July 4th challenge



  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    I jumped on the scale this morning and low and behold it was just under 150!!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!! THANK YOU GOD! I checked it like three more times before I left for work just to be sure :)
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    Can't celebrate too soon though, I still have about 10 lbs to lose by july 4th.
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    Wait a minute! I just checked the chart and I'm not on there!!! I got voted off????
  • tdjones00
    tdjones00 Posts: 68
    I was shocked that I lost the most percentage wise. I am going to have to kick it up a few notches so that I can win both categories. Congrats to everyone! We are one week closer to our goal.
  • hislight
    hislight Posts: 15
    WOW!!! I CANNOT believe that I am the Most lbs Lost!! Woo-Hoo!!! I am so thankful! Great going everyone! Keep up the good work!!!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    congrats hislight and tdjones! Keep it up!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    congrats hislight and tdjones! Keep it up!
  • matina29
    matina29 Posts: 64 Member
    204.5 today! Weighing in before the weekend can be dangerous for the next weigh-in LOL! Good luck all!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    NSV's !!!!!!!!!!!! Just had to share :smile:

    I probably wouldn't have discovered this if my boss wasn't a little crazy. She text messaged me at 3:45am because she got a bright idea about new uniforms. So because of that I had to go shopping for khaki pants and brown leather shoes. Two months ago when I needed to buy new jeans I had to get size 18 and they were tight , But today I decided to be brave and try on a pair of size 14 pants. To my suprise they fit. I can pull them up, button them, and zip them! YES! I have dropped two pants sizes in two months! I also got a pair of size 12 khaki pants, but I think they are a little big for size 12's so I think I am officially a size 14! I am so excited. Naturally I was on cloud 9 after leaving the store.

    Next I had my first meeting with my new personal trainer. His name is Eric and let me tell you this man is not hard to look at to say the least. So he ask me," What are your goals?" To which I replied ," I want to be a MILF!" ( This was a joke because I am sure he knows I am trying to be healthier and all that jazz) and he replies," You already are!" ... Have you ever seen a black person blush? I am pretty sure I was blushing at that moment. He was so suprised that I have already lost a good bit of weight on my own. Today was an awesome day, but I don't think I will let my husband meet him ... He might make me fire him!
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Weigh in today:213.8..only 2 oz down this past week. TOM was the problem,so hoping to lose something next week!
  • 2girls4boys
    2girls4boys Posts: 72 Member

    A tiny gain. I didn't do so well last week, but I am determined to stick with it this week.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Weigh in today 216.8lbs I lost so that is a successful week.
  • vwbear
    vwbear Posts: 87 Member
    194.6 lbs for me today.
  • CaroseH
    CaroseH Posts: 72
    Grrrr, 142, up a pound! Could be because I only ran once this week and really stopped caring about my food intake? It's my first day of vacation........wish me luck ladies! I will be strong this week!

    Here are my vacation week goals! Run Four times, at least four miles each time.
    Track every item of food that I eat, even if I'm going over calories, it will be good to keep a measure.
    Do 30DS twice, at least.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    170.....up two pounds oy
    basically back at initial weight :sad:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Nisjam5 173.4
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Cw: 182.6
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    congrats to matina29 for both the biggest weight loss and % lost

    Link is:

    This week's goal:
    think positive...no negativity

    Optional: (do as many as you can and make it challenging)
    Monday: squats
    Tuesday: Triceps
    Wednesday: calf raises
    Friday: abs
    Saturday: planks
    Sunday: biceps
  • hislight
    hislight Posts: 15
    Myfitnesspal & ALL of you have helped me so much!! My Original Goal Weight for this Challenge was 195 & I was not really sure I would be able to get there, but I am headed in the right direction & things are going REALLY well! I am RE-Challenging myself for the 4th of July to a GW of 193, that's 2 More lbs that I am challenging myself to lose by then.

    SW: 202.6
    CW: 197
    GW: 145

    * Continue to be faithful in Logging my Food in MFP
    * " " Exercise in MFP
    * Drink at LEAST 8 glasses of water a day
    * Make myself get up 3 times a week Before work & hit Curves
    * Look for another FUN Exercise class to join on Monday nights!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Checking in for the week!

    215.4 lbs YAY