Pregnancy 2011- June



  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Rachel- I know what you mean about sleep! I've been doing pretty well lately, but it comes and goes.

    Kacy- I'm glad you are doing better. It's gotta be hard knowing someone else who is pregnant. I think it would be especially hard for me if no one knew about my pregnancy. We are here for you!

    meokk- You look great! Love your hair!

    Regina- I'm sorry about your glucose test! I would go ahead and get the three hour test done if it isn't too costly.

    Just took my 36 week picture. I hope I resized it small enough.

  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Annnnnnd I didn't but it doesn't seem to be working for me every time I try to resize it.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Julie: What a jerk!! I'm sorry you had to endure that today and i agree with the person who said that he's probably just upset about the cut backs and taking it out on you. So unfair i would've gone prison rules on him and shanked his *kitten*

    Rachel- I hear ya on the sleeping situation *hug* i'm in the same boat and the hip issues ugh i hate to turn too cause I feel like baby is flopping back n forth and i'm making her uncomfortable, i tried to put a pillow under my belly but then it just makes me uncomfortable i think i may need a thinner pillow or softer. Hope you get some rest soon i've been trying to take naps during the day but even that is hard to get in these days.

    Kacy- *hug* :flowerforyou:

    meokk- Love the bump :) cute pic

    Regina- I'm so sorry to hear about the glucose. I also failed the 1 hr and went in for the 3 hr which in itself really stinks cause of the nasty stuff you have to drink not to mention starving for four hrs. I hope you come to a decision and it all works out for you.

    brittony: your pic is sooo cute!! You look great I wish i could go sleeveless....the hormone that darkened my nipples also darkened my underarms and neck so i'm really self conscious about it. I really hope it goes away once baby comes cause i can't imagine wearing long sleeves and quarter sleeves for the rest of my life yikes!!!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member

    AFM : My Dr's office just called and said that I didn't pass my 1 hour gloucose challange. Now I'm so frustrated and annoyed that I can barely think!!! They said that I can study up on diet and suchlike and eat like I'm diabetic for the rest of my pregnancy or I can pay to go have the 3 hour test done. I don't want to do either!!! :sad: Uggg!!! My midwife is gonna flip and totally want to restrict my diet which makes me think that I really want to do the 3 hour test unless the cost is totally unreasonable. If it would come back positive then fine. I'll change what I eat. I just hate to go to the bother of totally changing my lifestyle if it's not absolutely necessary. :grumble: Rant over. Now I need to get off here and go get something done while DS is asleep. I made 34 1/2 pints of strawberry jam to sell yesterday. Went and got more strawberries this morning and now I have enough to make three times that much. I think I'll save some to do next week, but hey won't all fit in my fridge so I've got to get to the ones that aren't fitting. And I need to mow. And I need to hoe the garden, put posts in for one planting of tomatoes, string up the other planting of tomatoes, mulch some stuff, hoe flower beds, and tomorrow morning I'll need to pick the strawberries in the garden. And have I mentioned that I'm really tired of the 90 degree weather!!! Sorry folks, I did say end of rant a while back didn't I. :embarassed: Guess it was just the end of that one. Thanks for hearing me out. Now I've gotta go work on strawberries and meditate on cutting sugar out of my diet. :angry:

    I failed the 1 hour too Regina so we're in the same boat right now! I go for the 3 (technically 4) hour one Monday morning. I am just doing my best this weekend to watch my carb in take (breads/pasta/potato) as well as sugar and hoping I pass. I've come to terms with the fact that I might not and if I don't then we'll deal with it then. Until then I'm crossing everything I can and praying I pass the 3 hour! I know of a lot of women who failed the 1 and passed the 3 if that helps you any. I'll let you know how Monday goes!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Brittony- You are too cute pregnant. But, I gotta confess I am so jealous with Emma sitting high! I wish I were carrying Avery that way but I guess he had other plans :frown: I don't care how it looks, though it does look pretty funny especially when I sit down. I almost look just fat and not pregnant but, him resting so low is incredibly uncomfortable/painful!

    Victoria- Super cute bump!!! :smile:

    Julie- I hope you can find a way to deal with that ahole at work. I understand being upset but he could have approached it in a whole different manner then he did.

