Most annoying "advice" anyone has given you?



  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    In my case, the most annoying was also the dumbest. When I said I don't eat a lot of sweet treats, sugary treats, treats with added sugar, I was told that sugar was sugar (sure, okay). When I said my body and brain don't respond to an apple and a twinkie the same, despite similar calorie content (because, perhaps, because of fiber), I was told to eat a spoonful of metamucil with the twinkie.

    This reminds me of when WW in the USA tweaked the ProPoints calculation to reflect net carbs, with the result that the more fiber a food had, the lower the ProPoints. People were adding stupid amounts of Metamucil and Benefibre to their day, because they thought it would reduce their ProPoints intake for the day.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    In my case, the most annoying was also the dumbest. When I said I don't eat a lot of sweet treats, sugary treats, treats with added sugar, I was told that sugar was sugar (sure, okay). When I said my body and brain don't respond to an apple and a twinkie the same, despite similar calorie content (because, perhaps, because of fiber), I was told to eat a spoonful of metamucil with the twinkie.

    This reminds me of when WW in the USA tweaked the ProPoints calculation to reflect net carbs, with the result that the more fiber a food had, the lower the ProPoints. People were adding stupid amounts of Metamucil and Benefibre to their day, because they thought it would reduce their ProPoints intake for the day.

    Wow, that's pretty twisted too. Mine was on here.
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    Gotta go with the detox/cleanse advice. Most recently from my stepmother who is almost 100 lbs overweight and has two knee replacements because of it. Kinda funny because I hit my goal in 2009 after losing around 70lbs and 6 1/2 years later I'm still within 5lbs.
  • JesusMartinez46
    JesusMartinez46 Posts: 12 Member
    It's fantastic that you have met your goal weight. I hope to meet mine some day too. Have a very long way to go though.
    Take care
  • ween2414
    ween2414 Posts: 17 Member
    edited January 2016
    All the detoxes and the WRAPS. Oh, the wraps. So annoying.

    It's annoying when I get people who tell me not to lose more weight because I'm not overweight anymore, even though I'm 5'6" and 180. Thanks for the advice, but I'd like to be at a healthy weight....
  • ween2414
    ween2414 Posts: 17 Member

    I 100% agree. I'm at the same status. I'm 5'6" 185 and have about 30 more lbs to loose. Suddenly every one is telling me I've lost enough. I started at 260lbs so yes i have lost alot of weight but I want to be healthy not skinny. I want to get off my blood pressure medications and I'm not there yet. My goal is healthy . . .

  • ween2414
    ween2414 Posts: 17 Member
    I am tired of people randomly asking me to join this fitness challege or that diet group. I started this by myself (with the support of my husband) and for myself. I didn't need a coach at the start and I never wanted a challenge group. So let me be or I will have to out right start erasing people on social media. I have purposely avoided posting pictures of my weight loss, because I am not doing this for the praise, and for that matter I don't want all the advice.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,064 Member
    This discussion has been actually very helpful to me. I too don't like breakfast, would rather just have coffee. I need to keep count of calories and foods I eat helps, I don't want "treats" I want to be healthy and not over weight, and the detox advice..... What I wish people would say: I know it is hard work but you are eating healthy and getting healthier. Thats my goal...not size 0 jeans.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    bisky wrote: »
    This discussion has been actually very helpful to me. I too don't like breakfast, would rather just have coffee. I need to keep count of calories and foods I eat helps, I don't want "treats" I want to be healthy and not over weight, and the detox advice..... What I wish people would say: I know it is hard work but you are eating healthy and getting healthier. Thats my goal...not size 0 jeans.

    Oh yeah, on this note...

    'Lift heavy'. Gosh. I came here to be healthy. Yeah my hips annoy me but that's my genetics and I hate lifting and apparently most people on MFP are aiming to be models, and I'm definitely not (and would never be able to fit in size 0 gym anyway. Unless it's Old Navy. Maybe).

    And ditto for 'women don't bulk'. My notion of a muscular woman is clearly not the same as everyone else because most women I see who lift on here are too bulky for my taste (sure, they look great, but to each their own)... so it's definitely not something I want to do for myself in order to lose the bit of fat I have left on my hips - I like my arms and legs just fine, thank you.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    mathjulz wrote: »
    Debmal77 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Debmal77 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    levitateme wrote: »
    "Women shouldn't lift heavy weights." A coworker once told me I lifted heavy because I "want to be a man."

    Ugh god. So many women don't understand why I lift. Or they "worry" about me. So glad I have friends on here I can talk to.

    wow....I look at you and really wish I could do exactly what you do!

