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Over 200 New Year New Me Part 49



  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for Monday:

    Calories: 58 under
    Exercise: Circuit training with PT + 5 minutes elliptical
    Water: 8 glasses
    Proud: I walked a 5k at my camper and then (somewhat reluctantly) jumped in the lake with my daughter to cool off/clean up. VERY COLD, but fun for the 2 of us.

    Purpleprose - Like your goals.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hello girls

    Julie - soo close..you are right where i was 8 years ago (yeah i can't believe that) , it will be time soon.

    Jess - YAY Mavricks, i am not a basketball fan but got to be excited about it :smile:

    Well today is my re-start yeah i have been doing that way to often, hopefully that will be the last time.

    Today i went to the dr cause my throat and ears were hurting apperently it is stress she says, tmj probably from grinding my teeth and stress...i felt like crap and caused it myself. I have to figure out to not stress out all the time, last week i was on call and crap with the in laws. So i guess good news i don't have anything really wrong with me.

    My poor baby girl, okay not baby but she she had a morning full of dental work, she did a lot better than i though.

    So needless to say i didn't make it to the gym...but i did stick to my calories so i will take that as a win.

    Check in -
    Calories - 82 over
    water - 4 cups
    exercise - none
    proud - even though i felt like crap i didn't cave in and overeat.
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Deb - you can do it! What got me back on track after my break was to focus just one day at a time instead of looking at the big picture because it was too overwhelming to think about the entire goal. Just get through one day at a time until you've gotten through a week and it becomes manageable and habit again. :heart:

    Today's check in:
    Calories: 235 under
    Water: 64 ounces
    Sodium: 433 under
    Exercise: 1 hour of personal training
    Proud: I went to personal training despite a hectic day of work and a migraine in the AM. And I persevered even though I almost totally puked all over that poor kid.

    Since Lauren hasn't checked in today, here's the current checklist for the weekend.

    Friday Check-In Roll Call:
    Lauren -
    Momma - Check!
    Deb -
    Jess -
    Pos -
    Mstahl - Check!
    tstout -
    lstpaul - Check!
    Heather -
    ladeb - Check!
    purple - Check!

    Saturday Check-In Roll Call:
    Lauren -
    Momma - Check!
    Deb -
    Jess -
    Pos - Check!
    Mstahl - Check!
    tstout -
    lstpaul - Check!
    Heather -
    ladeb - Check!
    purple - Check!

    Sunday Check-In Roll Call:
    Lauren -
    Momma - Check!
    Deb -
    Jess -
    Pos - Check!
    Mstahl - Check!
    tstout -
    lstpaul - Check!
    Heather -
    ladeb - Check!
    purple - Check!

    If I missed anyone, sorry. Getting tired and going cross-eyed. :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Laila -- Thanks. :smile: I'm not at all ready and very ready at the same time if that makes any sense. I've been having crazy braxton-hicks contractions for about a week now. I've been having them daily since about 27 weeks but now there are times when I have 7-8 in an hour which starts to get really uncomfortable for me. They slow way down when I take it easy and get much worse when I've overdone it physically.

    I'm starting to hope she comes a couple weeks before her "due date" because I'm beginning to get fed up with being uncomfortable. I don't expect she will, though. She'll come out when she's good and ready. :smile:

    I understand what ur saying about sorta being ready. Believe me when the time comes u have to be ready. With my younger son I was getting Braxton kick around the sane time and I was put on bed rest because , first, I was overdoing it and , second, I was know to deliver early. My midwife kept telling me hold on until u hit 36 weeks...it was hard to not do anything, but I did try to hold off to 36 weeks. I was 1 day away and I went into labor, had my baby 4 weeks early.
    I think the reason I went into labor was I had to clean home and I also cooked dinner :-/

    So when it's ready ur baby girl will let u know
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Allison I did check in Friday. I think it was Friday afternoon :)

    You've done an amazing job so far and I know you will reach ur goal for ur trip :)
    Deb - you can do it! What got me back on track after my break was to focus just one day at a time instead of looking at the big picture because it was too overwhelming to think about the entire goal. Just get through one day at a time until you've gotten through a week and it becomes manageable and habit again. :heart:

    Today's check in:
    Calories: 235 under
    Water: 64 ounces
    Sodium: 433 under
    Exercise: 1 hour of personal training
    Proud: I went to personal training despite a hectic day of work and a migraine in the AM. And I persevered even though I almost totally puked all over that poor kid.

