Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Awesome guys! Look at you all! I'm so proud.. yet disappointed I did not join i the fun over the weekend! Sorry I missed out! You guys did great!! I was bad all weekend... It's so hard to stay on track... Friday night we went to our cabin in the woods.. no electricity, no running water... so we sat around a fire and had a couple beers... Morning, I packed some sandwiches and I did ok. But my hubby had only packed beer and soda. No water, so I was bad all day with soda. We came home to a birthday party for my father-in-law... I ate some goodies.. then on top of it all we went to a Packer party on Sunday... the party thrower loves to keep your drink filled.. so that was hard! Plus there was nothing healthy, except for the couple of pieces of pineapple that were dropped in my cocktail... Yikes! Long story short... I am starting from scratch today! So here's to Monday! Yikes! Let's do this! Motivate me to get back on the track and keep moving! I'm still working on my steps all week. I am in 3 Fitbit workweek challenges so I will keep you all posted on my daily count. Slacking today on them but I will get there! 10,000 or bust!!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited November 2015
    Got to tell this to weekend fatty Shyanne... =(

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good morning all... I am on cloud 9 this morning after weighting in for my first official week back on MFP. I lost 7.1 pounds! [insert that happy dance gif here] I got on the scale multiple times because I could not believe it myself! I am thrilled that all the tedious measuring and constant food prep and planning paid off!

    I was on the go all weekend and didn't get to post, but I will update y'all about it now. My fiancé and I ran errands all weekend since we are still in the process of setting up our new place and also preparing for the Canadian winter, which I am still a little nervous about! Most of our meals were on the go so I didn't have my trusty side kick scale as I normally do at home, but I found myself referring to portion sizes I had eaten of similar foods during the week and I did my best to eat the healthiest thing available. Does this mean that frozen yogurt didn't find its way into my hand... no BUT a cone and the toppings were no longer apart of a treat I very much enjoy. I will say on average I ate anywhere from 200-300 calories more each day from eating out, but I made sure that my exercise for the day balanced it out.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and has a great start to the week! Happy Monday all! :smile:

    Wow! Your persistence paid off! Way to go! Keep it up!! Proud of you!!
  • darcus_kirby
    darcus_kirby Posts: 21 Member
    I'm Darcus, from Ohio. I'm 30 and my first goal is to lose 30lbs. I get frustrated because I feel like no amount of exercise is enough. But my body doesn't agree. I'm terrified that even though I'm working so hard, nothing will happen.
  • LoveOrganicLife
    LoveOrganicLife Posts: 16 Member
    edited November 2015
    Thanks I really appreciate it! :smile:

    ShyCrush: It sounds like you are starting off right... Continue forward with a new week and leave your weekend in the past. You have this and will make this week even better than last!

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Thanks!! Weekends are my nemesis! Although.. my hubby is hunting the next two weekends, so that should help be behave and stay in my zone! He is a BAD influence! LOL!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I'm Darcus, from Ohio. I'm 30 and my first goal is to lose 30lbs. I get frustrated because I feel like no amount of exercise is enough. But my body doesn't agree. I'm terrified that even though I'm working so hard, nothing will happen.

    Welcome Darcus! Focus on one week at a time.. 30 lb goal is a hefty goal and you will achieve it... you just have to focus on it weekly and not focus on the overall picture... one step at a time. It will get easier as you will see the weight come off and it will make you feel so much better you keep striding in the right direction and keep feeling better! You got this!! We are here to help!!
  • Mrsrobinsoncl
    Mrsrobinsoncl Posts: 124 Member
    Welcome Darcus!! The more you read and learn the easier, at least for me. Weight loss is much more about the foods you eat than the exercise. I cant remember the amounts, but I think its like 80% what you eat and 20% how much you work out ! I work out so I can eat more The best bit of advice I can give people is get a digital food scale! Weight your foods so you know exactly what you're eating, lot it even if you are over for your calories. Weighted portions are much more accurate than measure.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    I wish there was a like button on these threads... LoL! <3
  • lovematthewchristopher
    Good morning everyone. It was a beautiful weekend and i managed to get a lot of things done, and stay active. Yesterday i went for a 110 min. walk in this beautiful fall weather, which i am hoping is going to last for a little while longer. Winter can be very hard when you are stuck inside, but i can do this! Yes , ChangelsADe, i think a like button would be great to have too!! Sometimes someone else just hits all the words you want to say! Have a great day everyone
  • Darklords
    Darklords Posts: 3,175 Member
    LIKE>>LIKE LIKE how is that it is my like button..Good Morning everyone, gotta say you are an inspiring group of people. When I am feeling a tad down with myself I come on here and read how everyone is doing. Yesterday I sadly did not get in as much calorie burn as I wanted however today is a new day and will be better RIGHT :smiley: Hello and welcome Darcus. Stay strong and keep your sparkles going all
  • sunrisetrout
    sunrisetrout Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome Darcus!! I have 33 pounds to lose as well. It's not easy but it is an adventure!!

