

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Michelle my son is autistic. If he makes up his mind to do or not do something, then that's it. No sweets, no fried foods, for a while he would eat nothing that had high fructose corn syrup. He lost close to 100 pounds after he graduated from high school. He had a really crazy walking/running routine until about 5 years ago when he got hit by a car. He broke his pelvis and ankle. Can you believe the car didn't even stop! After he healed up he started walking again. Farther and farther every day until one day he walked 42 miles! He could barely move his feet but he wouldn't let me pick him up. He said "Forrest Gump's mother never picked him up". Lol
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    MNMargaret - you seem to find the most interesting places to go! Thanks for sharing your pictures and sayings they are very meaningful!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    13,000 steps
    164 minutes of dog walking

    smiley-happy032.gif My goal was to spend as much time sitting today as possible to give my back a rest. The dogs cooperated by not wanting to walk as much on either of their long walks. I worked on the blanket I'm knitting in Seattle Seahawks colors, got my hair cut, went to a friend's house for a visit (we usually meet for a walk but she knew I was cutting back right now, she also knew that I wouldn't eat a snack when I got there so she didn't even make an offer), and did a fair amount of work on organizing files on my computer.

    smiley-happy032.gif Two things I learned about getting along with difficult people came from "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin and became two of my happiness commandments:
    Don't take things personally
    Don't expect praise or recognition

    smiley-happy032.gif I am very grateful that at this time in my life, there is rarely a difficult person to deal with....there have been times in the past when there were too many.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Still in New Orleans. Taking it one day at a time. I am enjoying the time with my sister, but I will be glad to get home. Her surgery was yesterday. She's still in a lot of pain, but it's better than last night. I miss my bed, my recliner, my husband, my house, but I've been eating very healthy meals, walking more than at home, and staying within my boundaries for eating times and calories. I hope to have a good report when I finally get back to my scale.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    take care of yourself barbiecat.

    nite peeps.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening!

    Meg - I didn't lose my job but I have been placed on a 60 day probation period. I don't think I explained what for so forgive me if I already have...

    I had an unsigned note in my work mailbox on Tuesday. It obviously had something to do with insurance but my supervisor (I use that term very loosely) left early without telling me she was leaving so I didn't get to ask about it. So, after I was alone in the office, I received a call from some benefits place asking me for all kinds of forms that I didn't know anything about and for a check for almost $5,000 that was needed right away. I answered her questions to the best of my ability but I had been told NOTHING about any insurance agreements. Needless to say, I was embarrassed AND I was very upset because, if they were indeed changing the insurance for those who get benefits, it meant I needed to have a LOT of questions answered and had an overwhelming amount of extra work to be completed by this Tuesday. This is the email I sent to the folks that might be able to answer my questions: "I just received a phone call from someone at Pilot Benefits asking me questions about insurance and saying that she needed at check for over $4,600 tomorrow. I am more than a little confused. If, indeed, there have been arrangements made for a new type of health insurance, I would appreciate some detailed written instructions on what I need to do regarding the changeover." Maybe I could have worded it a bit more gently, but I certainly do not consider it to be insubordination! In addition, my supervisor added to my written reprimand that I had used a short tone with church members. I asked for specific examples so that I could recognize what I had done wrong. She informed me that I had been rude to a man in the office on Tuesday. In my opinion, the man and I had a very pleasant visit with his needs being taken care of respectfully. He was cracking jokes the whole time he was in my office! She also said I was reported as being rude when I answer the door. 1) I answer the door about an average of once per year and 2) I say the same thing she does when she answers the door! Then she was really snotty about telling me that I was inappropriately dressed for the office. She was talking about my request to wear my Physical therapy clothing to work since it is a painful process to get dressed--particularly after my arm has been twisted all over creation. All she had to do is ask me if my condition had improved enough to change before coming to work. (I have no complaints at my other job.) Then she said there was a problem with my accuracy in my job. Yes, there was a mistake; I misread a sloppily handwritten invoice. I readily acknowledged that I had made a mistake and had worked with the vendor to correct it. On top of it all, the pastor sent me a horrible email that said I was scolding our hardworking members and that in my position, I should know there were insurance changes taking place. Well, not bloody likely that I would know if no one told me! EVERYONE on staff knew about the change except me--the one who has to do the actual work.

