Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    A busy day today with finishing up Christmas shopping. At this point I think I am done, yippee. Tomorrow I will be baking some cookies to use as gifts this holiday season.

    Tonight I should grade some papers and wrap a few more gifts. So I guess it's time to get busy.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    edited December 2015
    Sorry I'm checking in so late, but I did achieve a Saturday Success of taking my second cousin to look at the town's Christmas lights/decor, then going to dinner as a family, all without losing much of our cool.
    @Ann_Marie_2x_MORE , woohoo! Congrats on the awesome grade(s)! You must be proud and relieved that the school stress is over for a while. I know I was when I made the Dean's and later President's Lists after one particularly difficult semester.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    Sorry I'm checking in so late, but I did achieve a Saturday Success of taking my second cousin to look at the town's Christmas lights/decor, then going to dinner as a family, all without losing much of our cool.
    @Ann_Marie_2x_MORE , woohoo! Congrats on the awesome grade(s)! You must be proud and relieved that the school stress is over for a while. I know I was when I made the Dean's and later President's Lists after one particularly difficult semester.

    Oh, I'm so glad to read you are no longer bed-bound!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    Sorry I've been MIA with personals lately--was just trying to get to Winter Break. And now it's here!! Hooray! I will do some personals from memory and then move forward with the thread.

    @niki-- I just loved the pictures of your church. It is very similar looking to my father's Macedonian Orthodox church in Michigan where I was baptized and have attended many family weddings, funerals, etc.

    @zoe-- I echo niki's sentiments. I was under the impression that you were completely housebound. Glad to hear that's not the case.

    @laurie-- congrats on finishing your shopping. I've done very little in that department; however, I at least finished online shopping for my 2 nieces and they are really the most important anyways. If I recall, you are in school a couple more days. To quote kelley: "Oy!"

    @kelley-- glad to hear you are still on the mend and managing to keep the scale in check even without too much activity.

    @robin-- happy you got your internet issues resolved and can join back in regularly. Love your story-telling skills! I'm sure it was a lot more fun to write about than to actually experience. Also, enjoyed your picture--that's interesting about the Christ statue.

    @katrena-- glad to see you back as well. I've also gotten really lazy lately. My goal is to take this 2 week break from work as an opportunity to make exercise a regular part of my day again.

    Hello to lori, tammy, barb, kaye, tom and amy, driven, annmarie, and any others I may have missed in personals. I will catch you guys on the next round.

    Sunday Share:
    As much as I love my job, wow did I need this break! Not just from the grading, but as a means to get myself re-focused on fitness. I've really let myself completely ignore my daily calorie allowance and have only sporadically gone to gym (even after recovering from the upper resp infection). The result is showing up on the scale and in the fit of my pants. :(

    So one goal over this break is to work out every day, whether at the gym, running outside, or using my treadmill. I also want to get my calories under control. Committing to staying under calories every day seems like a recipe for failure considering all of the goodies and holiday meals, so my goal is just to do better than I have recently. That means logging everything and making better choices in general.

    I figure if I can get into a good routine now, I will set myself up to do much better once I return to work in Jan. Plus, maybe my pants will fit better. LOL

    General Goals:
    1. finish Christmas cards
    2. go to post office for stamps and to mail cards
    3. finish gift shopping
    4. wrap presents
    5. clean fish tank
    6. clean house (this goal needs to get broken down further)

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/2 student rec letters
    2. x/15 speech outlines
    3. x/40 AP essays
    4. x/59 SL diction posts
    5. x/1 colleague rec letter

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner + gym
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym
    Tues-- walk gunner + gym
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner (Christmas)
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    @Nikion901 and @skinnyjeanzbound, again, I'll have to ask about that, but I think I heard that "cheating" once in a rare while is okay, because doing so will make my skin stronger. Otherwise, I sadly am bed-bound in a usually lonely and dark room. Therefore, it was great to enjoy a nice evening with my family last night. That brings me to my Sunday Share: despite having had a great time last night, I'm really sore from sitting in an ill-fitting chair. As I tried to fall asleep last night, the pain all but overtook my senses, and I'm still kinda tender today. :ohwell: This too shall pass!
  • beteaux
    beteaux Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to the group . I've been logging in for 10 days now . Glad to see there is support along the way. My goal is to lose 100 pounds in the next year. Not looking back but only forward to things ahead
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- I have also been lazy in the exercise department for the last month. I need to get back on track with a normal routine. This weekend I have been extremely busy and of course exercise got left behind. This week I plan to change that and get back to the gym for a couple of days. I still have 3 more days of school ugh. Enjoy your 2 week break, I know I am looking forward to the start of mine.