    Landscape- I think I've come to terms with the fact that it's gonna be pretty...... wild for awhile :laugh: Rachael props to you for still being able to manage to do anything with it!
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Thanks to everyone! :heart:

    Danielle - Definatly let me know how Monday goes for you. I'm leaning toward getting the test done and finding out for sure. My midwife gave me this website that she really like though and it makes the diet look doable. Although they have you eating 2,600 calories minium... :noway: If I eat that many calories I'm really scared what will happen to my weight gain. Not pretty I'm thinking!!! Right now I'm trying to eat 1,900 and eat back my exercise calories. I know, if I went by that diet I'd just have to exercise a lot right?:ohwell: Here's the link for that site
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    You look great brittony!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Rachel – I’m right there with you on wanting a good night’s sleep. I’m up several times to go to the bathroom or shifting because part of my body is going numb. My new thing now is if I lay on my right side I feel like I can’t breathe, I know it’s better for me to sleep on my left anyway but I can only be in one position for so long.

    Victoria – cute bump!!!

    Julie – :laugh: :laugh: at using hubby bread trimmer because that’s what I use! I asked him about using it not to long after we got married and he didn’t care. He almost never uses it anyway so I don’t feel too bad. And how your co-worker acted was completely uncalled for. I get that he’s upset about what’s happening but it’s not your fault and even if it was that’s not professional behavior.

    Kacy – we miss you! I can’t imagine how hard it that must be when no one really knew about what happened. A good friend of mine miscarried at 6 weeks after trying for two years to get pregnant and has pretty much been avoiding me for the past 5 months. I know she’s happy for me, but it’s really hard for her at the same time. ::hugs::

    Regina – lots of people who are not diabetic get a false negative on the one hour test. If it’s not too expensive I say get the 3 hour one just so you know for sure.

    Brittony – you look great!!!

    It’s going to be a busy weekend for me. I need to get the whole house cleaned up and get our yard/plants looking somewhat normal (with hubbys help of course). I normally want no part of anything to do with the outside but I feel like I have to this weekend before my in-laws get here. And I refuse to do ANYTHING house related on our anniversary Monday so that only leaves the next two days. Technically I could have gotten so stuff taken care of tonight, but laziness won out! :laugh:
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749
    Hey ladies! We are here in WI and *finally* have internet today! Three trips to Best Buy and Verizon.

    Esca Eirnin was born last Thursday June 2nd just before noon. I caught him into my hands, in the pool, after an intense, quick labor starting w/ my waters breaking. He was born at 38 weeks even, weighed 8lbs 7.5oz. He is beautiful of course!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hey ladies! We are here in WI and *finally* have internet today! Three trips to Best Buy and Verizon.

    Esca Eirnin was born last Thursday June 2nd just before noon. I caught him into my hands, in the pool, after an intense, quick labor starting w/ my waters breaking. He was born at 38 weeks even, weighed 8lbs 7.5oz. He is beautiful of course!

    Amazingly accurate in your prediction, you are so in tune
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    First of all, congratulations Anabelle and Julie on your babies. Everyone who posted a bump picture looks so cute. I'm hoping to get one of me soon because I feel I might actually look pregnant and not just fat.

    I'm sorry for all the whiny posts I have sent. With DH out of town, the heat and generally hectic schedule, I was overwhelmed - even with all the help my friends gave me. He came home today and it has been nice just knowing he's here and I don't have to do everything. I've already given him both baseball games tomorrow because I don't want to be out in the heat! I instead get to do the dance runs and work around the house or nap :).

    I've been reading and following, just too tired to respond. One more week of school, dance and baseball and after next weekends hectic conclusion summer will start and I can relax a bit more!

    Going to head to bed and hopefully get a decent nights sleep now that dh is home. Have a great weekend!
  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey ladies! We are here in WI and *finally* have internet today! Three trips to Best Buy and Verizon.

    Esca Eirnin was born last Thursday June 2nd just before noon. I caught him into my hands, in the pool, after an intense, quick labor starting w/ my waters breaking. He was born at 38 weeks even, weighed 8lbs 7.5oz. He is beautiful of course!

