

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all...

    Usual early morning, except I honest to betsy didn't know what time it was until just a few minutes ago. My phone and my computer say it's 3:15, and my tablet and my Charge HR say it's 4:15. Come to find out that the hotel network is set to Eastern Time--even though we're a couple states west of Florida. Anyway, that's the time my tablet was automatically picking up, and my Fitbit Charge is my watch that I look at when I wake up. It syncs to the tablet, so it changed as well... until I opened my laptop, I just accepted the tablet and my watch were correct. They were off by an hour, so I was actually awake about 2:30... makes me feel like Sylvia with her glasses in the shower (which was hilarious, dear heart!) The silly buggerty server here is very wobbly... up one minute, down the next.

    Luckily, I can nap whenever while we're roaming during the day... and, am on my second cup of coffee here at 3:35, so the die is pretty much cast. I'm awake. :hushed: The hubby is snoring away - I have no idea how he sleeps through me rattling around in the same room, I'd be throwing stuff at him if he did something like it to me.

    We've decided not to go north to Missouri to see the DD and family... snow flurries and 20 degree temps up at Fort Leonard Wood yesterday, and more rain later in the week. Down here near the coast, there's rain in the forecast, but overall, mid-60s all week. We've got reservations in Biloxi, right on the beach (well, across the street) for tomorrow night and New Year's Eve, then we'll figure out whether we're heading back on the 1st or the 2nd. Don't have a hotel for tonight, but don't think we'll have a problem getting one on a Tuesday night. New Year's Eve, we'll probably drive over in Florida, want to see what the "Redneck Riviera" looks like along the gulf side of the state. Someday we want to drive down to the Keys, as well... :wink:

    Right now, the plan is to drive up to Vicksburg and walk the battlefields and then drive down to Natchez and wander around there for a bit. We cancelled our New Year's Eve stay in Vicksburg, because by then the Mississippi is supposed to be reaching flood stage--by Jan 4, they except to be 11 feet over flood stage. Don't trust the timing of the predictions, so we'll go today and see what we wanted to see and then head southwards, or over into northern Mississippi and Alabama... wherever we choose... we like to drive six or eight hours or so, with lots of breaks.

    Keeping the eating pretty well under control--ate the guts out of a club sammich for dinner last night, lunch was crackers and cheese. Drove all two-lane roads yesterday, which is why it took eight hours or so to get here instead of six. Don't really want to be on the interstates--we've seen those. Just wandering, seeing small towns we've never seen, like Cut and Shoot, Texas. Have a grand day, my peeples...

    Lisa, the Texan a-wandering in Louisiana, Missippi, Alabama
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2015
    Katie - Absolutely right, my earring holder doesn't work well with post earrings. I have some really nice posts, including a smoky topaz/diamond/gold pair my mother-in-law gave me and that I wore at my wedding. Also some pearl studs and teardrop pearls. They are all in little jewelry boxes stashed here and there and everywhere. Sadly, the fact that they're not in plain sight means I don't wear them as much as I should. Hmm... maybe I should adopt some of the ideas that have been presented here... Maybe one of those weekly pill organizer boxes would do the trick!

    Joyce - I'm going to go out on a limb and say I disagree. Charlie has every right to his own opinion and every right to think people with other points of view are stupid, idiot, ignorant, retarded... But calling them those things to their face is rude! IMHO. I'm impressed with how well you keep your serenity amongst all the turmoil you have been dealing with. ((((Hugs))))

    In the end, we only had two guests for dinner last night. My husband's secretary decided to spend the evening with her husband and mother-in-law at their weekend cottage (a small hut about two miles away, where they can relax and get away from the "big-city bustle" of Longyearbyen, pop. 2000). smiley-laughing002.gif

    The minister and the deacon were here though, and even though they both took calls during the evening, they relaxed visibly between calls. The funeral for the man who died is scheduled for Jan 8, way far south at his home in mainland Norway. Our minister has been asked to officiate. He was initially averse to the idea because he didn't think he could handle the burial service of a close friend. (They sang in the same men's choir.) But when the family approached him he realized he wouldn't want it any other way. The entire choir will be singing at the service, even though it's far away.

