MEAT Me at the Beach (6/16-19 weigh-in)



  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
  • LadyBiker2011
    Current Weight (As of today): 215.8 on 6/11
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 190
    Weight Category: reduce

    6/9: **start of challenge** 215.8 on 6/11
    7/7: <<<mini goal weight 210 >>>
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 200 >>> HOG Beach Party 8/5-6
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 190 >>> hubby's birthday 8/30
  • irishrose22
    irishrose22 Posts: 161 Member
    Didn't see my name on the previous chart. And thanks again for starting another challenge, Vic!!!

    Current weight :192.2

    Goal weight: 177
    # of lbs/kg to lose : 15

    6/9: 192.2
    7/7: <<<mini goal weight 187>>>
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 182>>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 177>>>

    12 week plan: remember to record to this thread every week and not Start every morning with 2 glasses of water and at least a 30 min walk. ( I always feel better when i start the day of with a bang.) Go from 2 cups of coffee to 1. Stay on track....summer is hard and I have lots of stress this summer so i need to stay on top of planning out my weeks and day. Make time for exercise eventhough its going to be difficult.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    I LOVE the idea of a game plan! I need it too!

    1. Bring (and actually wear) a dress for my Boston vacation for the 4th of July weekend
    2. Be able to run 10 minutes straight (thanks C25K)
    3. Wear just a bathing suit (no shorts to cover the thighs)
    4. Watch sodium and sugar intake and be in the "green"
  • feliciapeters
  • DancinSMartiPants

    Run 10-15 miles/week on the treadmill so that when this challenge is done and the weather here is a *bit* cooler (let's face it: September in New Orleans is still HOT), I'll be able to run outside even better than I did in January.
  • srob636
    srob636 Posts: 79 Member
    Goals for this challenge:
    1) Get my BMI out of Obese and into Overweight (so close...yet so far away!)
    2) Reach my goal of 200 miles on my elliptical by August 1st
    3) Hit challenge goal but I would LOVE to hit it earlier.
    4) Add 2 resistance workouts a week to my routine
    5) Wear a sleeveless shirt in public!

    Game Plan:
    1) Workout 4 days a week minimum
    2) Log food everyday (I was REALLY good at this for a long time but have gotten into a bad habit of not logging on the weekends the last month)
    3) Eat more veggies! I'm doing good on the fruit, but struggle on my veg intake.
    4) Find some healthier baking recipes to fulfill my sweet tooth without blowing a good day's eating out of the water.
    5) Better dinner planning in advance so we have healthy dinners instead of just quick dinners on the weeknights.
  • Jonicha26
    Jonicha26 Posts: 107 Member
    Week 1 Challenge: Make a Game Plan
    Often it is easy to get lost in the idea of having 12 LONG weeks to make your goal. You might feel a little lost or overwhelmed. You may even get off track or fall off the wagon altogether. One way to avoid this is to MAKE A GAME PLAN! Think about how you are going to succeed. Desire to lose weight is great, but without a plan to do it you may struggle or fail. Take a look at your goals and see what you need to do to meet them. Our challenge is set up to have 2 mini-goals and one final goal. Outline what you want to do in 12 weeks, but really set out a plan for your first FOUR weeks of the challenge. Think about diet, exercise, and a schedule. What do you want to achieve and how are you going to do it?

    Week 1 Refection: Accomplishments & Timeline
    Weight-loss cannot always be seen with a number on the scale? Often times it is found in the fit of our clothes, the ability to do a task/activity, or in the eyes of others. What are five things that you want to accomplish during this 12 week challenge? When during the challenge do you expect these accomplishments to occur?

    Well, I am the kind of girl who needs a routine... So, I am sticking to my DVDs for the next twelve weeks. I will work out at least five times a week. I also need to do better with the kinds of foods I'm eating... so, I'm going to try cutting out prepackaged (junk) foods and have only one cheat day a week.

    Five things I want to accomplish:
    1. To spend more time being active in some way -- going outside, swimming, doing things with friends, walking, etc... more than sitting around at home. (ongoing)
    2. To go out and run, jog, walk four times a week. (ongoing)
    3. To be a solid size 6 (this probably won't happen until at least August, I think.)
    4. To have toned muscles (August)
    5. To get in a "thin frame of mind" ... I've been toning up and losing weight, but some days it's like I don't see the work I've done. I don't allow myself to feel happy about the things I've accomplished because I still have work to do. I want to start being proud and satisfied with the effort I'm putting in. (ongoing)

    Well, I guess that's it! I can't wait to really challenge myself... I need accountability!
  • AnoukDoutyBatya
    I wanna eat regularly, like 5 to 6 portions a day. I'm mostly so busy that I forget to eat, a very bad habit. I wanna continue on not eating snacks en work-out at least 6 times a week for 2 hours a day. Some other goals I wanna accomplish by the end of this challenge:

    1) Size 38
    2) Muscle definition
    3) A lot of new and tight clothes that show off my new body!
    4) Run for an hour straight

    Ready for this! :)
  • Falisha13
    Falisha13 Posts: 311 Member
    So many great goals inorder to achieve your goals! You are all amazing! Here is a few from me:

    1) I will get out of bed earlier at least 6 days a week & if I am not going to the gym I will use my elliptical & bike at home
    2) Use the bicycle my fiance bought me to get to the gym at least once a week
    3) stay under my calorie goal at least 6 out of the 7 days as well & don't allow that 7th day to be over by more then 500
    4) Going on Vacation in Las Vegas at the end of July I plan to use the gym at the hotel at least a couple of days while there

    Hopefully all of these things help me to achieve my goal of making it to ONEDERLAND!! I want it so bad! I appreciate all the support & everything you all are doing, Thanks again New Me At 30 you really are an inspiration to us all!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Continue C25K 3 x week
    Start 30DS at least on days between running, and maybe on running days too, and/or start Zumba on Wii
    Keep eating healthily, logging foods, drinking water
    Enjoy feeling better a bit more
    Go through the clothes in my wardrobe, get rid of the stuff that's already too big, find some stuff that fits and keep sorting it out though the challenge.

