40 year old women and older who has lost 40 or more lbs - HOW THE HECK DID YOU DO IT???



  • skinnygirldc
    skinnygirldc Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 44 and have found Weight Watchers really helpful. It is much harder for me to lose weight than it used to be, and I have to track my food intake religiously, but with WW I've been able to do it. I just couldn't seem to take off the last 10 lbs through MFP and calorie counting alone. I think having the weekly weigh-in in a public place really helps.
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,189 Member
    Loving this thread. You are all amazing!
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    STLBADGIRL wrote: »
    Please tell me you story and feel free to add before and after pictures or suggest good meal ideas.

    But I want to know how the heck did you do it. Was it following fit people on instagram, believing in yourself, tired of yourself, a personal trainer, what (LOL). I keep losing and gaining the same 4lbs and I get inspired by others successful stories. But I want to know what clicked for you and "how you did it"!

    I'm almost 59 and I've lost 89 pounds in 18 months. The way I've done this is just to make small changes until they became a habit and kept adding to my list of small changes. My very best habit is logging EVERY bite of food in my food diary. The second best change was to make it a goal to be active every single day.

    I have a small group of dedicated MFP friends. I sought out those who'd been here for quite awhile and were being successful in both losing weight and keeping it off. They have been a HUGE part of my success.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    You all have been so successful and I too believe calories in/calories out is the key along with moving more.

    I'm just curious how many of you determined your daily calorie budget? There seems to be so many formulas. I once had a doctor tell me that the best formula is to multiple you goal weight by 10 and that should be your daily budget, MFP gives me 400-cals less, another 200-less. I know I can play around to see what works but was curious how others have determined their budget.

    I've heard that formula too, but it really depends on your activity level. If I ate at 10 x my weight I'd just maintain my current weight. I've used the MFP formula the entire time, with the exception of the exercise calories they allot- often they seem extremely too high. I rely on my Fitbit for exercise calories.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    You all have been so successful and I too believe calories in/calories out is the key along with moving more.

    I'm just curious how many of you determined your daily calorie budget? There seems to be so many formulas. I once had a doctor tell me that the best formula is to multiple you goal weight by 10 and that should be your daily budget, MFP gives me 400-cals less, another 200-less. I know I can play around to see what works but was curious how others have determined their budget.

    I've heard that formula too, but it really depends on your activity level. If I ate at 10 x my weight I'd just maintain my current weight. I've used the MFP formula the entire time, with the exception of the exercise calories they allot- often they seem extremely too high. I rely on my Fitbit for exercise calories.

    I had to play around with my calories for awhile, but ultimately it was pretty close to the calories that my fitbit gives me.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    leecha2014 wrote: »
    Hi there. I'm 43 and have lost 68 lbs and still going. First, I never focus or think about my age. Don't let that be a barrier.

    I'm not yet 40, but it's coming, and I'm not 100% ok with it. I would love to know how to get it out of your head.
  • kymbeez
    kymbeez Posts: 21 Member
    I started out doing paleo, my family lost 60# as a whole...but I wanted more so I switched us to whole 30. Not only have I lost 31 pounds, but being a diabetic that was on pills and insulin, I'm know off my medications! This is huge for me....it's hard for me to lose weight, always has been but this works for me,
    STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
    kymbeez wrote: »
    I started out doing paleo, my family lost 60# as a whole...but I wanted more so I switched us to whole 30. Not only have I lost 31 pounds, but being a diabetic that was on pills and insulin, I'm know off my medications! This is huge for me....it's hard for me to lose weight, always has been but this works for me,
    Wow. Totally amazing.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »

    I'm not yet 40, but it's coming, and I'm not 100% ok with it. I would love to know how to get it out of your head.

    I'll be 60 in a couple of weeks, and am very happy that that's so.

    Without meaning to be at all snarky (just honest), the way I got age anxiety out of my head was accidental: I became first a cancer widow (he was 45, I was 42), then a cancer survivor (of stage III, i.e., quite advanced, breast cancer at 44).

    Some of the "side effects" of aging kinda stink, but I'm happy and grateful for every birthday. Without modern medicine (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation) I'd be dead by now, I'm convinced. Alive is a better start on the rest of my day.

    But I don't recommend my strategy for being happy with aging to others!

    Potentially more generally useful: I have some friends who are older than I (i.e., in their 80s), who are active and vibrant. I admire them. I want to be just like them when I grow up.
    (some snipped)
    I know metabolism slows down with menopause (I remember reading something like 100 calories per decade) but I think my experience has been that I was just kidding myself about my food intake, . . . .
    (more snipped)

    I've been reading that the menopausal/aging slowdown may be at least partly related to loss of muscle loss, a factor that is partially under our control, assuming we are otherwise at least somewhat healthy and able to move.
  • gummibear64
    gummibear64 Posts: 26 Member
    Very inspiring!
  • viperbrick
    viperbrick Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 44 and I've lost 58 lbs since May. I saw an obesity doctor, he recommended 1200 calories a day for me (I was 5'6", 258 lbs), I found a great boot camp that I enjoy attending. No food is off limits, there are no tricks to metabolism or what time of day I eat - I just practice CICO, it simply and honestly works. Just take a leap of faith and try it - don't worry about your age or menopause or anything - just log everything and be honest with yourself. Congratulations and best wishes, your life is about to change.
    STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
    You all have inspired me so that I have tightened up and really started calculated CICO along with my workouts. The scale is finally my friend again. I was telling myself that I wasn't losing because I was lifting. That was so much BS! Yes, that can occur but it the weight will not stall for long periods of time! I'm down to 178 coming from 192 lbs. I'm doing my happy dance. I cannot wait to see what the future holds!!!!

    Please continue to post your stories. YOu have no idea of the others that you are freeing.... because boy, do I feel free!!!!
  • lilyrunner
    lilyrunner Posts: 36 Member
    Hi I am 58, and I have lost almost 80 pounds. Patience. Lol. It has taken me three years to get healthy. I do think it is tougher for women over 40, 50 and more to lose weight. But it can be done. Be active and embrace a healthy lifestyle.
  • Carnhot
    Carnhot Posts: 367 Member
    I am 52. Since the beginning of March I have lost 55 lb through tracking what I eat and making sure I stay in deficit. I walk a lot, do lots of cardio at the gym and see a PT weekl for strength/resistance/ core work. Now I am trying to maintain, I am changing my strength / cardio balance. Be honest, trust the process and it will happen.
  • christyprunner
    christyprunner Posts: 70 Member
    edited November 2015
    Went to dr yesterday.
    Working on getting some sleep... I can't stay asleep at night. I have restless legs and other. No sleep could be contributing to no weight loss. So keeping on logging here and now working on sleep.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Great job everyone. You guys are inspiring. I'm 45 and feeling a bit frustrated as I gained some weight last year and don't want it to happen again this Winter. I lost quite a bit 5 years ago but it seems something has slowed the weight loss down. I'm fairly active but my diet is all over the place even when I follow my macros. My motivation is to lose about 5-10 lbs. by mid-January since I have a Hawaii trip planned.
  • medicrenee
    medicrenee Posts: 58 Member

    Stay motivated Hawaii trip is planned for 2017. hope to loose 30 by then and be shaped up toned..
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