Most annoying "advice" anyone has given you?



  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Any advice at all. Everyone offers advice when I mention losing weight. Advice to do something different than I am doing. But wait . . . I have been steadily losing for 5 months - why do I need advice?
  • JimKeegan555
    JimKeegan555 Posts: 29 Member
    clobern80 wrote: »
    To eat breakfast because it will boost my metabolism. What? No. I hate breakfast. I despise breakfast. I don't want to eat breakfast. Not only that, there has been no research to show it does anything to your metabolism. So leave my breakfastlessness alone!

    You and me both brother!
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    The most annoying advice I've received in more than one occasion and from different people... Don't lose too much weight and gain too much muscle because girls don't like that.

    Oh, excuse me, I forgot to mention I'm doing this for myself not for you, or anyone else. If a girl doesn't like it, I could care less. I know plenty of other girls who loves big muscles.

    Big muscles are sexy ;-)
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    The blood type diet, kid you not.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    BioQueen wrote: »
    The blood type diet, kid you not.

    What happens if you have the wrong blood type? Or...wait...they seriously develop a diet for you based on your blood type???
  • The_WoIverine
    The_WoIverine Posts: 367 Member
    Big muscles are sexy ;-)

    Thank you ;) very appreciated!
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    brittyn3 wrote: »
    It's funny how everyone becomes an expert to your health.. haha

    But a few of my top pieces I despise hearing:

    1. you have to eat breakfast, if you don't you'll mess up your metabolism for the day and store more fat
    2. Starvation mode - Eating only lunch and dinner means your body goes into starvation mode
    3. heavy lifting will make you bulky
    4. eating after a certain time makes your body store more fat

    I've probably heard them all! I got into a verbal argument with a "certified" personal trainer that was arguing I'd be bulky with heavy lifting.. riightttt, I must hide the bulk well. This isn't really advice I've received, but someone actually said to me that I'm doing a really good job at keeping the weight off. Like what makes you think it's appropriate to comment on my weight?

    People. Are. Insane.
    Just heard 1 co-worker commenting to another that starvation mode happens if you don't eat 5-6 small meals per day. I shook my head and walked away.

  • Panda_brat
    Panda_brat Posts: 291 Member
    edited January 2016
    I am surprised i missed this one in one form or another, but i was told that sugar should be outlawed. This by a child psychologist. So the guy is treating teenagers with eating disorders.

    I once offered someone a cookie and was asked if i was trying to make her fat.

    That by drinking alcohol, it undoes all the gains I have made.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Surprised nobody has mentioned how bad gluten is for you yet...
  • jennibear22
    jennibear22 Posts: 95 Member
    To take raspberry ketones - ugh if they worked NHS would give them away for free.
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    Nage3000 wrote: »
    Most annoying advice:
    It won't matter how much weight you lose if you stay ugly on the inside. People see that eventually too. Maybe you should try some carbs, you seem grumpy.

    I spend countless hours giving free advice on an individual basis... in real life. I genuinely like to help people. But I'm not a hand holder, I'm not a feel gooder, I won't rub your back after every set and tell you the iron is just being mean to you.

    I'm not going to baby people that have been babied their entire lives. Grow up.

    If you want my support, earn it through action, earn it through a mindset of success, and if you need help for it, ask. But thinking you can subtly insult me and not have a reaction.... well that's just annoying.

    Says the guy who calls people on a forum trying to lose weight and doesn't agree with YOUR path "fat"... yeah, you're a real humanitarian.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Most annoying advice - for a while I bought into the low-carb-is-the-one-true-way approach. I got better.
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    edited January 2016
    rankinsect wrote: »
    Most annoying advice - for a while I bought into the low-carb-is-the-one-true-way approach. I got better.

    See, now THAT'S class.
    Take mango pills.

    Why...would you do that to a perfectly good mango. :(
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    BioQueen wrote: »
    The blood type diet, kid you not.

    What happens if you have the wrong blood type? Or...wait...they seriously develop a diet for you based on your blood type???

    Yeah, I guess certain things are "better" or "worse" depending on your blood type. I guess pork is bad for ALL blood types :neutral:
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Take mango pills.
    On that note, garcinia cambogia. I actually believed that and bought four bottles. :disappointed:

  • schindml09
    schindml09 Posts: 21 Member
    The most annoying advice I have ever heard is that eating at night makes you gain weight. I do not believe this at all. I eat around 8:30 pm because of my schedule and am leaner now than when I used to eat earlier in the evening!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I hate when people try to guilt-trip me into eating only organic food, especially when they are not educated in the facts.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    In my case, the most annoying was also the dumbest. When I said I don't eat a lot of sweet treats, sugary treats, treats with added sugar, I was told that sugar was sugar (sure, okay). When I said my body and brain don't respond to an apple and a twinkie the same, despite similar calorie content (because, perhaps, because of fiber), I was told to eat a spoonful of metamucil with the twinkie.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited January 2016
    I have been on MFP for years. Succeeded in 2012-2014 (5'9" was 145 pounds) and then I got pregnant and let myself go, so here I am again (185 pounds, 9 months post-partum). Anyways, I have a guy friend who is in good shape and tells me "you know it's just as easy losing weight as it is putting it on." No, I'm sorry - that isn't the case for me. It's way easier for me to get fast food for lunch than to plan my meals ahead of time and weigh my food. I told him I've been under my calorie goals too which I was proud of myself for and he said "if you want to eat something, just eat it." Which is true in a sense, but it's still hard trying to ignore all my old favorites. I just feel like he doesn't understand. Ok, I'm done ranting :smile:

    The guys I usually hear spouting things like that also get to eat 2-3 times more calories than I do (because of both their size and activity levels... and probably also what they do for a job - active job vs my desk job). So of course it's easy, when a 500 calorie cut per day means the loss of one burger of many instead of the equivalent of one of my 3 meals a day.