    Yesterday was a great step day, but my eating was not so great. I had one of those days where the meeting went long and all I wanted to do was to run home and comfort myself with a big bag of cheese puffs. Does anyone ever have one of those days? I was able to forego the cheese puffs but I still need to be mindful of my automatic reaction to find comfort in food.

  • Ridsilver
    Ridsilver Posts: 7 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    Hi! I've been a member here for a while, I dropped out for a bit and now am motivated to get back into the action. Recently joined a gym and I'm working at this. My best success was a group of people who shared almost daily and motivated and pushed each other. We shared struggles, success and just overall frustration and joy! I'm looking to find those core people again. Create friendship and get to a healthy lifestyle! I plan on checking in daily, I'm bad on the weekends, but I will try harder. Please share in this group if you are looking for a core group to help you get to where you want to be. I don't care if you have 20 or 100 lbs to lose, I promise to be a good cheerleader! =)

    I have 15kgs to lose in 7 months... Hope ill do my best... This seems a good app ... My first experience...
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Hello Peeps! #dailycheckin - So yesterday still no workout due to a pulled muscle and I STILL stayed UNDER my calories. I seriously haven't done this two days in a row since 2013! It's the darndest thang! :D But I have two lunch dates this week so the odds are so-so that this streak will continue after today. *fingers crossed* It really is so hard tho! when you're logging food on MFP and you see a CINNAMON ROLL AD ON the bottom of your screen... #seriously !!!!


    **CONFESSION TIME** I had a thought the other day walking thru the grocery store. There was literally a "SLICE AND SHARE" Snickers bar - this thing is so big the WRAPPER says to slice and share. But I thought gosh, I could use some chocolate....but I've already completed my food dairy ....well, I wouldn't have to log it. *insert shocking dramatic music* I actually thought about eating chocolate and not logging it. Then it hit me.... what good is doing any of this if you aren't going to be honest with yourself? I come on here asking for an accountability partner but I thought about not even being honest with myself for a 2 minute thrill of eating chocolate. Now don't get me wrong .... sometimes chocolate is worth the 2 minutes but not that day. And I don't want to go overboard with all of this logging and exercise because it really is ultimately a guessing game (calorie burn, food labels, how your body burns this or that, etc) but for the health of it all - be honest with yourself. Even if you go over your honest about it. It's OK... the next meal or day won't be so bad.

    OK.... I'm jumping off my soapbox.... It's raining here today. UGH! This is one of those days ya gotta bring your own sunshine with ya! ;)

  • robyndobyn3
    robyndobyn3 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello! What a happy, inspiring thread!! My name is Robyn - I have about 65 pounds to lose. One little wrinkle in that plan is that my husband and I just started trying for Baby #2. In the meantime I trying my best to be as healthy as I can and to get my body ready for a healthy pregnancy. This summer I started a running program with some friends and to date we've completed 2 5ks and a 5-mile race. This weekend we do our first 10k. I'm trying to eat really clean and hydrate this week so my body is ready for the race Saturday. I hope everyone has a lovely day!
  • amandabevilacqua
    I would love to join! Need some motivation to curb the emotional/bored eating. Looking forward to being part of a group!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Another great day, I managed to do an hour and a half of walking today. Ive got dinner all planned out so I will be under on the calories. And even better still my husband is joining me on here :) enjoy the rest of your day everyone ☀
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I wish there was a like button on these threads... LoL! <3
    Me too! I think the same thing everytime I log in!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited November 2015
    Welcome Darcus!! I have 33 pounds to lose as well. It's not easy but it is an adventure!!

    Yesterday was a great step day, but my eating was not so great. I had one of those days where the meeting went long and all I wanted to do was to run home and comfort myself with a big bag of cheese puffs. Does anyone ever have one of those days? I was able to forego the cheese puffs but I still need to be mindful of my automatic reaction to find comfort in food.

    Awesome step day! Glad to hear it!! Eating... well.. $&it happens... =) I have comfort food days as well... I think we all do. Just be mindful and you will do fine! You got this!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    ridaamreen wrote: »
    I have 15kgs to lose in 7 months... Hope ill do my best... This seems a good app ... My first experience...

    Welcome!! Looks like you are being reasonable with yourself! You got this!! You have picked an awesome group to have a first experience with!! Lots of great cheerleaders!!