
  • sybabe35
    sybabe35 Posts: 99 Member
    This sounds like a great idea!

    My goals is to not eat after 8PM on work days, and 8:30 PM on non-work days.
    Have water if still hungry after that.

    Thanks for this thread!

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,808 Member
    edited November 2015
    Me: 1*
    LNS: 0
    Streak: 1...(7 overall)

    :star: Welcome to the Newbies! :star:
    :sunglasses: Great to see the returnees! :sunglasses:
  • BingerNoMore
    BingerNoMore Posts: 68 Member
    I'm joining this challenge! My goal is going to be not to eat after 8pm. Me 1 LNS 0
  • WalkerPop
    WalkerPop Posts: 436 Member
    I posted my 10/31 on the October page, but want to commit to my health goals for this month here! This accountability has been a huge help to me since finding the group on 8/2. Thanks @lamlam2013 for keeping it going.

    Here are my November Weekly Goals:
    :star: Daily water goal: Full gallon at least 5 of 7 days per week. …
    :star: Daily sleep goal: Seven hours at least 5 of 7 days per week. …
    :star: Daily walking goal: Exercise-paced walk at least 5 of 7 days per week. …
    :star:Late Night Snacking: Eat nothing after 9 p.m. 6 of 7 days per week. …

    I keep the following reminder in front of me throughout the month. I know most of my LNS was simple impulse action, before engaging my brain! Maybe it will encourage someone else:
    Adults devise a plan and follow it. Children do what feels good. Maturity is the ability to delay pleasure. (Dave Ramsey & others) … Am I adulting or impulsing today? :grin:Great goals aren't achieved on an impulse or a whim!
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    YAY! NEW month, fresh start, feeling positive! THANKS IamIam :smile:
  • TeamFit1
    TeamFit1 Posts: 7 Member
    I am on board
  • GetMeTo125
    GetMeTo125 Posts: 20 Member
    Me 7
    7 day streak
    Tomorrow morning is my first weigh in. I have been on plan for 7 days..very excited to see what the scale will say with a week of no late night snacking !
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    GetMeTo125 wrote: »
    Me 7
    7 day streak
    Tomorrow morning is my first weigh in. I have been on plan for 7 days..very excited to see what the scale will say with a week of no late night snacking !

    I think you will be very pleased with the scale! Since I controlled my late night snacking and bingeing Sept 1, I'm down 13 lbs.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    edited November 2015
    Nov 1

    Me: 1*
    LNS: 0
    Streak: 62 days
  • amycurtisqueen
    amycurtisqueen Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,613 Member
    Nov 1
    Me: 1*
    LNS: 0
    Streak: 11 days
    Goals for November
    1. No eating after 8 6/7 days
    2. Be consistent with smart eating even on hubby's days off!
    3. Use fruit as something sweet, when need!!!!
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    I'll try this out. :sweat_smile:
  • DaveThomas1901
    DaveThomas1901 Posts: 58 Member

    My late night is the morning 5 day's a week and when I get home from work is my danger time.
    As long as I keep within my boundaries then that will do for me.
  • sufufitness
    sufufitness Posts: 76 Member
  • bombus
    bombus Posts: 44 Member
    OK, here I go. This is definitely me. I was losing then had a bad couple of weeks. Thought new month, fresh start. Am also doing my own little 30 Day Plank Challenge so this will be interesting. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • PARADISE1229
    PARADISE1229 Posts: 5 Member
    Nov. 1

    Me - 0
    LNS - 1 :'(
  • runhappyfleetfeet
    runhappyfleetfeet Posts: 13 Member
    Nov. 1

    Me - 0
    LNS - 1 :'(

    Me too! x
  • runhappyfleetfeet
    runhappyfleetfeet Posts: 13 Member
    Aim: no unplanned snacking after 9pm (7/7).

    Me - 0
    LNS - 1* :'(
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Aim: no snacking after the evening meal (7/7). Only allowing myself 1 Rich Tea biscuit with 1 cup of decaff tea.
    Late night snacking used to be 4 slices of bread, heavily spread with spread, with peanut butter, an apple, handful of grapes, then about 2 - 4 rice cakes with peanut butter!

    Me - 0
    LNS - 1 (Nov 1)
  • PaulJRaymond
    PaulJRaymond Posts: 100 Member
    Wouldn't it help this thread if people put their weight loss/gain data in? Surely the benefit is to show how it aids all our goals, and if no snacking lead to no loss, then it is not as useful as people imagine. However if the result is accelerated weight loss (assuming that's the goal), then it might motivate others to join in? I'm in the calories in/out camp and that it doesn't matter what time you eat, but I could be convinced?