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  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla - Thanks for the hug :) My doctor said my husband should come in for the shingles vaccination. He said even if does not prevent them, it will make them less severe. Jack, of course, doesn't want to. I'll leave that up to him. I have been talking for 3 or 4 years about getting one, even went to Walgreens several years ago and they didn't take my insurance at the time. Then when Walmart by the house started giving them, I talked to the pharmacist and said I'll be back to get one soon. Famous last words, coulda , shoulda, woulda. But didn't.

    I'd love to see your hummingbirds. So glad that you are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel with this flu bug. <3

    Janetr OKC

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    MFP Advent Calendar

    Dec 19th~ The Magi and the shepherds knew that here was Christ the Lord.
    They knelt upon the stable floor and worshiped and adored.


    (Just click on the picture and the video will start.) If you see your picture give a shout out. :-)

    Last night I was called to volunteer at the "Breakfast With Santa" held at our community center. So this morning, (after getting up every 2 hours because of damn TOM) I got up at 6:45AM to volunteer from 8 to 9:30 AM. We then went and got our Christmas box from the food bank in Gearhart, so that was nice.

    As I was carrying bags up my stairs my clog hit a step and fell off my foot so I stumbled. Having no hands free to really stop my fall I plowed my right cheek into the cement step. So now I have a split cheek, (only like 1/4 in so no stitches) but I was mad at myself about that.

    Hope everyone is handling the holiday with not too much stress. I am going to lie down for a spell for this gal.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    We divided up my Mother's stuff before we had to put her in an Assisted Living Facility. She got to see all that we got because we wanted it. Oldest sister divided up china and thins like that in sets of 4. She had lot of china and crystal. She had previously sold the house to the church in the block next to it. She owned the entire block; her house, my Daddy's old office and my Mimi's houses sat on it. Mimi's house was sold and moved out into the country; Dad's office was bought and torn down. They ended up tearing down my Mother's house and got the town to close the street between the 2 blocks and build a huge annex on it. Once I went to a friend's mother's funeral and someone asked me if I wanted to tour the annex; I told them 'no thanks, it would be akin to walking on a grave in a cemetery. Too many memories of that house growing up. I was only 3 (almost 4) when my Daddy bought the house. Then they rented it back to her for a lot less than she could or would have been expected as rent; then, it would revert back to them.. No apartments in the small town we lived in. Oldest sister tried to get her to live with them; but, that wasn't going to work because the only bedroom downstairs was theirs. My Mother was extremely heavy and they had to replace the lounge chair when they decided it was not going to work for any of them. She finally got the message after the place moved from across the street from the Baptist church in town that we went to, to a place in a neighborhood about 1/2 mile out of town because she knew that 'if' she could see the church, her home was not far away (within walking distance - about 2 blocks away). They were wonderful to her.

    When my son had the shingles he could not be around his soon-to-be-at-the-time step-daughter because she had not had the chickenpox. Apparently, that is the only way they are contagious. People who have had chickenpox are the only ones who can have the shingles because the virus is in their body. My Mother used to say that she had (either) the chicken pox twice or the big red measles twice. She probably had the shingles and it had not been given a name back then or something (nearly 64 years ago). I know when my 2 sisters had one or the other of them, I was just 6 months old; and, was given Gamma Goblin to prevent me from getting a bad case; Mother said that 'at least I could not scream, "I itch" for 2 weeks'. ... and she could give me enough medication to make me sleep.

    As for snow storms; in Atlanta and down to Columbus and Macon 3" of snow is a 'school day off'; when my niece and her family moved to a town right outside of Denver, CO - she 'thought' the first time it snowed that the kids would be off for so long as they did not have the roads cleared. Her next door neighbor told her it wasn't a day that the school let out. Did so again when 6" fell; did so again at 9-12"; she walked her kids to school and home because she wasn't going to drive in the snow. One day her neighbor called and said, 'now this is a snow day'. It had snowed over 18" during the night and was still blowing snow bad - it was what we might have called a 'blizzard'. She was happy to move back to Atlanta and still does not drive in the snow. She did not snow ski because the first day on the first time out, she broke her leg; so she spent the rest of the week sitting in the lodge with crutches and a cast on reading whatever she could find while her family snowed all day.

    Both sons who had the shingles got the vaccine afterwards because the MD said that it would help keep another outbreak from being so severe. After having it, they were all ready to have the shot. You do have to go to the MD to get the Shingles vaccination; unlike the flu and pneumonia vaccines. I get the flu shot every year; and the pneumonia shot will be given to you once before you turn 65; and another time afterwards. When I get a bad cold; I usually get pneumonia; but, have not had it since I had the vaccination.

