Mark your calendar...June 6th starts another round of P90X C



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hi everyone! Since i've been a one day off two day work out, two days off one day work out, I did shoulders and arms and Cardio X tonight to make up some time. If I can get in legs and back and Kenpo tomorrow I will be caught up with the week and can start the recovery week. Can't believe it will be week 4 already! I m patiently waiting for June 20th so I can take 30 day pics. I know things haven't changed all that much but its starting to.

    We fly to Scottsdale Monday morning YEAY FOR VACATION! A much needed one...its been crazy busy at work and a little nutty at home. LOL.

    What does everyone do for a living? I sell powertrain systems into the mining and material handling sectors world wide.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    OH OH, NSV for me - about 2/3 of the way thru the shoulders and arms work out TH has you sit on a chair and do a two way shoulder thing where you sit straight up, pull your arms up, lean forward and repeat. I Got through BOTH sets of them without having to quit this time! WOOHOO!!!
    Before I could do the first round straight up, half the leaning forward first round, and only half each the second.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    What does everyone do for a living? I sell powertrain systems into the mining and material handling sectors world wide.

    I work for an industrial facilities management firm and my customer is General Motors. I am presently working as a resident troubleshooter in hot plants. I am presently stationed at the Tonawanda, NY (Buffalo) Engine Plant. I will be stationed here until late July or early August. I do my P90X from the hotel.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    OH OH, NSV for me - about 2/3 of the way thru the shoulders and arms work out TH has you sit on a chair and do a two way shoulder thing where you sit straight up, pull your arms up, lean forward and repeat. I Got through BOTH sets of them without having to quit this time! WOOHOO!!!
    Before I could do the first round straight up, half the leaning forward first round, and only half each the second.

    Those straight arm moves can be brutal...maybe scale down the weights slightly to get through both sets of reps consistently? Then work up to larger weights/bands?
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    "Man we dog tired." Yes, Tony, yes. As you may imagine, I just finished Plyo, Day 2. I am super proud that I did it, since I was sorely tempted to swap for Cardio X (which I still haven't played with yet...). Why, you may ask? Well, in my attempts to be a grown up, I went to Ikea today... by myself. Which meant a lot of walking around and lifting very heavy boxes on my own. This is, remember, after my first day of chest & back... so I can barely lift my arms let alone these 100lb. boxes. Still, somehow I managed to get everything safely into my apartment AND do plyo! Wooooo. Not my best burn in the world, but I think it's because my HRM gets grouchy when my heart goes too fast, like above 175... eeps! Don't worry, I'm young! :D In any case... NSV for bringing it and just pushing play. Our bodies are so much stronger than we give them credit for!

    Welcome to the next chapter of life, my dear! Yeah, I know all about the jelly arms...LOL. My ceiling on the HRM is 180...have you thought of bumping it up on yours to keep it from getting tweaky? The rule of thumb is if you can carry on a albeit winded conversation with someone and make sense while you are working out, the heart rate is not too high. Start worrying when you get disoriented or dizzy while working out...THAT is the danger sign...the HR numbers are arbitrary guidelines. As my workouts get harder, I push the envelope. My goal is to get my average HR to 160 on Plyo. Presently at 156...The highest HR it has been was I am close to that envelope. Plyo is a beast! Love it!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Did my X-Stretch last night to finish off week 1. The Stretch video is really good in the first two weeks of a phase...allows a speedier recovery for the next brutal week. I tend to take the third week's rest day as a real rest day since it is going into recovery anyway...that is what tends to work for me...

    Chest and Back tonight...working a long day in the plant today (screwing off is more like it...LOL)

    Will post later if I have the energy...BRING IT!!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I hate, no, despise, no, loathe YOGA x. Meh. meh. meh...

    Good job all!!!

    Oh and I'm an operations assistant for CPS... :) I'm in school part time as well.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Kicked off week two with another round of Chest and Back...Upped my reps on both pushup and pullup moves. I need larger weights for heavy pants and lawnmowers...The 30s simply don't cut it...I think I need 40s or maybe even 45s. Even though I upped my reps and intensity, I burned about 140 less calories...getting in shape sucks sometimes...I was counting on those calories for a better dinner than what I ended up with. I REFUSE to log in the negative on calories...I will work out again, if that's the OCD coming out in me, I think...

    Looking forward to another *kitten* kicking session of Plyometrics...I think that may end up overtaking Yoga-X as my's just so damn fun and the calorie burn is unbelievable...I call it "eat good day".

    Keep bringing it, y'all!
  • SkiorDie
    SkiorDie Posts: 1
    Hope round 2 goes amazing! Just starting my first!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    So maybe starting round two the same week I walked in relay for life wasn't my brightest idea... My legs still feel like jello today. I took yesterday as my rest day and I'll be picking up Yoga today.

    I work as a process analyst for a tax and legal publishing firm. I work with the writers that are in my office and with the editorial production staff in Malaysia.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Happy Sunday has been a good day...slept in, weighed in 1.4 pounds lighter, and got on a good sweat with Tony and company with Plyometrics. I brought it (I think) harder than last Sunday when I first did this workout and burned about 80 less calories this time around...I am really noticing my calorie burns going down and I think it is because I am getting leaner and in better shape, but a little voice in the back of my head says that I am dogging it...I know I have said this before, but I REALLY need a weighted vest and possibly some ankle weights to bring up the instensity on some of these workouts.