    I am way more than fed up with them! By the way, I still have not received contact information or any other details. End of rant...

    So, I reworked my resume today and will fine tune it on Monday and begin applying for jobs. I hope to be able to sing that old country song about "take this job and shove it!" Oh, and I asked the pastor at my other job if I was difficult to work with and he assured me that I was certainly not. We agreed that the biggest difference is that he and I work together as a team instead of me being treated like an ignorant lackey. He also told me that I was wasting my skills and talents by working the positions I'm in.

    So, Lisa, would you have placed me on probation for that email under the circumstances? How would you recommend that I handle the lack of respect(?) that I am shown by ignoring my need to know status because this is in no way the first time something like this has happened? Everyone else chime in, too!

    Heather -I love pictures of your grand babies!

    Alison - I'm sorry your day was spoiled but I hope it gave you enough of a needed break.

    As always, I hold each of you in my heart and wish the best for you every day.

    Carol in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member

    we were talking about our walks, but I thought I would show you one of the two embroidery machines I spend a lot of time at everyday.

    Barbie – thanks for the name of the book, I seem to be in herds of difficult people lately, and just got a smart phone and learned how to use notes, so made a list of books I want to read and added that one.

    Carol - I will be surprised if Lisa would put you on probation! But what supervisiors will do never ceases to amaze me… I got written up for spending more than 5 minute in a 10 hour day in the bathroom once, the best part was in HR when I explained that I had gotten diarrhea after eating the lunch that the supervisor’s wife had made.

    September Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles (dog is injured- will skip this this month)
    Log everyday –
    Twice a week do floor exercises
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 –
    W2 – went hiking, went to nephew’s football game
    W3 – went hiking, football game!
    W4 –
    W5 -
    Kim from N. California
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Kim - Wow, I was looking at the picture and thinking what in the world is that. I would love to see you at work on it. Very impressive, I have a new respect for machine embroidering. Thanks for sharing.

    Barbie - You are an amazing lady. I certainly hope someday to gain half the wisdom you have. Thanks for all you do. Take care of yourself, I hope you're back to normal in short time.

    I've had Sylvia and her DGD on my mind. I don't like not hearing from her. I sure hope all is well with them all.

    Thanks to all of you for your kind wishes on my upcoming knee replacement. The surgery in January to replace the right knee was text book perfect. Surgeon kept telling me I was his star pupil and that I needed to show the younger ones how it was done. Hoping for a repeat "star" performance :) Thanks again.

    Does anyone know anything about JanetMc in NO? I think of her often and miss her pearls of wisdom. I pray nothing has gone amiss with her or her husband.

    I love reading each and every post and feel as if I have come to know each of you and that I have a ton of great friends. What a wonderful support system. I am so thankful for each of you.

    Janetr OKC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    patceoh wrote: »


    That is a great phrase. I need to remember that when I think about my sister that lives not 2 hrs from me. She called me on my b'day in June and that is the last I have heard from her. I leave messages but nothing. Doesn't she realize that I wish to grow old with my middle sis? Yes I have told her how I feel, but it doesn't sink in. Yep I need to let all that go, but its really hard sometimes...

    annr - I went thru the EXACT same kind of thing with ALL my 6 bro's and sis's. I used to call on everyone's b-days, anniversaries, holidays, give cards, blah blah.... no give and take, took YEARS of pain and heartache. I was hoping for them to react the way I was acting towards them.. you can't make that happen, it has to be in them to feel it., I don't give cards, don't call on their anniversaries, I "retired" from Christmas so to speak... I could write a book about this subject...

    I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers....have gone through the exact same thing. If we aren't all getting together at my parent's, which doesn't happen often at all, I don't see or hear from them. They all see and chat but not with me...it has been many years of self-loathing as to what went wrong then I figured it out. I am emotionally, mentally, physically and financially independent in all ways of my life. A therapist told me that I have to accept living on the "rim" of the family circle. We are getting together for Thanksgiving this year at my parent's and it will be the first time seeing all my sibs in 4 years (last time was father's 80th bday) and first time seeing my parent's in 2 years. Sigh.....

