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    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Back from NYC. I have to say that working for a French company is different when it comes to food. The food at the party was very light. In fact, I was still hungry. There was a dessert table and so many left over by the end of the evening. I didn't want to embarrass myself by making multiple trips, but it sure was tempting!

    Janetr your posts (aside from the shingles part which I hope is getting better) has me cracking up this morning. It's good we can laugh even when we feel crappy.

    Today I bake for the cookie swap and am also making a beet and goat cheese tart for tomorrow's party. Let me find the duct tape to put over my mouth!

    My daughter is coming home from college for a month today. I just love having a full house.

    Here's one to add to your collection Janet

    Happy Saturday. Off to do my P90x3 and then start shopping and backing.

    Kimses in MA
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,811 Member
    Janetr... Glad you are finally on medication for the shingles. And also glad you have things ready for the holidays. Rest and Enjoy your guests!

    Lillian ... Hugs ...

    Heather ... Are your guests coming to see you or eat your food? I'd cater or use things from that freezer of yours. Whatever you do ... Don't stress! :smiley:

    Sylvia ... Hope you're feeling better today.

    Carol NC ... Where are you? Is all well?

    Not much snow ... Maybe 3-4 inches. Got the last of my boxes ready for the mail ... Fudge included.

    Migraines... I've had them... My son's life has been derailed by them. Joyce ... What you describe would be considered a migraine by most neurologists.

    Cookie baking for church event tomorrow and city mission. Really wish my stomach was still off ... It's not ... I'll try to keep Becca's advice in mind.

    Have a good day ladies!
    Beth near Buffalo
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    \ I talked to all of Jack's kids today too, wanted to make sure they were aware that I have shingles so they could make their own decision to come for Christmas dinner or not. They will all be here. I should have 22-24 people for dinner, our next door neighbors will come over too. I'm excited and know we will have a wonderful time. The exact reason I love the holidays...family fun and making beautiful memories.

    I know you are looking forward to a terrific time with your family at Christmas too. God Bless. Thanks again for the push to get to the doctor and get the meds started.

    Janetr OKC

    :)Janet, your positive attitude is inspiring. You are looking forward to family and fun and memories and not moaning about the challenge of dealing with shingles. You are the kind of person I want in my life.

    <3:)Lillian, When my mother died, we moved into her house immediately even before her will was probated. We got three storage units and moved a lot of her things there so we could sort them at our leisure and it took ten years before we had sorted and discarded sufficiently to close the last of the storage units. I felt blessed to have a lot of time to decide what to to keep, what to give away (and to whom) and what to throw away. I am sending hugs to you as you do this difficult task.

    :)Allison, I hope you get rest and exercise and time for you today.....have you considered getting something like a grilled chicken breast, steamed vegetables, and sliced tomatoes at a restaurant?

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif I walked the dogs when I got up this morning--less than 20 minutes and less than 1000 steps. That will be all the dog walking I do. Jake will do the rest of it. I will be looking for ways to be useful today while seated and make the best of my week of no exercise.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful chilly NW Washingtont116008.gif
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Lillian ~ My sis and I are having to go through my mom's house. It is a daunting task so I know what you are going through. We don't have an inkling about what to do with all the furniture and stuff. I want to have an estate sale but sis isn't for that.

    All this talk about shingles has me scared. I have eczema and don't need shingles on top of that. Should get the shot I suppose but hate going to the doctor.

    Do any of you hate wrapping gifts. I know I do. We have all the grand kids presents just sitting there and I need to get started. All the odd shaped thing baffle me.


  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,811 Member
    Carol (peach) ... I hate wrapping. I just had to figure out how to wrap and Mail a roaring dinosaur. Mailman should love the noise coming out of box! Gift bags for odd shaped things?

    Estate sales/liquidators... Watch who you use or My friend in the clean out business says do your own if you can. Craigslist is how we sold in laws furniture that no one wanted in family. Rest went to Salvation Army after big garage sale. Sadly, a lot of the small stuff is still in my basement...

