
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    nccarolb – I grew up in an old home and the floors were wooden throughout; but, carpet was laid and that is what stayed on them … more for insulation than anything. Floors that were not carpeted were painted. DH would like to have wooden floors; but, at this point I’m not sure the upkeep is worth it; but, we have ‘pecky cypress’ in the great room and horizontal paneling in our guest bedroom. I think it would be too much in the great room; and, I want to put my feet down on carpet when I get out of bed. Hate the vinyl that is down in kitchen and we’d replace it at some point when we have the money. The people that put it down did not clean up the globs of drywall stuff and then they cut the carpet on the vinyl that had been put in and would not replace it … has about a 12’ cut right under my refrigerator door. Definitely will not go back to them when we do replace it. I’d like to have heated tile floor in kitchen, utility and bathrooms. That’d be the day!

    Miriam - My DYS’s place at the lake has vinyl wood, looks like the real thing; just doesn’t quite feel like it though.

    Exermom and KJ – Big toe is your balancing toe. Have it amputated or where you cannot use it, you will stumble more. I went to school with a girl whose boyfriend shot off the front half of his foot; they had to put a weighted wooden form in his shoe so that he could walk.

    Drkatiebug – I have vinyl in my kitchen and utility room and ½ bath; and tile in my MBR bath; and carpet the rest of the house. I think if you keep it down to different floorings the better; any more than that it starts chopping up the space. Keeping the tone of the color pretty much the same also allows you to used rugs. We have an Oriental rug over our carpet in the den portion of our great room. I’d like to get one (maybe the colors opposite of the ones in the den) for under the dining room table and chairs.

    CSSJ09 – I agree with you there.

    Mindy – At some point you just have to realize that you can’t follow a Will down generations. Besides, you’ll be dead – who really wants the house both has to step up to the plate and take care of things. A Will is meant to try to make it so that there will be ‘no fighting over things that you’d specifically like for one or the other or neither to have. I just whole-hearted believe that everybody should have a Will. It only costs your heirs money if you don’t. To be able to sell things, without a will, it has to be advertised in the legal paper of the county to do so. That can get very expensive at $40 - $50 – or more each time. Has to be advertised for four (4) consecutive weeks. At least that is how it is here in the state of GA.
    Well, those dogs don’t care what the weather is out outside, they look comfy.

    Janetr7476 – I wanna come get in ya pool. Awwwww – looks so warm there! It is still very cold (to me) in SW GA.

    Miriam – a Cpap did a lot for me – rarely have migraines, slept better, did not keep family up with my snoring. Today my MD lowered my Geodon by 40mg. Now I will just have to see if it helps with the shakes that I have been having. He was proud of my weight loss; and, said that now we’d have to watch my Seroquel dosage, too. When I get down to my goal, we might need to talk and reassess what I am taking. We had a load of fun talking ‘politics’.

    Becca - I am flaunting my ‘near goal’ weight and body – bought another pair of yoga pants today. Makes me smile to show it off!

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2016
    Grits, it was not as warm today as it has been, it was about 65°, the pool is heated. It was wonderful. Come on over :)

    Janetr okc
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited January 2016
    Janetr - That pool looks wonderful! Wish I could join you. We were watching "A Place In The Sun" yesterday and they had the Sarasota area on it. Looked great. DH and I discussed having a winter break around there one year. Maybe ?????♡♡♡♡☆☆☆ I liked the look of the nature parks. I need a BBBBIIIIIGGGGGG pool for lengths. Like to swim a mile a day. :bigsmile:

    DH is down with the lurgy I had yesterday, but he's valiantly gone off to exercise. I feel a lot better, but my head is still buzzing. Yoga today, so I will do what I can. I was fine for the meal - I expect the whisky helped! :laugh:
    Feel really happy with the way it went. For canapés I served squares of the Spinach and Feta pie, I had previously frozen, with chilli jam on the side, along with the herby prawns I bought. Nice bamboo cocktail sticks in the shape of hearts. <3 A bowl of olives in the centre. DH said "You are so clever, it looks amazing!" :laugh:
    Our company, DH's cricket friend and his wife were easy and delightful.