    Just FYI, having the funeral several weeks after the death is fairly common in Scandinavia.

    Sorry I've been writing such gloomy stuff recently :noway: Thanks for giving me an opportunity to let it all out. :flowerforyou:

    On a cheerier note, the temperature rose to a balmy 28F yesterday so our neighbors had a picnic! The lights you see (right to left across the middle of the picture) are two candles on the picnic table, two blue armband blinkers, the oil-drum barbecue, and a few candles in a snow cave. One of the dark spots between the last two lights is a kid sliding down the slope. They were having a great old time!
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    A gorgeous morning here today, sunshine after miserable gloomy days. It is cold but looks really nice outside. My husband and I have been invited to his sisters for tea this evening at 7.00 pm. Looking forward to going, they have a beautiful extention to their home which houses the kitchen and dining room which is tastefully decorated and has great furniture. My husbands other sister will also be there so we can all have a catch up on what is going on and have a great night.

    Just want to wish you all a great day, nearly at the end of the year, always get emotional thinking of family members who are no longer with us. Here is hoping that the new year brings everyone health, wealth, happiness and family and friends that will help and support each other.

    Best wishes always. Elaine, England.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Thanks Becca and Barbie.
    I'm almost 58. I actually had my primary care doctor say "it's almost impossible to lose weight at your age" (although she denied it when I brought it up a year later). So I know it's hard. Harder when you add in medications, age, menopause, habits etc. But this group proves that it *can* be done. Glad I joined :)
    Kimses in MA

    That statement from a doctor just makes me angry! I lost 45 lbs. and am 59, CICO. It's certainly not as quick as a younger person, but it was steady.
    Chris in wintery MA
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Hi folks, a travel day back to reality and colder weather! The remnants of goliath may make our air travel iffy bit i am packing my patience o:)
    I take everything my docs say with a grain of salt, it may be difficult to lose later in life but this group proves it is possible. I love how everybody contributes where they are in the journey, some folks have reached maintenance, some folks still have the last stubborn pounds. Seems what holds us together, besides good humor and wisdom, is the fact that logging and thinking about this regularly, checking in with each other, and mindful choices is what makes powerful change.
    So send me some positive energy as we face a tricky travel day back home to winter. :'(
    Karen from ny
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited December 2015
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Hi -- I have a question for the group. What do you do to stay accountable in your weight loss? What I mean is that I am only accountable to me at the moment, and that poses a challenge. It's too easy for me to talk myself out of ditching the crackers in favor of an orange...walking out of the kitchen rather than grabbing something quick that is unhealthy. I hear that little voice say "I can start tomorrow OR...I haven't eaten much today."
    Tracking helps but I can still sabotage myself.
    I tried WW for so many years but I don't like the expense and wasn't wild about the support groups.

    So...with the New Year looming, any thoughts? Are there challenge threads that you have joined? Other outside groups?

    My pitfall is that I'm great about exercising, but still have what I consider some food addicition issues and have a hard time controlling those. I've managed to maintain some control over my weight (but am still somewhere about 30 lbs overweight) by being active. But I frequently feel frustrated with the food battle.

    There's lots of success in this group, so let's hear about it!

    Kimses in MA

    I belong to TOPS and it has helped me. Yes they are a support group but not expenses - $32 a year. They don't push a specific diet - or specific foods. We work with our local dietician also. It seems that I need the weekly weigh in with someone else looking at the scale!

    And ...WW should really be popular in the New Year - I see on TV that Oprah is endorsing it.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Hi -- I have a question for the group. What do you do to stay accountable in your weight loss? What I mean is that I am only accountable to me at the moment, and that poses a challenge. It's too easy for me to talk myself out of ditching the crackers in favor of an orange...walking out of the kitchen rather than grabbing something quick that is unhealthy. I hear that little voice say "I can start tomorrow OR...I haven't eaten much today."
    Tracking helps but I can still sabotage myself.
    I tried WW for so many years but I don't like the expense and wasn't wild about the support groups.

    So...with the New Year looming, any thoughts? Are there challenge threads that you have joined? Other outside groups?

