

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi everyone!

    Just adored the wonderful photo of the Three Musketeers! :flowerforyou:

    And Miriam's great photo of the choir. How fantastic to do something like that. <3

    Soon be off to the solicitor about our wills. Got to take ID.

    Haven't heard anything from. London. Might send an exploratory email tomorrow. I'm hoping that no news is good news, but if anything is wrong they may just be processing privately. :ohwell:

    Amazingly I managed to sleep last night by determinedly visualising lovely things and vistas. In the early 90s I spent a few years doing personal development courses and created a fantasy sanctuary etc. I went there last night. It has a beautiful meadow and a swimming lake.

    The ghastly legal stuff is on the kitchen table, along with a letter from the rental's water supplier. I'm expecting a council tax bill any moment now. :sad: Just want to SELL the b÷×#@y thing! My Norway trip will be coming out of the proceeds, so that is keeping me going. B)

    Lots of love, Heather UK
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I'm back - again!!!! <3 I am trying the Dr. Phil 20 /20 diet. Lost 3.2 pounds in 2 days (I know it's probably water but still, can already I can fit in a pair of fat shorts that didn't fit just days ago. 28 more days. Glad to see so many of you still here. And love those of you who encouraged me even when all I did was log in (DeeDee is the best - and a few others are close behind.)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Good morning!

    Had a very emotional and strange day yesterday ...

    My beloved pastor, friend and boss told me he was taking an immediate leave of absence due to emotional burnout ... He said "I know you'll understand." I cried. For him. And for others I know dealing with mental health issues.

    My oldest son's friend and former aide died suddenly ... Late 40s ... On his birthday no less. I cried for him. I cried for my son as I know this will be difficult for him given his current mental health status.

    I'm 53 and still having periods! What is up with this??? Of course, this is why I'm crying!

    Waited in line at the grocery store for over a half hour as the young couple before me checked out with WIC vouchers. (Women, infant and children supplemental food program) it's a tedious process they're made to go through and it embarrasses those who use them. We just enjoyed watching their baby. As they were finishing up, I saw the cashier move several items to the side. I whispered to the young father ... Didn't you want those things? And he replied, "we're short." I have always wanted to do this for someone ...So I got the cashiers attention and quietly asked her to wring the extra items up on my bill. Despite the young couples arguments to not, the cashier knew just what to do. After a day where there was nothing I could do ... This was something I could ... And it felt good!! Ended the day with a smile. Highly recommended it.

    Have a good one ladies!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 404 Member
    Heather, I love the idea of a fantasy sanctuary!
    Penny, thank for the view of your beautiful, other-worldy-looking location. Not sure it is my fantasy sanctuary yet, but it looked appealing to visit!
    Beth, your story is inspiring--reminds us all there might always be SOMETHING to do that helps the world even if our own world seems a bit shaky.
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Katla (@Katla49) “I am of the opinion that straight v gay is really not a choice for most people. It is wired into their biology. Faithful v unfaithful is definitely a choice and the individual is responsible for that.” Well said! :)

    I do have a funny story on that topic. So, my daughters and I watched the movie Hot Pursuit this past weekend. We thought it was funny, so when I was at Target last night I decided to buy a copy. I was also buying a gift bag for my husband’s anniversary gift. The checkout clerk was quite chatty but I wasn’t really in a chatty mood. So, when he asked if I was buying the movie for a friend I just said yeah. Then he said, “Well is she the hot or is she the pursuit?” Do you think he thought I was buying this for my lesbian lover? Don’t really care, but no one has ever made that assumption about me before. LOL

    Sassy (@sweetnsassyfied) – thanks for sharing the poem by Maya Angelou. The women here certainly are phenomenal.

    Gloria (@GloworminWA) “I am having problems with the website. When I click on the bookmarks icon I just get an empty rectangle even though it shows there are X# of new posts.” I get the same thing sometimes but usually if I wait a few seconds and click on the bookmarks again my list of bookmarked discussions shows up.

    Beth (@bwcetc) – After such an emotional day, what an extraordinary way to end the day on a positive note! <3

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Joyce, glad to hear that DH is in the rehab facility. Now you need to spend just a little time concentrating on you. I’m sure you can feel lonely at home but do try to find the good things about it as well. If you had a brownie before your blood work then I don’t think 104 sounds bad at all. But you know that it takes eating right and some exercise to keep it where we want it and I’m sure you haven’t concentrated on either for a couple of weeks. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you never feel alone knowing we are all with you. <3 (((((Hugs)))))

    Mary, glad I didn’t have to put 3 glasses of wine on my food diary. Lol Thanks. Yes, I think a big get together at the beach would be great. If we plan it far enough ahead there could be some good bargains on airlines and gas here is only $1.90/gal, so those close enough to drive would like that.

