Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - June Challenge!!



  • shannonaufman
    Hey, y'all. I've been pretty absent on the board this month, and I'm really not sure why. Things have been pretty boring around here, I reckon. My sister was in town last weekend, so my eating was a little rough... but we walked and walked and walked while I showed here around Memphis so hopefully it all evened out. I didn't log much of anything, so I'm really not sure how bad it was. Anyway, I'm big time back on track this week and I feel pretty good about it. As far as my goals go... I'm feeling really optimistic about my weigh-ins. I'm solidly at 171 lately, and I am trying not to stress about the scale and just stay optimistic. My water goal is pretty much garbage. I just can't force myself to drink it. I try and try to drink water, but for some reason I just don't. I'm still trucking with One Hour Runner. I have been neglecting 30DS because I FINALLY got up the courage to go to the free zumba classes at a local church. Churches really stress me out, so I have been trying since January to convince myself to go. Well, I finally went and LOVED it!! I figure a solid 60 minutes of cardio is better than 25 minutes of 30DS anyway. So, up and down for this month so far.

    Aly - protein helps keep you full, but fiber does, too. Maybe you could try to get a little more of that in your diet, too. I LOVE luna bars. I know that wasn't the point of your post but oh my gosh those things are ridiculously good. About your fiance, I know just how you feel. Sometimes I wonder about my husband. I mean, I'm the type of person who likes plans. I like to plan our weekly dinners ahead of time, plan our weekends on Mondays, and know exactly what is going on for, say, the next month. I'm a big worrier, and I constantly fret and fret and fret about a lot of things. And Matt is so laid back, so carefree, so aloof that I kind of wonder how he functions. Oh, boys. You love 'em and you wanna strangle them at the same time.

    Megan - I had mexican with my sister this past weekend, too. And instead of being a good girl and getting something like a salad or chicken breast, I got a huge chicken fajita quesadilla with just chicken and cheese and gobbled that bad boy up like it was gonna run away. It was delish, but I probably shouldn't have done it. Groupon recently had a deal on bootcamp in my area, and I was too scared to buy it. Can you tell me more about bootcamp, in case the opportunity comes back up?

    Guam -- what exactly is TurboJam? I have heard a lot of it recently but don't exactly know what it is.

    Meag -- I tend to feel the same way about me and my husband (Matt). I moved to Memphis to be with him... he's lived here for several years and has a really close group of friends from college who live in the area. I adore them and consider them friends.. but they're 'his' friends. Not 'my' friends, if you know what I mean. So I've been feeling kind of lonely lately. Like I don't have my own group of friends, ones that I picked. We live out in the 'burbs, so there really isn't much of an opportunity for me to meet people my own age. Most everyone in our area is at least 6 years older than me and in a much different part of their lives. I'm going to try to branch out here soon, joining a local women's running group... I hope things start to settle down for you and you start to find a routine with your new job!
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Aly-great job on focusing on your food and getting all your protein and nutrients. Training is so hard, just try to make sure you take time for a breather at least once a day where you can relax. And 6 weeks you can do it!!!

    Shannon-great job on getting out and walking everywhere. At times we need breaks, so at least you stayed conscious of your food you were eating and about trying to get some exercise in! Great job on trying out zumba!!!! I love zumba too!! And it's definitely good to change up your exercises, so zumba will be a nice change :]

    Megan-great job on planning the rest of the week to eat in. And great job getting in your workouts while you have your sis in town!! I am visiting home right now and try to go early in the morning so I get it over with and can spend time with the family the rest of the day.

    Meag-congrats on your new job!! And I am sure you will get a good routine in soon :]

    Imarunner- congrats on the great complements! What a great NSV!!!

    Ashley-glad you are ok! And good thing you got everything checked out just to make sure!

    AFM: I am doing pretty good. I am taking a break from the scale till the end of the month on my usual tuesday WI. I feel like I need to take time to focus more on what I am eating and possibly look for nsv instead. I am feeling good about it. I have been focusing on my eating and workouts. My training for my half is going. Its been difficult coordinating with my training with work, but I am managing. My aunt has been good and keeps me motivated. And luckily my half is not till the end of October. Other than that I am applying to go back to school for my second bachelors in nursing. Hopefully I get in because I miss school! have a good night everyone!

  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    selfish post due to lack of time! will catch up with everyone later

    been a good week exercise wise! food wise not so good! im trying a little experiment and going back to basics to make me appreciate maintainance! so ive cut back to 1200 and will add my exercise cals! ive been giving in to maintainance cals too easily with junk.

    ive managed x4 workouts since x3 days of shred (2 levels) and one zumba session. running tonight and shredding tomorrow!

    hope u are all well, swamped at work so been too tired to get on to boards. will catch up with everyone late, sorry for being a rubbish poster :)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Its Friday! I had my Gilrs Night Birthday dinner last night. (Thats where the new profile pic is from) I had a GREAT time!~! I could't believe I was laughing and joking so much without a drop of alcohol to drink. Big LIFE VICTORY for me on that one!~!~!

    Well, i only had a .5 loss this week. I dont understand... I did SOOO well with eating and working out. I think I worked out everyday this week, and still only a half of a pound. I know its better than nothing but now I am being in my goal. 5 pounds to get to 135 by the end of the month. I am at an even 140 now, which originally my goal by my birthday (two more days) so I made that if I didnt adjust it this month. Im not super upset, but I wish it was alittle more lost.

    Im also getting discouraged cuz now I am upset that I dont have crazy toned arms and legs. Some days I am proud of them but most of the time I am just frustrated. I know its going to take work and lots of work but I am soooo impatient. I love the way mu stomach looks but then i put on shorts and my fat hangs ofer the side, its sooo annoying. Its like I have come sooo far just to still be hard on myself and find something more to complain about.

    My goal for today is to not negativly judge myself anymore. Just for the rest of the day. I can do it right??? uhhh.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning folks!

    Weighed in today at 123.2lbs which is a gain of 1.1lbs but I am OK with that... Long *kitten* week and definitely ate a lot while the bff was here. All in all not terrible. I woke up feeling really sick to my stomach as well, but I am hoping that subsides. I have no time for nausea as the weekend approaches. The only upside is that I may get to leave work early if I throw up all over the conference table... :huh: bahaha! Scandalous!

    Protein pancakes this AM were AMAZING and totally worth the extra effort. I figured it's Friday, my mom and I both need a protein boost in the morning, make it happen. Loaded them up with cinnamon, some chopped up almonds, and topped with chopped and cooked apple. Soooooo good. Equal parts oats, cottage cheese and egg whites in the food processor, add in your almonds and cinnamon, and then cook. Easy! The dishes are a pain in the morning, though. I nuked my apple with cinnamon for 2 mins and it made an awesome little syrup for the pancakes. They were moist, tasty and a perfect start to my day! Success!

    Anyway I wish I could catch up a little more and I am reading your posts but that's all I have for right now. Talk to you ladies soon. :heart:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Today I am feeling super anxious and nervous about not weighing in. My diet has been not the best lately and I am concerned that I am gaining weight. Normally, when I eat crappy and I see that uptick on the scale it puts me in check to say, see you ate like crap and this is what happens, your body gains water weight and weight in general because all of that crap is not good for you. Now just because I'm not weighing-in doesn't me I shouldn't still be saying these things to myself, and I am but I am struggling with finding the motivation to get myself in gear. My workouts have been good, and I am trying to push myself hard with regards to my fitness, I am super proud of being able to run 2.7 miles outside non-stop, but I am getting hung up on my diet. Help me out fellow non-scalers and pervious non-scalers. I need some serious convincing right now to not go and jump on a scale!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Meag... those pancakes sound awesome~!~!~! Im glad you spent some extra time and effort to do something you enjoy!~!~! And eating the masterpiece afterwards is icing on the cake!~!

    ~Megan.... I cant imagine how hard it is to not jump on that scale. But you can do it. I forget who it was but someone told me to drink a giant glass of water everytime I get the urge to jump on the scale so I wont want to anymore cuz of all the water weight. It worked for me and thats how I started drinking my 80 ounces of water a day. And the first two weeks I made sure I got at least 80 ounces I lost 5 pounds!~!~! So drinking that water has a million good things going there!~!~! Good luck!~!.
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Mandy: :blushing: No, it was nothing like that. lol My boyfriend knows he has nothing to worry about. His friend just knows how much I have been working out and trying to get in better shape. I think he sympatizes with me a little because he has tasted my cooking and knows how good it is. :laugh: Sorry had to toot my own horn. But I think he really does see how difficult it is with me especially since I'm cooking meals for me to lose weight while making sure those meals help my boyfriend gain weight... SO HARD!!!!

