I do what with butter...?



  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    edited December 2015
    Sorry to rant about my ex and go off on a rabbit trail. It's a work in progress to fix me now.
    Back to health.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ok, I completely don't agree that your way of eating sounds sustainable or healthy for you right now.

    That said, towards your actual question, don't eat things you don't enjoy. If you want to incorporate more fats into your diet, great, go for it. I'd avoid straight butter. I've seen several keto people post about "fat bombs". I was intrigued because I'm usually under my fat allowance. Some of the recipes sounded tasty, although personally a spoonful of peanut butter makes more sense (shelf stable at work, and I could eat peanut butter all day long, so it's a snack I enjoy).

    Also, if you like coffee, you could look into "bullet proof coffee"*. Sounds gross to me, but I know a lot of people love it (apparently blending the coffee and butter/oil makes all the difference).

    *Not actually bullet proof. Please avoid jumping in front of a bullet.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited December 2015
    Sorry to rant about my ex and go off on a rabbit trail. It's a work in progress to fix me now.
    Back to health.

    We all have a b@stard in our past

    Someone generally we are still partly in love with because there was a reason we were so smitten

    So what?

    There is much better out there in your future...there could be the one, or the many, who knock him, or her, out of the water

    I'm the wise old woman of folklore ..which means you have to listen to me ;)

    I've got my b@stard in my past, I've got the guy who blew him out of the water, and then I've got the man I married and have lived with happily for almost 20 years ....we are closer now than we have ever been ...we are content with waves of happiness

    It happens

    If you allow it to

    You get over bad love affairs
  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    I don't plan on ever getting back into a relationship. I know that sounds harsh, but I can't allow anyone else to ever take advantage of me like that again. I trust no one with my heart.
    I can do what I need to do in life alone. There's nothing wrong with that.
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    • You've come here asking for advice.
    • You're wary of taking the advice you asked for because your ex was a total jerk and liar, and you don't feel like you can trust anyone right now.
    • You kind of know that what you've been eating isn't right, which is why you asked for advice in the first place.
    • You feel like you don't have a real support system in your life right now.

    News for you:
    • MFP is an absolute wealth of support from people who have no reason on earth to lie to you.
    • Your ex's eating plan isn't working for you in the long term.
    • You're absolutely not the only person who's known true love, and had it end.

    • Make your food diary public so people can give actual specific ideas.
    • Eat nutrient dense foods in the proper amounts to get as close as possible to your goal calories every single day.
    • "Friend" some people here to get support, and give support.
    • Understand that you're in mourning for the relationship and the life you thought you had. Do some research about mourning. Buckle up, it may be a bumpy ride. It'll be a tiny bit easier if you know what to expect and have some strategies in place to deal with it.

    Remember this when you're having a tough moment: Living well is the best revenge.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You may have been more a possession in his mind than an independent person. But of course you are far more than that.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    Ok, I completely don't agree that your way of eating sounds sustainable or healthy for you right now.

    That said, towards your actual question, don't eat things you don't enjoy. If you want to incorporate more fats into your diet, great, go for it. I'd avoid straight butter. I've seen several keto people post about "fat bombs". I was intrigued because I'm usually under my fat allowance. Some of the recipes sounded tasty, although personally a spoonful of peanut butter makes more sense (shelf stable at work, and I could eat peanut butter all day long, so it's a snack I enjoy).

    Also, if you like coffee, you could look into "bullet proof coffee"*. Sounds gross to me, but I know a lot of people love it (apparently blending the coffee and butter/oil makes all the difference).

    *Not actually bullet proof. Please avoid jumping in front of a bullet.

    I think official bullet proof coffee is 1 tablespoon butter and 1 tablespoon coconut oil, which is too much fat for me, but I like 1 teaspoon each, plus protein powder, as a snack or to bring to the gym.
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    I also am extremely sensitive to carbs and sugars and eat 10g or less of carbs per day. My sugar goal is 0g. Eat more fatty cuts of meat and dollop some butter on it. My saving grace is HWC (heavy whipping cream). 1 table spoon = 100 calories. :) Feel free to add me as a friend. I keep my diary open, but haven't logged in these past few days. Have you tried melting butter then using it as a sauce?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    Sorry to rant about my ex and go off on a rabbit trail. It's a work in progress to fix me now.
    Back to health.

    No need to apologize. I think those facts are relevant to your learning new, healthy habits for weight loss. As @rabbitjb said, we all have our pasts to deal with and they do factor into our present. It's a matter of learning from the past, growing from it, and letting go of the bad feelings and baggage. You can do it! But learn what works for YOU, not someone else.
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    BethM1015 wrote: »
    When I had a hard time getting enough calories on the paleo diet, I sometimes ate Kerry Gold salted butter by itself. I have also heard of people taking shots of olive oil to get enough calories. I didn't read all the posts. Anyone suggested peanut butter?

    peanut butter has too many carbs. And too high in protein for some one eating <20g of carbs.

    OP, maybe mayo? I will mix in a bunch of mayo and make deviled eggs with meat on top. Yum!

  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member

    Mayo works.
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    mcpostelle wrote: »

    peanut butter has too many carbs. And too high in protein for some one eating <20g of carbs.

    Too high in protein for someone eating low carb? Wut?
  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    Sometimes if you eat too much protein it will get converted and make you gain weight.
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    Sometimes if you eat too much protein it will get converted and make you gain weight.

    Okay, now you've totally lost me.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Oh my goodness. Eat too much of anything you gain weight. You gain weight from the block of butter. Protein and carbs have nearly half the calories of fat by weight.
  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    edited December 2015
    If you eat too much protein it gets converted into glucose, glucose goes up and that will make fat store. Basically if you eat too much of it it'll turn into sugar/carbs that you didn't mean to put in your body.
  • ultrahoon
    ultrahoon Posts: 467 Member
    If you eat too much protein it gets converted into glucose, glucose goes up and that will make fat store. Basically if you eat too much of it it'll turn into sugar/carbs that you didn't mean to put in your body.

  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    Then what?
  • ultrahoon
    ultrahoon Posts: 467 Member
    edited December 2015
    Then what?

    Any surplus of calories will make your fat stores go up over time. No deficit of calories will. The content of those calories is irrelevant from a loss/gain perspective. This is a point that has been made many times in this thread. Throw out your old knowledge and start fresh with your conceptions of weight loss/gain.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    edited December 2015
    No, this is completely wrong. Not you ultrahoon, I mean op.