55-65 year old women's success?



  • transformedbyhim56
    transformedbyhim56 Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome dlmciver! I have been on MFP for about 18 months and have lost 54 pounds over that time. I am on maintenance now. I just discovered this thread and I love it! What a fantastic group of women. We can all inspire and support each other because we are at the same place in life. I, like so many, have lost and gained weight many times before. I retired two years ago and decided then that getting healthy needed to be my top priority. It feels amazing and I love that so many women close to my age are doing the same thing. We have experience in losing weight and experience in life. There's a lot of wisdom here. We all need each other.
  • transformedbyhim56
    transformedbyhim56 Posts: 30 Member
    Snoozie..so glad for your post! We are worth it despite any negativity and life changing events that we have around us.

    I've been at this my entire life, and I did give up for six months thinking I could be happy with myself "as is"! That was so NOT true. Not only was I unhappy, I was just sick of eating junk, being bloated, and having a screaming knee upon rising. So I erased the old stuff from MFP and began again.

    This is my life now--mindful, planned eating and moving my body. There is NO finish line because even after getting to that magical number, I will still have to be mindful, plan what I eat, and move my body. Although it took took me many, many years to finally "get it", I'm glad that I did because the alternative to not taking good care of myself is not one that I want to experience.
    Snoozie and loves retirement: I absolutely love what both of you have to say and can relate to you both totally! It seems you have both learned some invaluable lessons and they are so encouraging to hear. I would like to be friends with you OR just keep in touch through this thread. This is great! I love it!!! We so need each other!
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Thanks for all your comments and help... I have started gentle walking - although not yet logging it and am slowly starting to lose weight. Taken cal allowance to 1700 to see if that makes a difference.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    sus5n wrote: »
    I was diagnosed as a Type 2 diabetic several years ago. Haven't had to take any meds, but my fasting blood sugar was usually between 100 and 120. I have lost 19 pounds with MFP and this morning my blood sugar was 82! Amazing what losing weight and exercise can do!
    That's fantastic! Keep it up !
  • Selestite
    Selestite Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 58 and been working out with a professional trainer twice a week, walking on my own, and logging for three weeks. Results = a gain of one pound and and injury. I'm going to see an Airrosti practitioner today and am so ready to find out how to correct my knee problem. This challenge is just what I need to keep going in the face of three weeks of very hard work a bit of a disappointment. My trainer is very good and not to say there were not any successes yet, I'm probably stronger and am learning a lot of great exercises etc... It may be that I'm 58 and just eating too many calories. I'll make my log public if anyone cares to look at what may be causing no loss. Also, my trainer does not weigh or re-measure me till the six week mark so I may have lost some inches but do not know that data. Thanks for the support
  • krenwren
    krenwren Posts: 136 Member
    I find that if I am not completely thorough with my diary, I get off track. Take it one win at a time. Maybe if you have gone from 0 to 60 with your working out, you are eating more because of increased metabolic needs. If you don't keep an eye on this eating, you won't lose. Are you jumping in too hard? Maybe need to ease into things?
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    Selestite, how do your clothes fit (are they looser)??? If so, you have probably lost some inches. Also, one pound of muscle takes up less room than one pound of fat (which may account for the gain). Also, you may have to change your macros (and not just accept the ones MFP sets up for you); and watch how much sugar you are actually eating (naturally occurring & added). Good luck.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    Selestite wrote: »
    I'm 58 and been working out with a professional trainer twice a week, walking on my own, and logging for three weeks. Results = a gain of one pound and and injury.
    ... It may be that I'm 58 and just eating too many calories. I'll make my log public if anyone cares to look at what may be causing no loss. Also, my trainer does not weigh or re-measure me till the six week mark so I may have lost some inches but do not know that data. Thanks for the support

    If this is a new workout routine, your body may hold on to more water (as part of muscle repair) for a while, thus look like there's not as much weight loss, but this will resolve eventually. But note that a plateau can last several weeks, so at 3 weeks in, I'd encourage patience - stick with it another couple of weeks at least, tighten your logging, and see where you are.

