Husband left me because of weight. NEW motivation.



  • PicNdazy
    PicNdazy Posts: 19 Member
    dump the jerk and you instantly lose the dead weight in your life...
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    Obviously this guy was a total jerk! Thank goodness you're 20 and found this out now before you wasted any more of your life on him! That being said my husband has loved me during my weight range of 70 lbs up & down. Even at my biggest (263) he told me all the time that he found me sexy and loved me the way I was. Problem was that I didn't feel sexy. I needed to lose the weight for me! That is the attitude that you need to have. DO THIS FOR YOU!!!! There is someone else out there actually worth your time and love. And show him what he's missing at the wedding in the fall. Just to give yourself the satisfaction, not to get him back, he's not worth it!
  • Bulldogmomma3
    Bulldogmomma3 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm sorry you had to go through that, but if he left you that way he had bigger issues than just your weight. I can understand how much that must hurt nonetheless.

    When I met my husband, I was thin and stayed thin for the first 5 years, but the past few years I have put on 80 pounds.My husband always makes me feel loved. and has never put me down, BUT he hasn't told me I'm beautiful for probably a couple years now and he used to every day and it kills me. I can't imagiine how I'd feel if he left me over it =(
  • lauraallover
    lauraallover Posts: 28 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hi all! I'm the OP in this thread, only now I use a different account (

    Thank you for all the motivation and help/support ALL of you offered! Though I had some ups and downs, my weight loss is pretty steady so far! I always come back here when I need motivation, or for a wake up call. You all are wonderful.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Hi all! I'm the OP in this thread, only now I use a different account (

    Thank you for all the motivation and help/support ALL of you offered! Though I had some ups and downs, my weight loss is pretty steady so far! I always come back here when I need motivation, or for a wake up call. You all are wonderful.

  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Oh honey...your husband didn't leave you because of your weight, he left you because he was a jerk. He did you a big favor! You are much MUCH better off xo
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I just want to say thank you for all the support I've received on this board. My husband and I are technically still married, however we are still separated. He left the army and stole a lot of money and is now on the run and dealing drugs. I guess karma really found him.

    I am now living with my boyfriend who loves me for who I am. Always finds me gorgeous and tells me that he doesn't care about my size. I'm still on my weight loss journey, and I recently joined a new gym, planetfitness, and I'm getting my coworkers and boss to go with me after work.


    This. Perfect! :)
  • licoricesquid
    licoricesquid Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you guys! I literally would always come back here during those low times. I love this community so much. <3
  • rjugy12
    rjugy12 Posts: 22 Member
    *kitten* that dude I'm married my wife isn't in shape and I love her to death. Rjugy12 intermittent fasting. Read what I said its for everyone
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    Congratulations on the loss of 100+ when the jerk walked out the door. You are well on your way to happiness as well as a healthy body. What a jack hole.
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    I had somewhat the same experience. I ended up getting really thin during the abusive ordeal, but I gained it all back when I moved back to MI. Now I'm finally working on myself THE RIGHT WAY, and married to an amazing man who loved me at my largest weight, and new me at my smallest weight (we were h.s. crushes but never dated). He's really excited to see my progress, because I'M excited, and I'M loving myself and happier. I'm glad you are happy too!
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Grats on losing 200 pounds of useless weight.

    Sounds a bit like he was just using your weight as an excuse to leave. Pushing the blame on to you.
  • dalielahdawn
    dalielahdawn Posts: 141 Member
    Total ***. He used the weight as an excuse. A crappy excuse. Had you been 110 lbs his true colors still would have shown true eventually and he'd have found something else to blame it on ::hugs!::
    But f him, and congrats on you new healthy journey! XD
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Tourney3p0 wrote: »
    I disagree with all the posts saying to lose weight to "show him who's boss" or whatever. That just seems petty, and the bottom line is that you should only be losing weight for yourself. Perhaps more importantly, why wait until "you're in Georgia" to start? It's just as easy to start laying off the Burger King tonight than a few weeks from now, and having to undo all the damage done in those weeks isn't going to happen overnight.

    Not that it matters anyway, since the original poster's recorded weight hasn't changed in the three months since this thread was created.

    Maybe you've never been cheated on and dumped by a years long spouse before, but that kind of thing absolutely destroys people (especially women, who are frequently traded in for the newer, younger, hotter model as though we were automobiles instead of human beings). Imagine wasting 15/20 years, and those years being your youth, when you have the most options and flexibility in what your life will become, and the person drops all that like it meant nothing, and you can't ever get it back. Cheating on your spouse is like you having a baby, and you spend years and years of effort on nourishing the baby, protecting the baby, and helping the baby grow and mature into something worth all that, then your spouse walks into the room one night and blows the baby away.

    This isn't petty. This is someone's life. And to top it all off, she was an army wife, which meant making even more tremendous sacrifices of friends and family to get carted around the planet with this guy, who then couldn't even be bothered to not be a total ******* to her while she was putting in the effort to correct the thing he had a problem with, for both of them, for their marriage, and yeah, for herself. Ain't nothing petty about wanting to reclaim her self worth by becoming the woman this jerk could have had for a wife had he not been a cheating *****. OP, keep on keepin on!

