Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member

    **CONFESSION TIME** I had a thought the other day walking thru the grocery store. There was literally a "SLICE AND SHARE" Snickers bar - this thing is so big the WRAPPER says to slice and share. But I thought gosh, I could use some chocolate....but I've already completed my food dairy ....well, I wouldn't have to log it. *insert shocking dramatic music* I actually thought about eating chocolate and not logging it. Then it hit me.... what good is doing any of this if you aren't going to be honest with yourself? I come on here asking for an accountability partner but I thought about not even being honest with myself for a 2 minute thrill of eating chocolate. Now don't get me wrong .... sometimes chocolate is worth the 2 minutes but not that day. And I don't want to go overboard with all of this logging and exercise because it really is ultimately a guessing game (calorie burn, food labels, how your body burns this or that, etc) but for the health of it all - be honest with yourself. Even if you go over your honest about it. It's OK... the next meal or day won't be so bad.

    Great confession!! You are being honest! You are on the right track and realizing this is all for you! Yes, we are here for accountability but you are doing this for you!! I have done that myself before and you really don't know why you feel you need to lie to yourself... too crazy... but way to go girl!
    And yes... WTH is it with a cinnamon roll ad... That is just wrong! =) Have a great day and keep bringing the sunshine!!
  • LoveOrganicLife
    LoveOrganicLife Posts: 16 Member
    Good afternoon all! Yesterday was the first time in a week I went over without having enough exercise to make up for it. I knew my fiancé and I had a wine tasting planned, but it is typically mid week so I didn't really give it much thought. My fiancé planned the tasting for us a while back and when he brought it to my attention this weekend I made a mental note that I should plan out a day of only lean meats and veggies to help balance out the wine we would be drinking later on. Well needless to say we both didn't realize it was scheduled for Monday until late afternoon (thank you google reminders!). It was a fun time, but I came back and fell into my old habits of eating right before bed after a evening out of adult beverages. I did log everything as painful of a process that was seeing the calories rack up, but I learned that I need to always be prepared and to recognize when my old habits pop up. I wasn't even hungry because I made sure to eat a healthy and balanced dinner before we left. Anyways long story short yesterday was not the best, but I am back on it today and making sure I get an extra workout in on top of my normal routine.

    GillianSmith2: Way to go and that is great news about your husband... I found that having my fiancé on here with me has helped.

    Changeisadecision: Good point! I felt like this in the past and none of it works unless you are honest with yourself and truly log everything that goes into your body. I will say recently I have been having more moments of... "I don't want that on my food log because I know how it will undo the entire day" I also know it won't always be like this, but I have found that small individually wrapped treats help when I need a "sweet" fix.

    I wish we had a "like" button as well...
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Hello! What a happy, inspiring thread!! My name is Robyn - I have about 65 pounds to lose. One little wrinkle in that plan is that my husband and I just started trying for Baby #2. In the meantime I trying my best to be as healthy as I can and to get my body ready for a healthy pregnancy. This summer I started a running program with some friends and to date we've completed 2 5ks and a 5-mile race. This weekend we do our first 10k. I'm trying to eat really clean and hydrate this week so my body is ready for the race Saturday. I hope everyone has a lovely day!

    Welcome Robyn! Best of luck for baby #2! How awesome is that! You are doing the right thing by getting as healthy as you can! What we won't do for our babies! Awesome job on the running!! I would love to start running and get into it more. So many people love to run! That concept just can'[t sink into my brain yet though! =) Have a great day and check in often!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I would love to join! Need some motivation to curb the emotional/bored eating. Looking forward to being part of a group!

    Welcome Amanda!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Another great day, I managed to do an hour and a half of walking today. Ive got dinner all planned out so I will be under on the calories. And even better still my husband is joining me on here :) enjoy the rest of your day everyone ☀

    Great job! So glad to hear the hubby joined too! Awesome! Makes life easier when you are working toward a common ground with the one person who lives with you!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    How is our step counts going?! I was at 12,888 yesterday!! Yeah!! I rocked my 10K goal! Not doing great so far today and I work extra late tonight but hoping I will get where I need to go with them! I ate pretty good yesterday and I did good on the exercise... just trying to make up for the weekend! =) Let's do this!! Who's with me?!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    So true!

