

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of deep water today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Cathe Friedrich After Burn DVD. Will see how this one is. Then Vince wants me to help him get one Christmas decoration down so that we can start to put away the inflatables.

    Gayle - the whole wheat panko is made by Ian's. I used to be able to get it at Harris Teeter but they discontinued it. I was able to get it at Ingle's

    Becca - someone at water aerobics today talked about pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and how good they were. I have to look up a recipe for them. If you can't taste the pumpkin, maybe, just maybe I will be able to get it by Vince.

    Kim - I am so jealous. We are so far inland that lobsters and other fish are frozen and just don't have the same taste. Now I can't wait until we get to FL where we get good seafood

    Joyce - the hugeness of your heart never ceases to amaze me. Please let us know what your eye MD says

    pip - give yogi an extra biscuit for me for his birthday. Oh, with those eyes, give him two! After all, I KNOW that you starve him to death....lol

    traci - welcome back! I know that I absolutely need to log or else my "estimating" will get out of control

    Alison - safe travels

    drkatiebug - so proud of you for joining that gym. I look forward to hearing all about the class

    Linda - I don't know anything about this therapist that Bryan is seeing. To me the last note he wrote me was so incredulous, it didn't sound like him one bit. For starters he didn't even spell my name correctly! I would have thought that any therapist would want to talk to all the family members I just don't know. I have to wonder about any therapist who would encourage someone to sent a letter when they haven't even spoken to me. As the saying goes "there are three sides to every coin".

    Anne and Janine - welcome!

    Penny - welcome! Absolutely this thread will continue into the new year. Every month our fearless leader, barbie, starts a new thread

    Linda - we were just talking about going to see the new Star Wars movie, but we're thinking next week when the kids are back in school

    DJ - I really enjoyed the movie (especially seeing Matt Damon in the nude!)

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
    Drkatiebug - yeah! You will love the different equipment and classes at the gym. Great way to start the New Year!

    DJ - we took the doors off of the closet. His crate fits in there with room to have his water and food dishes on the end. We might put a gate on the closet and get rid of the crate except for travel.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Checking in. I know I have been absent for a while now. Too many excuses/ Not enough time. I am back here again though. Thank goodness for you ladies. I know I am behind on all the news and the next week or so will be just catching up where you all are.

    Hubby is healing well. Stitches are out. Brace is on. Physio is bending his fingers 5x for 5x daily. Not allowed to move the thumb yet. Sees surgeon on 14th.
    We had a great Christmas. All kids were home and my sister did a bangup job of hosting dinner. Lots of love and laughter shared. The littles were a hoot.
    Oldest son got bad news on his drive home today. His Mom's husband committed suicide. He is in that place of anger and sadness. Tomorrow he will fly from Vancouver to be with his Mom. I hope she is able to find some comfort and peace.

    Babysitting 2 of the grands tomorrow and then our Open House/Potluck and Games on Jan 1st.
    Hopefully this cursed cold that is afflicting both Larry and I will be gone by then.
    Jan. 2nd we sit again for the others so they can go to the musical.

    Reflecting on how blessed I am in my family.
    -Sharon in the cold of an Alberta winter.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Joyce - I hope your doctor can get to the bottom of your eye problems. At first I thought it sounded like floaters - those diffuse spots or "hairs" that move across your field of vision in the same direction as your eyes move. But it worries me that you can hardly see at all. That doesn't sound like floaters. On the other hand, you can't do anything about floaters. Hopefully the problem you have is cureable. Masses of (((((hugs))))). (Later: I see you got a mixed bag of news. Best wishes for the vitreous humor "transplant". And DO take care not to overdo your reading!)

    Barbie - Great to hear that your dancing class went well!

    I see we have another Penny! Welcome! I'll have to be even more diligent about always signing myself Penny at the North Pole so people can tell us apart. smiley-laughing018.gif

    Heather - Based on past form, I guess you'll soon start writing about your upcoming cruise and making everyone green with envy.wink.gif Could you remind me of your itinerary - more specifically the dates you're due in Tromsø and Longyearbyen? I'll need to start planning my summer soon and I'd hate to miss you. :flowerforyou:

    Lenora - Way to go on the total weight loss! smiley-gen013.gif

    Lisa and DJ - I'm sitting here with my laptop on my lap wink.gif Yes! It CAN be done! Have to admit, though, that it isn't every laptop that actually fits. I've got a little one now. (Laptop, I mean. My lap is a bit more spacious than it was when my midriff had a bigger bulge.)