    Also, the op got a new profile and she's lost some serious weight.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    This man you describe sounds like a poison little moron. You're well rid of him.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Thank you guys! I literally would always come back here during those low times. I love this community so much. <3

    It is lovely to see you are now happy in life with a supportive partner, good luck for your future but I some how don't think you need it x :)
  • ejcanavan
    ejcanavan Posts: 52 Member
    I am not going to bag on her husband, just because we get one side of the story. It's good you got away from that situation though and can now focus on who YOU are and where you want to be. Weight loss is a personal journey and sometimes we have to suck it up and go it alone.
    I went through the same thing with my now ex-husband and looking back at pictures I can kinda see why he cheated. I was 100 pounds when we met and got pregnant with our first son. By the time we divorced and 4 kids later I was 206. If he had gained 100 pounds I wouldn't have found him as attractive either ! He didn't sign up for a wife who didn't care about her appearance and honestly I lost the feeling of being attractive too and we weren't intimate anymore.
    My current fiance and I agreed that if we ever started to gain that we would be honest with each other because we want to look our best to be healthy and happy for our entire lives together. So here we both are. My cooking and stress got the best of both of us. While her husband definitely approached it as an asshat, I think we have an obligation to ourselves and our spouse to be healthy.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    ejcanavan wrote: »
    I am not going to bag on her husband, just because we get one side of the story. It's good you got away from that situation though and can now focus on who YOU are and where you want to be. Weight loss is a personal journey and sometimes we have to suck it up and go it alone.
    I went through the same thing with my now ex-husband and looking back at pictures I can kinda see why he cheated. I was 100 pounds when we met and got pregnant with our first son. By the time we divorced and 4 kids later I was 206. If he had gained 100 pounds I wouldn't have found him as attractive either ! He didn't sign up for a wife who didn't care about her appearance and honestly I lost the feeling of being attractive too and we weren't intimate anymore.
    My current fiance and I agreed that if we ever started to gain that we would be honest with each other because we want to look our best to be healthy and happy for our entire lives together. So here we both are. My cooking and stress got the best of both of us. While her husband definitely approached it as an asshat, I think we have an obligation to ourselves and our spouse to be healthy.

    Yeah no. Your ex is a jerk. You know what a good spouse does? Tells his partner when things start spiraling like my husband did : "hey babe, i notice how you look at yourself and you don't look happy. Do you want to try and start losing weight? I'll do absolutely anything I can to help you along". This was at 1 year postpartum when I hated myself in my daughter's birthday pictures. 5 months, 22 lbs down and it's all with his help. He has lived up to his word when he said he'll do whatever it takes to help me. He loved me at 145 lbs, 196 lbs and now at 174 lbs.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    krithsai wrote: »
    ejcanavan wrote: »
    I am not going to bag on her husband, just because we get one side of the story. It's good you got away from that situation though and can now focus on who YOU are and where you want to be. Weight loss is a personal journey and sometimes we have to suck it up and go it alone.
    I went through the same thing with my now ex-husband and looking back at pictures I can kinda see why he cheated. I was 100 pounds when we met and got pregnant with our first son. By the time we divorced and 4 kids later I was 206. If he had gained 100 pounds I wouldn't have found him as attractive either ! He didn't sign up for a wife who didn't care about her appearance and honestly I lost the feeling of being attractive too and we weren't intimate anymore.
    My current fiance and I agreed that if we ever started to gain that we would be honest with each other because we want to look our best to be healthy and happy for our entire lives together. So here we both are. My cooking and stress got the best of both of us. While her husband definitely approached it as an asshat, I think we have an obligation to ourselves and our spouse to be healthy.

    Yeah no. Your ex is a jerk. You know what a good spouse does? Tells his partner when things start spiraling like my husband did : "hey babe, i notice how you look at yourself and you don't look happy. Do you want to try and start losing weight? I'll do absolutely anything I can to help you along". This was at 1 year postpartum when I hated myself in my daughter's birthday pictures. 5 months, 22 lbs down and it's all with his help. He has lived up to his word when he said he'll do whatever it takes to help me. He loved me at 145 lbs, 196 lbs and now at 174 lbs.

    THANK YOU. Lot of adultery apologists on here. You know what? Obesity is a sickness. Whatever happened to "in sickness and in health" ?
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    clgaram720 wrote: »
    krithsai wrote: »
    ejcanavan wrote: »
    I am not going to bag on her husband, just because we get one side of the story. It's good you got away from that situation though and can now focus on who YOU are and where you want to be. Weight loss is a personal journey and sometimes we have to suck it up and go it alone.
    I went through the same thing with my now ex-husband and looking back at pictures I can kinda see why he cheated. I was 100 pounds when we met and got pregnant with our first son. By the time we divorced and 4 kids later I was 206. If he had gained 100 pounds I wouldn't have found him as attractive either ! He didn't sign up for a wife who didn't care about her appearance and honestly I lost the feeling of being attractive too and we weren't intimate anymore.
    My current fiance and I agreed that if we ever started to gain that we would be honest with each other because we want to look our best to be healthy and happy for our entire lives together. So here we both are. My cooking and stress got the best of both of us. While her husband definitely approached it as an asshat, I think we have an obligation to ourselves and our spouse to be healthy.

    Yeah no. Your ex is a jerk. You know what a good spouse does? Tells his partner when things start spiraling like my husband did : "hey babe, i notice how you look at yourself and you don't look happy. Do you want to try and start losing weight? I'll do absolutely anything I can to help you along". This was at 1 year postpartum when I hated myself in my daughter's birthday pictures. 5 months, 22 lbs down and it's all with his help. He has lived up to his word when he said he'll do whatever it takes to help me. He loved me at 145 lbs, 196 lbs and now at 174 lbs.

    THANK YOU. Lot of adultery apologists on here. You know what? Obesity is a sickness. Whatever happened to "in sickness and in health" ?

    Agreed. There is no excuse to cheat. If you don't want to be with someone who loves you so much that it hurts, then divorce them, break up with them, BEFORE you double dip. At least have SOME respect for the person that you are about to devastate.