    KanCrav: I love the water thing... lol I might need to apply that to other areas of my life! Glad you had a great GNO birthday. Those are usually my worst calorie events. So strong not having any drinks! Go you!!!:flowerforyou: I know it is discouraging to not see a big change especially when you have worked so hard. I am dealing with that right now. Just keep pushing on. As for the toned arms, from what I have seen... that is one fo those things you have to stay on top of all the time.

    Mking: I know it isn't quite to the level of not weighing in you have decided to do, but for some reason I have been having that same problem this week. I want to step on the scale every day if not more often... I havent allowed myself to. Hopefully I will make it til Monday. I would say if you really don't want to weigh yet, take your scale to the kitchen and sit it in front of the fridge. Kills two birds with one stone lol. I really do wish you the best of luck though!

    As for me... I have to be careful today. Taking my grandmother to lunch for her birthday. No telling where she will want to eat. Hopefully it is not her favorite restaurant where even the salads are fried.... Wish me luck.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Mking- I was having the same feeling this week. I felt like I needed something to tell me to push harder to lose what I might have gained, but then I realized that I shouldn't be making healthy choices because I know that I gained weight. I should be doing them because it makes me feel better and healthy. Don't worry too much. Just do all you can do with healthy food and fitness and try to focus on that instead of what the number "might" be. It actually is really fulfilling knowing that I have 2 weeks to be as healthy as possible and see what happens when I get there. Be strong chicka and remember to take things on meal at a time, then one day at a time :) I am here for you!!

    Comfort food- Good luck! Make healthy choices you will feel good about!

    Kancrav- great job at the party! You are doing great, maybe start a little journal where you write one good thing about yourself or your choices for the day. I did that and it is seeming to help my constant negative talk.

    Meag- I totally want to make those pancakes! Maybe eventually when I have time I can hehe. Thanks for always encouraging me!

    AFM- I woke up at 5 this morning to go do a swim test, it was only about 10-15 minutes of swimming but it felt great to wake up that way. I felt really good and rested and ready to take on the weekend. I am on day 3 of healthy choices and I have done well so far. I still let myself have my chocolate indulgences because it keeps me sane especially during PMS time.(sorry TMI) This weekend will be challenging I have a bbq at a friends house on saturday, but I am making a healthy pasta salad to bring, then I have a fathers day party at my grandfathers. I have good workouts both those days but I am going to do great and set myself up for success at both of these gatherings. Today I brought a yummy greek burger to make for lunch and I have acupuncture after work. I am going to have a nice night at home with my fiance. Have a great weekend everyone if I am not around!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Friday Lovelies!!

    Megan – sounds like you started your visit with your sister off with a cheat meal but will make up for it by cooking at home the rest of her visit. I think that cooking food at home is better than eating out no matter what. I hope you have a great visit with your sister!

    Aly – I find that I can be an all-or-nothing kinda girl too. But it depends on the situation. Let me know how that journal goes. I think it’s a great idea and may have to start doing something like that also. I need all of the positive reinforcement that I can get. I have a lot going on still with my mom getting ready to move out of state and I don’t want to lose my composure or turn to food for comfort. We can do this girly!!

    Shannon – there is still plenty of time left in June to make it count. In regards to your water intake, try something new to spice it up for you….add some lemon, one of the girls used to add a little pure pomegranate juice, try Mio…anything to help you get that water intake. Drinking water regularly will help to flush out your system on a regular basis and you won’t have so much water retention. Glad you loved zumba!! I love it too!! I wish there was some place by me that offered it free. Well my gym does but then I would have to pay daycare for the rugrats. Oh well, as long as I can get back on my WO routine then that’s all that matters! And Turbo Jam is a workout routine that uses high tempo music and different kick boxing moves. It was a lot of fun and I am gonna try and get another WO in tonight.