    Much to prepare for this evening so I'll sign off. But I'll be back...
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Hidee Ho ladies,
    We have been in the road since 3:30 am,got 4 1/2 hrs sleep, lovely dinner with our renter,she is just a gem..will check in later :)
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited December 2015
    DJ – We did go through Hattiesburg yesterday on the way down. Well, around-it-ish.

    Joyce – glad you saw an eye doc, that was starting to freak me out. If you’re in need of laser surgery on the left, it may mean he found a retinal tear, as if it was just the posterior vitreous detachment, they’d simply allow it to change naturally without intervention, and the floaters would eventually go away (if the stuff I read was right). Hope they can get the fix done quickly so you can read and see again easily. Has to be frustrating.

    Michele in NC – No therapist I’ve ever been to would have said, “Write a letter to your mother and send it to her.” A lot would have said, “Write it out in a letter to your mother, and bring it in and let’s discuss it.” That said, my ultimatum for my ex-husband that he get therapy resulted in him telling me his therapist said, “Some men just don’t like sex,” and “Your wife shouldn’t be upset because you’re not interested in her.” So folks in therapy have a handy excuse for stupid crap they say—they can blame it on their therapist. Pretty sure my ex- never mentioned to the therapist that he had been sexually abused by a male teacher for nearly a year when he was a pre-teen. In 27 years of marriage, he never mentioned it to me until I was on the way to Texas leaving him—and his mother had to call and tell me. Therapists without enough info are also working with one hand tied behind their back.

    Biloxi was rainy when we got here, but supposed to be dry this morning, so we’re going to go for a walk on the beach… down to a place that has breakfast a mile or so away. Thinking about driving around the gulf a few hours, over into Florida. Pretty cool to be in three states in two hours after traveling more than eight just to get out of Texas. Trying to figure out how to stay out of the New Year’s crowds, haven’t quite got that sorted yet. The casinos were fun last night, but of course we didn’t win. Don’t really come expecting to win.

    That said, this place hammers on every one of my sins—haven’t had a cigarette for three years, and have been jonesing for one. At least until I get near a smoker and my whole head clogs up! Then I get over it pretty quick. Struggled with gambling in the past, but Texas is good for that, as the nearest casino is four hours away in New Mexico. Texas is one of the few states without significant native populations, so they haven’t been pushed too hard on the gambling thing. Still not legal in 99.9% of Texas.

    And, of course, the food thing is prevalent here. I’m just kind of trying to float through on that one without doing too much damage. Rori, I do not know how you lost weight AT ALL with traveling 70 days last year. Congratulations on that—and trying to take a leaf out of your book and remind myself that I’m lighter now (35 pounds when I left the house) than I was at the end of last year. All I have to do is be lighter at the end of 2016 than I was when I started the year. Doesn’t have to be lots…

    Off to the races, kids. Literally. Am going to put on my sweats and go walk/run on the beach near the hotel. The hubby won’t be up for another couple hours. Still tapping my finger on my lip trying to decide what my goals for the year will be... and chances are that's going to be the extent of it.... be lighter at the end of the year than I am when I go home. I'd like to lose another 35 pounds, but not going to stress myself out with that expectation. Stress just causes me to eat more!

    Love y'all - hope however you decide to celebrate, it's awesome. Or if you decide not to, that's OK, too... we will probably be in bed by 9 or 10.

    Lisa from West Texas (temporarily in Biloxi, Mississippi)

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Happy New Year's eve everyone. I am off to the city today with DMIL to get her new glasses. No plans for going out anywhere - we haven't done that for some time now. Kids are all gone to significant others parents. Usually watch the World Juniors, do a puzzle and go to bed. Not very exciting eh!!

    Joyce - Keep us posted about your eyes

    Sharon - good to see you back. Sad news for your son.

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • RebeccaSmith9
    RebeccaSmith9 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I am fairly new and looking forward to a new year and getting serious about exercise and weight loss I have struggled for tthe last year to change my eating habits and quit smoking after 25 years and so far so good so looking forward to chatting with everyone for fellwship and support Happy New Year!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    t09013.gif I am up early thanks to being in bed before 7:30 last night. The temperature is below freezing (-3C) and I have all the layers of clothing I need to be warm when I walk the dogs. It has been dry so the roads should be safe to walk on but I'll be careful and use my flashlight to watch for stray patches of ice. I'll encourage the dogs to walk in the grassy areas as much as possible.

