40 year old women and older who has lost 40 or more lbs - HOW THE HECK DID YOU DO IT???

STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
Please tell me you story and feel free to add before and after pictures or suggest good meal ideas.

But I want to know how the heck did you do it. Was it following fit people on instagram, believing in yourself, tired of yourself, a personal trainer, what (LOL). I keep losing and gaining the same 4lbs and I get inspired by others successful stories. But I want to know what clicked for you and "how you did it"!


  • MMaletto
    MMaletto Posts: 3 Member
    WOW! I'm inspired. I'm 47 and recently lost 20lbs doing a wt loss challenge at my gym, But I have gained 10lbs back :( It's so hard to stay on track, but I'm trying... I love reading all of your stories very motivating :)
  • FitRoberta
    FitRoberta Posts: 73 Member
    Short version of what worked for me: having accountability by meeting with a nurse practitioner every 2 to 3 weeks, whose area of expertise is weight loss to prevent/reverse disease.

    Longer version:
    I'm 46 and so far I've lost 20 pounds out of 50 that I need to lose. In the past I had never been overweight, and whenever my weight creeped up to the upper limit of my healthy weight range, I ate healthy and exercised back to the lower end of my range without too much trouble. But the past two years, I kept losing and gaining the same 5 pounds, well gaining MORE than 5 lbs. back. I kept thinking I could lose the weight on my own since I had done it before. But, I kept falling off track with eating well and exercise both. Eventually, I ended up overweight and almost medically obese, and my blood sugar tested as pre-diabetic, I had to admit that knowing what to do, and having done it in the past, were not helping me any longer. I admitted "defeat" (as if needing help is defeat!) and started meeting with a nurse practitioner who works with overweight people. I knew what to do, I just needed help sticking to it and this is exactly the accountability I needed to stay on track.

    Also, I don't mean to minimize the value of the information I have gained from the nurse. He knows what he's talking about and I am following his advice, which I find to be medically/scientifically solid: calories in/calories out, move more, eat whole foods, avoid processed foods/empty calories.

    Hope this helps, and good luck!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
  • Shurmenator
    Shurmenator Posts: 23 Member
    You all have been so successful and I too believe calories in/calories out is the key along with moving more.

    I'm just curious how many of you determined your daily calorie budget? There seems to be so many formulas. I once had a doctor tell me that the best formula is to multiple you goal weight by 10 and that should be your daily budget, MFP gives me 400-cals less, another 200-less. I know I can play around to see what works but was curious how others have determined their budget.
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