    Regarding logging, the question I have, after looking at your diary, is whether you are routinely weighing all your food (whenever possible of course; some things have to be estimated, like food at friends' houses among others). I'm seeing quite a bit of "1/4 cup" kind of thing for solid foods, and a mix of grams & ounces, which triggers that question. Unless you are weighing solids and measuring liquids, it's possible to be several hundred calories off over the course of a day, which is enough to wipe out a good chunk of calorie deficit if it goes in the wrong direction. A good electronic scale is only around $20.

    These posts in the forum are on point for successful logging:

    Logging Accurately..step by step guide
    Logging accuracy, consistency, and you're probably eating more than you think

    If you haven't yet, I'd *strongly* encourage you to take the time to read all the "stickies" (permanent posts at the top of the topic) in the forum topics "Getting Started" and "General Diet and Weight Loss Help". They are very, very helpful to understanding MFP and achieving success.

    If you log carefully and accurately, you should have the information you need (after a period of weeks) to adjust your intake or exercise to get the results you want, for your specific body's needs and behavior.

    Also, I think it's helpful to take measurements -and- photos, as they will sometimes show progress the scale doesn't, or with a different timing.

    I'm 59, have lost 46 pounds since April 2015, the most recent 20 pounds (approximately) using MFP, and am now around 10 pounds from goal (CW 136 at 5'5"), so I'm pretty convinced the MFP approach can work, when carefully applied.
  • Lorz1977
    Lorz1977 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all, I have restarted MFP a few days ago, and previously did not really record everything I ate. I am going to attempt to be faithful to MFP, and all the posts I have read on this thread so far have been really helpful. I had lost about 30 pounds prior but gained back 20, but it seems like I have gained 40 because it has all landed in my upper abdomen :# and no clothes are fitting. I feel awful, and really want to get healthier. I want to lose about 40-50 pounds and would love to connect with some other MFP folks so we could chat and support one another. I am 55 turning 56 next month. Looking forward to a healthier me! Cheers
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Lorz1977 wrote: »
    Hi all, I have restarted MFP a few days ago, and previously did not really record everything I ate. I am going to attempt to be faithful to MFP, and all the posts I have read on this thread so far have been really helpful. I had lost about 30 pounds prior but gained back 20, but it seems like I have gained 40 because it has all landed in my upper abdomen :# and no clothes are fitting. I feel awful, and really want to get healthier. I want to lose about 40-50 pounds and would love to connect with some other MFP folks so we could chat and support one another. I am 55 turning 56 next month. Looking forward to a healthier me! Cheers
    I had a similar problem with not tracking daily, I finally set up the reminders , under settings I think, and now if I haven't logged by a certain time I get a message ! Best thing I did....I'm repeat gainer as well, and it came back with a vengeance, and like you, it really showed up on my tummy. I'm working on keeping my carbs low and watch my sugar grams too...I think it's helping

  • Lorz1977
    Lorz1977 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks pwrfl1, for the tip is reminder settings, I will look at that. Much appreciated!
  • lgura895
    lgura895 Posts: 5 Member
    17761776 wrote: »
    Wonderful!!!!! Gayle Minneapolis
    odirish wrote: »
    I've been playing around with the calorie number here on MFP. 1200 is definitely too low. I bumped it up to 1500 and lost 1.5 lbs, so I bumped it again only I went a little too far. I went up to 2400 ( I was in a carb frenzy) and gained 4 tenths of a pound. So now I know where I shouldn't be. Today I'm going to shoot for 1700 and see what happens. It's a learning process. I had been doing total body workout with a trainer but that gets expensive. I stopped going this week and haven't looked at a gym. Time to get back into it. I think I'm going to buy one of those FitBits and breakout the old treadmill :)

    I am new here...I started MFP three weeks ago after going to a registered dietitian (insurance pays ---what a surprise). At the clinic they measured my resting metabolic calories. What you burn with no exercise. Mine were 1,500 (they go down as you lose). So you have to create a deficit to lose. Exercise gives you extra, but still need that deficit. They set me at 1,300. I was doubtful, but exercise lets me eat more and stay at that net 1,300.

    She told me I had to eat within an hour of waking. I used to wait two hours or so and eat at work. Also said I had to add a morning and afternoon snack. Oddly after studying my diary she said I was not eating enough carbs. She did not mean bread or chips...she meant sweet potato, rice, etc. good carbs.