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    Checking in.... been really busy lately. Started to clean up mom's house because she won't be going back to it. So started with the 2 fridges, cleaning them out and turning them off. Cleaning out cupboards and giving away any food that wasn't expired ..... I really don't like this job ...this is the second house I have had to do. Did my MIL's about 10 years ago and still remember it!!

    Take care everyone

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan

    Lillian - so sorry, know this is a very hard thing to do. Lots of (((hugs))) and take care of yourself too.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2015
    Grits, my shingles outbreak started almost in the middle of my back just below my waist line and my clothes all rub on that one for sure, then they wrap around my left hip down around to about the front of my left leg. The last one is right where my leg and trunk of my body meet so the elastic of my underwear rubs right across is. That one hurts and is driving me nuts. I tried going "camando" but then whatever I wear rubs my entire hip more and the whole thing hurts more. lol Oh well, I'm just going on about my business :)

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2015
    Kimses - beet and goat cheese, wow that certainly sounds different than anything I've ever tried. Would love to see and taste it. Thanks, I do feel better I think. The pain meds help for sure and the new sleep Rx did seem to help also. I only slept 5 hours but it was good deep sleep and didn't wake up once during that time. A record for me. Lol love that funny post too, will have to copy it and share it with my FB peeps. Thanks.

    Beth - thank you so much. I think I have done a much as I can do. I have to pick up a few little stocking stuffers for my daughters and just picke up an order I placed for my oldest daughter and then wrap just 3 or 4 things. I'm feeling good about. Now as for being ready for the trip to AZ in the motor home, that's a different story, but it is what it is. As long as I have my clothes and meds, tablet and phone, I can always buy food :) BTW 3-4" of snow here would be a MAJOR storm everyone would be in an upoar. Being from Denver, I laugh at them all the time about their snow storms.

    Janetr OKC
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Hi All, life had other plans for me this weekend--I got walloped with a UTI that moved to a kidney infection. On heavy duty anti-biotics and have a to do list that will be left undone. Messy house, empty fridge, concerts galore next week, and gifts unwrapped, ah joy! Haven't exercised in a week and won't be in my immediate future, I do miss it!

    So it is time to enjoy a good book and chatting with folks on the phone. That is a good way to heal up, and not worry about what isn't going to get done.

    Or as my kid said to me when I started whining this morning: "start making lemonade, mom" Cause we always tell her, when life gives you lemons.....

    Karen from NY
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2015
    Barbie wrote: ":) Janet, your positive attitude is inspiring. You are looking forward to family and fun and memories and not moaning about the challenge of dealing with shingles. You are the kind of person I want in my life."

    Oh, Barbie, thank you so much, that means a lot to me. I have 5 older sisters, all but one are the type that go to bed and don't move for a week when they get sick. My sis in CA told me on the phone I was going to have to call my kids and tell them they couldn't come cuz I was sick. What???? No way, I told her that, she told me I was a mess lol Again, thank you, that so warms my heart. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • KristiMBrennan
    KristiMBrennan Posts: 2 Member
    New to the post. A steady gain of weight in the past year+ has me despondent, a gain of 10+ pounds and I feel the difference. I get up every day with intention to start serious dieting, but fail at some point in the day. So now I notice that I kind of expect failure, which doubly ensures that I do fail.....so time to shift that dynamic....being conscious of it is a big step towards reversing it I hope. Also puzzled/discouraged that when I have stayed on it for a week or more the scale doesn't change....Metabolism feels completely sluggish, despite regular exercise - a strength training class 4xweek. But class has ended this week, and it is up to me to get into the gym now. My calorie intake has been inconsistent, but not horrible. It seems that I gain weight instantly out of all proportion to calorie intake. But I will track the calories now, see where the gain is coming from. I am a year out from a devastating divorce after 25 years, in a week starting a full time job after 20 years as homemaker. Have made much progress but now need support to get myself feeling better physically...so hope to keep up with this thread. Any ideas of this sluggish metabolism thing? (I am 59). And with full time job, commute - how do people find time for exercise, meditation, yoga, community/friend engagement, sleep, eating well? Oh and walking the dog! ?????
    KMB, Seattle
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Janet, I agree with Barbie! You have the right attitude.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Miriam - Thank you so much <3