    Zoe- hope you are pain free soon.

    beteaux- Welcome, hope you will by and post often.

    The week ahead looks busy but I hope it will be good.

    I still have papers to grade but want to be finish with them before Wednesday. No work over break if I can help it.

    Monday-Gym with trainer workout
    Tuesday- gym for cardio
    Wednesday- rock climbing or gym
    Thursday- gym
    Friday- off
    Saturday- gym or pool
    Sunday- gym
  • bjcfinn55
    bjcfinn55 Posts: 6 Member
    Do you require that i need to lose 100lbs or more to post on Robin's?
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Kelly and Robin Enough with the floor exercises! My goodness, that sounds a bit harrowing.
    @Zoe Glad you got out; that is so good for everyone to get out a bit.
    Ann Marie Whoo HOO for the 4 point! I KNOW you worked hard for that. Good job1
    @Laurie and Skinny Enjoy your breaks. I am sure you deserve a little time off.

    AFM: DH is in the hosp. just now. After a nasty cold he wound up with an infection under his skin in his face that rather alarmed the docs. He is on massive IV antibiotics to recover and really itching to get home. That sort of sidelined some of our holiday plans. Oh well. He should be home hopefully tomorrow.
    While Dh is not home my meals have really been strange. Mostly, I seem to be grazing on really strange stuff. Hopefully, when he gets home we can again get back to real food. I am certain grazing is not good for weight loss, and I know it is high in sodium! Something about crunchy food is calming....I need to find an alternative to that!

    Goal for next week to get back on track again. It should be easier with DH here expecting real meals at normal times. Getting out that exercise DVD and using it would be a good thing too.

    Enjoy this special time of year everyone!
    Packers won...
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Sunday Share: Hi, all. It's me. The one who knows exactly what it takes to lose weight, is ignoring all the rules, and consequently gaining weight.
    @mountmary84 so sorry to hear about DH. My husband is coughing awfully hard the last couple of days. He's had his pneumonia vacination, so I hope it doesn't come to that. Having them sick is definitely a stress.
    I have enough of the holiday cooking and baking done to put together the goody boxes for family that will not be home for Christmas. Those boxes will go in the mail tomorrow. I have had zero opportunity for shopping this year so everyone is getting money. I've made cards using my hundreds of snapshots to provide the front cover with a personal note inside. They are done except for a trip to the bank to get the bills to put in them. Nicole helped me put together a photo album of family pictures as a gift for each family. Most of the pictures were taken in June at our party. She added some of the ones who couldn't be there so it has everyone in the family in it.
    My current stress is that the man who owns the property where DH was hurt is trying to deny liability and I am having a hard time getting an attorney to return my calls. I need to find someone with more time or someone who specializes in personal injury claims.
    I have one success. I have managed to keep my scheduled exercise every day. On the days when it has been too wet to walk outside, I have used a DVD. It feels good to be doing at least one thing right. We had a lot of snow overnight on Thurs/Friday. I counted 30 min of shoveling snow for my exercise on Friday.
    Have a wonderful week and a great Christmas.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All,
    Found a few minutes to check in. Life for me is the ususal mish mash.

    The surgery went well and I am recovering as expected. I do have to stay away from the gym for 2 weeks so that is making me somewhat restless. They had to do about 30 "stabs" so my leg is swollen and has steri strips all over. I have to wear a compression stocking for two weeks then I am free to return to my regular routine.

    Short week for me at work then I am taking off for a few days. Thursday and Friday with the family then I am going to my friend's cabin for a few days while hubby moves out. I am ready to move on to the next phase of my life. I do not have any animosity and we are getting along remarkably well. I just think it would be best for both of us if I am not here when he is moving.

    I still have to do some shopping and should be able to get that done int he next day or two. I only have two customers who still need to get installed before Thursday and that is very doable.

    Food is still not great but I am giving myself a break until after the first of the year when I can return to my normal routine for meals and the gym. All the holiday parties will be over by then. I am currently 2 pounds above my ticker.

    I loved the pics of the churches that have been shared. I grew up in a Catholic church which was very contemporary and had one of those "wavy" roofs. (I cannot find a pic online) I just remember thinking the building looked like a department store when you walked in. My grandmother's church was one of the old fashioned ones that had the large back altar with the icons and statues. I loved all of it and went to church with her when I could.