    Katla, glad you made it there safely. Enjoy your time with the grands. I do hope you find the opportunity to visit some Pfat Chatters while you are there.

    Sassy, good to see you again. I hope you will show up a bit more often; we missed you. Thanks for the poem. As I read it, I could hear Maya’s voice in my head. Stay cool.

    Gloria, gosh it sounds like a fantastic day at your house!!! You’d better mark it on your calendar. You know it is not likely to last indefinitely. angel.gif When MFP is acting up like you described, sometimes if I just refresh the page it starts acting right. I’m just glad you were able to post and the Bold and italics seem to be working. Lol

    Heather, I hope the news from London is good but whatever it is, I can’t believe they haven’t let you know something. I mean, you are family and were there to help. I’ll keep them in my prayers. Glad you are getting those wills done.

    Lisa, as I read about your new hire standing around with her arms folded, it occurred to me that she may be evaluating the situation before jumping in with changes. Sometimes I think that is a wise move for new managers to figure out what is actually going on before assuming and doing something about it. I hope she works out and keeps the Soap Opera out of the workplace.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I’m feeling a bit anti-social today. I was invited out to dinner with a couple of friends, one of whom I haven’t seen in months. They are going to some seafood place, which immediately makes me think of the unappetizing smell. (I don’t like sea food) I know they would have something I could eat there but most of it would be fried. It is just so hard and no longer enjoyable to eat out and if I’m not going to enjoy it, why spend all that money? (Thrifty me) If I am going to choose to have a high calorie meal, I want it to be something special that I can really savor and enjoy. smiley-eatdrink026.gif At any rate, I said “No Thank you” and don’t plan to go.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,743 Member
    morning peep-heads -

    well kids..... today is the last day of work, tomorrow I am off and we finish loading up the airstream (need to think of a name for her) and we're off! thank goodness this time we got a drive thru spot so it will be less stressful to park it.

    godmom - having a sick poocher is NOT minor and it IS important. you'll get thru this, make your poocher proud and show him that you CAN walk without him because he will be in your heart when he's not there. i have never thought of myself as a senior (over 55), i guess i am.

    nccarolb - take care of yourself, be patient. {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}

    mwcetc - don't worry, i was still bleeding at 53 too. i was thinking something was wrong with me.

    I want to take a moment to say thank you to all you ladies for showing such concern for me, my ride, my upcoming surgery and this shoulder. honestly, i am not as concerned about this ride as everyone else around me is. PLEASE know that I am NOT going to try to b some speed demon and ride like a maniac to break some sort of record, (I don't even know what my last time was, I could look it up tho). this is a ride to raise money for a cause, it is NOT a race, just going to go from point A to point B in one piece and also have comfort in knowing if by SOME chance I start to feel unbearable pain, there are support vehicles throughout the course that can pick me and my bike up and take me back to camp if necessary and IF that happens, i'll make sure to post a pic of it. people around me keep saying, "you know you don't have to do this, the cause will still get the money." I know they will, i'm not dumb, but this is what I do, I ride, if I hurt, I could hurt at home, might as well do something that I like while i'm hurting, I will have better scenery. I could fall at home, so not getting on the bike is not going to stop an accident from happening, that's why they are called accidents and I don't believe the saying, "well you don't have to increase your chances of having an accident by getting on the bike" spare me. if something is going to happen, it's going to happen. know that I am a safe defensive rider. I don't want to get morbid but if I die, I went doing something I love.

    type to ya later.
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Good morning, all!

    Carol - It sounds like you are doing an amazing job taking care of yourself. You're in my thoughts.

    Joyce - In your husband's place I think I'd feel a little helpless. Most men aren't good at that. Hope he'll find his direction as he adjusts to the change, and that things will get easier for you as well.

    Kim - Wow, good luck keeping that dog quiet! My brother's young Brittany spanial had to go through heartworm treatment (the prescribed heartworm preventive failed, and the pharmaceutical company paid for the treatment). Getting those high energy dogs to rest is a tall order!

    Sassy - I agree with you, I'm a winder woman too. I'm a native Texan so you'd think I'd be used to the heat, but I can't wait for what passes for winter here. You can always put on more clothes but there's a limit to how many you can take off!

    Heather - I really enjoyed Norway and would surely love to go back. Hope everything lines up for your trip soon!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,101 Member
    Beth thanks for uplifting story!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Kim in N Cali – Hugs for your dog and walking buddy. I hope you find new motivation quickly. (((((It’s not a competition to see whose life is the most difficult, and “hiccup” needs attention. Hugss for you )))))

    Margaret, Mary, Gayle – Beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing. I’m so glad you all had such a wonderful time.