    Going to go into Southampton on Thursday when your storm remains have passed over to see about getting a new phone. I hope John Lewis (our best customer service store) will be able to transfer all my data, photos etc and get my number transferred. Don't want to get into trouble again. My contract is due to end so I hope all will be smooth. Must ring the provider today to see about my refund (again) and get a code for my account. Problems, problems.

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • shelialighty
    shelialighty Posts: 1 Member
    Hello All my Name is Shelia, i am bnew to myfitnesspal. i need to loose 75-100 pds. I staryed Jan 18th , it has been a daily struggle. I seem to start our good bur as the evening approach I dall off the wagon. I have a bad bad seeet tooth. I stay with my sister during the week due to worknlocation. She also has bad habits and buys alor of sweets for the house. When I am at home I dont have alot of sweets because I know how bad I am and I sleep far away frim the kitchen. At my sisters house I am right next to the kitchen, easy access. I find mtself thinking about all the good things she has in the kitchen to eat. I get up and get it, regardless of the time. I am up now after waking up thinking about cookies she has in the kitchen. I got the bag and brought it back to my room . Another bad thing to do, I did this to avoid waking the dogs with the bag rattleing . I ended up eating 12 thin cookies, feeling bery guilty. Is there any suggestions for me to stop this madness, I really need help!!!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    morning Ladies~
    having my cup of tea...well my fit bit battery is full but not syncing this thing is the bane of my existance...I need something that is going to work , i keep the contacts clean and dont wear it in the shower it is just driving me batty!!
    working 9:30-6 today have a load of laundry in the wash.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Allie- Is this your first fitbit or tracking system? I have a Garmin and some times, because I live in a very dune-y and some what rural area, my Garmin won't sync or can not "locate" me. Infuriating. Most times when this happens, I have to set/sync about a quarter mile into my walk.
    Heather- Hope you and your hubby are on the mend! It sounds as if your dinner party was a success and the food you prepared sounded wonderful! I think all veggies taste better grilled. Cauliflower steaks are one of my favorite grilled veggies. My son always puts pineapple on the grill, no matter what we are having. It goes good with everything, though, so it's all good!
    Sheila- Welcome to MFP! I have been on mfp for about three years, I just joined this group a week or so ago and the ladies are amazing, supportive, and have a LOT of great advice. I am about 80lbs heavier than I would like and the best advice I can give you is to just keep on making healthy choices. Try to plan your meals and prep the food/veggies to make it easier to stay on track. If you are making good choices in the morning/afternoon, but losing it in the evening, try to change up your evenings a little. Maybe get in a short walk in the late afternoon before dinner, or just doing 15 minutes of yoga, meditation or exercises will help you re-focus on making good choices for the night. I allow myself one "cheat" meal each week. That way I have THAT to look forward to.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    I saw a recipe for roasted chickpeas. I am wondering if anyone has ever tried these? They are drizzled in olive oil and baked at 420* for 20 minutes. Seasoned after baking. Wondering if they come out crunchy? I love crunchy and could use a chip/cracker alternative.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Welcome, Sheila! My best advice for you is to log every bite, every swallow, every cookie into MFP. Research has shown that people eat less when they log it. The first step to being healthy is to be honest about what you're putting in your body. Log those calories and look at your numbers. The pie chart on the home page that shows the percentage of carbs, fats and protein is very helpful to me. My protein wedge is always smaller than it should be. I'm working on it. Good luck and stay with it. We are here to help.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    well have been on the phone with fit bit for 45 minutes.. the flex is officially dead... they offered a 25% coupon to me for any of there devices.. we shall see if I take them up on it.. I miss it like crazy but have had 3 in the last 3 yrs to pay so much to have it die after a year doesnt seem right.. I want to find something that is long lasting and holds a charge longer than 4-5 days.. any suggestions.Tom is looking for something too.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Allie - My Fitbit Flex only lasted for about six months as well. I have the Fitbit Charge HR, which I love, but effective battery life is only about two days now, maybe two and a half, after using it for four months. I've yet to see one, other than a simple pedometer, that has an effective battery life of five days. That said, the Charge HR's battery is full after only an hour or so on the charger, so it takes less time than the Flex did to get to full. They are either deliberately built to last through only a thousand charging cycles, or the technology has that limitation, because they all slowly get worse in terms of how long they last before charging. Battery tech just hasn't caught up to the rest.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Barbie, I can't even imagine 16,000 steps in a day. You have set the bar very high. Thanks for leading by example.

