
  • KHP5
    KHP5 Posts: 5 Member
    Sorry so late! I'll make sure to post on Monday's for now on! :) This week was full of ups and downs but I think overall it went well...it really helps just being aware of what you're putting into your body...it's really an eye opener!

    SW (6/01): 118
    Wk1 (6/05): 117.2
    Wk2 (6/12):
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30): 114
  • wenchling
    wenchling Posts: 14
    Had a bad day yesterday. I went over on calories plannning for an evening workout. But my husband did not come home when he said he would, so I did not go out for my walk. I would have gone with my son in the stroller, but had made plans for going when my husband got home, so he was all ready for bed. I know I could have done something else, but I was just mad! Today will be better, I just won't rely on my husband for my workouts anymore!

    Watching my sugar is going to be a real challenge, but a very good thing for me to do. I KNOW I eat too much!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Today I am feeling the workout from the elliptical. I bought that machine in January and really did not use it much because I really could not do more than 5 minutes on it. Well the last couple of days I realize it helps to have music to workout to instead of the TV. then I dont watch the clock so much. So I have gotten up to 15 minutes. So I have been trying to do that twice a day. I am hoping using the ellipitcal will help in the inches I want to lose in my bottom area. I also have a DVD called 10 minute Abs that I used a couple years ago that produced results that I am going to start using Today. I am not sure how to log those calories. Any way I think I am going to do 15 on the elliptical and a half hour to an hour on the recumbant bike as well as the ab workout. And Maybe when my husband gets home I will do another 15 on the elliptical, if he is wanting to workout.

    Have a great day!
  • jltodd99
    jltodd99 Posts: 89
    Feeling good today. Got out and walked this morning and planning on Jillian's 30DS later today. Been under on calories - even with an ice cream treat at work today. Gotta keep working on the dinner menus, especially with summer coming and the kids all home from school.
    Finally broke through my plateau! Maybe that extra little push from Jillian was what I needed!
  • I am having a great day today! Most especially because not only did I lose the water weight I gained over the weekend, I lost an extra 3 pounds!!! I did my official weigh in this morning and I am now sitting at 171.4!!! *happy dance*

    Also, even though I had some dessert at the seminar I attended earlier, I am still under my sugar budget for the day!!! *another happy dance*

    One last thing. I have officially started Week 2 of the Ripped and dear Lord! :S
  • today i am feeling really good. i managed to get my entire house clean and do my 30 day shred workout. and so far i am staying way under my sugar and calorie intake =) hope everyone is doing good. keep up the good work!!!
  • Bethabee_
    Bethabee_ Posts: 91 Member
    I need some ideas for food to take to work.. I need new things, not the same thing every time...
    I work at taco bell, so it gets hard to not eat there.. I don't mind having one thing there every once in a while, but it's way TOO easy to go crazy there....
    We do not have access to a microwave (which is what kills me)
    and my schedule is crazy, always changing... I do have access to a freezer and a fridge though...
  • Sorry, didn't realize I have to use this format: (I weigh in on Wednesdays)

    SW (6/01): 174.4 lbs
    WK1 (6/08): 171.4 lbs
    WK2 (6/15):
    WK3 (6/22):
    WK4 (6/29):

    Challenge GW: 165 lbs
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    I am having a great day today! Most especially because not only did I lose the water weight I gained over the weekend, I lost an extra 3 pounds!!! I did my official weigh in this morning and I am now sitting at 171.4!!! *happy dance*

    Also, even though I had some dessert at the seminar I attended earlier, I am still under my sugar budget for the day!!! *another happy dance*

    One last thing. I have officially started Week 2 of the Ripped and dear Lord! :S

    Yay! great job *joins you in happy dance*. Man.. your a better solider than me if you can keep up with Jillian for another week. Good luck!
    I need some ideas for food to take to work.. I need new things, not the same thing every time...
    I work at taco bell, so it gets hard to not eat there.. I don't mind having one thing there every once in a while, but it's way TOO easy to go crazy there....
    We do not have access to a microwave (which is what kills me)
    and my schedule is crazy, always changing... I do have access to a freezer and a fridge though...

    hmmm that might be tough esp if you like having warm lunches....How about making a hearty whole wheat/grain (of course) turkey sandwich or wrap. You can load it up on veggies, wash it down with some light chocolate milk to keep you full and some fruit for dessert.....It's so much better to eat something you make yourself coz then you know exactly what goes in it! good luck!
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    Feeling good today. Got out and walked this morning and planning on Jillian's 30DS later today. Been under on calories - even with an ice cream treat at work today. Gotta keep working on the dinner menus, especially with summer coming and the kids all home from school.
    Finally broke through my plateau! Maybe that extra little push from Jillian was what I needed!

    Great job getting off that plateau! it can be so discouraging sometimes when the weight doesn't come off, Im glad you stayed focused and kept working at it! :drinker:
    Today I am feeling the workout from the elliptical. I bought that machine in January and really did not use it much because I really could not do more than 5 minutes on it. Well the last couple of days I realize it helps to have music to workout to instead of the TV. then I dont watch the clock so much. So I have gotten up to 15 minutes. So I have been trying to do that twice a day. I am hoping using the ellipitcal will help in the inches I want to lose in my bottom area. I also have a DVD called 10 minute Abs that I used a couple years ago that produced results that I am going to start using Today. I am not sure how to log those calories. Any way I think I am going to do 15 on the elliptical and a half hour to an hour on the recumbant bike as well as the ab workout. And Maybe when my husband gets home I will do another 15 on the elliptical, if he is wanting to workout.