    Cheri in sunny NE Ohio

    The rim can be a lonely place, but the first thing that popped in my head after reading your post Cheri is, "Give your parents a hug!" Oh I wish I could do that with mine, but both have passed. Appreciate the moments, because you just don't know what tomorrow brings.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Today I wasn't great at eating, but I did have a fantastic day! Walked around Seaside looking at all the shops and feeling like a tourist, but alot of the storekeepers know us, so thats cool. At the antique mall I said hi to Charlie the dog that lives there, (owners dog). And I said hi to the cat that lives at the book store. Don't remember her name though. Husband was asking me if I want sweet stuff like fudge, or lunch, or a beer. Such a tempter he is, but I said I was just enjoying the walk. We did stop to get lunch at Camp Rilea, and the lady that owns the place there is like a grandma. Only us and some active duty Army guys in there, so it was quiet. I did have a beer, and a turkey sandwich......no regrets. Tomorrow is another day! We walked for about 1 and 1/2 hrs, holding hands and soaking up the atmosphere, so definately no regrets.
    Came home and started reading a good book. Its harder to get in my water these days, with the weather a bit cooler. Any hints? I need to treat my water like a vitamin and just get the glasses in.
    feeling bloated in Oregon... lol
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did 40 inutes of Cathe Pure Strength Back, Bicep and Abs DVD. I do wish her DVD's were longer, they're really good. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Fit Body yoga DVD

    margaretturk - great pics, thanks for sharing

    katla - I just noticed your new pic. Wonderful! Welcome home

    Lin - I love your closing "see you lighter"

    Alison - you ask why do you get pooped on? Well it's BECAUSE you are kind, caring and compassionate. You are a good person, don't ever forget that. What good insight Lisa had. Good for you going to the fair. Have fun. You know, I think that sometimes as men get older, they get more shorttempered. There have been quite a few times when I've said to Vince "you don't need to yell" He just got upset with me because I vacuumed out the spa and steps. It wasn't very dirty at all, so I put the filter in the pool to wash it out. He was putting Rover (the robotic cleaner) in the pool. I was thinking "well, what's a little more dirt, Rover will get it. Then I don't have to go up and turn on the faucet". He went on and on about how it was (this didn't really make sense to me) like me vacuuming the living room and then dumping all the dirt on the living room rug. To me, it's different, I was putting it in the pool so Rover could get it, not back in the spa.

    Remember when I had that plantar wart removed? That was months ago. You know something, I can still feel where it was removed. I would have thought by now it would have been completely healed. My heels are a bit sore, and I'm sure that's because I'm placing more weight on my heel so that I avoid the ball of my foot where the plantar wart was. I'm just surprised that it hasn't healed yet.

    pip - great finds

    The guy who worked for Vince came here. Well, Jess came about 45 minutes before he got here, she went over to her friend's place to "watch a movie". We shall see what time she gets back home. Anyway, he lives alone and I forgot that he's lonely and likes to talk. He's a real sweet guy, but I'm ready for bed. Anyway, I didn't know that he's not a chocolate lover so I'll probably make a lemon bread for him tomorrow a.m.

    Alison - so sorry you had to cut your visit short, but glad you at least got to go

    Kim - what a garden club item! Share with us any time at all

    drkatiebug - when will you be going home?

    NCCarol - I don't consider that to be insubordination, either, I just consider it common courtesy that they inform you. I'd be more than fed up, too

    Kim - what an embroidery machine. Impressive!

    Michele in NC
    who really needs to get to bed
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,387 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Today I wasn't great at eating, but I did have a fantastic day! Walked around Seaside looking at all the shops and feeling like a tourist, but alot of the storekeepers know us, so thats cool. At the antique mall I said hi to Charlie the dog that lives there, (owners dog). And I said hi to the cat that lives at the book store. Don't remember her name though. Husband was asking me if I want sweet stuff like fudge, or lunch, or a beer. Such a tempter he is, but I said I was just enjoying the walk. We did stop to get lunch at Camp Rilea, and the lady that owns the place there is like a grandma. Only us and some active duty Army guys in there, so it was quiet. I did have a beer, and a turkey sandwich......no regrets. Tomorrow is another day! We walked for about 1 and 1/2 hrs, holding hands and soaking up the atmosphere, so definately no regrets.
    Came home and started reading a good book. Its harder to get in my water these days, with the weather a bit cooler. Any hints? I need to treat my water like a vitamin and just get the glasses in.
    feeling bloated in Oregon... lol

    When I fill the kettle for coffee I fill a glass with water and drink it while I wait for the kettle to boil. That one little change doubles your daily intake of liquid.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele - I agree with you I think men get cranky as they age. They don't express feelings like women and bottle them up. Aches and pains as they age and boom! Short fuse!

