

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Barbie/Kayla - I loved your list. I too will copy it. It applies to most every situation we might face. Thanks for sharing your great wisdom, Barbie.

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr- Happy Anniversary! It sounds like you have a wonderful husband! Enjoy your flowers and your DH!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cfoy1
    cfoy1 Posts: 3 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Thanks to Heather, Gretchen Rubin, and Voltaire for this wonderful saying that has encouraged so many of us.

    Welcome back to those of you who have been posting on this thread and welcome to those of you who are joining us now.

    The name of the thread is Women Ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

    How did you do with your goals and resolutions for September?
    What goals and resolutions have you planned for October?

    Please sign your post with your name or an alias and a location (general or specific) so we can get to know each other better.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy065.gif

    September resolutions (with end of the month comments)
    *walk an average of 15,000+ steps a day (about 13,000 due to my injury)
    *drink 9 glasses of water a day (every day without fail)
    *strength training twice a week (no strength training due to injury)
    *15 minutes a day organizing photo files on computer and phone (not every day, but accomplished a lot)
    * meditate for five minutes four or more days a week (even more than that)

    October Resolutions
    *walk an average of 13,000+ steps a day
    *drink 9 glasses of water a day
    *finish organizing photos and other files on computer)
    *meditate for 5-10 minutes a day four or more days a week

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

  • cfoy1
    cfoy1 Posts: 3 Member
    I don't want to complain about my weight going up. It's my own fault. In October I want to walk a few times a week and figure out how to stop stressing myself out to the point of making myself sick. I also want to drink more water
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    DJ, no, the microwave doesn't stink just when Charlie uses it. And I have tried to teach him about the defrost cycle, the rewarming using a lower power and it just doesn't set in. He dials in the number of minutes and hits start. He only knows 100% power. I will try some of the suggestions. I know we have quite a few years on this micowave but it still works fine.

    I appreciate the suggestions on the diaper. I hadn't thought about with the underwear style, he would be pulling all that diarrhea down his leg. I was also thinking that with the diaper type, if he is incontinent wile he is out, anyone in the bathroom would see he is taking his pants completely off. I will google male bowel incontinence diaper.

    Janetr, sorry your weight loss surgery is messing up with your pain medicine. I hope your docs can work it out son for you. Happy anniversary.

    I am sure glad I live in the midwest in the Ohio valley. The Atlantic coast is getting pounded with water. I cant believe the pictures I am seeing out of South Carolina. My nephew is in college. His parents haven't said anything so I guess I need to call them.

    I don't know how Charlie can say he doesn't have an appetite. He has been wanting one of those rotisserie chicken that Sam's club has. So we ahd to go pick up some new medicine for him tonight and we picked one up. Had mashed potatoes, left over gravy, green beans. I have jsut been setting out my smaller plates for him but tonight he got out a big plate and filled it up. And ate it all i guess if you use enough ketchup, you can eat anything. I am the only one in the family that does not douse their chicken or turkey in ketchup. Yuck.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    DH did not sleep at all last night. I slept well, amazingly. My priority is DH's state of mind. He is prone to extremely high anxiety to the point of collapse. He is not yet at that point.
    We discussed practical things he could do this morning snd he thought the best thing was to ring his sister. He is going to do thst asap, before she goes to work.
    Here's hoping at least some of it is resolved to the point where he feels better. :love:

    Heather UK
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Michele - I like how you think

    Heather- It seems that your plans for the celebration are coming along nicely. I'm sorry that people are messing up your anticipation of the event. I hope it gets resolved so you and DH can have some peace of mind.

    LPN - Good for you! That is quite the fun you have planned.

    Meg - How terrible for you! Do you need to have your knee looked at more closely? I hope it is better soon.

    Katla/ Barbie -Words of Wisdom. I don't know what I would be like if my daughter moved far away. A basket case, I'm guessing.

    Janetr - Happy Anniversary!! I hope something can be done with your pain meds.