    Have a great day!

    dang girl! you improved so much lately! I'm glad to see you giving it 100% everyday. Keep going ,before you know it you'll be doing twice that time without breaking a sweat! :flowerforyou:
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    dang girl! you improved so much lately! I'm glad to see you giving it 100% everyday. Keep going ,before you know it you'll be doing twice that time without breaking a sweat! :flowerforyou:

    That is kind of hard to imagine, but I like what that means. :heart:
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    I so wanted to go for another walk today but it's 90 something degrees and humid so not worth that pain of sweat... i'll sweat it off on the tredmill in the basement :(
  • vrags2
    vrags2 Posts: 19
    Today I am feeling the workout from the elliptical. I bought that machine in January and really did not use it much because I really could not do more than 5 minutes on it. Well the last couple of days I realize it helps to have music to workout to instead of the TV. then I dont watch the clock so much. So I have gotten up to 15 minutes. So I have been trying to do that twice a day. I am hoping using the ellipitcal will help in the inches I want to lose in my bottom area.

    Girl, I feel ya about the elliptical. I am very heavy and the treadmill and bike are good, but the elliptical kicks my butt. Last week I decided I would get on it for 5 minutes. I surprised myself because it wasn't too bad. My goal is to add 2 or 3 minutes a week to the elliptical trainer. 15 minutes, here I come!

  • brittbrat892
    brittbrat892 Posts: 46 Member
    okay well I completely fail at the sugar thing... :( oh well.. Ill try and get it the rest of the week
  • bethabeeg
    bethabeeg Posts: 63 Member
    Well ladies we are on the hump day of your mission this week! I hope everyone is doing well with this challenge.. I'm well meh not doing the best but cut down a lot on the sugar intake!
  • melane71
    melane71 Posts: 35
    SW (6/02):126

    Wk1 (6/05): 126
    Wk2 (6/12):
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Challenge GW: 118

    So I got crabby last Sunday because I ride motorcycle on the weekend and it's hard to find decent food. I stopped working out (I used to hike 5 times a week for 1 to 3 hours everyday) 6 months ago. When I saw the first posts of people working out for hours and burning 500+ just with one workout I thought, I guess this is not for me.
    So I unfriended the 3 only persons that asked me to be their MFP friends and just called it a quit.
    But them Maxy sent me another friend request, and I realized that really it is kinda cool not to be the only one trying to be healthier.
    So here I am, 1 week after everybody else, FINALLY COMMITTED. Thanks Maxy for not giving up on me. Please see above my "not so committed number" for week 1.
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    SW (6/02):126

    Wk1 (6/05): 126
    Wk2 (6/12):
    Wk3 (6/19):
    Wk4 (6/26):
    Wk5 (6/30):

    Challenge GW: 118

    So I got crabby last Sunday because I ride motorcycle on the weekend and it's hard to find decent food. I stopped working out (I used to hike 5 times a week for 1 to 3 hours everyday) 6 months ago. When I saw the first posts of people working out for hours and burning 500+ just with one workout I thought, I guess this is not for me.
    So I unfriended the 3 only persons that asked me to be their MFP friends and just called it a quit.
    But them Maxy sent me another friend request, and I realized that really it is kinda cool not to be the only one trying to be healthier.
    So here I am, 1 week after everybody else, FINALLY COMMITTED. Thanks Maxy for not giving up on me. Please see above my "not so committed number" for week 1.

    Oh hon was worried about you! glad to see you're back and stronger than ever! Let me tell you its not easy, anyone who tells you that is a LIAR. But thats why we have MFP and why we have friends, because even on days we feel down and frustrated, there are lots of people here to tell you can do it! Don't be afraid to as for help. Good to have you back! :flowerforyou:

    Everyone be sure to send a friend request to melane71 and support each other when you can!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Glad you came back Melane71!

    For me, I am going to forget that yesterday happened. Not beat myself up. Just move on and do my best! School is now out for my kids so getting exercise and eating well is only going to be more of a challenge. But also more important that I role model positive choices for them. I will think of my kids as motivation and not as an excuse! Going to force myself to get to the gym today for Day 6 of C25K so they can play in the child center.

    Happy Thursday everyone!
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    hows everyone doing today? we are halfway through the week before our next weigh in so work hard to make it through the weekend temptations!

    Today i thought that since ive been so good all week i deserved a treat. My roommate knows ive been working to lose weight, so when i asked her to bring me something sweet and yummy from her trip to the store, i was expecting ice cream, candy or at least some freakin gum!

    Instead my roomie got me a bunch of banans and 2 apples! Seriously???! :mad: lol

    This is exactly how i felt when i saw the "goodies" she brought back"


    there goes my cheat day...:grumble:
  • LMAO @ Maxy! You crack me up!!!!!!.....

    Just remember that cookies are a sometimes fooooood:)..If you have ever seen that episode of Sesame Street!

    Anyways, Just checking in. TOM is here with a vengence. That beatch. :) She is lucky my weight already went down before she came!!!!!!:)
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