
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    I always am amused at people who are constantly checking their pulse/ HRM since I have supraventricular tachycardia. It is an inherited condition where my heart rate suddenly and for no reason, gets too fast. So I can be asleep and have a heart rate over 200! But, it doesn't burn any more calories! There are things I can do to slow it down, like massaging a certain nerve in my neck or applying ice to my face. It doesn't bother me, just makes me tired sometimes since when it gets too fast it doesn't pump oxygen properly. And my heart rate instantly goes high with any activity so it doesn't mean I am burning more calories at a certain point. An HRM for me would be rather pointless.

    I am amused at people that take the machines as Thierry actual calorie bun. I need my hrm to give me an actual number, plus it helps me slow down if I need to, or speed up for that matter
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Checking in. I missed my workout this morning for a worthless trip to the dermatologist. Next time I am going to listen to my own instincts and not be bothered by somebody else freaking out.

    We won't even get into my wasted afternoon. Let's just say I am either a saint or a total wimp and quit at that! My one accomplishment of the day was to organize the hall coat closet and replace the old mis-matched plastic hangars with nice wooden ones from Lowe's. I really shopped those hangers and got them for half whet everyone else was charging.

    Carol (peach), I think Georgia is currently waiving professional learning requirements for teaching certificate renewal, so if you have a clear renewable certificate, you should be able to renew it online for a fee. I think it's $20. Mine expires this year, do I'm going to renew it at least this one last time. But honestly, if you have no need for it......
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    It's DONE....my fish welcome sign:


    Michele in NC

    I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Have a great night everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Gloworm – Cracker stands up on her hind legs and jumps. Tonight she was chewing on something and it came off my desk; I guess we need to get her Puppy Chow (that she LOVES) up a bit higher. Right now it is on the bench by the back door. She’s so bad!

    Terri – You are probably at least ½ generation behind me; my boys were closer to 9 and 11 before “Time Outs” were vogue. I did not ‘beat’ my children; only gave them a ‘pop on the diapered or thick training pants butts’. The sound and surprise was effective. As they got older, taking things away from them or putting them on restriction was more effective. However, my DYS went by the old adage … “It’s easier to ask for forgiveness, than to ask for permission.” He snuck out of the house when he was in HS; left the window cracked about 1”. I’ve very, very cold natured; and went to look for where the cold air was coming in. He had put pillows and clothes in his bed and covered them, as if there was someone in there. I pulled back the covers, realized he wasn’t there). Raising the window would not have been surprising, he was always hot. So I latched the screen, put the window down and locked it and then tore up his room and short-sheeted his bed. It was cold out; don’t know how long he might have been on the front stoop; but, he finally rang the doorbell. I went and let him in, did not say anything to him, and heard “WTF? … then I heard grunting and groaning (I knew he did not know why he could not get the covers over him.” Next morning I told him that I had found ‘his stash’ (not his – and I ‘sort of’ believed him) and told him that I had ‘flushed’ it down the toilet. More than just for ‘personal use’. He went white as a sheet and said, ‘no, Mom, please tell me you did not flush it’! I let him go on for a while and then told him that I had not done so; but, he had 15 minutes to get rid of it and be back in the house before time ran out. I did NOT want it in my house. Never mentioned it again. We did not have issues with either of our sons with drugs. Putting your information in a Ziploc pinned to his back was a good idea. However, the world is a lot more evil – or it seemingly is so. I can remember sleeping out in the yard when I was young; the boys and neighborhood boys camped out in the woods behind our house, thought nothing of it; but, would not allow our grandchildren do that now. If they want to go to the mall, they go as a group; and an adult is not far behind. I can remember once that one of the girls’ parents did not pick her up when they were supposed to. She did not want us to wait. About 20 minutes later her Dad drove up; and, boy was he madder than a wet hen. Apparently, she was not supposed to be at the mall. He made a pure @$$ of himself – she was mortified. I can understand. If we were ever caught tin a ‘lie’ we got a belt whipping from our Daddy, who was NOT the main disciplinarian of the house. I can remember my middle sister and I sitting under the dining room table laughing at our oldest sister getting one for ‘lying’ about smoking in her room. Daddy wasn’t as upset about her smoking; he was really upset about her lying about it. We lived in an old house, with an industrial sized attic fan. They’d raise the windows and open the transoms over the door. That meant that the smoke got pulled into the house instead of being pulled out of the house. Like a smoke stack. We tried to instill into our sons that lying was about as bad as stealing; because what they were stealing was our ‘trust’.