    I am not a superfreak by any stretch and I am not trying to be a bad *kitten* is simple...I like to eat and I like to have plenty of calories to eat back and the only way I can do that is through a hella burn...LOL.

    Shoulders and Arms tomorrow (with bands...ugh)...Enjoy your rest day for those peeps who started on Monday!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    P90X Lean Day 7 Yoga X - done for today.

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • Well, I didn't get to "Press Play" this week but I am committing to starting tomorrow evening. It was a tough week but I'm back on track now. Even made myself Tony's Level 1 Club Salad for lunch tomorrow and set up everything for my mushroom omelet for breakfast :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My legs were jelly yesteday from the legs/back work out the night before! (I love that work out!) So I traded Kenpo for cleaning the whole house, packing for our trip and grocery shopping yesterday. It was a BUSY day yesterday. I didn't sit down until about 7.

    I'm glad I read the description of the recovery weeks work outs because I would NOT have brought my res band with me..but its packed and ready to roll so I can do my work outs in the hotel room. I just hope there is enough room in there to do it. There should be, but you never know how things are positioned in hotel rooms you know? Either way I will make it work!

    Not sure if I will have time to check in or not, but will try. You guys have a good week and I will at least be back on here Friday.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone! I made it through the weekend, and rocked Chest/Back this morning. While doing my pushups, I had some really bad pain start right where my c-section scar is. I'm pretty sure it's just because my abs are so weak, but I wasn't about to risk tearing something, so I skipped ARX for now. I'm hoping to try it this evening.

    I finally took some before pics yesterday. When I got married, I was about the same weight I am now, but had a decent bikini bod. Two kids have destroyed my abs. My before pics are in the swimsuit I wore that year, and I'm hoping to see major improvement, and maybe even be willing to wear it again.

    I also found an awesome Walmart deal on resistancebands. It's a set with 1 long band, 1 figure-8 shaped band, door attachment, and storage bag for $2.50! It's only medium resistance, but will work for the one week I'm out of town. Now I just have to figure out how to get the DVDs onto my iPad.

    Annyshay - Nice work on lifting boxes, and rocking Plyo! My HR honestly gets up into the 180's, and once even as high as 193. Bob's right about listening to your body... as long as you don't start feeling dizzy, etc. you can keep going.

    Laceylala - Congrats on the NSV!!! Have fun on vacation! As for my job, I'm the only IT person for my company, so I'm in charge of servers, networking, security, business intelligence/reporting, phone system, backup/disaster recovery, software, printers/copiers, cell phones, ERP... basically, if it plugs in, people call me about it (including the occasional CNC/lathe machine). I love my job!!

    Bob - Be thankful for the calorie counts you are getting. Even on a bad day, you easily burn 200-300 calories more than me. Right now, I'm not using my HRM, and just sticking to the 1800 calories Tony recommends in the dietary guide.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Well, I didn't get to "Press Play" this week but I am committing to starting tomorrow evening. It was a tough week but I'm back on track now. Even made myself Tony's Level 1 Club Salad for lunch tomorrow and set up everything for my mushroom omelet for breakfast :)

    You can do it!

    I'm not sure if I mentioned this here (because I mention it all the time) but I bought my resistance bands at Ross. I got a box of 3 (light, medium, heavy) for $7.99. The light were too light and fortunately for me, with these bands you can use 2 or even all 3 at the same time because they clip onto your handles.
    I also just bought push up bars for $6.99 this past week there!
    I've seen the Iron Man chin up bar there too for like $14.99. I've become obsessed with their exercise section. I got my soccer shin guards for $3.99 there, the same exact ones that were at Academy for $9.99.

    Anywho, I have a question. Can I stay on the Phase 1 diet for a bit longer while moving on into Phase 2 fitness? I feel I didn't do too good on my diet and controling my carbs. I am on level 1 btw.
  • mthorne313
    mthorne313 Posts: 15 Member
    I started P90 last Monday. :) Just now starting back on myfitnesspal. SO excited!! Question: how do I log my p90? I would LOVE to get in on your program!!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Anywho, I have a question. Can I stay on the Phase 1 diet for a bit longer while moving on into Phase 2 fitness? I feel I didn't do too good on my diet and controling my carbs. I am on level 1 btw.

    I don't know what others will say, but I vote yes. The reason for changing the diet in Phase 2 is because of the intensity. You get increased carbs to keep you going. That being said, I truly think everyone is different, and as long as you're feeling ok, you really can stick with whatever diet is working for you. If you do feel sluggish, maybe just have an extra serving of fruit, chocolate milk, or something else carb-y, but relatively healthy.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Anywho, I have a question. Can I stay on the Phase 1 diet for a bit longer while moving on into Phase 2 fitness? I feel I didn't do too good on my diet and controling my carbs. I am on level 1 btw.

    I don't know what others will say, but I vote yes. The reason for changing the diet in Phase 2 is because of the intensity. You get increased carbs to keep you going. That being said, I truly think everyone is different, and as long as you're feeling ok, you really can stick with whatever diet is working for you. If you do feel sluggish, maybe just have an extra serving of fruit, chocolate milk, or something else carb-y, but relatively healthy.

    I went through the entire first round of P90X Lean on the 1st phase of the nutrition plan and I am still in the first body fat is still high and I feel that I am still bringing it hard to the workouts. When I start bonking is when I will up my carbs, but not until then...once again, listen to your body!
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