    Sleep is a big factor. Hard for me because I am a night owl.

    I am 61, started at 187, 5'7". All in my belly. Low type 2 diabetes 6.1 A1c = 128. High cholesterol, triglycerides. Just went through a really rough year of divorce and the death of my father. BP was not controlled. My father had vascular dementia, so I am highly motivated to avoid that.

    In three short weeks I feel much better, have lost 8 pounds almost all fat. My numbers are better. I know I will level off to a pound a week, per the RD.

    I am not clear at all about how you join a group etc. on MFP. Just stumbled on this thread tonight.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    lgura895 wrote: »
    17761776 wrote: »
    Wonderful!!!!! Gayle Minneapolis
    odirish wrote: »
    I've been playing around with the calorie number here on MFP. 1200 is definitely too low. I bumped it up to 1500 and lost 1.5 lbs, so I bumped it again only I went a little too far. I went up to 2400 ( I was in a carb frenzy) and gained 4 tenths of a pound. So now I know where I shouldn't be. Today I'm going to shoot for 1700 and see what happens. It's a learning process. I had been doing total body workout with a trainer but that gets expensive. I stopped going this week and haven't looked at a gym. Time to get back into it. I think I'm going to buy one of those FitBits and breakout the old treadmill :)

    I am new here...I started MFP three weeks ago after going to a registered dietitian (insurance pays ---what a surprise). At the clinic they measured my resting metabolic calories. What you burn with no exercise. Mine were 1,500 (they go down as you lose). So you have to create a deficit to lose. Exercise gives you extra, but still need that deficit. They set me at 1,300. I was doubtful, but exercise lets me eat more and stay at that net 1,300.

    She told me I had to eat within an hour of waking. I used to wait two hours or so and eat at work. Also said I had to add a morning and afternoon snack. Oddly after studying my diary she said I was not eating enough carbs. She did not mean bread or chips...she meant sweet potato, rice, etc. good carbs.

    Sleep is a big factor. Hard for me because I am a night owl.

    I am 61, started at 187, 5'7". All in my belly. Low type 2 diabetes 6.1 A1c = 128. High cholesterol, triglycerides. Just went through a really rough year of divorce and the death of my father. BP was not controlled. My father had vascular dementia, so I am highly motivated to avoid that.

    In three short weeks I feel much better, have lost 8 pounds almost all fat. My numbers are better. I know I will level off to a pound a week, per the RD.

    I am not clear at all about how you join a group etc. on MFP. Just stumbled on this thread tonight.

    When you go to community there is a bar across the top. The left hand icon is a little square thingie. Click on that and it shows groups. Just scroll until you find one that suits your needs. I belong to a great one called 20 lbs by Thanksgiving. Very nice group. Come join us.

    Also you can click on the little star to bookmark any thread you would like to keep up with do you can find it later.

    Happy MFPing!!!
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Very well done all!
  • transformedbyhim56
    transformedbyhim56 Posts: 30 Member
    SbetaK wrote: »
    If anyone looks at MFP's blog, here is a link I have found really useful- MFP's round-up of the 10 best free workout videos on Youtube. I work out at home quite a bit as I live 15 miles from town. I'm going through them all.