    :* Thank you

    Also-you can! lol.

    I have been advised to only lift 10lbs by my doctor who is a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon. He said to just do more reps. :/ I have arthritis in my hands that radiates down my arms and in my back and neck also. Lumbar stenosis and radiculitis. I also compressed a vertebrae in 2014. Physio didn't seem to help. I really do want to lift and will see my doctor again this year. I'm ordering New Rules of Lifting for Women. I will talk to him about it again this year before I start any program.

    I would say, given your specific medical conditions, to listen to your Ortho. Like someone else said, body weight training might be better. I'm glad you're planning on talking to him first ... sometimes medical conditions do cause the need to make exceptions. (I would be super bummed about not being able to lift, too) :heart:

    Or, get another opinion from a different doctor. Doctors are not infallible and, as humans, they have their own biases, can be misinformed or behind on the latest research, or simply just make mistakes.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    "Choose low-fat or no-fat. Avoid sugar. But lots of starch is important in a healthy diet, and juice is good for you." - every country's official nutritional guidelines (except Brazil).
  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    I was recently told that by doing this HCG drops diet plan I could reset my metabolism and detox my body.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    bisky wrote: »
    This discussion has been actually very helpful to me. I too don't like breakfast, would rather just have coffee. I need to keep count of calories and foods I eat helps, I don't want "treats" I want to be healthy and not over weight, and the detox advice..... What I wish people would say: I know it is hard work but you are eating healthy and getting healthier. Thats my goal...not size 0 jeans.

    Oh yeah, on this note...

    'Lift heavy'. Gosh. I came here to be healthy. Yeah my hips annoy me but that's my genetics and I hate lifting and apparently most people on MFP are aiming to be models, and I'm definitely not (and would never be able to fit in size 0 gym anyway. Unless it's Old Navy. Maybe).

    And ditto for 'women don't bulk'. My notion of a muscular woman is clearly not the same as everyone else because most women I see who lift on here are too bulky for my taste (sure, they look great, but to each their own)... so it's definitely not something I want to do for myself in order to lose the bit of fat I have left on my hips - I like my arms and legs just fine, thank you.

    Just because you don't like muscle doesn't change the definition of bulky. It's still bad advice to tell women not to lift heavy because they'll get bulky because unless they eat tons of food, have high testosterone levels, work super hard and/ or take steroids women won't get bulky.
  • clobern80 wrote: »
    To eat breakfast because it will boost my metabolism. What? No. I hate breakfast. I despise breakfast. I don't want to eat breakfast. Not only that, there has been no research to show it does anything to your metabolism. So leave my breakfastlessness alone!

    YES! I feel the same way! I can't eat breakfast. I literally feel sick to my stomach if I eat before 9am. My sister always harps on me for not eating breakfast!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    And most people on here are not trying to be models
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited January 2016
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Surprised nobody has mentioned how bad gluten is for you yet...
    Actually, now that you mention it...

    A couple of years ago, I was still a vegetarian eating seitan and had lost around 50lbs. Annoyingly, my in laws mentioned this to some guy they knew, and he got rather angry going on about how gluten is the devil and how I would stall and fail in my weight loss. Apparently, he dropped gluten from his diet and had lost weight. What was even more annoying is my in laws believing this and rubbing it in my face. Ugh.

    I just continued to make my evil seitan (satan?) creations... And kept losing weight without having to hit up a crossroads and make a deal.

  • And most people on here are not trying to be models

    True. Plus models are encouraged to be very thin with no muscle at all
  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    "Oh, you lost weight. You should try *insert fad du jour*, it worked for person X". I tend to tune out after word 7 :)
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    "Eat less move more." Thanks, captain obvious. It's so disheartening when people think truth trumps empathy. I wonder how they would have felt if their teachers in school had been so callous.

    I had always been afraid to criticize people who looked better than me. Now I am a better version of me, but I still managed to keep my empathy intact. Now I know that elitists are just horrible people, they're not built up by their virtues and "better" than anyone, they're simply horrible people who've let their vices take over. We really are all the same, despite our varying appearances. Anyone who tries to argue otherwise is severely insecure.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    In my case, the most annoying was also the dumbest. When I said I don't eat a lot of sweet treats, sugary treats, treats with added sugar, I was told that sugar was sugar (sure, okay). When I said my body and brain don't respond to an apple and a twinkie the same, despite similar calorie content (because, perhaps, because of fiber), I was told to eat a spoonful of metamucil with the twinkie.

    I just had to close my eyes and shake my head real quick on that one. lol