 114w 11-14g 16.9mi = 330c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.26min, 14.9amph, 1.3mi = 73c
    ride dome 2 hm- 16.14min, 9.4amph, 2.5mi = 183
    total cal 713
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    well kids, the work day is over, now no workout tomorrow, gonna finish loading up the airstream and head out at 9am!!! getting the kids food together for their stay at auntie numia's !! can't wait!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    well kids, the work day is over, now no workout tomorrow, gonna finish loading up the airstream and head out at 9am!!! getting the kids food together for their stay at auntie numia's !! can't wait!
    <3 Pip, have a great weekend....we will be thinking of you and cheering you on
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    Gayle ... Til 57?!? Arghh!
    Sylvia ... Hadn't thought about fibroids ...glad your son is home.
    Becca... I have been on the receiving end of strangers' kindness too ... You never forget it ...

    Ended up making Italian chicken sausage meatballs with marinara sauce for dinner. Tried ronzoni's ancient grains penne pasta ... Just a little for me ... Not bad.

    Have a good evening ladies!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Beth, your story about helping the couple at the grocery store just gave me chills!!! Thank you for doing it and thank you for sharing. It is amazing how wonderful it can make us feel to do something selfless and nice for a stranger. Glad it brightened your day. And how wonderful that you were able to do it. A great opportunity!!!

    Pip, how sweet of you to reassure all of us before your ride. You go have fun and just be safe.

    Yvonne, I just have such vivid memories of last winter and how we all kept complaining about how cold it was and the poor ladies up north kept getting more and more snow to have to shovel. As long as there is AC, I’ll take the summer. I’ll admit I don’t spend a lot of time out in it except for when I go to the beach, but I hate being cold. Lol Guess we’re lucky there are different seasons.

    Heather, it sounds like you have things covered pretty well in your wills. Like you say, if/when things change the wills can be changed. Good for you on taking care of that. I agree on how great it is that we can share so much with each other here. I, like many of you have become addicted and love it here.

    Sandra, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Please tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you. Come often and join right in.

    Mia, what a great NSV! Yeah for needing new pants. Don’t ya love it?

    Miriam, why the last swim of the summer? Do you close the pool after Labor Day? Great picture.

    Allison, glad you and Tom are getting along a bit better. I just hope he treats you like you deserve to be treated. ((Hugs))

    Rosie, so sorry to hear about your situation and that you feel trapped. I sometimes wonder if it is helpful for the kids to grow up in that environment rather than see two happy parents that don’t live together any longer? Consider doing what is best for you as the kids will probably be fine. (((Hugs)))

    Terri, prayers for your sister. Glad to hear your dad is doing better, but I’m with him. OMG you are gonna wear a Bears shirt to work in Milwaukee??? I’ve been wondering but just never asked, why do you go to all those bowling events??? Do you enjoy them or it’s just expected of you? I’d think once in a while you’d rather be at home alone or doing something else, but then that is just me.

    Linda, good going on the no sugar. Isn’t it crazy the things they add it to?? Let us know if/when you can tell any difference.

    Barbie, LOL about Sasha jumping out of the fence with her broken leg. They figure it out.

    Heather, you know you have a great Yoga teacher when she lends you dresses. What more could you want, unless she also wore the same size shoes?

    Carol NC, so glad to hear you sounding better. I’m happy the meeting went well. I hate that you and others have/had husbands that belittled you and made you feel worthless. I think that is one of the worst kinds of abuse. I’m happy for you that you aren’t still in that! You just keep working on getting better and know we are here for you and that we care. (((((Hugs)))))

    Sylvia, glad your hubby enjoyed the 360 pics. LOL He’s too funny.

    Cheri, hang in there, gurl…we are here for you. Just whatever you do, “Don’t eat your emotions”!

    When we had our wills done a few months ago we did ask the attorney about Trusts. For our situation and in this state he did not recommend it for a number of reasons and said it would be a lot more expensive.