    My pitfall is that I'm great about exercising, but still have what I consider some food addicition issues and have a hard time controlling those. I've managed to maintain some control over my weight (but am still somewhere about 30 lbs overweight) by being active. But I frequently feel frustrated with the food battle.

    There's lots of success in this group, so let's hear about it!

    Kimses in MA

    It's a difficult journey this "staying mindful when it comes to eating healthy". I try to keep myself on track meal to meal. I don't think of it as a week long thing. That seems to be too hard sometimes. I also think I have "settled " for most of my life. Buying the needs of others when it comes to food. I shall not settle ever again. That is how I view my meals. Settling and eating those crackers when you really should have an orange, buying regular milk, because the family likes that more then lowfat milk. Doing for others when you should be concentrating on paying attention to your needs. Its all about giving yourself credit, and saying you are important enough. I know opening up a box of something instead of cutting up an apple seems easier, but this journey isn't meant to be easy. Its emotionally messy, but we have to do the chopping, pealing, cutting, preparing in order for our minds to get the message. (((hugs)))

    Becca - I like your comment

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Oh such storms going on!!! Weird and wacky weather everywhere. From -25 C to -2 Celsius in a couple of days. Oh right the January thaw....

    (((((hugs))))) to all and have safe and happy day!!

    Lillian in west Central Saskatchewan
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    It's a difficult journey this "staying mindful when it comes to eating healthy". I try to keep myself on track meal to meal. I don't think of it as a week long thing. That seems to be too hard sometimes. I also think I have "settled " for most of my life. Buying the needs of others when it comes to food. I shall not settle ever again. That is how I view my meals. Settling and eating those crackers when you really should have an orange, buying regular milk, because the family likes that more then lowfat milk. Doing for others when you should be concentrating on paying attention to your needs. Its all about giving yourself credit, and saying you are important enough. I know opening up a box of something instead of cutting up an apple seems easier, but this journey isn't meant to be easy. Its emotionally messy, but we have to do the chopping, pealing, cutting, preparing in order for our minds to get the message. (((hugs)))


    Well said Becca!

    Cheri NE Ohio
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I 'loved' the picture of the man and dog and his 'rehoming' comment. That was hysterical!

    I love this site ... and all the ladies on it! <3

    I think Cracker is beginning to go outside more and more despite of the weather; unless it is pouring down. She just came in with wet paws. It rained again last night so the grass is wet; we are expecting more and more rain as the week goes along; and, then by this weekend it is supposed to be a lot colder. Now, of course; being in the upper 40's/lower 50's is 'cold' down here in the Deep South. Many areas near water are flooded here. Last week we got about 3 1/2 inches in 2 hours and our yard, front and back, looked like a lake; although we are not in a flood zone. But, thankfully, once it stopped, it drained off quickly. But, sinkholes are a concern here with all the rain in our aquafers. Limestone under GA red clay. They should be quite full at this point; and, hopefully we won't have a drought this Spring/Summer.

    I got a permanent and a mani/pedi yesterday! Of course, my hair 'stinks' until I can wash it in 3 days; but, my feet and hands feel 'wonderful'. Sad news from the guy who does my hair; since the last time I had a perm; his wife was involved in a near-fatal wreck trying to prevent from hitting a deer. She's in a nursing home, just a shell - that's when you should NOT swerve; but, hit the damn thing - that is what my husband warns about and stresses; but, I know that it is reflex to try to not hit them. I almost burst into tears when he told me about it. They were really very close and did not have any children, so he has lost his 'soulmate'. I worry about that for my DYS and DDnL#2 out going to what they now refer to as their 'lake home'. The trailer where he lived on the land where he works as a plantation/hunting land/wildlife biologist for 5 guys. They stay out their most of the time during hunting season and the rest of the time 25+/- miles 'in town' at the house DDnL#2 owns (before she and DYS got married). He was going over to help his former bosses move furniture and mounted animals up on the 2nd floor of the lodge and the cabins to save as many as they can with the Mississippi River rising fast. He called DH and DOS and said it was 2 feet higher from where it was when they were out there about 3 weeks ago.

    Hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. How do most of you post things going to several people? Do you take notes or what? I find if I got back a page ... my post disappears and there is so much I'd like to say and forget which lady wrote what ... enlighten me. :)
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    edited December 2015
    Katla Thanks. Seems it keeps coming back to logging. I can't escape that message! So logging it will be!
    Chris I don't like my doctor. She says stuff like that and argues with me. She really makes me angry. I haven't changed because I'm hoping she'll retire soon (she has a new doctor in her office to take over). Plus, I'll probably be moving in the next 4 years so I might as well stick it out. She can be an *kitten* though.
    LillianThere is one TOPS group in the area. I'll look into it. WW...well, there are a number of reasons that I don't like them, but it may not be totally ruled out.
    Becca Yes...well said!

    Pip Oh, those clips on bike shoes. I've had my times struggling with those. I went to a bike repair class one time and the seasoned people there said that you have to fall (due to not unclipping) 3 times before it becomes automatic that you'll unclip. Sounds odds, but I've fallen 3 times and so far so good with the remembering to unclip. It's been a year since I rode due to a back and wrist injury, but I will get back to it when it warms up again. I'll let you know if I fall again...lol. (One time I fell over into traffic..yikes!)

    My day will be: log for the whole day, job phone interview at 9 (fingers crossed), exercise, work call then that should be it for the day. Company coming for a few days so I need to make sure I have healthy food around to prevent the bad stuff from creeping in.

    You rock!

    Kimses in MA

  • mjohemme
    mjohemme Posts: 356 Member
    Can someone message me with how you find this thread again after you bookmark it. Forgive me if this is a simple thing, but I can never find them.

    Also, looking for supportive friends with open diaries, so I can break away from my sugar and processed food routine. :)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Hi all!
    DS #1 is getting ready to leave. I think he had a good time. At least I provided diabetic friendly food and the company was fun. We ended up playing lots of silly games last night. :D

    Just ordered some extra dinner plates. We find we run out if we have a lot of people. I've bought the same or very similar ones - plain white with a deepish rim.

    I have ordered a Dyson cordless. I got DS#2 and DDIL to gang up on DH with me at Christmas and persuade him that we really, truly needed one. Our living room rug gets loads of bits on it because we eat in there and I can't be bothered to lug the big hoover downstairs. This should be easy to wizz round with. DH usually sweeps the kitchen floor, so it will be useful for him too. A blue one arrives maybe Saturday. It was quite a coup to get DH to agree to it. >:):D

    Good joke, Katla.

    Terri - hooray for not having to camp out! :drinker:

    Hope your snowy weather clears up soon. We are still mild and damp down here in the south. They are expecting even more rain in the north and more awful floods. So sorry for them. The basement of the apartment block my friend is buying a flat in has been flooded, but she is buying on the 4th floor. The pumps on the river flood defences failed. :ohwell: They've now got them going again with the help of the army. It's the worst flooding ever. Some people have been washed out 3 times in a month. More to come. :'(

    I am sooooooo tired. I think I slept for only about one hour last night. My hips were hurting and I couldn't get comfortable. A combination of the rain and too much alcohol which makes my joints ache. When I did fall asleep I dreamt a surgeon had cut my leg off at the hip and was fitting an artificial leg on me.
    I am proud that I still did my full amount of exercises despite everything hurting and being so tired. o:) We are eating left overs for dinner plus fresh broccoli. :)
    Tomorrow DH 's elder daughter is coming for lunch. I have decided we are going to the pub and have booked it.

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,646 Member
    good morning, it's 6:54am and 31 degrees F for this CA gal that is cold, already had Levi out for a walk and am headed out for a hike with my hiking group.... back later!
    Love ya,
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    janetr: Thank you for your kind words. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: Enjoy your rambles. :flowerforyou:

    Penny: The human spirit is resilient. I'm happy that people in your community are taking the time to have a bit of fun. It is a good sign. A picnic is a great idea. :heart:

    Elaine: I love your holiday wishes for us all. Health, wealth, & supportive family and firends are the greatest possible blessings. :bigsmile:

    Chris in W MA: CICO is exactly the right idea about weight. Age has little to do with it but chronic illnesses can make things tougher. :ohwell:

    Grits: I have a word document open on my computer beside the 50+ page. I read everyone's comments on the left side of the screen, then type my replies in the word document. At the end, I copy and paste the word document into MFP. :wink:

    mjohemme: At the top of this page is a blank star. Click on it and it will turn yellow. You can then get here by clicking the gray star at the to of the MFP "community" section. WARNING: this thread will stop after the last day of the month and Barbie will start a new thread for January. You will be able to find the link to the new thread at the bottom of this page. Click on it to get to the new us, and click on the new blank star to bookmark the January conversation. :heart:

    Today the dog goes to the groomer and DH has an appointment with a new accountant. I haven't decided whether to go along to the accountant.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2015
    Woke up this morning to a 4.3 earthquake, with 3.4 after shock. Not big by any standard, but it did shake the house and rattle the windows. Good morning, Oklahoma. :)

    Janetr okc
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member

    Finished the pen and ink drawing. I have not used a pen dipped in bottled ink since Junior school. Really enjoyed doing this it was really relaxing.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    I have been reading, but guilty of not taking notes for responses. Sorry ! Grits - normally I open an e-mail to myself, and type as I read, then copy/paste into the response box at the bottom of the page. mjohemme - there is a star at the top of the thread that is empty. When you click on it the star turns yellow. Then from community you click on the dark grey star between the bell and the sprocket, and your saved threads appear in a box that you can click and arrive to where you left off. I hope that makes sense.

    After finally getting home last night, I ate some leftover burrito and snuggled under the electric blanket until my alarm rang this morning. Luckily my Dad was able to leave work at 7:00am this morning to drive me to work. The Miller plows were pretty nice to my abandoned car, so I should only need to shovel for a few minutes tonight when I leave. I did ride the bike at work last night for over 30 minutes waiting for my knights in shining armor to rescue me, but only had 10 minutes available this morning. I also have to eat my rations today, so Healthy Choice soup and canned mandarin oranges for today (and I think I have some ham in the freezer). That's definitely one way to not cheat - don't have anything available at work ! (too bad I usually struggle at home after work).

    Anyway, the snow is supposed to be done soon. I heard we ended with 8 inches. The problem arose from the pattern: freezing rain turned to snow turned to freezing rain.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
    DJ thank you for your kind words. Yes it s a period of adjustment. DH used to cook dinner. Last night was the first time I didn't burn, spill,or break something in the process of taking over the cooking. Although I did find a partial filled spaghetti sauce in pantry from night before.

    Elaine lovely.

    :heart: Margaret
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Kids, kids, kids… I’ve been thinking about Michelle’s son and Allie’s daughter and others who have written about troubles with their kids. I do sometimes think it is a generational thing – these kids who think they deserve to be handed everything and who take no accountability for their own issues. But, then I look at my family and think this has been going on for a long time. I have two sisters who have taken advantage of my parents financially over the years. They know our parents will never let them be without a roof over their heads or food in their mouths. So they have borrowed money to keep from defaulting on student loans, to keep their utilities from being turned off, to pay medical bills, to get their cars back after being impounded for too many tickets, and on and on and on. And while each loan individually seems small, they were never fully repaid and never will be. So, maybe this is not a generational thing. And how can you blame it on the parents when there were three other children (myself included) who grew up in the same household without that same attitude. The good news is that both of my sisters seem to have grown out of this stage. They may never repay the “loans” they requested in the past, but they are taking responsibility for their current debts.

    So Michelle/NC – I wish that Bryan’s therapist would have encouraged him to write his thoughts down to get them out and then to burn them rather than to burden you with them. I’m praying that he is able to work through his issues and someday rebuild a relationship with you. <3

    And Allie – I pray for you too, that your daughter will someday understand that you do what you do out of love and that she will be able to have a mature and loving relationship with you. <3

    And I pray for my own daughters that I have not spoiled them too much and that they grow up to be the mature and responsible adults I know they can be. <3

    And finally, for those of us on this thread that continually put their kids (and their husbands) needs ahead of their own… Just remember that putting yourself first is not selfish. It’s what allows you to be the strong, kind, and loving woman that can effectively and sustainably help others. o:)

    Well, that’s enough for now. I promise not to be so serious next time and to post something lighthearted and fun. :)