    I think that Neurologists consider a 'bad' headache that is accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light and smells as 'migraines', no matter where they start. If you must go to bed when you have a headache, it is likely to be considered a 'migraine'. Mine usually start at the base of my skull and move over my head (usually to one eye); sometimes both and I 'hate' them. Will start taking medications as soon as they start not matter which symptom starts first. I'll go one round of Rx'd migraine meds, one round of muscle relaxants, one round of Tylenol, and one round of OTC migraine medication over a 4-hour period; and, then I will call the MD because none of that is working for me. Unless it is a Friday, then I call before they close at Noon. Around here all Dentists and MDs' offices close at Noon on Friday and then the only place you can go is to the ER. I'd rather have my teeth pulled without any Novocain than to go to the ER. Especially on a weekend. Been there, done that, won't do it again. I'd start drinking with my meds first - not really.

    I wish the hummers would stay here all year round; they only stay about 2 or 3 months at the most. Usually the same 8 or 10 of them. We had one a couple of years who had a broken beak; but, it did not seem to matter to him/her. It just stayed away from the others. We had one feeder on the front of our house that he'd feed at while the others fought over the 4 we had in the back. They'd suck them dry in 2 days. Broken Beak was the only one that came to the front one.

    I don't mind the wrapping of presents; but, I too, hate to go shopping. I try to buy along during the year things that I think the kids and grands would like; then, I go out and try to even things up. One might get more boxes; but, how much I spend on them is whatever I have decided insofar as the price. One price for my sons, another price for my 2 DDsnL; and another for my younger 2 grands. This year the DOGD was considered an adult. Since middle granddaughter's birthday is on Christmas Eve, we get her both a birthday gift as well as the allotted amount for her Christmas gift. This year, we also, considered her as an adult. I hate trying to find enough inexpensive stocking stuffers for them. This year the stockings are hung, just for show. None of them need any candy. I've never tried to fill my sons' stockings - way too big!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Hi Everyone, hope you are all ok. Just been reading the posts on here, it would make a fantastic play. There are soo many posts that I can't keep up. I use my mobile, it may be easier to follow on the computer.

    I think it was Grit who put something about a mamogram and what she said to the doctor. I can't stop laughing, if only we could get our husbands to get there private parts squashed so tight that they couldn't move just to get a little taste of what we have to go through. Maybe then they would be a little understanding.

    My daughter contacted shingles 2 weeks before she gave birth. There was only about 4 crusted spots but they were on her bust and when the baby was born she couldn't breast feed because they were so painful. She had chickenpox as a young child so not sure why she got shingles as an adult.

    Not long now until Christmas Day, hopefully we will get to my daughters early that morning to see her excitedly opening her presents. Just completed my food shopping list and will do that on the 22nd or 23rd.

    Hope everyone has a great run up to Christmas Day. Enjoy with family and good friends.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Oh, Becca, I am so sorry you fell and got hurt. Take care.

    I love the tree, thanks for your time in doing it and sharing it with us.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Elaine wrote "My daughter contacted shingles 2 weeks before she gave birth. There was only about 4 crusted spots but they were on her bust and when the baby was born she couldn't breast feed because they were so painful. She had chickenpox as a young child so not sure why she got shingles as an adult."

    You have to have had chicken pox or you do not get shingles. The chicken pox causes the shingles virus to reside in your body for the rest of your life. If you have shingles, and people are exposed to you that HAVE NOT had chicken pox, they can get chicken pox from you having shingles. Its weird I know :)

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,584 Member
    Yesterday as I was walking round our local little town I found something else to be very grateful for. Strange how we don't notice things that are under our noses and we take entirely for granted. When I was in France for the last couple of weeks I enjoyed speaking French and doing my best to understand what people were saying, but in town yesterday I realised how much I had missed out on hearing the little conversations that go on all around you all the time - the overheard gossip, the chance remarks, the everyday banalities that you totally miss as a foreigner. Also, understanding the context of the throwaway remarks. Feeling I belong to this community and getting the subtext and humour of what is said.
    Sometimes abroad I am grateful for my lack of understanding as I can "zone out" of conversations on the bus or in restaurants instead of being annoyed by them or just distracted, but I love my language, English, with a passion and was especially grateful for it yesterday. Normally it wouldn't even occur to me to notice this, but two weeks in a foreign language have made me conscious of how much I miss that fluency.

    Still haven't got the kitchen back together. :ohwell: DH is being strangely backward about it and I am NOT doing it on my own. >:)

    Tried to watch a rented DVD tonight but it kept jamming. Grrrrrr!