    Sylvia – I have nitro just in case I have chest pain. I’ve gone to the MD several times with complaints of ‘pain in the chest’ or ‘feeling like I have an elephant on my chest’. I take it aafter I have taken a couple of chewable Alka Seltzer (whih 90% of the time has worked for me). I think I have taken 2 Nitro pills at two different times and the pain went away. I’d call the MDs office in the morning and usually I’d go in and they’d do an EKG.

    What type of stuff do you work on that has to be fired? Ceramics? Mother would buy slip and make things; but, she also painted on regular china as well, some were greenware (which is a lot thinner than ceramics). Yes, I remember her doing several firings, sometimes it was a learning experience. My kiln is probably about the same size as your first ones.

    DJ & Terri – Once when my Mother and I went to Miami to visit my middle sister we went to some play that had “Vagina” in the name of it. I laughed until I about peed in my pants then, too. Can’t remember the full name of it. There is a female comedian that does ‘clean’ jokes (mostly stories about things that have occurred in her life, or in her friends’ lives). Google 7-up pound cakes or Jeanne Robertson. Funny skits. She performed for a fund raiser for the Senior Citizens Center (where I took an art class). The night she performed she did a ‘new’ skit that was about her husband wanting her to learn ‘sign language’ so that she could do it while she was performing and not have to stop and wait for an interpreter. My sister has a deaf child; and she was laughing so hard she could not even stay in her seat. It had something to do with having guests over who were staying over their welcome and her husband signing to her. DN had to learn sign language the summer after she graduated from HS in order to go to Gallaudet. She told her parents that was where she wanted to go after the students staged a ‘sit-in’ because they wanted to hire a ‘hearing’ Dean. It worked, they didn’t. She loved it, gave her a sense of independence.

    Klanders30 – I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I wandered all over. We lived in a small town, Dad was an attorney – so I did not do anything that someone might see and tell him about; but, I could ride my bike as far as the sidewalks went in every direction by the time I was 11 or 12. BF across the street was my partner in crime – just kidding about the crime. We’d walk up the middle of the street which was paved in concrete and tar strips. We’d play chicken – not able to go the side of the street until we got to the next section. We’d cook things, too! There was a big cherry tree on the corner at the church. We’d climb up in it and eat them until we were almost sick. One day we decided we’d cook a pie for our boyfriends (cousins) and it was beautiful – however, we did not think to pit them. One day we decided that we’d make some peanut (pecan) brittle. It got too hard and we ended up pouring it into the middle of the street. It looked like a big pile or vomit and when the cars ran over it, it was taffy, wheels would pull it all over the road. We ended up trashing the cookware and spoon. Never owned up to doing anything with it. We still laugh about the things we did growing up.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Today I volunteered at the Senior Luncheon and they had salmon! the fishes were all about 24 inches long and 12 inches wide I swear... I peeked in the kitchen. So my lunch was the salmon (about 6 oz) , looked like smashed potatoes (hardly mashed potatoes, big chunks and skin left on and spices), peas and "Reuben" soup which was pits of corned beef, sauerkraut and a couple of strands of cheese. I loved it! I actually drank the soup (about 4 oz of soup) and mixed the soup bits with the smashed potato. By the time I got home (was on my feet from 10-1) I ate the lunch without utensils. Sometimes that is fun. Especially with salmon! OK I'm strange.

    Didn't get my water in. I was too busy, and never had the chance to even stop and breathe. We had about 80 seniors, and even though there was 3 of us, we were never sitting.

    Today it's raining cats and dogs, and even ducks because I see them swimming in the ditch... Last night I yelled at the wall that defines our bedroom from a neighbors bedroom. I yelled, "Get done already. Some of us would like to sleep!" Was that rude? Well, my husband said I have a tone that doesn't go thru walls well, so I just yelled and woke up my teenager.... He bought some ear plugs so I will resort to that. Don't tell me go and talk to them, because I have gotten "the LOOK" from them that says "STAY AWAY", so that's out.

    Well you all are doing so maaauvalous I don't haveta yell at you's or nothing! Keep doing what ya are doing!!

    needing a paddle soon
    in Oregon

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Caught the crud ... Horrible food choices that I couldn't even taste ... Going to bed.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Becca - too funny!!! ear plugs do work. Once as an apt. dweller a gal friend and I shared a one bedroom (2 twin beds) and the neighbor was going at "it" so she and I did loud imitations of them and embellished them - after a very short time they were quiet. I'm having salmon for dinner tonight, artichoke and a slaw made from Kohlrabi.