    Alexis – a few of us in the forum have vowed to not step on the scale for the month of June as well. I know that personally, I needed to focus on getting back into my routine after graduating and moving. Sounds like you are making everything work though and I give you props for that. When will you find out about school? I am debating going back for my Master’s also. Good luck girly!!

    Mariababe – glad to see that you were able to change things up to make it work for you!! At least you are still staying strong in regards to your WOs!!

    Kandace – great job enjoying yourself last night without a drop of alcohol!! Major life victory!! Kudos to you!! And don’t be too hard on yourself. I am impatient also and want to see results immediately but through hard work and endurance, it will all pay off girly!! And be good to yourself!! I know you can do it!!

    Meag – your breakfast sounds DELISH!! My new roomie doesn’t have any baking stuff in the house so I will need to stock up on basics just so that I make pancakes, oatmeal, and stuff. I will also need to purchase baking pans and dishes. But I am looking forward to all of the homemade meals the kids and I will be enjoying in the near future. Glad that you are still satisfied with your week!! Have a great Friday!!

    Megan – there is still plenty of time left in June to make it count. As a fellow non-scaler this month, I have been tempted to step on the scale to see how much I am hindering my progress or doing good with it. But I refuse to let that number on the scale be the guide to my life. I know the choices I need to make and its up to me to put them in place. If I do what I need to then the results should reflect on the scale. And when we make bad decisions, we still know what it takes to make them right…and its not the scale!! I hope you are able to figure it out!! Good luck girly!!

    AFM…dinner last night consisted of oatmeal and ice cream after my root canal. But I am back to normal today and food choices are looking good and I’m hoping to get in another round of Turbo Jam tonight. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Meag: those pancakes sound delicious, i will have to have a go at making them! fingers crossed the nausea settles.

    Megan: hey, you are not alone! i think you are doing so well with not jumping on the scale! its soo difficult isnt it? But you are doing so well! i havent jumped on the scale yet either! although im very tempted as ive had a rubbish week food wise and can guess what the scales will say! well done on your run! 2.7 miles is an amazing achievement! I agreee with keeping your focus on fitness! thats what ive been trying to do as well! and ive self enforced 1200 cals on myself for the next few days to get my eating junk under control! good luck, we are all here for you :)

    KanCrav: i did the same with water when i first started! and now its a force of habit, i have to have atleast 9-10 cups of water a day!

    ComfortFoodaddict: sorry i dont know your name! hope you have fun with your grandmother!

    lostalykat: taking pasta along sounds like a good plan, then you dont have to deviate from your healhty eating plan! i agree with chocolate for sanity! i crave chocolate like mad! chocolate is something i can never fully eliminate from my diet as i would fall off the wagon asap! lol, enjoy your evening!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey all you fab ladies!!

    Man I'm so delinquent with this thread lately.. Just a quick post as I'm at work but wanted to stop in and say hello..
    Nothing too much going on with me.. Been having a lack of motivation this week, but seeing as I'll be going out for a friend's bday later on today, I'll need a good workout if I don't want to see a gain come Monday! We might be going to Buffalo Wild Wings, which will be the first trip there for me, so I spent a decent amount of time looking through the menu and then coming on here for the stats lol.. (wow how habits change!) I've been so stressed out/frustrated with work and school that I forgot that my birthday is in 2 weeks.. How sad is that? Someone asked me what I was doing for it, and I looked at them like it was still 2 months away.. I have to say I hate the lead up to it, b/c I just think, here went another year, and I'm still single.. and all I want to do is just stay home and feel bad about myself.. Luckily I have great friends who wont let me do that, so there will be good times come July 3rd..

    The school I applied to has been giving me the run-around for the last 2 weeks so much so that I still don't know whether I'm the program or not..Will be making an in-person visit come Monday (again).. :mad:

    As for work, we had a couple troublemakers that came onto the shift when we were short, and have thrown my shift's morale into the toilet some days.. And now there's this big dispute over a vacation time between 2 coworkers (one being a troublemaker), and my boss apparently took back her original decision on who it should go to, and is trying to put some kind of blame on me and is making me look bad (when I had nothing to do with it)... I've been sooo upset about it that I've been updating my resume and thinking about applying for a new job... The whole thing has now just gotten so outta hand, that we're finally having a meeting next week..I just hate the fact that I KNEW this woman was gonna cause problems, but unfortunately we were really short, and she applied for one of the spots, so now we're stuck with her... Depending on how this meeting goes.. Yeah I might be in a new job.. I've had people tell me to just stick it out, and don't let it all get to me, etc... However there's only so much I can take.. and it's not even MY vacation involved!! :explode:
    Sorry for the rant, but it feels good to type it out...

    Congrats to all you graduates! Man if I could go back to college, I would in a heartbeat.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend, and I'll try to get to everyone come Monday's WI/update :flowerforyou:
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Omg guys! I started this challenge with 8 pounds to ONEderland and I weighed in this morning with only 2 pounds to ONEderland!!! My goal for myself was to make it to 199 pounds before July 4th and I'm SOO close! Just had to share the excitement!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Good afternoon, ladies!! Hope everyone is having a kick *kitten* weekend :happy:

    Bethany - congrats to you too on your graduation and move!! :flowerforyou: I'm not sure how I feel about my new place. Mostly because I'm living with 3 guys and they're not incredibly clean :grumble: but it's getting better little by little. The nice thing is that there's a decent back yard - and my plan is to start doing yoga out there (since there's no room INSIDE :laugh: ) I met the boy a little more than 6 months ago. It took awhile, but we're "official" now :smile: We decided to stay together after graduation, and now he's two hours away - but we're seeing each other tomorrow, so yay!!! Hope you bounced back from the root canal just fine!

    Shannon - Congrats on getting up the courage to go for the Zumba class! I've never tried Zumba, but everyone who tells me about it loves it, glad you did too! Good luck branching out socially - joining a women's running group sounds like a great idea!

    Kandace - Girls Night Bday Dinner sounds like so much fun! I'm glad you had such a good time without any alcohol - that's a fantastic victory!!! Good job, girl :flowerforyou: I love your goal of not negatively judging yourself, it's something most of us struggle with daily.

    Meag - Thanks :bigsmile: You're protein pancakes sound sooooo yummy!

    Meagan - I like Kandace's idea of drinking a big glass of water whenever being tempted to jump on the scale. Here's my experience with resisting the scale. I ONLY ever weigh myself right when I wake up, after taking care of business and before eating or drinking anything. Right now, I can't find my scale, so I can't use it! I'd suggest putting it in the trunk of your car, so it's not accessible. Good luck!!

    Ashley - CONGRATS!!! :flowerforyou:

    AFM - Ok, so in order for me to attain my food goals, I have to go out to the grocery store and buy them! That is goal #1 for today. So last night was a mini-reunion with some college friends - horrible on calories and food choices. We went for Mexican food, and mine was full of cheese and refried beans (and tons of spinach, so that's a plus). We also ordered margaritas for everyone, and I indulged - more than I should have. Goal #2 for today is to make up for last night with some super healthy eating.

    Jury is still out about how I feel about my internship, but I AM really liking the fact that it's within biking distance from where I'm living. I get to be green and get some exercise just by going to work. Good deal!
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    Heyy ladies I know its been a while but from what I read everyone is doing great!!! Keep up the excellent work!!
    AFM: I've been really slacking this week, been super busy with school and work, its been hard tryint to find a free moment to myself. Also I fell off the wagon and ate a jr. bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's the other day =( Theres goes the goal of not eating fast food this month. After this next week I'll be done with summer classes, so I'll be able to finally relax!!

    Keep up the great work ladies!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Some of you may have seen my status updates... Came down with a serious case of food poisoning on Friday and I am still toughing it out. I've never been this sick for so long in my life. Truly miserable, especially since I had some special plans with Tyler for the weekend and some Father's day stuff planned out for tomorrow. I ended up missing spin class this morning and will likely be too frail and under-nourished for my long run tomorrow... We'll see how things go. Right now I am starving and dehydrated and unable to put much past my lips :sick:

    Hope everyone else is having a better weekend! I am trying to enjoy the weather and I've been vegging out on a blanket in the shade all weekend - not moving except to use the washroom, basically. It's the best I can do to enjoy what little "me" time I have !