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    stats for the day:
    ski machine, 30min, 140mhr, cardio setting, 1.54mi = 232c
    rowing machine 10min, lvl10, 124mhr 1717meters = 86c
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    edited December 2015
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    125332iv98m2ytsg.gif I've done a lot of knitting today and I'd probably be almost finished with the hat I'm knitting for my great grandson but I dropped a stitch and didn't notice it for many rows in the cable pattern and I had to rip out ten rows, then I goofed on the row I just finished and I'll have to take that one out when I get back to it later.

    :) about the shingles vaccine... my mother had shingles and suffered a lot so they day the doctor told Jake and me about the vaccine, we went right to the local pharmacy that had the vaccine and got the shot....our insurance didn't cover it and it was about $200.00 for each of us but my feeling was that I'd give anything to not get shingles and in this case, the anything turned out to be money.

    :)Heather, I have traveled to other countries and enjoyed trying to find my way in a place where I don't speak the language, but I am truly happy in the company of English speakers just as you described.

    :)Katla, I am happy to hear that you are feeling better.

    :'(Karen, sorry to hear that you are ill.....yes, enjoying a good book is a great way to cheer yourself up when you don't feel well.

    welcome.gif KMB do not be discouraged.....just take it one day at a time and do what you can do and take baby steps toward changing your life.

    <3 Barbie

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm feeling so much better today. The soreness in my gut has pretty much evaporated and even my arthritic hips are playing nice today. We went to swim laps this morning and the water was REALLY cold. I kept thinking I'd get used to it, but I didn't. But I stuck it out and finished my 30 minutes, goosebumps and all. Hubby said, oh, it's not that bad. Then when we were leaving I stopped at the desk to sign the kids up for classes and noticed a sign on the desk that said the pool heater was out of order. Gee, now you tell me!

    I spent a couple of hours at the studio getting set up for another birthday party tomorrow, then hubby and I came out to the lake. We just finished walking the dogs across the dam and now I have pesto chicken in the oven for dinner. I'm surprised that hubby likes it too. Even though it has no salt in the pesto. He has to add his own, but that's ok. I really like not having to make two different meals.

    Tomorrow there will be 10 kids in the studio making plates from 1-2:30, then I'm hoping to do some more Christmas shopping. The grandkids are coming to the studio on Monday. The oldest needs to make a 3D model of an Egyptian pyramid, so we are making it out of clay. That should be fun. Tuesday is our girls shopping day.

    Monday my new studio friend, Kurt, is coming to work at the studio for the first time. He has some kind of disability (not a visible one) and has a service dog named Scrappy, who is half Jack Russell and half chihuahua. I can't wait to meet him!

    My son has asked if we can come to his place on Christmas Eve to have presents with the kids. He is pretty much home bound now, and has to stay close to his oxygen concentrator. The kids go to their mom's on Christmas Day and stay a week. So, we will be hauling the whole party up to his apartment. That should be interesting.

    Well, it's time to make the sweet potatoes for dinner. Gave a great evening!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Oh, I saw something yesterday on TV, part of some comical show; where a woman and her (male) OB got her husband to agree for her husband to be wired up with electrodes so that the OB could give him an electric shock that would actually make the same muscles contract when you have a baby. Starting off lightly and then getting harder. He asked how long women had to go through it and the OB told him, on an average, about 10 hours. It was hysterical. He had made some comment about her not doing anything insofar as dealing with the children. She finally told the OB to stop because her husband was near tears and cussing at both of them and saying he felt like he was going to $#*T all over himself. That was the end to it; and the OB said it got worse for (most) women.

    cityjaneLondon - English is the hardest language to learn because of all the grammar that makes it correct. Like saying: "I seen so and so doing something." is incorrect when it is supposed to be: "I saw so and so doing something."; and, "I have seen so and so doing something." I used to ask her way it was 'good, better, best' and said, 'if you did your best; why couldn't you do better'? Used to drive her totally crazy. She was a HS English grammar/Literature teacher and would not hesitate to call us out whenever we said something incorrectly, in public. She said that our being able to speak correctly, or not, made a difference on how she was viewed as a teacher to other people. Words that sound alike; but, are spelled differently and have different meaning. Site - a location; sight - being able to see; and cite - a reference (usually associated with law). I'm glad that I grew up learning it; and, not having to learn it as an adult. Although we sometimes think that other languages are harder. Harder for us, maybe.