    I have to tell you that all this talk about husbands has really made me realize once again just how lucky I am. I got it right the first time, 47 years ago. Oh he does things that drive me a little crazy and sometimes I think just to get my goat, but the bottom line is, he is a great person and is good to me. He’s put up with a lot from me over the years and has always stood by my side. We have never been fighters thank goodness and enjoy each other’s company. I kid him about talking so much and sometimes it does make me want to scream, but he just wants to be sure I know his opinion on everything in the world. One of the best things about him is he makes me laugh a lot. I’m just sorry that all of you could not have a wonderful man like the man I married.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Beth, I'm like the others and thought your story was so heart warming. I am a preachers kid so I know personally how hard it is to be in that position. you are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Y thing that is told to you is in confidence. You have so many emotions thrown at you every day and have to change your own emotions on the spot. So many things are told to you and even though you might want to laugh like crazy you cant. You might want to share a story with your wife because it is so interesting or heart breaking, so scary or any other emotions you can conjour up. But you cant. Every thing told to you is in confidence. So many things happen in your church. But it isn't your cchurch. First of all, it is God's church. The church hired you and you are an employee. My brother was a minister in a church but unfortunately hi wife was not called to be a preachers wife. She was hurt so much because of the demands the church placed on him. Saturday evening dates cancelled out, a day with the family became a day with just Mom with the kids. It's not an easy job at all and I'm not surprised in this crazy world today that a minister would need a mental health break. And the poor guy may think that his congregation will think less of him because he isn't mentally strong. But actually he is showing them that he is just being human. What I guess I am saying is just to love on him and give him time, support and love. Ask him what he may need done in his absence, his family maybe freaked out by this.

    Charlie was up, dressed and shaved when I went to see him. But he was again slumped in his recliner, eyes closed and dozing. That's the way he was last night when I left him. He is kind of upset that they hadn't done enough for him. I had to remind him that he wasn't at a rehab center where they would have intense work out. He was a little surprised at that. So that just shows how much he really doesn't understand right now. He also wanted to go out to eat tonight. No no, no. He agreed to make it an incintive meal on Sunday. I talked to the rehab director and she read me his evaluations done today and they were very good. and that was what was done today. So I jsut told him we needed to go out and walk. And that we did until we were both tired. He did agree that it wasnt near the amount he would walk at the mall every day. He is eating! I think it was because it was like a Banquet type of frozen meal salasbury steak his Mom made him all the kind. Not my salisbury steak I fixed him. but he is doing better. He just wants to do better on mega steroids!!!!

    My battery in my watch is broke, jsut replaced it 2 months ago so it is probably not a battery gone bad. It was my MIL watch we bought her. Sadness. and my scales are broke, friend came over and got commode unclogged but it then overflowed into laundry room. So went to Walmart and bought single serving of velveeta mac and cheese. at least it was single serving.

    pip, you will do fine. Thanks for all you do and I trust you to do what you must to stay healthy yet do what you need to be part of the event each day. I would imagine the whole thing will be fun.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Katla The first day of school went amazingly well. Unfortunately no funny stories to tell....yet.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    nite peeps, gotta go upstairs n pack
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Way behind on posting but have been reading right along...Carol I am glad you went to the meeting causing you anxiety...showing up,is usually half the battle..it sounds like things are going better? And I'm with you...I am double divorced I refer to myself as DOUBLE DEE tee hee. Glad for many reasons to be done w both don't think anything could make think of a third time tho at times I feel wistful..
    Pip, have fun your awesome!
    DJ thanks for the encouragement about my job. I am learning the codes and love the team attitude of my work place the whole attitude there is indeed "Wholesome" in so many ways. Ohh, I guess there is ONE guy I'm seeing ....his name is BEN
    Heather thank you for the reminder that I need to pull my head out of the sand and make a solo plan IN WRITING for any eventuality. SOON.
    for those with dog babies..we just had a little "dog party" and my living room is destroyed with comforters and pillows, old toys "new to us" toys from Sallies (Salvation Army). And long shank boiled bones from the butchers and two types of treats. I am currently covered w dog hair and fairly happy. One of the toys is a monkey that sings BORN TO BE WILD it's hilarious. Oh and a tip from the Angel Memorial Animal Hospital Surgeon where we got whinnys patella sewn back in place to the tune of four thousand ( thank god they had financial Aid) AND that my Cantankerous EX is such a sucker for her that he coughed up half bless his little little heart. Anyway, the sedative to keep her from being active was a little over sedating her so he suggested over the counter Benadryl or children's strength. I wrap them up in half a slice of squishy processed cheese and say WHO WANTS CHEESY PILLS? And they both turn into dog windmills!
    So many other thoughts I've had about posting while reading yours but I have CRS really bad.