    1. Keep up the cardio: Finish C25K and run a 5k Race for Life – 24th July
    2. Start on the strength/toning: Finish 30DS (and keep similar up)
    3. Be able to do at least 3 sets of lady press-ups without wanting to die!
    4. Fit into size 14 (UK) jeans by the end of the challenge
    5. Feel great about myself for the new academic year, ready to go back to uni with a properly sorted routine and mindset
  • cokolina
    cokolina Posts: 48
    Steph_135 is was not easy at all :ohwell: But i think i am addicted to carbohydrates and thats my biggest problem, so it was necessary
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Current Weight (As of today): 173
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 158
    Weight Category:
    6/9: **start of challenge** 173
    7/7: <<<mini goal weight _168__>>>
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight _161__>>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 158___>>>

    My plan
    1 finish the 30 day shred, as of today I am half way there.
    2 watch what I eat better
    3 drink 32 oz more water a day. I would like to drink my weight in water, 173 oz at this point
    4 add in more work outs if I can
    1 I would like to learn how to run
    2 to lose 15 pounds
    3 stay motivated
    4 do new JM DVD after the 30 day shred.
    5 walk 1.5 miles a day.
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    Thanks Vic for putting together such a wonderful challenge!!! :drinker: (water toast) I absolutely LOVE the chart that you created!! :love: It looks like we have an amazing group here!! I look forward to getting to know everyone better and offering support and motivation to my new friends!!!:flowerforyou: I have just finished reading everyone's goals. I must say it was very motivating and inspiring. My goals for the challenge are as follows:

    1.) Cardio exercise at least 60 min. a day 6 days a week with 1 REST DAY.
    2.) Strength training 30 min. 3 days a week
    3.) Plan my meals/diary in advance
    4.) Drink at least 80 oz of water daily
    5.) Continue to get my daily amount of fruits/veggies and keep my fiber at 25-30 grams.

    My summer activity goals I must do are:

    1.) Scuba Dive (it's been a while)
    2.) Snorkeling
    3.) Canoeing/Kayaking
    4.) Bike rides
    5.) Walks on beach at least once a week

    I am so excited about this challenge!!!! :love: It is just what I need. I hope you all have a FLAB-YOU-LESS week and I look forward to getting to know you all better!!!

    :heart: Sabrina
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Week 1 Challenge: Make a Game Plan
    Often it is easy to get lost in the idea of having 12 LONG weeks to make your goal. You might feel a little lost or overwhelmed. You may even get off track or fall off the wagon altogether. One way to avoid this is to MAKE A GAME PLAN! Think about how you are going to succeed. Desire to lose weight is great, but without a plan to do it you may struggle or fail. Take a look at your goals and see what you need to do to meet them. Our challenge is set up to have 2 mini-goals and one final goal. Outline what you want to do in 12 weeks, but really set out a plan for your first FOUR weeks of the challenge. Think about diet, exercise, and a schedule. What do you want to achieve and how are you going to do it?

    Week 1 Refection: Accomplishments & Timeline
    Weight-loss cannot always be seen with a number on the scale? Often times it is found in the fit of our clothes, the ability to do a task/activity, or in the eyes of others. What are five things that you want to accomplish during this 12 week challenge? When during the challenge do you expect these accomplishments to occur?

    My 12 week challenge is to continue on the path I have started for myself for better fitness and healthier eating--and most of all to shed 2 pants sizes. Since my results to day have been mostly in inches and not in pounds I am setting little NSV goals to make myself not get too wrapped around the axle when the scale doesnt budge like I think it should.

    1. Finish my 30 Day Shred Cycle -- am on day 9.
    2. On weekends make sure to do exercise outdoors (biking, hiking, etc)
    3. Although I love water I need to drink more.
    4. Only allow myself ice cream once in a while (I love ice cream)
    5. Make sure dont mess up all my progress when I go on the 3 week road trip with my husband.
  • stacimusmax
    stacimusmax Posts: 172 Member
    BUMP :flowerforyou:
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
    Ok, in the next 4 weeks these will be my goals:
    1. drink at least 5-6 glasses of water a day without feeling sick. ( this is def my biggest challenge)
    2. finish 30DS
    3. go down 1 dress size comfortably, (but I want to at least squeeze into 2 sizes smaller-more motivation!!)
    4. knowing and being able to make better food choices
    5. start and be in the middle of C25k.(able to complete by aug 1.)
  • iStace2000
    iStace2000 Posts: 42
    Great goals people! Here is what I want to achieve.

    06/09: {starting weight} 77.1 kg
    07/07: {mini goal weight} 74.8 kg
    08/04: {mini goal weight} 72.5 kg
    09/01: {challenge goal weight} 70 kg

    My plan of action:

    1) Drink 8 glasses of water daily
    2) Do at least 20 mins of exercise a day and generally be more active. Walk more, hike more, get out more, bike more!
    3) Keep within my MFP calorie allowance 7 days a week & track everything I eat and drink
    4) Get 8 hours of sleep a night
    5) Learn how to roller skate so I can join the roller derby :)
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Bumping for later. Thanks for this.