    :) We traveled a lot for many years and now I'm so content to be home and not going anywhere. I enjoy hearing about all your travels and frequently am reminded about when we traveled in some of the same places but waking up in my own bed day after day brings me great joy.

    :) Be watching for the new thread to be posted about 6PM (PST)...if you haven't made any goals or resolutions for January, be thinking about them.

    <3 Barbie
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Happy New Year's Eve!

    Rori thanks for the kind thoughts.

    I did go to Como Conservatory to see the poinsettia show. Gorgeous as always. Hope to post a picture later.

    :heart: Margaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2015
    I will probably ring in the new year alone. I never go to bed before midnight. Jack may stay up with me, sometimes he does. There will be some celebrating early. However, I have never enjoyed alcohol so I'll be drinking Crystal Light. We did buy an expensive bottle of sherry when we were in Branson in the Fall because I wanted to taste it, so I'll take a sip to see how it is.

    At Barbie' s suggestion, I will ponder my goals for the fastly approaching New Year

    Love and best wishes for a successful New Year to all my dear friends. I am so thankful for you all.

    Janetr okc temporarily in the "big country" of west Texas
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,766 Member
    Rori... Your slow weight loss pace is much better than what I allowed to happen ... Yo-yoed around and ended up with a 15 pound gain this year.

    Sharon ... Hello there! Sorry to hear your son's sad news. I recently heard a speaker say that more suicides occur during the holidays than any other time if the year. Sad.

    Joyce ... I've been thinking about you. Take it easy until you get those eyes taken care of.

    DJ ... Sadly, a whole box of anything is possible with a binge eater. However, in the case of the candy, my husband did most of the damage over several hours. But see above note to Rori... I didn't gain by abstaining!!

    I am so ready for the new year! We don't have plans this evening either. Haven't for years. We're pretty much homebodies and like it that way.

    Ok ... The coloring book I got ... Stress reducer? It's going to make me go blind! I think I'm going to look for something simpler!g7pfhz8dmif0.jpg

    Beth near Buffalo where we're expecting lake effect snow
  • Artemis2121
    Artemis2121 Posts: 42 Member

    Happy New Year's Eve wishes to everyone; Health, happines, prosperity and good strategies for healthy eating around holiday foods!
    NJ Linda
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
    Happy New Year's Eve! We are hoping to go to our favorite restaurant for supper then spend the rest of the evening at home.

    At our Christmas celebration last night DDnL's 8 month old 22lb Bishon mix, dog constantly wanted to attack Shep he was growling and nipping at him and Shep was doing his cute submissive bow and acting playful. Boomer was very aggressive and wanted to hump and get him down on the ground. Finally it seemed like he was calmer. We just finished opening presents I was on the floor and Shep was next to me. Boomer was with DDnL on my left. Suddenly he leaps onto Shep and grabs him by the neck with his teeth shaking his head. My DSNL had to jump up and open his mouth to get Shep's scruff of his neck out. Boomer was snarling and chomping with his teeth still trying to attack. Shep was crying and hid between me and DH's legs. Luckily there was no blood only a scared little puppy. So far this is the second dog that he has met that acted aggressive. I can't understand it. He's only 7 weeks old and does the submissive bow and acts playful without touching them but all they want to do is hurt him. I'm afraid to bring him around other dogs. I don't know what to do about the DGK's because they usually bring their puppy here when they stay with us.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Happy New Year's Eve. No one in my household has figured out what they are doing yet, so we'll be doing something spur of the moment (or nothing at all).
    We had a problem with CO in our house yesterday morning at 3 am. Fire dept and police were here and we had to evacuate (we had 3 family members visiting also, so 7 total in the house). Fire dept shut down the furnace, but tests yesterday showed the furnace was ok. Wood stove was itself is ok. Not sure what happened but there was definitely CO in the house noted by multiple readings. We think it may have been the ash bucket from the wood stove. We bought additional detectors with level displays on them (we now have 7 CO detectors in the house...not taking any chances!). Everything was ok last night and this morning. I was up several times checking the detectors. Pretty darn scary, though. Please be sure you have CO detectors and they are all functioning. A couple died in the next town over from CO poisoning last week.