    Got a little discouraged bc since the first amazing week I lost eight pounds I have been very good on my plan but lost only another pound in three weeks. Then reading about the loose pants NSV earlier I realized that had happened to me at work on Tuesday I wore jeans that were fairly snug a month ago and all day at work I had to keep pulling them up to the point where I worried that surely they were going to send me home for a belt! I also want to admit that I went off plan the last couple days..not so much today but yesterday I ate about twice my allotted calories Cuz I was having a big pout. Not going to get on the scale for a few days..but am ready to get back on track. Gotta go shower off all this fur..I think I'll vacuum first even tho it's late..and pick out some not so droopy pants for work tomorrow.
    Love to All
    Boston Mindy
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    My heart goes out to those ladies with thoughtless, unsupportive husbands. I too have been there, twice. Am now married for the third time. Took me a long, long time but so worth the wait. Jack is so supportive and does so much for me. We laugh together all day. We've been together 8 1/2 years and will be married six years the 5th of October. Guess three was a charm for me. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: You'll probably have a good groan at my airstream name suggestion--Ariel. Aria is another possibility, depending on whether you prefer Disney heroines or opera. :bigsmile: Wishing you luck and good health in your bike ride. I hope you are able to finish AND that you won't choose finishing over the needs of your poor shoulder. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Sandra from Ottawa and all newbies: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. :flowerforyou:

    Terri in Milwaukee: Good wishes for your sister and also for you. :flowerforyou:

    Linda in IA: I think you are wise to focus on you first. I've been doing that by taking care of myself and having fun every day. It isn't a slap at DH, a rebellion, or anything other than realizing that I have to be good to myself in order to be healthy, and to be a good partner in life. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: I'm glad to see that you're still working on having fun. I hope it is as positive for you as it has become for me. Today's fun was taking the dog for a brisk walk on the treadmill at the hotel. He was a good sport. :laugh: :heart:

    Cory17: I think you are on the right track. I have been taking yoga for several years now and it has helped me reclaim my strength and flexibility. MFP and yoga combined have worked a miracle in my life. I hope you find similar positive results. What yoga has done for me is physical. It has improved my muscles and health. It also helps with clear thinking, in my opinion. MFP has taught me how to manage my weight and to focus my attention on being healthy and choosing healthy activities. This group of women has become a miracle in my life. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: You are a wise and admirable woman. I love this, "Some of you have mentioned how their husbands are one way in society and a totally different personality at home with you. My husband was always so business-like and the face of a Navy man. It shouldn't have taken an illness to get him to open up and let me see the emotional side of the man, but it did. Or maybe it was having him realize that other men in the world found me so desirable. So he fought for me a little. He almost lost me, and I almost lost him. So now he walks with me down the street, not paces ahead of me on his own. He opens the door for me, and makes me feel special. As I have realized that I am worth it, he has realized that he needs to be attentive. So ladies demand it, if only out of simple respect for you. You are worth it!" :flowerforyou:

    Regarding powers of attorney, trusts and wills: We are behind the eight ball. I think that in our situation and state our best option is to have a trust and a will. The trust would be for investments and large ticket items such as our home. The wills would be for personal items. I have flirted with this whole business, but haven't done what needs to be done. :embarassed:

    I was the babysitter today and now I'm pooped. The kids were good for me and I spent time tidying DD's kitchen while they napped. Evidently they don't nap often. DSIL stopped in during his workday to check on me because he was afraid they'd run me ragged. He found them asleep. (He earned :star: in my book of good intentions & nice things done for me.) DD was surprised that they both slept away quite a portion of the afternoon. Now I'm ready to conk out. Tomorrow DD will be at home and I won't be the only adult in charge. :star::bigsmile: :star:

    DH spent a lot of energy getting things done today. He didn't actually babysit, but he did wear himself out. I hope tomorrow is better for him. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    Have a good ride!

  • TS054
    TS054 Posts: 27 Member
    I am Tammy and I am 55. I just became a member. I am disabled in a power chair and now wearing a heart monitor. I bombed out on my calorie intake today because of my homemade fetuccini alfredo. I am going to college and majoring in culinary arts and I love it. I found some really awesome wheelchair exercises on you tube so I'll be able to get some exercise in each week. I do need some help and some support especially from my age group of women. Have a good night. Tammy
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    morning friends~
    Pip~best wishes on your ride....will be thinking of you...
    thinking of the 14 yrs ago and the horrible 9/11 attacks.. thinking of the families ,the first responders..
    we had some rain finally and a nice breeze so the humidity down..
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Checking in early this morning. I caught up on reading last night but was too tired to even mark my spot in a Pip-like way. Thinking of each and every one of you, especially those with sick and/or difficult husbands. Welcome, Tammy!

