Pregnancy 2011- June



  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi girls!! I would love to be part of this group! My husband and I have been TTC for about 13 months. I just started taking clomid this last month. I have lost 13 lbs because I wanted to be in the best shape possible for getting pregnant. If you girls have any advice or anything that would be great! Clomid has made me really moody and my poor husband has been putting up with me!

    I can't wait for the day until I get a POSITIVE pregnancy test!!!

    ~Thanks girls!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    Racheal: Whoa snow in July!!! I guess that’s Utah for ya! 

    AFM: Well, I have my u/s to check baby’s position and an appt today. I get to leave at 12:30 for the day so that’s def something good and I’m praying that baby is out of the breech position. I need a break from work for sure! Yesterday I felt like I was in college again listening to a lecture trying to stay awake after an all nighter studying only difference was I slept through the night with only two trips to the RR (which is a good night for me) and I all of a sudden felt nauseous. We’ve had smoke here in NM for days now from the AZ fire I don’t know if that had anything to do w the nausea. I really hope they contain they fire soon last I heard it was over 200 thousand acres on fire. It’s really taking a toll on the animals here and people w recspitory problems.

    On the plus side I’ve been looking for CPR/First Aid classes and they all cost about $35 per person but this morning I found that our local baseball park (Isotopes) is hosting a Free training Yay!!! I don’t know if they will certify you but I’m looking to at least know what to do in an emergency more than being certified.

    Thank goodness there is no snow in the valley, just lots in the mountains (which is about a 30 min drive). Currently it feels more like a Utah April than June. Anyway, it seems to be getting warmer finally.

    Good luck on your apt. I hope your LO is no longer breech! Fingers crossed. Keep us posted.

    Welcome Nakita!
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    Hey, guys, just popping in to see how everyone is doing! I really miss being here!
    My in-laws really bugged me the other day. My husband's name is Jarrad. Apparently his older brother had a hard time pronouncing his name, so he ended up calling him Geebers and G-man (who knows how he got the G sound from Jarrad, but whatever). He has been called these two ridiculous nicknames since childhood. I mean, I get it and can see the cute side of it since his brother was only 1 and came up with this silly nickname. Anyway. The in-laws said something about trying to figure out a nickname for Emma Jolie that involved "G." Uhhhhhh.... NO!!? Emma is short enough. I mean I wouldn't mind if you took it down to Em, but pulling a nickname out of your butt for MY child is not going to fly. Especially something that makes absolutely NO sense. I didn't say anything at the time, but if they continue with that one I'm going to have to step in. I feel like I might be being a bit too sensitive about it, but she's our baby and I can be sensitive about it if I want.
    I had to laugh when I read this because our favorite name was for a girl Gemma (like jem-a). A G with an Emma!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Katrina – wow, when it rains it pours! I hope things settle down for you soon, glad your daughter is ok.

    Brittony – boo for a breach baby!! Hopefully she’ll turn around for you on her own.

    Mel – how are you feeling? Hope you and baby are well.

    Julie – your husband makes me laugh. Hubby and I are both very fair skinned with dark eyes and dark hair. But there are plenty of family members on both sides that have light eyes and my mom was blonde at birth. He tells me all time that if Kathryn has blonde hair and light eyes his family is going to ask for a paternity test before we leave the hospital. :laugh: Ugh, sorry about the pay cut. It’s is a possibility for us too, if it takes effect it will happen next month.

    Meokk – I’ve never heard of pyelectasis before, I hope everything resolves itself.

    Anne – glad she’s moving around. I get nervous if I don’t feel Kathryn move at least once each hour.

    Rachael – ski resorts open until July 4th???? :noway: This is hard for me to process since its 97 degrees here right now!

    Rachel – hope you can find a doula. I never even considered that. I think my mom will kill me if I did that since I’m not letting her be in the delivery room.

    Maria – fingers crossed that baby is in a good position!

    Brianna & Nakitadawn – welcome!

    Kacy – miss you!!! Hope all is well!

    I just called the daycare back to have her hold a spot for January; it’s a relief to have that settled. Now all I have to finalize is a pediatrician and whatever classes I’m going to take.