    Carol NC – Hugs and Prayers ! ! !

    Joyce – Your entire situation sounds so similar to my FIL a few years ago. They never were able to determine the reason for what they “think” was a stroke, but guessed that it was a bug or tick bite. He refused to eat in the Rehab center, unless at least 2 family members were visiting him at that time. He would eat ravenously if they took him out to eat somewhere, but needed 2 people for the transfer, so MIL couldn’t do it alone. I hope your DH keeps working hard to improve, and that you find the peace and strength you both need and deserve. I hope you feel my (((((hugs))))) ! ! !

    Linda IA – Don’t give up. Keep taking baby steps, and keep checking in here. This thread is my addiction, and I LOVE it and everyone here ! ! ! Thanks for being you !

    Sassy – Thanks for sharing the poem. Very Inspiring ! And I will eventually send the “. . . choose your hard.” to my daughter soon. I hope to help her find her own motivation. // It breaks my heart to see her so large, and difficult to breath. I fear she won’t see 30, and it makes me VERY sad. I spent so many years trying to teach her about healthy food and exercise choices. Tangent, sorry. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Gloria – What luck that you had such a glorious day. I’m so happy for you and the boys !

    Time for lunch, so I’ll do my copy/paste thing, and get back to you all again later today.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    Beth - what a heartwarming story! I have heard of people doing that, but have never had the opportunity as usually you don't know if the people are the right people in terms of need. I did send an anonymous donation to my yoga teacher's daughter who was in a lot of need, but it's not quite the same thing. Glad you could finish your day on a warm note! ! ! ! :flowerforyou:

    Carol - the steps you have taken sound ABSOLUTELY the right thing to do. I am proud of you. :love:

    Isn't it great that we can all grow in spirit and confidence on this site and learn to take our proud place in the world. o:) It's also good that we can share our vulnerability and sadness. I learn so much from all you ladies, not the least to forgive myself and laugh at my "funny little ways".

    We have sorted out our wills as best as we are able, but I think we will have to redo them in a few years' time if our circumstances change. They are good enough for now. :) Because we don't want to put the estate in trust the inheritance is not entirely protected, but we both trust each other. We are going to make an interim payment to all four children equally when the first partner dies. Then the rest is left proportionately re our present estate when the other dies. Of course, if the proportions change substantially or there is a remarriage then it's a new will. Isn't perfect, but covers the medium term future.

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • samgig
    samgig Posts: 25 Member
    hi all
    i am new to this group and i thought i would try to see if i can follow and maybe get somewhere with my goals.

    i am sandra from ottawa, Canada...gidday eh??!!

    September goals for me are 1. to lose 2 lbs
    2. to watch portion sizes...measure measure measure
    3. to do at least 150 minutes of exercise a week...

    i have been up and down forever and would like to try to establish some life long habits that will stop the
    rollercoaster madness...lol
    plus i am not so tech savvy..lol
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Kim from N. California -
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Ok, so my news is Levi has been limping off and on for 3-5 days, for those not in the “know” he is a 3 year old English SPRINGER Spaniel – high activity loves to run jump chase… we went to the vet this am with me carrying him --- Good news not fatal, no surgery, Bad news a serious Iliopsoas strain (that’s a groin area muscle) - 2 weeks with no walking, no ball playing, no squirrel chasing… so he will be a nut case and he’s the reason, motivation, excuse for the walking exercise I get…. Oh Sh** now what? I’ll have to figure out how to walk alone, and it will tear my heart out to leave for a walk and leave him behind.

    This is so MINOR compared to so much so many of you all are going through but it is my life hiccup at the moment, so it seems so important.

    This may be minor in the grand scheme of life, but I would definitely be thrown by something similar in my own life. My furry companions are very important to me and knowing one of them is hurting would cause me distress. You and Levi will make it through this. Good luck keeping him as inactive as possible. Just be sure to give him extra hugs when you get back from your solo walk and be prepared to tell him how many squirrels, bunnies and other dogs you met along the way. That is the information Miss Merri would want to know if I had to leave her behind so I’m guessing Levi would want the same.

    Janetr OKC – I’ll be gone a week. Leaving tomorrow after work and flying back home the following Friday. Looks like you will be on the road the same time I am. Wishing you safe travels.

    Sassy! – Lovely to see you. I enjoyed the poem. Congrats on keeping 20 of the 25 off. Being able to maintain is very important.

    stk_pkr – If you are still lurking around here, thank you for the compliment.