    We're all hoping for some pictures soon . . .
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    Hi everyone! I never seen this topic or I would have posted sooner! I am Jessica and I have my 4th baby on the way due in July. I was doing awesome at eating healthy and my goal was to at most gain 10lbs but the last 6 wks I have been doing terrible! LOL! I am scared to weigh myself. I keep telling myself I will do better tomorrow but its just not happening! I hope all of your pregnancies have been going smoothly and great!
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    Rachel- I know what you mean about sleep! I've been doing pretty well lately, but it comes and goes.

    Kacy- I'm glad you are doing better. It's gotta be hard knowing someone else who is pregnant. I think it would be especially hard for me if no one knew about my pregnancy. We are here for you!

    meokk- You look great! Love your hair!

    Regina- I'm sorry about your glucose test! I would go ahead and get the three hour test done if it isn't too costly.

    Just took my 36 week picture. I hope I resized it small enough.


    Awwwww! How cute!
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    I feel so lost! I don't know who to respond too! :(
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Hey ladies! We are here in WI and *finally* have internet today! Three trips to Best Buy and Verizon.

    Esca Eirnin was born last Thursday June 2nd just before noon. I caught him into my hands, in the pool, after an intense, quick labor starting w/ my waters breaking. He was born at 38 weeks even, weighed 8lbs 7.5oz. He is beautiful of course!

    Let me say Annabelle, that I am so so happy to have you back!!! :heart: I was a teensy bit afraid that you'd forgotten all about us and left us for good. Glad to see that wasn't the case. Hope that your move was uneventful and that you're settling in well. Whenever you feel like it pictures would be great and since I'm planning a home birth myself a few more details of the birth would be nice if you care to share. I realize that after as many times as you've done this it may all seem like an old story to you, but I'm still very interested in the details. :happy: Welcome back my friend!!! :flowerforyou:
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    I feel so lost! I don't know who to respond too! :(

    Yea. I've been hare quite a while and still feel that way most of the time. Try to not let it overwhelm you to much. I think most of us try to do good at not getting our feelings hurt if we don't get acknowledged . It's not that big of a deal - respond to the stuff that interests you or that you have something to comment about or add to. And welcome!!!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Congrats Annabelle! It's nice to have you back!

    Jessica- I agree with Regina. I never mind that not everyone can respond to everything I have to say. So much goes on with this thread and it moves so fast. I think that you are just fine with responding to things that interest you and you have something to add to. I will be good at replying to most everyone one day and terrible at acknowledging anyone at all other days. We all understand. I think you'd be chained to your computer for way too long if you felt obligated to respond to every single thing. Welcome to the group!

    Regina- Don't ever worry about being too whiney! We all need to vent sometimes. I think that part of this group is having a place to vent so that we don't explode in the real world at the people we love. I'm glad your husband is home.

    Julie- Sorry about your co-worker. What a d-bag! I would def. say something to your supervisor. That behavior is unacceptable.

    The baby shower with my co-workers was lovely. My boss bought be a delicious Mexican dinner and I got spoiled with lots of cute little gifts. They got this cute little set of adidas booties and an adidas cap. Leave it to my gym ladies to get little athletic accessories for my newborn!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Julie- the beard trimmer comment made me giggle :)

    Brittony- your picture is beautiful!

    On an I phone so it's hard to read and respond to everything... Have a great wknd ladies! We are going out of town to meet my new baby cousin :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Julie - I always wonder about people who act like that. What on earth did their mother teach them? Honestly.... I would have let him have it once he started swearing at me. Tell your supervisor, in writing perhaps, so you at least have documentation of the incident.

    Sleep issues - me too! I don't generally have to go to the bathroom more than once a night yet, but every little thing wakes me, and I'm still not used the other half of the bed being empty with hubby's graveyard schedule (I keep reminding myself, a full time job is a good thing, we can put up with this schedule while it lasts). Or it's the cats, or a shoulder aches, or my hand goes numb, or ... Yeah, good night's sleep, what's that? :grumble:

    Baby bump pictures - You all look so cute! I need to post pics. Need to take some first ...

    Had final rehearsal tonight for band concert tomorrow. I'm really not enjoying this band, and not going back after concert. Baby is a good excuse. But I just couldn't get enough air tonight! It seems like I have about 4 to 6 inches between top of bump and ribs in front, and diaphragm just doesn't have enough room now. I will be staying in my orchestra and in choir, but we don't have much else in either for the summer. I am teaching my kids, so I will have enough opportunities to practice and hopefully can breath better again soon :tongue: