30 Day Shred - Starting Around June 13th



  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    I also just bought my DVD today and will be starting first thing tomorrow! I will post measurements and starting weight in the morning.
  • ssc0303
    ssc0303 Posts: 36 Member
    So glad I just found this thread because I started the 30DS today. So D1L1 is complete! I will post my starting measurements later but my starting weight is 215! :):)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    ok did day 2 today! level 1 (and level 2 back to back) feel a bit sore but not as bad as i did when i first did it in feb! zumba tomorrow and running wed! so will continue on thurs!

    good luck for those starting out!!
  • Floricienta
    Floricienta Posts: 209
    I'm also in. Just restarted it today, I am determined to stick with it and finish the whole program this time!!!
  • Liz915
    Liz915 Posts: 123
    ugh, I'm bummed! When I went searching for my 30DS dvd to work out, it wasn't in the case and I couldn't find it anywhere! My mom also has a copy so I'll just get hers before tomorrow, but still... I really wanted to start today. INSTEAD, I did The Biggest Loser Workout DVD for 35 minutes. Didn't kill me like Jillian's shred used to, but still did some work!
  • Kekoh1510
    Kekoh1510 Posts: 6
    What is 30 Day SHred?
  • MegRuthie
    MegRuthie Posts: 139 Member
    What is 30 Day SHred?

    It is a workout DVD by Jillian Michaels. There are 3 levels (Do each for 10 days starting with Level 1). The DVD sells at Target for less than $10.
  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    30 Day Shred is a exercise dvd by Jillian Michaels!

    Oh wow, today was day 3 and let's just say I had the hardest time of all days so far. I think it had to do with poor nutrition (didn't eat much today because I was on the road and didn't plan well), then it was also afternoon, and my 4 year old was running circles around me while I was trying to workout and distracting me (when exercise is hard I need to be in a zone lol not trying to listen to my kid and constantly telling him to watch out but in his defense he originally was going to do the workout with me and it's good for him to see me workout).

    Tomorrow I am back to my 5am workout date! On a positive note, I was less sore today! :)
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    I'm really glad everyone's vowing to stay committed this time around! I'm going to hold you to that! We have to be each other's support system!

    My arms are killing me when I bend them! WOWWWIEEEE! I've gotta get past the next few days of torture though and eyes on the prize everyone! Killer results and think of all the inches (and maybe lbs.) we can drop! We can do this!

    @Liz915 - Sorry to hear that you can't find your disc, maybe it ran away in fear because it knew you meant business? HAHA! I'm really proud of you for doing the other DVD exercise though! Great focus! Can't wait for you to start the Shred with us!

    EDIT: ALSO - More for my reference, but I measured my hips wrong and they are 42 not 39! I have a bigggggg caboose! HAHA
  • oh im sooo in ive tryed doing the dvd before and gave up after a week i really need the motivation and support to keep going with it so im thrilled that everyone wanst to do this ive seen tons of before and after photos of ppl who have finished the 30 day and the results are amazing
  • Ohiopugmom
    Ohiopugmom Posts: 43 Member
    woot. day 3 in the books! push ups are by far the hardest thing for me! "warmed up" by mowing the lawn for 30 minutes, so I am doing pretty good for me....

    Liz - hope you can find your dvd soon!
  • jme1282
    jme1282 Posts: 17
    Day 1 down!
    It was a little tough but I pushed through. The only thing I adjusted was the lunges and arm raises. I alternated arms on the lunges. I am also using 5lb weights. Noodle arms are in my future, I'm sure. :)

    Good luck all!!
  • I'm in -I started today! It was not as bad as I anticipated but maybe I should get past day 1 to say that!
    My daughter just turned one so I really don't have the baby weight excuse anymore!

    weight 164
    waist 35.5
    low waist 42
    hips 41
    legs 26
    arms 13
    neck 13.5
  • I'm in! I finished D1L1 this morning after a 2 1/2 mile walk and my legs were on fire the entire time. I did have to stop for a few seconds a couple of times to get a drink and try and catch my breath, and those side lunges/arm raises killed me dead. Yikes! Hopefully day 2 will be a little better!
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    I'm in! I finished D1L1 this morning after a 2 1/2 mile walk and my legs were on fire the entire time. I did have to stop for a few seconds a couple of times to get a drink and try and catch my breath, and those side lunges/arm raises killed me dead. Yikes! Hopefully day 2 will be a little better!

    Sounds kinda exactly like my day! Here's to a better day tomorrow!

    Am I crazy for actually having the motivation to work even harder at this tomorrow? I just really wanna see results and I am so inspired after watching Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition. If people 4 times my size can do all their exercises and not stop, then I can to! I'm going to focus on not even stopping to catch my breath tomorrow and I'll have to keep a rag close by to wipe the distracting sweat from my brow!
  • jjmill
    jjmill Posts: 9 Member
    It's my first time doing the 30ds and I have to wake up at 4:30am to get the workout in...and actually did it! Completed day 2, level 1 (not able to use the weights yet D:). I have to go up and down a lot of stairs at work and I thought my legs would fall out from under me...but they didn't. Hopefully I can force myself to do day three tomorrow morning!
  • yankeelee
    yankeelee Posts: 1
    what dvd? I'll order tomorrow.

  • Sounds kinda exactly like my day! Here's to a better day tomorrow!

    Am I crazy for actually having the motivation to work even harder at this tomorrow? I just really wanna see results and I am so inspired after watching Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition. If people 4 times my size can do all their exercises and not stop, then I can to! I'm going to focus on not even stopping to catch my breath tomorrow and I'll have to keep a rag close by to wipe the distracting sweat from my brow!

    Not at all! I feel the exact same! I hope that all we really have to do is push through and stick with it for a few days to build up a bit of endurance so i can stop gasping desperately for breath, and reaching for a bottle of water! I really am excited to do this though! Hopefully I can stay motivated and get through all 30 days! :smile:
  • kristygay
    kristygay Posts: 68 Member
    I just happened to find this video at a garage sale on Saturday! So I am in ! I am starting tomorrow! (the 14th )
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    what dvd? I'll order tomorrow.

    Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred!
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