    @zcb94 - My thoughts and prayers are with you. you are dealing with so very much in your life. I do admire your attitude to rise above.

    @RobinsEgg - So very glad you figured your way out of the pinch you found yourself in. Thanks for sharing that story with us.

    To all the teachers - Enjoy your break!

    Love to all,
    Lori <3

    What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. ~ Ralph Marston
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday check-in. This whole past week has been a big bust. Eating was wildly irregular: not one day qualified as being at goal and the only exercise I got was not qualified to be counted either. So, my stats are now
    food at goal is 7/13
    exercise calories - 0

    Planning on better stats this week, even with the family get together on Christmas Eve where there will be a lot of nibbles. We don't do traditional food at this get together, it's all about appetizers and snacks.

    The year is in count-down mode now ... only 10 more days till 2016. Thus, my year-long project has to be ramped up if it's going to come out a success. Now, my intention is good ... but my follow-through is not.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Monday check-in:
    Having a really tough time for the last 4 weeks, staying on my plan and eating right. Every once in a while, I've been binging before I realize what's come over me. I want to lose just a few lbs. to reach a new decade of weight and it's almost like I'm sabotaging myself. This is weird and I don't get it.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Look on the Bright Side Day!
    Date When Celebrated : Always December 21
    Look on the Bright Side Day is today. We hope you see the light. Literally looking on the bright side may be a bit difficult today. It is winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. And, December days tend to be cloudy. However, we're going to be optimistic, and fully expect you to succeed.
    Look on the Bright Side Day is a day to be optimistic. The term itself is an optimistic one. It calls upon us to look for something positive, out of an otherwise bad or sad situation. Often, a bad experience has positive lessons to be learned.
    If you have a bad day yesterday, look on the bright side.... today is another day, and an optimistic one at that!

    ” An optimist is the human personification of spring.” ~Susan J. Bissonette


  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    ^That's a really good point!
    Monday Check-In: my back's not killing me as much today but still a bit sore. However, my family and I can't seem to stop coughing! I don't know what blew in/what's going around, but we're all feeling it. Bleh! :sick:
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday check-in:
    Having a really tough time for the last 4 weeks, staying on my plan and eating right. Every once in a while, I've been binging before I realize what's come over me. I want to lose just a few lbs. to reach a new decade of weight and it's almost like I'm sabotaging myself. This is weird and I don't get it.

    Mell ... sometimes the same thing seems to happen to me, and I wonder if that's what I'm doing subconsiously: sabatoging myself. Then I found a chart that talked about what your body was needing when you had specific types of cravings. I don't recall the website article that information was in, but I found it very enlightening. When that happens to me, I look at what I have eaten in the past 12-24 hours and sometimes I can spot what it was that set off the cravings; as for me it's usually something that was higher in carbs than I should have had.

    Good luck.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone.

    It was another busy day for me. Between school, gym and coming home to bake more cookies. I will most likely make another batch of cookies tomorrow along with a cake to say good bye to a co-worker who is resigning. Wednesday is her last day. Then after school Wednesday, I will be dropping them off to a few friends as gifts.

    I did have a good workout today that was a mix of cardio and core work. It felt good to be that active again, since this weekend there was no time for a physical workout.

    Have a great week.

    Monday- Trainer workout DONE
    Tuesday- gym- walk/ cardio
    Thursday- gym
    Friday- rest
    Saturday-gym or pool
    Sunday- gym or pool

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie-- I felt the same way at the gym yesterday when I did an all cardio workout (2 miles elliptical then 2 miles treadmill). Good luck these last 2 days of school--the kiddos must be super squirrelly!

    @niki-- I'm the same way with carbs. They tend to put me into binge mode, so I try to reserve them for later in the day. If I start the day with lots of protein, the carbs don't seem to trigger cravings as much.

    @zoe-- hope you and the family get over that cough so you can enjoy the holidays.

    @tom-- I am looking on the bright side of sleeping most of the day away b/c now I'm well-rested to take on the next few busy days. :)

    @mel-- that happens to me as well. Every time I'm about to move down into the next decade, I get stuck or worse yet, bounce back up. But it has happened throughout my weight loss and I'm still managed to get past the plateau 5 times, so persistence pays off, right? Hang in there. :)

    @lori-- glad you are getting some time off to relax. Sounds like a smart idea to be absent during the move. Have the two of you gone through shared items to decide who gets what? Or is he just taking his personal belongings for now?

