Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • TeresaGoal145lbs
    TeresaGoal145lbs Posts: 57 Member
    edited January 2016
    Log all my food and love myself fully
    Do 50 minute exercise video
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    J4T (Saturday) I will:
    • Take the time to log every bite
    • Try harder to make healthy food choices
    • Drink 85 oz of water
    • Not give up. Be kinder in my self talk.

    Have a great Saturday!
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    JFT, 10/08

    1. Stay within calorie limits :)
    2. Walk the dogs :)
    3. Strength workout: Lean Circuit 3 :)
    4. >10k steps :/ Nope.
    5. No alcohol :)

    Late today!

    JFT, 10/09

    1. Stay within calorie limits

    I think that's all I can do today.
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    applause @bri170lb ! I actually got "goose bumps" reading your inspiring post!
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    68myra wrote: »
    Just for Today,
    1. PT
    2. YOGA class
    3. log every bite
    4. SMILE and be grateful
    5. plan healthy dinner
    6. de-clutter something, even if i have to do it in the evening.
    i accomplished 1-4 yesterday, so TODAY i'm working on 5&6!
  • jet0505
    jet0505 Posts: 69 Member
    1. No sugar!
    2. Stay motivated to finish cleaning out and storing Christmas decorations
    3. Rest and stretch foot
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    68myra wrote: »
    applause @bri170lb ! I actually got "goose bumps" reading your inspiring post!

    Awe! Thank you! That made my cry!

    And thank you so much to everyone else who has made such nice comments. I really do hope that we all can be successful as we reach for our own individual stars. If my experiences can help someone else, I am honored to be able to help.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited January 2016

    1. 12,000 steps :neutral:
    2. dance :smiley:
    3. under 100G carbs :)

    Stupid band didn't get started until WAY after midnight and the DJ was very hit-or-miss...so most of my steps happened after the clock struck 12...oh well.

    1. Swim a mile
    2. 10,000 steps
    3. under 100G carbs
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    1. 12,000 steps :neutral:
    2. dance :smiley:
    3. under 100G carbs :)

    Stupid band didn't get started until WAY after midnight and the DJ was very hit-or-miss...so most of my steps happened after the clock struck 12...oh well.

    1. Swim a mile
    2. 10,000 steps
    3. under 100G carbs[/quote]

    I'm certainly willing to look the other way and pretend that you had a couple of extra hours yesterday. I'm sure everyone else here feels the same...so.....Woo Hoo for meeting those goals yesterday!!!! :smiley::wink:

  • sweetnsouthernsass
    sweetnsouthernsass Posts: 58 Member
    I think I'm going to like this thread!
    Yesterday, I reached my fitibit goal of 8k
    8k...almost there
    No processed foods...almost there
    Drink up, 8x8oz...there!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    edited January 2016
    bri170lb wrote: »
    My husband asked me last night if when I set my "100 pounds in 1 year goal" I really thought I could do it and if I really thought I could stick to it for the entire year.

    I thought my answer to that might help some of you...

    I didn't lose weight for 20 years because I know how difficult and painful it is, both physically and mentally. I was not willing during that time to try again and fail. When I made my commitment a year ago, I was committing to losing weight knowing full well what I was getting into and that I would give it my very best effort for 1 full year.

    I also knew that I wouldn't be perfect and that I would have to extend myself a healthy dose of grace on a regular basis and that I might not actually get to the number goal.

    2 things are different this time from every other time. These things have really changed my persective over the past year.

    1. The help, knowledge, and support I received from MFP and the people here has changed my life forever. 20 years ago it was much more difficult or even impossible to count calories, track exercise, learn about fitness and exercise and to get daily support.
    MFP is truly a miracle of modern technology and I am blessed to have found it!

    2. I NEVER DREAMED in 52 years that I would be a physically active, health concious person. I learned about this from MFP and DARED to put it into practice in my own life.
    Seeing the successes of people with problems, limitations, and backgrounds similar to mine has inspired me to take steps that I never thought I could.

    I know today that I will reach my goal, my goal may not be the number or date that I set for myself, but if it changes that's ok.

    My actual goal for the next 6 months and beyond is to continue to learn what I need to know to maintain my new healthy lifesyle and my new healthy weight. I also intend to use my newly found confidence and energy to continue God's work in my life, whatever exciting adventures He has planned for my future!

    Commit to yourself, Just For Today, and then have the courage to follow through and your dreams can come true. I know it for a fact!

    I wanted to pull your post up again @bri170lb for all of us to read again, incase new people had missed it. And I wanted to THANK you - for keeping this post alive and going. There are several of you guys that have been with me since the time I first started this thread a year ago. You guys have been my inspiration is so many ways.
    But I have failed. At the time I started the thread, I was less than 20 lbs from my goal weight. Now, I am 40 lbs from my goal weight. @bri170lb , what you said in the above post is so true. We have to have the courage to follow through with our dreams.