    Becca - very romantic!

    Kim - take a picture of something you embroidered!

    Insomnia again! Have a good night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    TerriRichards - What date in April is your birthday? Mine is the 8th and also will be 70. How on earth did it happen?

    Lovely poem - are you a writer?

    Awesome job on weight loss!

    miriamwithcats - congratulations, did the parents protest? Are you getting help with the adoption? I know it can be very expensive.

    Carol - When it rains it pours, doesn't it? What a crummy thing and from a church no less. Sorry you have something else to deal with when things seem to be calming down somewhat for you. Hope you get out of there soon. Before I retired my counselor said i needed to leave where I was because it was a toxic environment.

    Pip - Loved all the pics and info on your ride. So glad you were able to do it and that the shoulder cooperated.
    Are you going to ride your bike to the hospital for your surgery . . .LOL So sorry to hear about you being molested as a child. There are too many children that this happens to. I read recently that the hardest thing about molestation is that it takes away from the child who they might have been had it not happened.

    I had no idea that our neighbor was a molester. He was in and out of my house and my children were in and out of his. He also had 2 young boys that come to find he had also been molesting. I met him the first day I moved into the apartment next door. He taught Sunday School and went to the prisons and held services. Before finding out about the molestation I had been in counseling because my son and I had been very close and all of a sudden something was wrong. I was at work one night when I got a call from the police telling me that my neighbor had confessed to molesting my son. I was absolutely astonished. If I'd owned a gun I might have shot him. He had always been so nice to all the boys in the apts and had taken them all swimming etc. The police were brought in because another neighbor went to the station when his boys told him there was something weird about the neighbor. It turned out that he had been accused of molesting another child at one time but the charges were dropped. Since he was never convicted he was allowed to live across the street from the middle school and in a complex with other children. I took my son to counseling the very day that I was notified. My counselor told me she should have picked up on the signs I was telling her about. He never would attend counseling instead started abusing drugs and alcohol. That was almost 30 years ago and he finally stopped using meth and drinking about 6 years ago. In addition to his 2 boys that I have he has 3 daughters who live with their mom in the Portland area. He still blames me for his being molested and says that he was telling me but I didn't listen. I don't take this to heart anymore because a counselor told me this would happen someday. I used to accept the excuse that what was happening in his life was due to his being molested but after all these years and his being in counseling during the past 3 years I think it's time he stops blaming everyone else and take some responsibility for his current actions that have effected all 5 of his children. None of them wants to have anything to do with him anymore because he has let them down over and over and over again. The molester spent 2 years in jail. When he was out I ran into him at a Kmart. I was so shook up that I walked in the store and couldn't figure out why I was there. I turned around and walked out.

    It is amazing how many of us have had similar incidents in our lives. Domestic violence, having to reclaim our lives after been verbally and/or physically abused for years, either ourselves or our children being molested, unloving families. Yet here we are friends who have never met supporting and loving one another. God is great! (or whoever or whatever you believe in). We are strong women working toward making the rest of our years the best they can be.

    Gloria in WA

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited September 2015
    Sorry ladies, just popping in to say Hi! I haven't had time to read, much less take notes, but I'll get cracking later in the week.

    My husband and I are in Sweden for a friend's 60th birthday party, and of course we're visiting our children and grandchildren while we're here.

    Just one stupendous NSV I had to share. I have a gorgeous silk ball gown in iridescent blue-green-turquoise, bought around the turn of the century. I haven't been able to wear it for nearly a decade, but I tried it on yesterday and could zip it all the way up the back! Boobs totally squished, but still... If I get rid of another few pounds, I'll be back to wearing the fancy dress I really like!
    Penny, still pretty far north, but nowhere near the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Lisa - you must be one smart cookie! What's next?

    Pip - I injured my rotator cusp a few years ago and the only thing that helped me with pain when I was sleeping was hugging a pillow.

    Terri - can't wait until I can by-pass plus sizes too. Congrats cute pjs!

    Three more pages to go and I am determined to finish!