    Some of you may remember the whole long-term sub thing that didn't work out, because she had the baby early. Well, the prep for that, application, background check, etc, ended up making me eligible to be a substitute teacher in the school. Well, one of the math teachers asked me to sub for her today, and I am going to do it, the kids are going to be wild, because tonight is the big (and I mean big) football game with the school across the river, which just happens to be the school where I taught for 33 years. I said I would never sub, that I was worth way more than it pays, but hey! I get bored just staying home EVERY day, and it will be money I didn't have if I didn't do it, KWIM? Wish me well!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I'm going to take a day off from writing my memoir in order to complete the legal stuff for the rental. DH said he would hold my hand. :love: I was able to ask for help, which I am pleased about as I often keep that kind of worry to myself as I feel embarrassed about being so silly. DH thinks I am being silly about it, but he is often silly about things I find incredibly easy, so we make a good partnership in that respect. We respect each other's silliness. :laugh:

    I consider myself blessed with my 2nd husband. I never thought I would find at such a late stage a real partner in life and he says the same. My 1st husband was not awful, in fact not bad at all, but we didn't know how to nurture the relationship and got to the point where we dragged each other down. We had loads of therapy and finally decided to split at a couples' weekend. We parted as friends. It wasn't easy and I grieved for the marriage for 4 years. Felt I had done the wrong thing. At that point I could only see loneliness ahead of me. Very black. We split while the kids were in the middle of their exam courses and my ex did his best to make sure they suffered as little as possible by living just around the corner and keeping the home together. We then sold the house and I kept my youngest with me in a small flat while the elder went to uni. All in all a "good" divorce.
    My ex remarried and has two children 13 and 11. He has been quite ill in the last year, but is ok now. I still feel warmly towards him. He will be at DGD's party on Sunday with his family. Last year he came just with his daughter and we spent the whole time chatting! DH wasn't there, nor was his wife! :laugh:
    Like DJ , my husband isn't perfect and I can have my "fed up" moments, but he is a good, honorable and well meaning man who loves me very much, respects me and wants the best for me. That is the basis of a marriage. The minimum. I do the same for him. I wasn't able to do the same for my first husband and I regret that. I was married at 20. I was a mess.

    Oh well, TMI I suppose, but it makes me sad to see the marital situations some of you are in. No one should be putting up with that.

    Lots of love to all. Heather UK
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited September 2015
    Linda - The 360° panorama pic is in a link at bottom of third post on p 22. It's not much to write home about today because it's raining and you can't see the glorious mountains on the other side of the fjord (between 280° and 340° on the scale at the top). On second thought, why send you to p 22? I may as well just re-post it. So here it is.

    Sylvia - You live somewhere out west in the US, right? No wonder all your husband saw was darkness. The West Coast is the part of the world I have the worst trouble coordinating time with. I have a night owl of a sister in Seattle and whenever I'm awake, she's asleep and vice versa. We usually end up Skyping bleary-eyed at some totally ungodly hour, like when I've just gotten up on Saturday morning and she's just come home from a Friday night concert. Try the 360° webcam before breakfast your time. That should put you in full daylight our time. But look soon. This is the time of year when we lose about 2 hours of daylight per week!

    This place "isn't on b]DJ's[/b bucket list" and it isn't Betty's "fantasy sanctuary" and I'm totally cool with that. The High Arctic is definitely an acquired taste, like peanut butter. But it can surprise you. Many of the people who come here contract a mysterious and essentially incurable malady we call the Arctic Bacillus. They move up, intending to stay for a few months, and then find they can't leave. For example, my choir director came up for a 6-month position as church musician, and now he's been here for seven years. Married and started a family.

    Concerning the colors on the houses, no, I don't know that there's any special sigificance to them. Towns in northern Norway tend to be colorful, possibly to cheer people up during the long, dark winter. Color doesn't help this far north, though, because for much of the winter it's too dark to see color. (Someone asked me once what color house I lived in and I didn't know because I hadn't actually seen the house for a long time.)

    The color scheme in Longyearbyen is official and was designed by an artist. It looks incredibly colorful against the white snow in the bright April sunshine. All the colors in the official palette come from our natural surroundings, but it's only at this time of the year - in the fall - when you can see them in nature. The yellows and oranges come from the fading tundra grasses, and the reds mimic a fine-grained native sandstone.

    Beth – Thanks for a lovely story about giving back to the world. :flowerforyou: It put a big smile on my face.

    Miriam - How great that your new daughter (can I call her that?) wants to sing in the choir! As a life-long chorister I know how much pleasure and cameraderie singing in a choir offers.

    Cheri (((((Big hugs))))) May you find the strength to cope with whatever is eating you and makes you want to eat your emotions.

    DJ and Heather– I also got myself a great husband. We moved in together at 20 and got married 37 years ago. smiley-love010.gif The fact that it works just fine was pure luck, because back then we weren't anywhere near as smart as we are now. We didn't even know who we were yet.smiley-gen152.gif