    thanks for this link! I have bookmarked it so I can use it this winter maybe on days when I'm snowed in or later in the evening for an extra workout! Thanks so much!
  • transformedbyhim56
    transformedbyhim56 Posts: 30 Member
    Jewels211 wrote: »
    Celebrating here! I mentioned was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic a little over 3 months ago. Had my 1st follow up dr apt yesterday. In those 3 months by carefully tracking my food here on MFP, eating lean meats, whole grains, lots of veggies & keeping my carbs in very close control (not too little, not too much) & doing 20-30 min a day at least 5 days a wk on the treadmill, I've lost 26 lbs, A1C went from 6.6 to 5.5 & my b/p was almost too low, so dr cut one med dose in half & I may get to come off of it if my body cooperates! Liver enzymes, triglycerides, & cholesterol are all good now, too! Woohoo! I'm in the midst of menopause, so I didn't think this would be possible, but so far, so good! I've still got around 50 lbs to go, but I'm heading in the right direction!
    Just thought I'd share that I was diagnosed withT2D also about 5 years ago. At first I lost 10 -12 pounds, but then the pressures at work ( I was a first grade public school teacher) got to me and I gained most of it back. I went to classes to help me with my diabetes, but it wasn't until I retired and found MFP and started logging my calories, and exercising 5 days a week that I really started to lose the weight. I made a commitment to get healthy and read The End of Diabetes by Dr. Joel Fuhrmann and Never Say Diet by Chantel Hobbs and I have lost 54 pounds over 18 months and have gotten off blood pressure meds and all meds I was on. My A1C has gone from 6.5 to 5.2 in that time. I've tried to really educate myself on nutrition and exercise because the doctors don't know everything. Some of the information is just flat not true! Dr. Fuhrmann says what most doctors have you doing will actually make your diabetes get worse over time. But you can reverse diabetes he believes and so do I! I think I've actually proved it to myself. So best of luck to you. Good health is possible and diabetes free!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Jewels211 wrote: »
    Celebrating here! I mentioned was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic a little over 3 months ago. Had my 1st follow up dr apt yesterday. In those 3 months by carefully tracking my food here on MFP, eating lean meats, whole grains, lots of veggies & keeping my carbs in very close control (not too little, not too much) & doing 20-30 min a day at least 5 days a wk on the treadmill, I've lost 26 lbs, A1C went from 6.6 to 5.5 & my b/p was almost too low, so dr cut one med dose in half & I may get to come off of it if my body cooperates! Liver enzymes, triglycerides, & cholesterol are all good now, too! Woohoo! I'm in the midst of menopause, so I didn't think this would be possible, but so far, so good! I've still got around 50 lbs to go, but I'm heading in the right direction!
    Just thought I'd share that I was diagnosed withT2D also about 5 years ago. At first I lost 10 -12 pounds, but then the pressures at work ( I was a first grade public school teacher) got to me and I gained most of it back. I went to classes to help me with my diabetes, but it wasn't until I retired and found MFP and started logging my calories, and exercising 5 days a week that I really started to lose the weight. I made a commitment to get healthy and read The End of Diabetes by Dr. Joel Fuhrmann and Never Say Diet by Chantel Hobbs and I have lost 54 pounds over 18 months and have gotten off blood pressure meds and all meds I was on. My A1C has gone from 6.5 to 5.2 in that time. I've tried to really educate myself on nutrition and exercise because the doctors don't know everything. Some of the information is just flat not true! Dr. Fuhrmann says what most doctors have you doing will actually make your diabetes get worse over time. But you can reverse diabetes he believes and so do I! I think I've actually proved it to myself. So best of luck to you. Good health is possible and diabetes free!

    Just wanted to congratulate both of you on getting that A1C no. down with good diet and exercise. My husband recently fell on the wrong side of the line and we are working on getting him doing the right things. I will check out the Fuhrmann book for sure, noticed it in Kindle books recently.
  • krenwren
    krenwren Posts: 136 Member
    Well my friends while I am so inspired by all these great stories, I am getting discouraged. I am stuck. Each week I vow to faithfully record my intake and output and each week I am unrewarded by weight loss. I average about 1500 to 1600 of calorie intake a day and 2200 out with exercise and basal requirements. I obviously must not be recording accurately. I have a fitbit and a fitness monitor so I feel confident my exercise calories are correct. I guess on the plus side, I am not gaining! Each week I start anew. I will continue to look for inspiration from all of you.
  • alizesmom
    alizesmom Posts: 219 Member
    Just saw this thread. I'm 62, 60 1/2 inches and have been dieting since December 23 rd when I went over 200 pounds. I had been hanging in the 190s for a few years but something about that weight got to me. I'm hitting about 1200 cal a day and have recently committed to walking 2 miles a day instead of sporadically. I'm down to 147 which is only 3 pounds from my original goal. After much thought I decided to aim for 120 which is where I felt great. I ache less, my depression has improved, I have more energy and have dropped from a size 20 jeans and XXL shirts to size 10 and mediums. I can't wait to see where I end up!
  • Eleted
    Eleted Posts: 121 Member
    Alizesmom. Wow that is awesome!! Good job.
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