    Since Lauren hasn't checked in today, here's the current checklist for the weekend.

    Friday Check-In Roll Call:
    Lauren -
    Momma - Check!
    Deb -
    Jess -
    Pos -
    Mstahl - Check!
    tstout -
    lstpaul - Check!
    Heather -
    ladeb - Check!
    purple - Check!

    Saturday Check-In Roll Call:
    Lauren -
    Momma - Check!
    Deb -
    Jess -
    Pos - Check!
    Mstahl - Check!
    tstout -
    lstpaul - Check!
    Heather -
    ladeb - Check!
    purple - Check!

    Sunday Check-In Roll Call:
    Lauren -
    Momma - Check!
    Deb -
    Jess -
    Pos - Check!
    Mstahl - Check!
    tstout -
    lstpaul - Check!
    Heather -
    ladeb - Check!
    purple - Check!

    If I missed anyone, sorry. Getting tired and going cross-eyed. :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Check in 6/13
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 3 hours of outdoor tennis with my family
    Water: not enough
    Proud: after the tennis game, I was a little hungry so I had watermelon and not a meal
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Holy crap, Mondays are insane!!! Still trying to keep my head above water.... so much going on all at once. ::sigh::

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under!
    Water: Better, but not great
    Exercise: Day one of C25K (well.. I ran the warm up instead of walked lol)
    Proud: Got on the scale yesterday morning and saw 209!!!!! WOO!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    OH!!! And to Jessica:


    Being from Northeast Ohio, I was rooting for Dallas, too! :)
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Lilspy: With my first baby I was very ready and very not ready at all the same time. When my doc decided to have me induced and I had to go home, get my stuff and go back to the hospital that night - I went home and cried ... did not think I was ready. But it was all fine, and the best thing ever to have my kids! Don't make the same mistake I did with my first and overthink everything ... I was worried all the time. I was much better with my 2nd and enjoyed every minute because you realize how fast it all goes. I'm excited for you!
    RedneckWmn: Congrats! it always amazes me how long the basketball season goes on and on, especially when my team isn't even close to making the playoffs (T-wolves) ... When I saw that Dallas won - I didn't even realized that the championship game wasn't over a long time ago! Someday the T-Wolves will get better again. :cry:

    checking in for yesteday:
    calories: good
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: not so good
    proud: made mostly good food choices

    I'm a little mad. I worked my BUTT off exercising this weekend ... but I'm up 2 pounds. I did eat a lot too, and maybe I'm retaining water. Still irritating. :noway:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Checking in for Monday.

    Calories: Right on
    Exercise: Yes almost 2 hours of walking around town
    water: I think I did good not really keeping track just drinking it. I know I was at the very least 64 ounces if not more

    Proud: This one gets hard to do on a daily basis... I am proud of the 2 pounds I lost this week(I am weighing in on Mondays now)

    Julie, I think I told you that Ryan was due on July 16th and I went into labor July 10 and had him on the 11th. Just relax, what I think of about my first is when I saw her for the first time it was like I had seen her before even though it was the first time. Instantaneous love. Just knew she was mine (I guess them pulling her out of me gave it away:laugh: ) But seriously It was just that recognition of a little person I have never seen before. :love: :love: :love: All the work it took is a blur you just do it and it all works out. I actually just told my husband that I am amazed that we almost have one raised and she turned out pretty good when it was he and I doing the raising:laugh: :laugh:
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    I think it is time for me to banish the scale to twice a week again.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for Monday!

    Calories- over by about 50
    Water - good
    Exercise- none
    Proud - I got home at 6 pm and went straight to bed, then woke up at 11PM and fed the dogs, fed the cats, found my cell phone (out in my car) and went back to bed without eating anything significant. Bad news was I had popcorn for dinner - good news was it was only a couple of hundred calories.

    Today we had a going away party for an executive. They served cookies and cake and strawberries. I ate all of it. gah! On the up side I split my lunch salad at Panera's in two and put half of it in a to-go box before I started. I'm proud of that!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for Tuesday:

    Calories: 13 under
    Water: on track
    Exercise: 35 minutes elliptical
    Proud: I went and purchased a mat & stretchy bands for my weekends up north.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    check in tuesday -
    cals - under by 100
    water - 4 cups
    exercise - 50 min - 424 cals
    Proud - so far so good on being on track.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Check in

    Calories: I am pretty sure I did good. I am trying to do this week on my own. I am not keeping track on mfp. In a month I am leaving for camp and I will not have mfp and I want to see if I have the ability to do it on my own. So I can do some tweaking before I go.. I am about 80% sure I am right on today. We will see next Monday.

    Exercise: Does playing and chasing my kids all over the yard with the hose count? If it doesn't it should I was getting out of breath and we played for at least an hour.. We were having so much fun even one of my teenagers broke the forbidden teenage rule by playing with us...:laugh:

    Water: I have another glass to drink and I will be there

    Proud that I think I did really well today on my own. Also proud that I kept pretty busy today!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for Tuesday:
    calories: over by 500+ ... not happy about that
    exercise: none ... was only planning to mow for exercise but it rained
    water: not so good
    proud: hmmm, went to my nutrition class

    Last night's nutrition class was about habits holding us back from losing weight:
    not enough sleep - causes carb cravings
    too many carbs causing blood sugar highs and then lows - which in turn cause cravings for more carbs/sugar
    artificial sweeteners
    alcohol too often
    I'm doing well on all of those most days.

    I'm going to struggle with the 'not enough sleep' issue today. My 10-yr old was up from 1:00am-3:30am (and consequently so was I) - with a stuffed up nose and couldn't fall back asleep, and was crying because he couldn't fall asleep so that made him more stuffy and more upset and so on, and so on... was a long night (or too short of a night).
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories - under!
    Water - minimal :(
    Exercise - walk with Gunner
    Proud - I REALLY wanted ice cream last night, but had celery and peanut butter instead! :)

    Parents are visiting tomorrow through Sunday! Here's hoping I can stick to the eating plan!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Work's been insane - I just want to curl up in a ball and go to sleep!

    Yesterday's check-in:

    Calories: 154 under
    Water: 72+ ounces
    Sodium: 843 under
    Exercise: 20 minutes running at my fastest pace ever!!!
    Proud: I was feeling binge-y after supper and managed to keep it to just some cookies by calling my parents and a friend to keep me otherwise occupied.

    WHERE IS EVERYONE? I feel like things were active and then I came back and killed the thread!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies!!!

    I was very busy today... Kids are somewhat home ( 1/2 day for most of my kids)

    Check in 6/14
    Calories: OVER!!!! Not sure by how much but I know my hand slipped into the pretzel bag too often :(
    Water: not enough
    Exercise: nada :((

    Proud: I will not give up even on someday it's so difficult to stay on track!!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi ya girls, I am exhausted today... Mowed front lawn and back then I decided I would give my cocker spaniel a hair cut and bath.. It took me 2 hours.. I am now preparing dinner making soup with salad.. Making a light soup... So I am going to check in for today.

    Calories: Like I said yesterday I will not know this week
    exercise: I am counting mowing all of the lawns exhausted

    water: about 120 ounces:noway: I am thirsty today

    Proud: Hmmm let me see I am proud that I am still here and keeping busy everyday instead of sitting around eating which would be easy to do with all of my kids home.