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: We both got the National Parks Pass when we "came of age" at 62. People who are disabled can also get it regardless of age. I have a dear friend who has been blind since her early twenties and has had the pass for ages and ages. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I agree with you on the issue of your DS. Tell him when he gets there and enjoy your day together. :smiley:

    Alison: It sounds as tough you are enjoying yourself in Florida & things are going ok with Tom. Best wishes for continued good times. :heart: I have several restaurant strategies that work for me. Sometimes I order a "to-go box" to be served with my food, and put half of my portion into it. Sometimes I order healthy appetizers and ask that they be served with everyone else's dinner. There are several chains that have menus available online with nutrition information so that you can plan ahead. The only place I've bombed is a smorgasboard all you can eat place. :embarassed:

    Lillian: Sorry you have to close up your mom's house. We did not close up my mom's home until after her death. She could afford the care facility and the house and it comforted her to think she could go home. Each situation is different and all a daughter can do is her best at the time. Your mom is lucky to have you. :heart:

    Beth near Buffalo: Cookie baking would likely derail me. I do make room for desserts in my life and don't make room for alcohol. It damages my thinking ability too much. :ohwell: On the other hand, I have LOTS more calories to play with because I forego it. :bigsmile:

    Carol: I like wrapping well enough but I hate shopping other than groceries. We're all a little different. :wink:

    Janetr: Hugs! You are certainly doing your best to take care of a miserable situation with a good attitude. A dear sailing friend of ours had a round of shingles a few years ago and stayed away from everyone until the last of the symptoms disappeared. I have had the shingles vaccine, which I hear is partially effective but not a guarantee. DH can't take it though, because of all of his autoimmune problems. People in our generation got chicken pox or they didn't, measles, too. I did and so did DH. I'm glad that vaccinations were available for our kids & are available for our grandkids. :flowerforyou:

    KMB, Seattle: Welcome to a great group! I hope you will stop by often for encouragement and support. I was not able to do anything positive about my weight until after I retired because I lacked insight and understanding. Finding MFP and this group saved me and gave me the tools I needed for success. I'll offer tons of advice if asked, but for now my suggestion is to be patient with the process. Count calories in and out every day and find ways to move more. Stick with it even if you don't see quick results. It took time to put the pounds on and will take time to get them off. :flowerforyou:

    I'm feeling a bit better today. Yay! This flu has been nasty and we've had it for more than two weeks. We've stayed mostly to ourselves other than necessary trips for groceries. This morning I've been entertained by, and lectured by, our little tribe of hummingbirds because the feeders were empty. The feeders are full now and are seeing lots of use. Most hummingbirds are migratory but these Annas Hummingbirds have moved here on a year round basis. We adore them.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    Lillian had to clean out and sell my mom's house this year. It was complicated by the hoard of my elder brother. They took away 8 truck loads in the end. My other brother and his wife handled most of it because I live so far away. Still it is hard for me to think of it as gone.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Hello Menopals!!
    I'm back because I pretty much am back...to square one. Several bizarro-world months with a couple of *deaths and still lingering in Canada have left me with relatively few options that don't include an elastic waist! And why wouldn't Christmas be the perfect time to heave my fluffy self back on to the wagon?
    I think I'm hooped if I don't have y'all to check in with and so here I am.
    Missed you and glad to be here,
    In Alberta, Canada
    *(Son-in-law, some of you will remember and then my step-father, leaving my mom with piles of debt and a junior hoarder's disaster to climb out of and requiring all my strength and patience in cleaning.)