  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    This was on MFP's Facebook page. #behonest

  • Mrsrobinsoncl
    Mrsrobinsoncl Posts: 123 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!! After 7 hours in court and 3 hours driving yesterday I only managed 9000 steps, but Im making up for it today! Got out and ran at lunch, haven't ran since Thursday, today was cold windy and a little icy, but all in all a good run/walk!! I think I am going to repeat a day of Week 3 tomorrow before I go onto week 4. Eating has been good today, I dont know what we'll do for dinner, but I have some asparagus in the fridge I would like to eat and maybe a chicken breast.
    I had to get a belt for my work slacks, they were sagging a little!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Love Organic: I had that same problem Sunday night... Taco Bell after a long day of cocktails! Live and learn. Much better to be prepared, but it happens. Old habits are hard to break! You'll be fine and get right back on track! You got this girl!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Cassie!!! Wooohoooo! Always a nice purchase when it's a belt for your sagging pants!! You rock it sister!!!
  • nikhbee
    nikhbee Posts: 46 Member
    Late night check in here. Happy Wednesday to all. Just got done with a round of cardio and upper body exercise. I follow the workout videos on the Fitness Blender youtube channel. Arms feel dead but my fingers are fine so here I am slumped on the couch typing :) Great to see the progress going on here. My though for the day - The way you do anything is the way you do everything!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Good Morning Peeps! Last night I thought I was doing so good on my calories so I treated myself to some Boom White Choc Peppermint popcorn.... then it hit me!!! I FORGOT TO LOG MY YOGURT yesterday!! So I went over! BOO! Whatever... it's all good. Hope everyone has a great day!!

  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    nikhbee wrote: »
    Late night check in here. Happy Wednesday to all. Just got done with a round of cardio and upper body exercise. I follow the workout videos on the Fitness Blender youtube channel. Arms feel dead but my fingers are fine so here I am slumped on the couch typing :) Great to see the progress going on here. My though for the day - The way you do anything is the way you do everything!

    Fitness Blender is awesome!! They have some killer workouts!! B)
  • BethMilledge
    BethMilledge Posts: 367 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • sunrisetrout
    sunrisetrout Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for the great quote to start the morning!
    Good Morning Peeps! Last night I thought I was doing so good on my calories so I treated myself to some Boom White Choc Peppermint popcorn.... then it hit me!!! I FORGOT TO LOG MY YOGURT yesterday!! So I went over! BOO! Whatever... it's all good. Hope everyone has a great day!!


  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is having a great week so far! I am a little frustrated because I am still dealing with my knee pain from running last week. It seems to be getting worse, not better. So walking is even out of the question this week so far. Not getting close to my step goals-just trying to stay off of it. Hopefully it will heal up soon! But the scale has started moving in the right direction again! Yay! I am getting my eating under control and trying to stay within my limits. One day at a time! We can do this! Have a great week and keep going! Everyone is doing great! I love reading everyones posts and all the motivation and support!
  • lesliewynn14
    lesliewynn14 Posts: 130 Member
    I weigh 2 pounds more this morning than yesterday. I stayed under my calorie goal, drank lots of water, and exercised. I looked at what I ate yesterday and the sodium was way high. I'm wondering if that's why. Oh well, I'm still going strong faithfully logging all my food and exercising 5X a week.
  • Darklords
    Darklords Posts: 3,175 Member
    it is probably just water if you said your sodium was high, just keep going you are doing good
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    nikhbee wrote: »
    Late night check in here. Happy Wednesday to all. Just got done with a round of cardio and upper body exercise. I follow the workout videos on the Fitness Blender youtube channel. Arms feel dead but my fingers are fine so here I am slumped on the couch typing :) Great to see the progress going on here. My though for the day - The way you do anything is the way you do everything!

    Way to go on the late night workout!! I was a slacker yesterday and didn't get very many steps in so I was getting them in around 9:00 last night as well!! Keep up the great work!