    I think it is about time for us to replace our DVD player. We'll rent movies and they will hang up. I've noticed that sometimes even our TV programs do the same thing. I don't know how old our TV is; but, we bought them at the same time. It is so 'irritating'. Makes my DH use words that he doesn't ordinarily use.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    barbie - if you start to go crazy (from the non-exercising) remember that we're always here and that it isn't forever.

    Lenora - tried the Nature's Miracle. The problem with the Pet Block that I found was that you had to reapply it daily. I'd like something that I can spray on and not have to reapply it daily, weekly wouldn't be so bad. It did work initially, I remember putting it on the bed and that day the cats woudn't even go near the bed. But eventually, they did (sigh). So now we just keep the doors to the extra bedrooms closed. I can't explain it, but for some reason they feel that it's their duty to go on the beds. Not on ours, mind you, but on the other beds. I've changed the mattress covers, everything. Eventually, they return

    janet - sure hope you aren't going to be expected to do all the cooking for all those people! Did you put your cookies in the freezer?

    Joyce - I used to get really bad sinus headaches, sometimes to the point where I needed to lay down in a dark room. Fortunately, they havaen't been that bad in quite a while, probably because I know when they are coming and immediately start taking Sudafed. Isn't it sad when you go somewhere and there isn't any decent food -- just food covered in sauces and junk?

    I don't know why, but I couldn't sleep last night. I admit, I do have a suspicion. I had a piece of that fudge and it's quite chocolatey. Maybe it was the caffeine?

    Anyway, this morning I did 50 minutes of Patrick Goudeau's Metabolic Training DVD. It's for the rebounder, which I didn't know at the time, but that's OK. the plan for tomorrow is to do a Karen Voit Pilates Abs and Back DVD. Then I plan to make two of the spinach/feta quiches to take to senior bowling the next day and an apple pie for Christmas Eve

    We're supposed to go to an open house today at this one lady's house. She has like 200 nativity sets. I remembered that at the pool social she liked the spinach/feta so I'll take that to her instead of cookies. I'm also going to make some tomorrow to take to the senior bowling christmas party Monday. I may be the only one eating it, but that's OK, it's something that I won't mind bringing home and having myself.

    Vince and I got the shingles vaccine. I remember the kids kindly shared the chickenpox with Vince....lol Interestingly...I never got them. I don't remember ever having them, I must have had them when I was very little and don't remember it. So just to be on the safe side, I got the vaccine. Vince said that he thinks his reaction to the vaccine was that he was really tired. I didn't have any reaction, at least none that I noticed.

    This year, I'm happy to say, my weight has been pretty steady at around 130. Last christmas I went up to 140. Hopefully, I can keep to that weight. I'd really like to lose another 5lbs, but my body seems to be saying that it doesn't want to go below 130.

    We usually do a lot of decorating for christmas outside, but this year with the landscaping we couldn't. And I don't think Vince was into it as much. I'm thinking that next year we'll have a blowout.

    Alison - that is so thoughtful of you (well, of course!) to make some meals for Esther. Maybe (if this works into your schedule, and if you even can) you would stay with Harold so Esther could go to some of those outings.

    janetr - I have a high threshold of pain, too. When they grind down the tooth for a crown, I never take novacane. Never take it for a filling, either. Vince on the other hand....he wants novacane. So if I'm hurting, you KNOW that it must be something. Still don't really know what's going on with my heel. Can't wait to get to the MD and see what he says. I'm putting the voltaren on it, don't know if it's helping but figure it can't hurt.

    Lillian - (((BIG hugs)))). I remember doing that at MIL's place and my father's, no easy task. You find things that you never knew about and they bring back so may memories

    Beth - do you make your fudge from scratch? What's your recipe. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get the consistency of the fudge that you purchase in the store. I THINK I'm getting close. A friend gave me a recipe for Sees fudge. To me, it's still not firm enough. Next time I'm going to use mini marshmallows instead of the marshmallow cream.

    Carol/Peach - when my father passsed, I didn't now what to do with the furniture either. So I called the salvation Army and donated it all. I don't know what it is, but wrapping gifts is one of the things that I procrastinate about. Usually I don't, but that's something that I do.

    About the shingles vaccine -- when we called the MD to make an appointment, they said to check with the insurance company to be sure that the vaccine is covered if it's given in a doctor's office. I thought it would be but she said they had one patient whose insurance didn't cover it in the office. So we figured it couldn't hurt to make a phone call.

    KMB - welcome! You've come to a great place. We all go thru periods where we get discouraged, it really helps to talk about it. You're doing a great thing by logging your food, that should give you some good clues. Is your diary open? (I honestly didn't look and probably should have). If so, we can give you some input. If not, unlock it and let us take a peek. Sometimes someone else will see something that was right in front of you. That's certainly happened to me.

