Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    As you know, I have really been struggling in many areas. One thing that has really been challenging me is getting in my walk. I fell right after dst ended since I had to walk after dark. The weather has not cooperated either. Today I decided that 2 pm will be my exercise time. I put Anya down for a nap then so I can leave her with dh to take a walk. If the weather isn't cooperating, I will use a DVD or a YouTube video. I had a great walk today and am feeling very positive about my decision.
    @robin hope you are back to stay. Good luck with your surgeries.
    Welcome to all of the new people.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • loosaedna
    loosaedna Posts: 20 Member
    Hello, Everyone I don't know if you remember me it has been a long while since I have been on. I was suppose to have the weight loss surgery and it didn't happen so i kind of gave up. The Year is almost done and i need to start losing the weight again. I have probably 2hundred and 50 pounds to lose and don't know how or if i am going to be able to do it. But I am going to try and think positively and Start dieting again. I sure could use some people to talk to and maybe encourage me to stay on the diet. I will do my best at encouraging others as well. I have type 2 diabetes, weigh 400 lbs and am pretty much immobile or at least can't walk more than 50 feet. I know i can lose the weight i did before just not fast enough for me. I guess I just want to be able to lose it fast enough to start being able to get up and become active again. I hope everyone has a great day.
  • Bruces_Mum
    Bruces_Mum Posts: 3 Member
    Hi....newbie here!
    But as suggested the Saturday topic is success ....well I'm here lol.....that for me is success indeed!

    Guess what, I'm not new to weight issues and struggling to shift the pounds. I lost 105 of them 4 years ago, but after loosing a friend to the big C then quitting I am with 100lbs to melt away!

    I'm here for the long haul!

    Looking forward to sharing the journey
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Update: I ended up not moving at all yesterday. :sad: :ohwell:
    Saturday Success thus far-I'm eating usually-nasty yogurt, and really enjoying the moment. YUM!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome back Edna - don't be surprised I've thought of you often and hoped for your return, so you're my Christmas gift! Big Hugs {{{{Edna}}}}}

    I tried to post earlier today and was so proud of my effort. I wrote personals to each newbie on here who posted for the last several pages - esp. you @zcb because I think you have made such a great effort at keeping a positive attitude! Yep, I think laying prone all the time would force me to wonder where my marbles were too from time to time. I'm so glad your doc is letting you up a bit now!.

    any way some rascally upgrade program grabbed the computer in the midst of the post and started to install various upgrades and needed to then restarted the computer - oh I was so mad as I lost the post and it took about 2 hours before I regained my device. I promise myself I will never have another PC I will definitely go with a MAC.

    @Laurie I am so sorry your school is keeping you in class until the late 23rd. I think you teachers keep taking it in the shorts worse each year. I pray for all of you. I hope the pendulum swings back and parents become more involved, communities become more involved and more agreeable and start rewarding you all more appropriately.

    Hugs to all. Time to relax and unwind tonight.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    @RobinsEgg, honestly, being up causes bruising/damage, so my PA now recommends that I stay almost motionless as much as possible until I can schedule a seating assessment for my wheelchair, which will likely be after the holidays. Earlier today, I actually broke down and gave in to a major funk, and can't help noticing that my spiritual life has now sadly plateaued. I'm so confused and generally tired of it all now!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    This has been a busy couple of days but I managed to get several things decorated around the house today. The Annapolis Yacht Club caught fire today and luckily no one was hurt. If you want to see some great pictures of it, google- Annapolis Yacht Club fire. This is only a couple blocks from my house. The building is a total loss. There was suppose to be a boat parade of lights tonight but it was cancelled.

    Besides decorating I also had my haircut today. Tomorrow I am planning on bike riding. The weather is to nice and warm here to skip being outside. Temps were approaching high 60's today. This is abnormal for this time of year so I should make the most out of it.

    Robin- I hope your computer issues are fully resolved. Good luck with the surgeries.

    Kelley- I hope your pain subsides quickly and you can start PT soon. My mental health was greatly enjoyed and needed.

    Below are some pictures of the Christmas decorations.

  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Sunday Sharing: I'm on a couple of hormone assistance therapies, and we think I might've been late for a dose of one of them, which probably helps explain my unshakable blues yesterday/last night. All I know is that this guy >:) must know that I <3 Jesus and is suddenly doing everything possible to ruin me and rob me of my strength to keep healing. :/:'(:(:neutral: Aaahh!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @zcb - here's a big smile headed your way - :) with your having to remain motionless, you can still squeeze muscles together to stimulate blood flow, I hope.... I've had to do that with my muscles when I've been in that situation. I've had 4 surgeries on my bum and just sitting on it breaks the skin down. We must have something similar going on as my skin breaks down, bruises terribly easily, and tears awfully easily.

    At one time you mentioned riding horses and I'd love to hear more about that part of your life - I adore horses - actually I tried riding and it didn't suit my carriage but what I do love is looking at them, and over my life I have collected just a few nice statues - and they are in my BEDROOM - just like a little girl!!! :p

    BUT I HOPE you can focus on your WEIGHT LOSS here - that's what this discussion is for. Thinking about your food and your muscles - and positive things. Like Grandma Kaye says onward and downward. Her struggle was quite different from yours and she never changed what she ate, only cut back a bit and very gradually introduced some excersice and she is a daily walker now and lost all her weight -90lbs or so-

    @Laurie - you fitness monster - thanks for taking a break for rock wall climbing and getting your tree decorated. I'll bet that calmed you and was relaxing. I loved the pix. I feel almost part of your family having been invited back to the house now more than once. That's the style of tree decorating I like - lots of mix in the ornament style. So cool to see.