    Keep on trekking ladies. Much love :heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Ashley-glad to hear that you are live and you learn girly! Also, be careful nopt to drink too MUCH can cause a imbalance in your electrolytes, which may also cause you to faint! CONGRATS on almost reaching your goal btw:)

    Mandy-congrats on your compliment...never bragging, just shows that you are proud of your accomplishments! WTG!

    Meag-whew!!!! I thought my life was busy!!! I can honestly say that I think you have a bit of a fuller plate then most! advice to you is the same as yuours was to me...keep on trekkin girly! Hope you are feeling better btw?!

    Bethany-I know that I had a loss this week...I guess I was just lookin at the 2 wks combined for the month so the fact that I have no idea what I lost on my last 3 weeks of May?! No worries though...I am still at this full force and will just hope to hit my 100 this week instead :) Thanks girl! I am so glad to hear that you love TJ!! me too! Hope you are feeling ok after your root canal.

    Megan-Mexican is a super hard restaurant to pick something healthy (or low cal at least) that's why I always pick that as my cheat meal!! Hope you and your sis are havin a good time though, and that work chills out soon! My suggestion (with not weighing in) normally see the scale move up and you work you can't see it go up so you better work even harder to insure that it goes back the right way(even if you can't see it!)

    Alexis-glad to hear that you are refocusing, and that you have decided to join the other girls in the non-scale challenge!! you will do great!

    Mariam-sounds like your workouts are great careful with cutting back your cals so much...1200 (even with exercise cals) seems way to low for you!!

    Kandace-first of all...I LOVE this profile look so pretty!!! I feel ya on the "smaller" sucks, but I am NOT giving up nor should you!! Let's show the scale who's boss this week shall we?! And you can most certainly not be so negative of yourself...just look how far you have come (with every part of your life!) keep it up girl!

    Allie-don't you love the fact that you CAN find out nutrition info on almost anything?! way to get it done girl!

    cmg-just cuz you had fast food one day...does NOT mean that you can;t still hit that goal for the rest of the month!

    AFM-been spending a lot of time with the bf (planning our vaca in Aug) and I a, just getting over my summer cold (BLAH!) I have done pretty well with my eating (minus my cheat day on Thurs), and I have only missed 1 workout (Fri due to cold) which I will be making up on Monday(my normal rest day). Other that that...all is well! Only 12 days to go!!

    p.s. not gonna spell check this so sorry for any typos!! peace!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Thank You all for being so welcomeing to my new No Negative Self talk goal. I think we should all write one thing that we are proud of ourselves for. I am feeling REALLY gross and floppy today since I endulged yesterday while out for my second birthday surprise. So you all are going to help me, and yourselves and we are going to be nice to ourselves today.

    Its Father's day and My Birthday... so make your dads proud and be proud of yourself. And, you have to do it cuz I said so, the birthday girl always gets what she wants on her birthday. So, here goes.... List something that you are proud of youself for doing...

    ~~~ I am proud of myself for sticking with my weightloss for 5 months so far, even though I had months when I didnt loose much at all. I am proud that I can go out and no have a good time with out drinking. I am proud that I can realize when I am being hard on myself and stop the spiral of emotions before they start. Most of all, I am proud that my dad knew I was stable enough and strong enough to take care of myself and my brother and I am grateful that I have come far enough to realize that I dont have to be sad anymore. I am grateful for the relization that my dad is watching and he wants me to have a happy fullfilling life.

    I wish everyones day be filled with graditude and serenity also.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    What a great group! My June challenge is to get down to 100 pounds. I'd love to beat it too!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Ok, so didn't eat the best the other day with my grandmother. We did have a good visit though. It is harder now that it ever has been with her. She just had a brain tumor removed in Feb so we are working getting her taste and memory back still. She is still very confused also. Makes it very difficult when I do see her.

    Other than that, I have slacked the last part of the week. My shoulder was KILLING me Thursday so I didnt go to ANY of my workouts. Then I missed workouts Friday. Worked 13 hours shift yesterday, and 10 hour shift today.... Gonna try and talk myself into doing something when I get home. Til then I am eating better today and preparing for workouts tomorrow. Hope you all are having a good weekend. Sounds like y'all are really making June challenge count!