    Went to an open house at a friend's house. She has like 200 nativities, some are really interesting. Why people make cookies so large is beyond me. I had one of her molasses cookies (at least that's what I thought they were) and one of her -- I really don't know what it was sort of like a butter cookie. Only they were so large, I would have been happy with 1/2 of one, but I felt that I should have one to make her feel good.

    Selena - welcome back!

    Becca - great calendar. I found me!!!!! So sorry about your fall, glad it wasn't worse. Yes, thank you for taking the time to do this and then to share it with us all.

    Lenora - I've always said that if they wanted zero population growth, they should have men have children. Actually, one tells the other one what it's like, and not only will it be zero but there will be a decrease in population....lol. I remember years ago helping some kids write stories. They'd write them and I'd input them into the computer. How many times I've corrected "Mary and me" when it should have been "Mary and I". You know something? At the end of the year the kids wrote me a "thank you" note and thanked me for telling them when to use "me" and when to use "I". Sad thing is, you hear on the radio and other places "Mary and me" when you know it should be "Mary and I"

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Selena: How wonderful to see that you're back. Welcome "home!" I am so sorry for your losses of family members. You've had some stressful and unhappy time since was last heard from you. (((Hugs.))) I hope things get better and better as time goes by. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you heal quickly and you don't have muscle strains or other discomfort. :flowerforyou:

    Elaine: Shingles is caused by the same chickenpox illness that she had as a child. All of us who ever had chicken pox are at risk of developing shingles. The shingles shot reduces the risk but doesn't eliminate it entirely. :ohwell:

    Pip: Love the photo of your dogs with the tree. :heart:

    Barbie: I had the shingles shot, too, but DH can't risk it because of all of his autoimmune issues. :grumble:

    Sylvia: I'm happy that you're feeling better. Your life seems very busy these days. I hope the new potter who will be using your studio with you turns out to be a pleasure to be around. :flowerforyou:

    Our dog had to have his stomach pumped today because he stole some candy that was down at floor level and ate it. Unfortunately, it contained a bit of chocolate. It was in a package and looked like coal. I had no notion that it was wrapped candy, but I'm the one responsible for leaving it where he could get to it. Darn it. :embarassed: They think they got every bit of it out of him, but we have to be watchful the next few days anyway. He's on a chicken and rice diet, and loves it. He keeps begging for more. It will be too bad for him when he goes back to real dog food in a few days.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2015
    Michele wrote - "janet sure hope you aren't going to be expected to do all the cooking for all those people! Did you put your cookies in the freezer"

    Yes I'm doing all the cooking. A ham, turkey and dressing, gravy, O'Brien potato casserole, sweet potatoes, broccoli souffle, dinner rolls and relish tray. Baking two big pans of apple cobbler for desssert. I froze spritz cookies already baked. The rest are thumbprints, peanut butter blossoms and pecan balls all raw dough rolled into balls ready to be thawed and baked. For breakfasts I have made and frozen uncooked, two breakfast casseroles and a few dozen cream cheese sausage balls. Also bought a couple large boxes of frozen Jimmy Dean sausage egg biscuits. Breakfasts will only be 11 people. A couple of the grandkids won't eat any of that I'm sure. The grandkids range in age from 22 to 8. If any of them get hungry, there's always McDonalds. Ha! :)

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    exermom - I'm not sure that cats can be kept from where they want to go, no matter what you do. They have a mind all their own; and, we humans just have to accept that.

    Sorry, Katla, that you dog had to have its stomach pumped. Cracker is bad to get into things (no candy yet, we don't keep it around); but, I knew it was poison to them. Also raisins, too. My DGD tells me all these things. I don't keep raisins, I think they taste nasty. Just what they are: dried grapes. But, surprisingly, I do like dates, stuffed with peanut butter or cream cheese (rolled in powdered sugar).

    Janetr - I've never heard of 'cream cheese sausage balls' ... how do you fix them?
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Grits wrote "Janetr - I've never heard of 'cream cheese sausage balls' ... how do you fix them?"

    They are the bomb. 1 lb sausage uncooked (sausage of your preference); 8 oz cream cheese softened; 1 1/4 cups Bisquick; 4 oz shredded cheddar cheese. Mix together well. Roll into 1" balls. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until brown. If you freeze them you need to bake them a few minutes longer. Easy peezy.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla - Oh goodness, so sorry about your fur baby. Hopefully he will do fine now. At least he's getting a little special treat for his trouble.