    Beth – How wonderful that you were able to help that young family in need. I had someone help me when I was much younger and in need. I remain grateful to this day and have tried to pay it forward whenever I can. Gestures such as yours can have far reaching ripple effects.
    Took 2 hours to get to work today. Normally a half hour drive. REALLY had to pee when I pulled into the parking lot. Raced through the front door and into the lobby restroom. Pulled down my pants(trousers) and found relief. When I went to pull the pants back up I realized they were not elastic band but button/zip up. Oops! Guess that means these pants are destined for the donate pile. I’ll have to schedule a trip to the thrift store to pick up the next size down when I get back from holiday.

    Mia in MI

    September goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,743 Member
    FouNd my stats!
    MS bike ride 2013, riding winter trek bike

    Day 1 - 83.9mi 6.14.56 148aw 13.4amph

    Day 2 - 53.3mi 4.04.54 782ft 132aw 13amph

    MS bike ride 2014 riding current road bike
    Day 1 - 81.3mi 5.51.03 4306ft 112aw 13.9amph

    Day 2 - 52.7mi 3.46.55 791ft 95aw 13.9amph
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,743 Member
    edited September 2015
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,101 Member
    Heather here is the U.S. if your estate is not is a trust it goes through probate in any state you own property. It is more expensive to set up a trust, but it saves your estate thousands by avoiding probate. We also live in Minnesota which has higher estate taxes than some other states. The trust protects our assets from these taxes too. A will won't. I learned in this process you really need to be able to trust your spouse if you sign over the power of attorney. If you cannot trust them to do things in your best interest if you are incapacitated you have some thinking to do. If you wait to obtain this power from the courts it is expensive and a mess. You will also be doing it at a time when you are under extreme stress. Hippa laws when used properly are great for the patient, but can make it a nightmare for those trying to pay bills and keep the person's life afloat. With power of attorney many headaches can be avoided as we are finding with our son.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Last swim for the summer. Grandkids, son, and girls plus a neighbor girl (front left).
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,830 Member
    I have been named dads exexcutor in his will, and I am going to be left holding the bag. probate in Connecticut is tough and my dad did a reverse mortgage on the house so will have to pay that back too, so will have to sell the house.. am not going to worry about it now as my father says he plans on living at least another 13 yrs whichc would make him 100.. and pretty darn sure he will make it lol
    Tom and I are getting on a bit better, think the weekend away gave him time to really think...
    and we do not have anything set in place yet.. really would like to wait until we sell this place and are in Florida ,,then it will be just us and money that we can put in a trust
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    Margaret - our wills are not perfect and I forgot completely to mention POA. :embarassed: In the UK probate between spouses is free of tax and the government is thinking of upping the general tax free amount. ( :* ) I simply can't get my head around every eventuality and I want the surviving spouse to be free to spend the money as they see fit. So a trust , where you only get the interest, wouldn't work for us. Our children don't need money, but we would like it to be fair. DH has a bit more money than me, so we have split it accordingly. If I were to win the lottery I would probably give most of it away and treat the children. In the UK you have to live another 7 yrs to avoid tax on gifts over £3, 500. :laugh:
    I will raise the subject of POA when the solicitor sends us the first draft of the will. It's more money, but necessary. I did have a thought when I got back as to what would happen to DH 's car, which is in his name and our only car, and whether I would be able to drive it during probate. Hmmmmmm! ;) That would be awkward! I will have to ask about that. I think I might ask if we could have a slightly larger joint account as at the moment there is only the bare minimum in it to pay bills. A bigger cushion for incidental expenses after death would be useful.

    It is a lot to think about and burying your head in the sand isn't an option. :ohwell:

    Love Heather, UK
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Cooking up lemon chicken and asparagus stir-fry for dinner. It's only 10:45 am here, but already 98 degrees. Too hot to think about cooking later in the day.

    Really in a crapy mood. Hubby has been cranky and defensive oh for years and I've had it. Since he won't talk about it I'm putting it back on his shoulders and to hell with it. Really just keeping things the same because we still have 2 kids home. 3rd just left for college in August. 3 more years and then I'll have more freedom and feel less trapped. It's hard to live with someone so selfish. Looking forward to changing the maid and cook, cleaning persona. I really need a vacation. Husband goes all over on business trips and takes extra time to visit whoever he wants. The only family vacation we've ever had was in 2008! He's impossible and argumentative over everything. I know that he yells to shut down the conversation and then he won't have to do a damn thing. I'm just done. But you should see him at a community event- mr nice guy.

    Thanks for the vent. Hugs and prayers to all.