    Janetr okc

    My steps yesterday came from walking the dogs before breakfast, after breakfast, and in the middle of the afternoon plus shopping at two stores. When I do things at home, I am up and down and carrying things from place to place. I don't sit for too long even at the computer. I have my pedometer in my pocket from getting up until bedtime. My average day is closer to 11,000 steps.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone. That blasted man was on my machine again at the Y this morning, so I had to settle for the treadmill and bicycle, along with the machines. Our Y has a big gym (co-ed) and a smaller women's gym. When I finished in the women's gym I went back into the big gym and found my own hubby on "my" machine! He offered to quit and let me have it, but by then I had done my hour so that was enough.

    Today is a throwing day, and I'm determined to work hard making special cups for an upcoming show. They have to be REALLY special, so if I want 4 perfect cups I'll have to make 12 or more and pick the best ones. I'm also making a matching tray, and I have a good throwing day I might make a teapot to match. We will see. I have till 3:00 to work on it.

    Alison, I'm so sorry about that poor dog. I know you will miss him.

    Janet, move over, I'm coming in!


  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 449 Member
    Welcome, Shelia! Just double check us on if it is Shelia or Sheila, thx! You have come to a very supportive group here!
    Allie, sorry about Woody...
    I am back in WNY after our anniversary week which included getting snowed in at Philadelphia. It all worked out and we could just as easily have been stranded if we flew anywhere. Now it is back to regular food. It is almost 10:30 and I am trying to make a good shopping list while fighting the urge for a second breakfast. Oh well...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member

    Janetr okc[/quote]

    My steps yesterday came from walking the dogs before breakfast, after breakfast, and in the middle of the afternoon plus shopping at two stores. When I do things at home, I am up and down and carrying things from place to place. I don't sit for too long even at the computer. I have my pedometer in my pocket from getting up until bedtime. My average day is closer to 11,000 steps.


    U go gurl!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Alison: So sorry about Woody. :broken_heart:

    Janetr: You look wonderful! It is official. I'm jealous of your lovely weather. :smiley:

    Meg: You are not forgotten. :noway:

    We have a busy day planned, starting with taking the dog to be groomed. DH has a doctor appointment this morning with his MS specialist. I plan to go along.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning even coming here oftern and reading what everyone is up to it's very time consuming. But keeps me from eating.

    We could never forget you. You just do what you have to do. If you need help to get you out from under that rock we will come with pick and shovel. Maybe we don't need those there'll be so many of us we will just roll it off of you.

    wasa crisps forgot all about those thanks for reminder.

    Well started my day off better maybe it's the little loss wii gave me. But whatever it was I did 10 min. of balance and yoga did a few steps on the walker. At least I moved. So far today has been good.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    I've had my Fitbit Flex for (I think) over two years and the only problem I've had with it is that the charger died. My daughter had an extra one so I'm all good again. I think I've worn mine into the shower once--my mind was obviously not on what I was doing.

    Michele - You asked about snow boots. I have a pair of "suede" boots made by Keds that I've had for at least 20 years. They don't leak and are very comfortable. However, I once had a pair of 'ducks' by Bass and they got really stiff when I didn't wear them for a while.

    Well, ladies, I had the stitch removed from my eyeball this morning. I can't recommend it.

    Roads were icy this morning when I left home. Once I got on the interstate, they were fine but the roads to get there were slick!

    I'm off to get work done. Have a good day!