    As I had a day today that was a total failure - ice cream, popcorn, marshmallows, anything I could find, I feel like such a failure. I started this thread to help myself break these habits, and while I did for awhile, over the holidays the old habits came back.
    But tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow I will try again, and like Bri said, have the courage to keep trying. Because we are so worth it.

    Thank you all so much who have come back to this thread each day - kept it going-- posted your goals and your encouraging words to each other. I hope next year at this time, we can all be celebrating, as Bri is today!!

    Congratulations Bri, and all the others on here that have met the goals they set out for. We can all get there.

    Lets all make this the best year ever!!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    edited January 2016
    JFT Fri 8 Jan
    1. Prelog/follow through/90+ minutes exercise/8500+ steps/8 cups liquid. :)I built this routine up day by day by posting here.
    2. Write 3 pages. January goal: write 3 pages every morning. :)
    3. Work 15 minutes on my anthology. :)I wrote the foreword and bio for my anthology today.
    4. Prep for Parchment Craft this afternoon. :)we had a good turnout and an excellent afternoon of chat and crafting.
    5. De-clutter kitchen. :)The kitchen was sparkling when I finished.

    JFT Sat 9 Jan
    1. Prelog/follow through/90+ minutes exercise/8500+ steps/8 cups liquid.
    2. Write 3 pages. January goal: write 3 pages every morning.
    3. Work 15 minutes on my anthology.
    4. Local shopping for provisions.
    5. Go,out with my younger daughter for some quality time. We may meet up with my elder daughter later.
    6. Resist being my own worst critic.

    Terri - you are also my inspiration! You also have been so dedicated to keeping this post alive. I am so very proud of all you guys - and congrats on 90+ minutes of exercise!!

    And I love your quote - resist being my own worst critic
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,238 Member
    ...Commit to yourself, Just For Today, and then have the courage to follow through and your dreams can come true. I know it for a fact!

    JFT Sat 9 Jan
    1. Prelog/follow through/90+ minutes exercise/8500+ steps/8 cups liquid. :)
    2. Write 3 pages. January goal: write 3 pages every morning. :)I am now using this to plan goals for each day. It is turning into a journal. lol!
    3. Work 15 minutes on my anthology. :)
    4. Local shopping for provisions. :)
    5. Go,out with my younger daughter for some quality time. We may meet up with my elder daughter later. :/The weather curtailed our outing somewhat!
    6. Resist being my own worst critic. :)Each one of us is a "Miracle in Progress".

    JFT Sat 9 Jan
    1. Prelog/follow through/90+ minutes exercise/8500+ steps/8 cups liquid.
    2. Write 3 pages. January goal: write 3 pages every morning.
    3. Work 15 minutes on my anthology.
    4. Visit my elder daughter after lunch.
    5. New goal. De-clutter 15+ minutes each day. I already started this late last night. My kitchen work tops and sink were gleaming this morning.

    @joan6630 I am just paying it forward for all the encouragement that you and others gave me when I started posting my JFT Goals six months ago. I started with one goal: to stay within my daily calories. Now I have a new lifestyle which is dedicated to creating a fit a healthy body and mind.

    :star: You all Rock! :star:
  • Hipchick0805
    Hipchick0805 Posts: 40 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    A busy day ahead....
    Already pre packed water & fruit for snack.
    Drink 9 cups of water-accomplished this yesterday!
    Clean house & iron
    Dinner out with some friends (a rare event) I'll check restaurant site to pretrack my meal.
    Walk dog in evening!
    Aiming for 1 lb a week.

    Sounds like a great plan and day ahead of you. Enjoy!
  • Hipchick0805
    Hipchick0805 Posts: 40 Member
    JFT I will stick to my calories, exercise and prep food for the week.
  • massaoli
    massaoli Posts: 170 Member

    Walk 7,500 steps
    Make pancakes for breakfast
    Go to the appt at Marylous
    Check items needed for fam get together
    Log intake
    Dicide not to yell at my teen daughter even when she pushes my last button.
    Be thankful for my slow but consistent progress.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member

    JFT Saturday 1/9/16
    1) Fix chain in bike + short ride
    2) Shower
    3) Figure out soft food I can eat

    JFT Sunday 1/10/16
    1) Zumba Jam this afternoon
    2) Skype first coaching session with new client
    3) Aim to eat enough

  • massaoli
    massaoli Posts: 170 Member
    Over ate Yesterday. Need to work on emotional eating. Fam get together turned out just having my nephew, wife and son. I was very happy to have them over, yet kind of disappointed that the others could not make it. Lesson learned: confirm who's coming before getting ready. Lesson two : don't Over eat.
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    Did well yesterday, took healthy snacks with me. Avoided the wine at the memorials.

    Water, water, water
    Stick with the plan
  • jet0505
    jet0505 Posts: 69 Member
    1. No sugar
    2. Enjoy time with family - resist busyness