    @kaye--what wonderful gift ideas! I'm glad you are getting your exercise; it's so important to take some time for you, especially during this busy season. I'm sorry to hear about the property owner giving you a hard time. Why on earth can't people just be decent? He surely has insurance to cover the claims, so it's ridiculous that he's trying to get out of his responsibility. It makes me so angry!

    @barb-- I'm sorry to hear about your DH; sending warm thoughts that he recovers quickly. GO PACK! It's Bears seasons like this that make me happy I also love those Packers. :)

    @bjcfinn55 --we certainly don't require any weight loss goal to join the conversation. Welcome!

    AFM-- Well, I already missed my goal to exercise every day, but as I mentioned above to tom, I'm looking on the bright side. I awoke this morning to no electricity and the memory that ComEd had scheduled the interruption of service to do line repairs. After letting gunner out, I decided to just go back to bed. It was a gloomy, rainy morning--perfect for sleeping in. Well, let me tell you, it lulled me back into a sleep that lasted until 2 pm! I can't for the life of me remember the last time I slept that long, but I'm sure it did my body good. As some of you long-timers know, I suffer from insomnia, and rarely get more than 6 hours of sleep a night.

    The power was back on when I awoke, so I made eggs for gunner and I (he eats my yolks) and then got ready to go write rec letters and do some grocery shopping.

    Now I'm well-rested for a busy day of gift shopping tomorrow. :)

    General Goals:
    1. finish Christmas cards DONE
    2. go to post office for stamps and to mail cards DONE
    3. finish gift shopping
    4. wrap presents
    5. clean fish tank
    6. clean house (this goal needs to get broken down further)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 2/2 student rec letters DONE
    2. x/15 speech outlines
    3. x/40 AP essays
    4. x/59 SL diction posts
    5. x/1 colleague rec letter

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner + gym
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner (Christmas)
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Kaye Sure hope your hubby shakes his cough. I think that is how Gene's whole thing started. @Zoe The same goes for you. I hope you and your family get rid of the cough that is in your house too.
    @LaurieK and @Karen Keep reminding us of how good those workouts feel. It always pushes me to do a little more even if it hurts a bit, but I too feel better after some extra activity...even if it is much less intense than what you are able to do it does make a difference and I feel stronger and better then.
    @Niki Love all the data you condense for us. You obviously read more of those things than I do.
    @Lori Good luck with all that is going on. If you ever have the time and inclination just call and we can "do lunch" .
    @Kai Keep up the good work. Such an inspiration you are!
    @Edna Welcome back!
    @mnwalkingqueen Holly, if you are reading this I just want you to know I am thinking of you at this very special time of year.

    AFM: DH came home from the hospital yesterday. The only change in his life is to take the 10 day course of antibiotics. He looks much better and his face is near normal size. Now if he will just shave....
    The whole hospital ordeal wore me out more than I thought. I slept 13 hours last night and feel much, much better this AM. Now if some "little elf" would just clean this house for the Christmas gathering later this week! Unfortunately, that "little elf" is going to have to be me. At least there are no big piles of cookies or fruitcake here to tempt me so I can't get into trouble that way. Guess I will have to consider the cleaning a "workout"

    Have a wonderful Christmas everyone who celebrates.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Tuesday Goals ...
    I've got to read the gas meter today. And clean the oven and refrigerator. And finish the laundry. And finalize what I'm dong as Christmas gifts for the 'young set' and then get them ready ... So glad that today starts the longer daylight process. Thus far I've been able to stay the SAD syndrome and must make a greater effort to get out into the morning daylight for a walk without sunglasses on to keep it from settling in in January. So ... yet another new goal for Niki ... take that morning walk every day ... even if it's only 10 minutes, but 20 would be better.

    @Barb ... I read a lot, and also spend a rediculous amount of time browsing the internet for more interesting tidbits.
    @Karen ...I've been trying to get the starchy carbs in early because the tend to raise my fasting glucose measurement if I eat them at night, but maybe I'll give it another try, as the blood sugars have been low in the middle of the night and then spike with the dawn.
    @Lori ... Good luck with the status change happening this month. You wanted it, but that doesn't negate the tormoil of emotions when it comes to pass.

    Now, since I was awake at 2:00 AM and slept until 9:30 AM, I better get a move on with this day's plans and ...