    Note to Pip Your comment about needing to unclip going up a hill made my stomach flip over. Been there. However, it's good motivation to not give up too easily.

    I have dog envy too, Syliva. All these pictures of dogs are really gnawing at me. My husband says no more dogs. And he's probably right on that. But I miss having a pooch. Although, if I take a moment to think back, the past couple of years of our dog's life were horrible. I'll spare you the details!

    Will check back in later.

    Kimses in MA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Happy New Year's Eve! We are hoping to go to our favorite restaurant for supper then spend the rest of the evening at home.

    At our Christmas celebration last night DDnL's 8 month old 22lb Bishon mix, dog constantly wanted to attack Shep he was growling and nipping at him and Shep was doing his cute submissive bow and acting playful. Boomer was very aggressive and wanted to hump and get him down on the ground. Finally it seemed like he was calmer. We just finished opening presents I was on the floor and Shep was next to me. Boomer was with DDnL on my left. Suddenly he leaps onto Shep and grabs him by the neck with his teeth shaking his head. My DSNL had to jump up and open his mouth to get Shep's scruff of his neck out. Boomer was snarling and chomping with his teeth still trying to attack. Shep was crying and hid between me and DH's legs. Luckily there was no blood only a scared little puppy. So far this is the second dog that he has met that acted aggressive. I can't understand it. He's only 7 weeks old and does the submissive bow and acts playful without touching them but all they want to do is hurt him. I'm afraid to bring him around other dogs. I don't know what to do about the DGK's because they usually bring their puppy here when they stay with us.


    Mary from Minnesota

    that's part of the ritual, he has to learn about other dogs, you taking him away from other dogs won't help him but hinder his growth. obviously if a dog is beating the crap out of him you intervene but some dogs are just not in the mood to play so they tell him by biting him or nipping at him. that happened with all my dogs. yogi learned with Floyd, when Floyd wasn't in the mood, he would make him yelp so he would stop cuz he wouldn't. now he has learned his boundaries with him. you will learn the cues. oh and humping is a sign of showing dominance. DON'T ever let your dog hump you or a kid, a kid and you are the alpha, he has to learn that. I always let Bullwinkle (the oldest girl) hump Floyd or Yogi, I let Floyd hump Yogi but won't let him hump Bullwinkle cuz she's the oldest. I also feed them in order of age so therefore, yogi always gets his meal last.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hallo everyone!
    Joyce - glad you are getting prompt treatment. <3

    Rori - the 5 pounds is great. :flowerforyou:

    Beth - I'm going to administer a DJ kick up the #×+÷%. You have so much to deal with in your life so I do understand, but I know one of your resolutions was to start caring about YOU. <3

    Lisa - I'm so glad you have dropped all the demands you were making on yourself last year. :love: I'm sure that slowly, but surely, loving yourself slimmer is the way to go. B)

    Welcome new ladies! I have been on here over 3 years and at maintenance for 2 years now. I lost 57 lbs. I am 66, so don't believe any nonsense about it being harder as you get older. Others on here are older than me and lost more. <3

    My new Dyson cordless arrived today so I have been playing with it and the cleaner is delighted. :D It is a lovely royal blue colour.
    I did open up my memoir on Word this morning and wrote a couple of sentences. :drinker: That is only because I promised you girls I would. o:) Thank you for being there. I was thrown a bit because Word had locked it, but I had it on a memory stick and was able to copy that over and it unlocked. It's done that before, for no reason. ;):/
    This afternoon we ventured down to our local shopping centre. BIG MISTAKE. :sad: We turned around when we saw the hideous queues and went back up to the village. Just caught the butcher as he was shutting the door. The fillet steaks he cut are huge! We're going to have blinis with lump fish roe early in the evening and have a lateish dinner. Flat mushrooms and broccoli to go with it and we are going to open one of our "posh" bottles of red wine that was our Christmas present to each other. I have done all my exercises this morning. Thank goodness.

    Love to all. My only resolution for 2016 is to finish writing my memoir. And lose my pesky pound - again. :ohwell:

    Penny - I will look at the schedule as soon as I can. :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • mjohemme
    mjohemme Posts: 356 Member
    We're not doing anything for New Year's Eve, but I am going to see The Hateful 8 (new Tarantino movie) with a group of friends tomorrow and am super excited about that!