    Decided to be happy today. A little earlier start to the day. Coffee and then I made the Total 10 Hot Quinoa porridge. We went to Shoppers and restocked my prescriptions. We picked up Sushi and coffee then ate at DS's house. Dropped DGD off at school. She was so excited as it is her day to be special helper. I love the enthusiasm of kids. She took her very best canvas to school for show and tell.
    Went to Costco with my DS and DD. I have to say that shopping with my sister is always interesting.
    The mission shopping drives me a little crazy.
    Ham, scalloped potato, asparagus, caesar salad , buns. It was quite delicious. Not to forget the cake turned trifle. Good conversation and lots of laughter. Poor DS was the object of some teasing but she took it in the spirit it was intended (not always the case).
    Our son came to do use our internet to get some of his work done for his meeting in the morning. He sort of visited and then he took some more out of the basement.
    Never got to Sparkle Orange but maybe tomorrow.
    Phone calls from work......grrrr.

    Having a better day
    -Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Well, the first phone call that he made dissolved him into a crying wreck as they argued on the phone and he collapsed afterwards on the bed, sobbing.
    She rang him back after ten minutes and the second phone call went better. I think his sister is more able to see where he is coming from. He is gymming at the moment. He hates conflict and, like any family argument, this has brought back all sorts of ghosts from the past. How does the brain manage to store all that stuff? He is trying his best to get perspective. :ohwell:

    My yoga friend has been having anxiety problems, but she says she is going to be at yoga today. :)

    I feel quite churned up as I hate to see DH all churned up and unable to sleep. I must practice all my spiritual principles as Barbie suggests.

    Oh dear, she has called back again and I can hear them arguing again. :sad: :sad:

    Speak later, Heather UK

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,814 Member
    morning ladies~
    where is sylvia?I sure hope she is ok and not had a bowel obstruction ,or her son or grandchildren are alright,,,,
    Barbie have you heard from her?

    well I had a chat with the old man last night..
    told him things seem to get worse and worse, we have been married for 18 yrs and what has happened?
    I said we should be a team ,I should be treated with love and respect ,treated like a queen and he just snickered, and said then maybe we should go our different ways.
    I said said YOU are the one who came to me months ago saying you didnt think we should be married anymore, I said I signed up for the long haul either poop or get off the pot, the ball is in your corner,but you better start treating me with more respect!
    hopefully something sinks into that thick head of his...
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,391 Member
    edited October 2015
    Short of time this morning. I am going to my Patchwork Group at 10.30am.

    Katla Belfast was a major target because of the shipyards and aircraft factory. My father worked in the shipyard as did many of my wider family. The pilots often missed their targets and the whole city and the surrounding countryside suffered. There were two bombed houses just 15 houses away from my Nana's house. We lived with Nana and Grandpa John until I was three. The local kids used the bomb sites as playgrounds.

    My daughter moved to England for a while when she graduated. I thought that she would settle over there, which was difficult for me, but I had to accept that possibility. Then she met her husband over there, but he is from here so they moved back home and have settled about an hours drive away. It was must be hard to be so far apart.

    Barbie Those are very wise words. We have to learn to,let them go while letting them know we are still there for them. I have copied them into my notes.

    New day is here.
    My mind is clear.
    The winds have dropped.
    The rain has stopped.
    Tuesday awaits.

    :star: What will you make of today? :star:

    I will be back later to catch up with y'all.

    Irish Terri

  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    edited October 2015
    Just wanted to mention that I successfully downloaded my first audio book from our public library system and I feel so smart! Barbie has mentioned this many times in her posts so she was my inspiration. Thank you Barbie. o:)

    Allison - Hope your day gets better. <3

    As for kids moving away, well that is the way the world turns these days. I don't mean to sound so nonchalant but it has been my experience. They move away for college, jobs, or for new experiences and to see and live in new places. My neice is teaching in Thiland and traveling to Vietnam and Guam on holiday. It's a worry and we all sure wish she was closer to home or even in the same country. She is 23 yrs old. My son is a freshman in college in North Carolina. DD wants to go to college in RI next year.