    smiles kim
  • ginadaye
    ginadaye Posts: 39 Member
    edited January 2016
    Well, not a good on plan day, but could have been worse. Went to the movies with cousins I hadn't seen in a while and it was a thrill to hear how much weight I've lost. Took carrot sticks to munch on, and didn't cave to the smell of popcorn. We went to lunch at Logans...had sirloin steak, steamed broccoli, salad and 1/2 a roll. Dinner was at the assisted living pace where I do volunteer work and is hard to calculate...one oz chicken, 4 homemade meatballs with marinara, 1/4 cup penned pasta, steamed veggies, about 1 cup salad, 4 oz wine and a small piece of taramisu. Did get a one mile walk in today. Tomorrow is another day!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    stats for the day:
    Ride hm 2 gym- 15.20min, 11.6amph, 151mhr, 2.9mi = 104c
    jog- 17.56min 8.58ap, 6.5-8.0sp 2mi = 213c
    Physical therapy at gym- 21min, 1set of 20, 6 diff exercises = 64c
    Ride gym 2 dome- 7.39min, 11.1amph, 136mhr, 1.4mi = 95c
    ride dome 2 hm via 40th- 19.38min, 8.1amph, 2.7mi = 175c
    total cal 651
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I made a soup today that my husband really liked. Sort of a cabbage soup; will have to run it through the recipe thing; to figure out how many calories it might have in it. I'll eat some tomorrow and the put it up for later. LOL! This time, I am getting better about marking what it is and when I put it into the freezer. I think we are on our last box of venison tamales. Sure hope DYS brings some when he comes home in the Spring. Sure hope that DDnL#2 is able to come with him. DDnL#2 has talked about during Spring Break, taking DYGD and DSGD to Disneyland/Disneyworld - whichever one is in FL. Gee, I'd like to go back myself - haven't been since the boys were young (about the same age). I guess it will depend on if their Spring Breaks fall at the same time.
  • subicadherryo
    subicadherryo Posts: 1 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Welcome to a wonderful supportive community of women. The name of the thread is Women Ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

    Some of us have been posting on this thread for awhile and others are new.

    Please join us on the journey to health, weight loss, and fitness.

    If you made any goals or resolutions for December, how did you do?

    If you have made any goals or resolutions for January, please share them with us.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful chilly NW Washingtont09013.gif

    December Resolutions: (with end of the month comments)
    *walk an average of 13,000 steps a day (great until the "week of no exercise")
    *knit hats for three great-grandkids (finished and mailed to them in Ohio)
    *meditate for 10 minutes a day four or more days a week (consistently almost every day)
    *answer a friend's e mail that I've put off too long (answered and then she replied so she's on my list again)

    January Resolutions
    *meditate for 10 minutes a day four or more days a week
    *sort and discard papers for 15 minutes four or more days a week
    *treat myself like a toddler (as suggested by Gretchen Rubin)
    *get income tax papers gathered in one place

    My word for 2015 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness

  • slufsey
    slufsey Posts: 1 Member
    Newbie here. About to be 51 in a few weeks and definitely need inspiration and motivation to get on track after a rough 2015.

    Reading through the posts and sounds like a wonderful group to join.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Pip, I understand the need for people that are serious about fitness to know their heart rate. I would see people who really were not very serious constantly feeling their necks while looking at their watches- you know, the once a month don't I look cute in my workout clothes type. That I found amusing. You are in a totally different category.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Just saying, a leash might have saved this child's life. I used one that was like a phone cord with velcro bands for both mom and kid. Called a hand holder. It worked. I had a kid like that. He would see something and be gone. So sad for the family.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Sad story. I've seen parents or older siblings walking at the mall with no notice of small children walking behind hem. Would not take much for them to get separated. I've seen small children standing in the midde of the mall, crying and by themselves. I will stay with the child, until the parent/sibling notices that they are not with them. I would NOT dare walk them to the center of the mall where they have a 'lost and found' counter. Not in today's world. I'd ask a passerby to go get the Mall Security instead. Would not look good to be dragging a screwing toddler along beside you. I always told my children that 'if' someone approached them anywhere and started to take them away - to 'scream' YOU ARE NOT MY MAMA/DADDY - that would get more attention than just crying. Most people would look at a 'crying' baby or just a 'screaming/crying' child as a child throwing a temper tantrum. We'd go through this speech each time we went shopping, so I knew that they understood what I was telling them.

    OK - so does anybody know how to save your own recipe to your recipes. Apparently I was able to do it once because my spicy bean soup is under 'my recipes'. I've entered this last one 4 or 5 times and nothing happens. I saved it to the MFP; but, it comes up as tomato sauce and that is NOT what it is. RATS! Some help, please. Thanks!

    I did really good today; stayed within my 'daily caloric number'. ... and I was not hungry either. Exercised on the treadmill today, too

    Welcome to all the "Newbies" and "HI" to all of you who have been here for a long time.