    I’m having a hard time believing that I used to be able to carry on a conversation with no problem while running. I was barely able to catch my breath to talk to my co-worker today while walking. I’m sure the insane heat didn’t help, but still. :huh:
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Welcome to my fellow TTC girls! This morning I started my last set of BC and it felt a little odd thinking that next month at this time I wont be taking these little pills every morning. It is exciting! I am also happy that I even though my weight hasn't gone down a ton I have noticed that I am in a lot better shape and toned up. I feel much better going into TTC with this body then the one I had 2.5 months ago when we started this journey.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I'm stalking the board hoping to see an update on Lynn... :laugh: Been so busy around here! Hope everyone is doing great! :heart:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Victoria -- I agree with Anne -- pictures, please! I think I finally popped, too. :laugh: I can't even believe how much my bump has grown every single week since about 32 weeks. I'm starting to get a little scared! I could've probably managed to pass myself off as tubby instead of pregnant until 31 weeks but this past month I've become a full-blown waddling, hand supporting my lower back when I'm standing, grunt when I get off the couch, have to pick stuff up from the floor with my toes because I can't bend over mess of a pregnant woman! I just realized today even the fattest of my fat shirts don't cover the bottom of my bump anymore. :noway:

    Lynn -- COME ON!! I can hardly wait! I hope you're just enjoying a tech-free baby time right now & everything's okay. :flowerforyou:

    Ron -- Gosh, you're on the ball! I haven't even considered daycare because I assume hubby will be working from home (he normally does most of his work at night so he should be wide open to take care of the baby while I'm at work, which will very hopefully only be for 30 hours a week). How awesome you found one close to where you work for such an amazing price. And I hear you on the feeling incredibly out of shape front. I'm pretty much dying after walking up 2 flights of stairs at work. I started taking the elevator up the 4 flights to my office months ago. I hadn't taken it for like a year and a half before that. :ohwell:

    Rachael -- Don't even talk to me about your lovely mild weather. :tongue: I thought it felt nice and cool outside when I went to my car during my lunch break. I even thought I could probably stand to take a walk it was so nice. I checked my phone and it was 92 degrees. :laugh: 92 isn't really so bad, but it felt AWESOME since last week was so incredibly nasty hot here.

    Maria -- I'm hoping your baby cooperates! You said he -- were you finally able to find out & I just missed it? We didn't get certified last night and we paid $25/person for the class. But it is really helpful to know what to do and get to practice. I'm so terrible in emergency situations who knows what I'll do if the situation ever occurs (the instructor actually said "All babies WILL choke on something at some point." :noway:) but I feel a lot better now that I know exactly what I should do to give my baby the best chance if I should ever find her not breathing or choking (ugh, my heart races just thinking about it).

    Rachel -- Not sure right now exactly how much of a pay cut it will be for me. If the number my supervisor threw out today sticks, then I'll have to take 4 days off unpaid over the next year which will affect all of my paychecks for the next year by about $20 each. It's about a 1.7% pay cut. Apparently our State is mandating a 2% pay cut and required furlough days for fiscal year 2012 (which starts July 1, 2011) but our agency isn't as affected by it as most agencies because we're a huge revenue producer & we're mostly federally funded. So, I should shut up & stop complaining but it's hard to take a pay cut. I already thought it was bad enough I've been here for 3 years and haven't gotten a raise. :ohwell:

    Kacy -- Hi! Hope you're well. :flowerforyou:

    For anyone near a Publix -- this week they have an in-ad store coupon (you can find the ad in the front of the store) for $3 off 2 Johnson & Johnson products (15oz). There are also manufacturer coupons for $1 off 1 or $2 off 2 or $0.50 off 1 (which Publix will double to be $1 off 1) Johnson & Johnson products. You can pair manufacturer coupons to cover 2 products with the 1 store coupon that covers 2 products for a total of $5 off 2. At my Publix, they were $3.69 each which means I got 2 15oz Johnson & Johnson products for $1.19 each. I got a baby wash and a lotion because even if they don't work out for baby (like if she has sensitive skin or something), I can use those things myself and $1.19 each is even an okay price for adult body wash & lotion. :tongue: The Publix coupon includes baby wash, shampoo, oil, lotion, powder, and bubble bath. Pretty good deal!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    LittleSpy: I had to laugh at the "all babies will choke on something" comment. I don't remember any of my babies really choking. Maybe a bit of eating too fast and swallowing wrong (one seemed to not cough right away so I patted his back and he coughed it up just fine -- lol, I've been CPR certified and know that's not the "correct" response but it worked. Would have known what to do if it had progressed, though). I guess I think of choking as actually having no airway and needing heimlich or whatever :tongue:

    LittleSpy and Victoria: i've popped, too! I'm only 23 weeks, but very short, so I'm definitely looking pregnant. Relieved that it took this long (with #2, and #3 I looked preg by about 16 weeks). I can still kind of hide it with huge baggy t-shirts, but I'm liking the cute bump look some of the more fitted maternity outfits give, especially since I haven't put on much weight elsewhere (yet). One benefit to looking preg is that someone will almost always give up their seat to me now when the train is crowded. I definitely have a hard time standing on a moving train for 30 minutes at this point.

    Lynn - hope everything is going well with you and little one. Update soon! :happy:

    Baby is definitely in the active stage now! He keeps kicking the laptop if it lies against my belly at all :laugh:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member


    Hello everyone! Don't have a lot of time to post, but wanted to get a couple pictures up and let everyone know that all is well.

    Joshua Xavier was born 6-7-11 at 8:10 p.m. via c-section, 9lbs 4oz 20 inches long.

    We'll be in the hospital til Fri morning so I probably wont be back on til then. Take care, and I hope everyone is doing great!!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Lynn! He is gorgeous! I have been so anxious to hear from you. Can't wait to get more details, but I am glad he is healthy. I hope you are doing well!
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Lynn, he is absolutely precious! Congrats!!!
  • rhichi
    rhichi Posts: 133
    Hey everyone. My fiance and I are going to be getting married in a little over a year or so, and we want to try for children as soon as we are financially ready for it. I've had PCOS and hypothyroidism since I was 8, which haven't helped my weight issues at all. Because my thyroid levels are erratic, I can't be medicated for it, so I'm trying to fix the weight issue in hopes of helping even other things out. As of right now, I don't menstruate at all unless it's forced by medication, and I really worry about fertility drugs/IVF. So, hopefully, I can drop enough weight to help me get healthier in general and maybe be able to conceive naturally.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lynn -- What a gorgeous little man!! Sorry you had a c-section but so glad he's here and everyone's okay! And WOAH to 9lbs 4oz at 2 weeks early! Way to grow 'em, mama! :wink:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Congratulations lynn, he is beautiful! Cannot wait to hear your birth story. Hope you heal well!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Well done Lynn !!!! A nice big healthy boy. Many congratulations. Rest up, take it easy and we'll see you back here soon. xoxo
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I am hungry all the time!! I would be interested in hearing some kind of stat about how much your metabolism actually increases in pregnancy.

    Also, (TMI ALBERT) I am still going #2 like 4x per day. Please someone tell me I am not alone here? It has been like this for ages! It's not diarrhea either, just normal (perhaps slightly looser than before I was pregnant). Maybe this it is something I should ask my dr actually. I suppose I shouldn't complain because it is probably better than being blocked up!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Lynn- Joshua is soooo handsome!!! You are going to have girls knocking down your door in no time :wink: Hope all is well and you are getting some rest. Can't wait to hear more :flowerforyou:
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    I am hungry all the time!! I would be interested in hearing some kind of stat about how much your metabolism actually increases in pregnancy.

    Also, (TMI ALBERT) I am still going #2 like 4x per day. Please someone tell me I am not alone here? It has been like this for ages! It's not diarrhea either, just normal (perhaps slightly looser than before I was pregnant). Maybe this it is something I should ask my dr actually. I suppose I shouldn't complain because it is probably better than being blocked up!

    I've noticed in the last week or so that my appetite has gone up a lot. I'm not going nuts just having to snack more than I was. Still watching my intake/calories though.

    And Poop- :laugh: Yes, much better to be able to do it than not! I went awhile where I was blocked and it was HORRIBLE! I'm still normally going 1x per day though like I was prior to being preggo. Ask your doctor if you are concerned.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Thoughts on swimsuits? I am going to have to buy one seeing's how my prime months are July/August! I was curious to see how others have done with them and if you thought I could get by with a bigger size on a regular one or if I should just take the plunge on a maternity. I only have belly and it's pretty low. No growth on the boob part. Still sporting my B's :laugh: ...... :frown:
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Lynn he is soooooo cute!!! Congratulations!!