    I suggest to Just let your DD know that you love and support her. I'm sure her mother-in-law will take good care of them all. Start with today and help her as you can. Look at your finances as Barbie mentioned to see if you can take the trip with her, and if not now maybe plan to visit after the baby - your grandchild, is born. Approach it from a place of love and if you can, put all the worry in Gods hands.

    Have a great day ladies.

    Rosie in So Cal
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,814 Member
    morning again friends~
    I have a rocky stomach this morning, so will not go down to see DFIL, no getting out of work and it is my long day 9-6 and an implant surgery first thing...
    My daughter and her boyfriend and my grandaughter have been out in ohio since march of 2011,they are moving back to the area next summer after Taliah gets out of school. My other grandkids moved out to wisconsin when the youngest was still a baby and she just turned 14. the older one will be 16 in December ...
    was texting with her earlier she and her sister want to come out next summer..
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Morning!

    Sleep well would have grab another hour of sleep but my sweet doggy Bella Jo decided different. So I am up at four but its ok sort of enjoying the quiet.

    Today at work we are taking our clients on a tour of the Scentsy Headquarters in Idaho which I think they should enjoy. I know who my group is 3 very lovely individuals but one is a runner away person. If things over welm him he takes off plus there is a language barrier. No one in our company speaks he is gaining some but mostly its using gestures to get by with should be an interesting day. So my goal is to keep him calm.

    Wishing everyone a good day.

    Caldwell, Idaho

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Just checking in while I continue to read the next 10 pages!
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member
    With a houseful of cats, I cannot do traditional jigsaws, but I do one or more of these a day. Note that you can set the number of pieces on the puzzle you choose.

    I like www.jigidi.com for online jigsaw puzzles!

    Elaine in Lansing

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thanks for a the terrific advice. I'm doing my best to "put my big girl panties on." I'll talk to DD today & let her know what I"m thinking. :heart:
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Proud of you, Allie... and Katla... and Heather, thinking about your DH. I'm sorry his family is stressing him completely out. Hope it's better.

    Ran this morning. October goal was to run regularly, and this is my second run this week.

    Ran 3.77 miles, (7,450 steps)
    Took me 58 min - so I slowed down a bit, but that's OK, not racing anyone...
    Average heart rate 137 bpm (down from 140s, which makes me happy!)
    Burned 511 cals

    Later, my dears... reading a lot, but not writing too much right now. Nine more working days at the restaurant...

    Lisa in West Texas
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    edited October 2015
    So glad you are feeling a bit more settled in your mind Katla. :flowerforyou: Of my four school friends, that I meet up with, one has a totally estranged child and grandchildren, plus a child and grandchild in Hong Kong, and one has an only child and three grandchildren out in Australia. They are both good at getting on planes by themselves. Never easy. I wish my son in Nottingham was nearer, but it is probably five hours door to door. I go on my own. It was lovely to see him at DGD's party. :)

    This afternoon DH and I both wrote our rage out on paper - I filled four sides - and then burnt the pages out in the garden. Even if it doesn't help the anger, it was great fun. The last time I did it was in 1990 when I was on a personal development course. I wrote a letter to my father and burnt it in front of the assembly. We had to be careful not to set off the smoke alarms and sprinklers! ! ! :laugh:
    The last conversation this morning he had with his sister they were able to tell each other they loved each other and she took on some of the blame. He also messaged the niece through Facebook, so I hope things improve.

    Yes, I am worried about Sylvia and have been wondering for a while where Yanniejannie is. :*

    Love to all, especially those with family problems! :sad: :ohwell:

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    nadler64 wrote: »
    Hi gang - lurk a lot but rarely post. You're all an inspiration! :)

    I must be nuts: for some extra motivation, I just signed up for a virtual Ironman in November. It's for a fundraiser. Basically you do the equivalent of an Ironman triathlon, but you spread it out over a month (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run or walk). I can fit the swim and run/walk in easily, but I have to ramp up my biking over the next few weeks so I have the legs (and time) to do 112 miles. Wish me luck...


    i would love to do something like that. actually, I think I will, once my shoulder is back to normal