    @grandma Kaye I'm so sorry to hear you fell walking - so treacherous sometimes! Hey, there are products called Crampons sold in lots of places (like L.L. Bean) for around 50.00 that fit over your shoes when its icy - just like chains for tires that will give you a good grip on ice. You might ask Santa about them. Are you busy baking?

    OK - I've had a good day as far as eating - I've had bad habits of eating no food until 9 or 10 pm, then junk. Today I nuked a breakfast and dinner, so is that improvement? And I walked about the building 4 times and stood and talked with some one I'd not met yet. Gonna watch The Good Wife.

    gotta get up early. The remodelers are working on my bathroom now. Theres washer and dryer in LR and a toilet in the den. Its cozy. So no decorations yet. Such a layer of dust everywhere that its keeping me busy.

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hello All,
    My name is Lori. Been on MFP for about 1 1/2 years and posting here since August of 2014.
    So great to see all the newbies! Love that so many of you are posting often. When you share your stories we all gain from it. Thank you.

    Having a rough go these days. Food is good some days and not so good others. I am at this point 4 pounds above my lowest. Which may not seem like much but I was on such a good roll for over a year and now am stalled. I do so want to get my act together. Today was a good day. I had a great workout and ate well.

    I have surgery scheduled for Wednesday on my right leg for varicose veins. Day surgery and I will only need to be off for a few days. My left knee has a torn meniscus and today it is doing pretty well. I had a cortisone shot last Monday.

    The next couple of days will be pretty busy but I will check in later this week.

    Love to all,

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. ~ Thomas Edison
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @robin I have the ice cleats and they work well. The problem is that the sidewalks in our town are really bad. When I fell, it was perfectly dry, but I caught my toe on a rise in sidewalk.

    I think my plan to exercise at 2 pm will work. Sunday is a day of rest at my house, but I got a good walk on Saturday. I will probably have do some DVDs this week as we are getting a lot of rain.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday Check-in ... my weight stayed the same yet another week.

    I have been working on sticking withing my calorie and macro goals and have had pretty good success with that ... thus far I've completed 6 days of effort with this new approach ...
    Calories within <100> of goal = 4/6
    Activity calories (goal is 1750 per week) = 1068/1750

    Personal status update ... I have to make a decision about my car. Repair it, trade-it in for a lease, or trade-it in for a buy. Thus today I have an appointment to get my car appraised for trade-in and I will start the process of searching for a replacement vehicle so I can have the data I need to make a decision of which way to go. I don't expect to be driving any longer in about 5-6 years from now ... and I was hoping to make my little red bomb last until then. :(

    @grandmakaye44 ... Too bad you cannot get that walk in first thing in the morning, before breakfast. I read that if you are active at that time then your metabolism runs faster for most of the day. However, mid afternoon was alway's my favorite time to take a walk. I need to follow your lead and get out onto that concrete strip myself! ;)

    @cblue315 ... I had lathroscopic surgery on a torn miniscus several years ago and had PT as part of the treatment before the surgery as well as after. Good luck on your surgery Wednesday for the veins. Hey girl ... get your act together! :)

    @RobinsEgg ... Yes! Eating a breakfast and a dinner is definitely a good thing! :D

    @Lauriek70 ... Love the tree and trimmings you posted.

    Welcome to everyone who is new or just returning to the thread. I'm looking forward to reading about your progress as you travel this journey to weight loss and physical fitness.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    @RobinsEgg, I guess we do. To be honest, I'll have to ask my expert how much mobility is okay for now. Part of me doubts that I should remain still and bored, but part of me has read that such a practice would encourage healing. :/
    A physical therapist used to see me in a gym setting but later got called into a hippotherapy clinic. Long story short, I followed him, learned to love riding, and have found that it's stronger than any pain pill that doctors could ever think of, which is important to me due to scoliosis challenges. Before falling ill, I was riding a beautiful Clydesdale (sp?) whose walking motions basically helped massage/stretch/mobilize my spine from the inside out. You should try again! You should see how many horse statue/calendars/ artwork/you-name-it I own! I hear that extra protein and calories are essential to healing, so I'm living like that for now, though I should've read that early enough to ask my nutritionist. Therefore, any weight loss incurred while I heal is icing on the cake!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Monday Check-In: I'm still plugging away ar the healing process. As I mentioned Saturday, I've learned to really enjoy smooth peach yogurt. I'm afraid that yogurt will never be one of my favorite foods, but that's definitely a good start!
  • DrivenDiva
    DrivenDiva Posts: 233 Member
    Monday Check In -- getting in loads of water, fruit and veggies after a long weekend of holiday party/bar food n festivities. Also, I am patting myself on the back for avoiding co-worker cookie and treats leftover from all their parties. Go Me.

    Happy Monday everyone and here's to life, happiness, and health ;-)
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    edited December 2015
    Update: I gave blood for the aforementioned test, as well as some others, and the nurse was able to use a vein in my foot with no recognizable problem. o:) hallelujah!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Lauriek70 WOW! You and my brother are practically neighbors. He is a live aboard in the Annapolis Marina....posted photos of the fire immediately.
    AFM: Still here, reading, trying some, forgetting to do what I should some. Hopefully, after the holidays settle it will be easier.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I'm still here, just focusing on getting grading done before the kiddos leave for winter break.
  • jusca
    jusca Posts: 28 Member
    i just found this thread. im doing better today. i ate well today and finally got in some exercise after been on hiatus on & off for the last 3 months.