Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Good Monday Morning everyone ... I wanted to share something I heard interesting yesterday from a woman who has a different approach to managing her weight. She's from Europe and uses the decimel system instead of base 16 like our ounces to lbs are ... but it's easily converted.

    She told a story of when she first was breaking into her profession as a TV personality that she needed to lose 10 Kilograms of weight and started working with a nutritionist. They did not count calories or restrict food at all, nor did she need to fit all sorts of exercises into her busy day. This is what she did, and does to this day ... and she looks fabulous ... of course, she's in her 40's now, so she is a lot younger than me and a lot of us on here ... but ...

    She does one exercise routine and she does this faithfully every day ... YOGA. Somedays her yoga routine is longer than on other days, and sometimes she does two shorter sessions rather than a long one. It has become a part of her life now to do yoga postures and movements daily and she does them to relax and destress as well as keep fit.

    Now to the interesting part - about food! As I mentined, she does not count calories, nor does she restrict herself. Instead she weighs everything she eats and can only eat 300 grams of food at any one time. Folks ... that's about 10.5 ounces of food. There are a couple of rules that go along with this ...
    1 - The 20-minute rule ... She tries to take that long to eat her meal. IF she still feels hungry and want to eat some more, she may, but she needs to wait 20-minutes before getting her seconds, and she still has the grams limit, as that applies to all her eats.
    2 - She cannot eat just one class of food at any meal ... it needs to be a combinatin of protein, and both a high and a low starch carb. The fat doesn't seem to matter much unless both the carb and protein were fat laden ...
    3 - IF her meal is a high fat meal ... like fried potatoes, smoked or salted meat, and a pickle ... then she has to keep to an 1-1-1 ratio by weight in grams (100 for the potato, 100 for the meat, 100 for the pickle). .... But, and here's the beauty of it, she can go back 20 minutes after finishing her plate and have seconds if she wants ... still in the ratio and not just one food.

    A tip she shared was that she learned that if she didn't weigh out her food and put it on a plate, then she would just keep eating. It was the visual cues of the food on the plate that hellped her shed those 22 pounds (10 K). No, it did not stop her having cravings or wanting to overeat on her favorite foods, but she learned that waiting those 20 minutes between seconds helped her eat less on the seconds plate than she would have had she just kept right on eating.

    Interesting? Yes?
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday Check-in ... Boo-hoo-hoo ... I regained part of my loss that I reported 7 days ago. I don't know if it a true weight gain or an over abundance of retained fluid, but the point is the scale number crept up 1.5 pounds. The reason I mention fluid retention is because I'm on a new med that the doctor warned me would cause retention, and my poor feet and legs show that affect on me ... my shoes don't fit cause my puddgies are so pudged!

    As for the rest of it ...
    - Calories at goal range 17 out or 24.
    - Walking challenge - nadda this week, didn't even leave the house except to run errands on 2 different days.
    - Squat challenge - gave up on it, my knees just hurt to danged much for me to stick with it.
    - Cook my own meals - I had a Chinese restaurant prepared meal delivered in on one day, and bought a Tim Horton's breakfast meal on the same day ... on the 23rd!

    Focus for this week ... less computer time, more KP time, get out to see some friends on 3 different days. And as always ..
    Follow-through with Consistent Focus.
  • stephc002
    stephc002 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey there everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend! Mine was pretty good. I think the day off Friday was exactly what I needed. Been cleaning and organizing the house all weekend. My studio was a total disaster after my Christmas rush, so I have been trying to get that cleaned up and organized. Worked my tail off on that today and it's pretty much done, I am so relieved! Also according to MFP I got a great calorie burn for cleaning, (600 calories in just 2 hours, even though I cleaned for at least twice that!), so we went out for ice cream tonight. Lol. Probably not the best thing to do my first week back, but.I have decided if I can stick to my calorie goals and also get some exercise in on most days, I am not going to stress about going over a little on the weekends. I am trying to learn how to splurge a little once in a while without going completely off the deep end like I usually do. I think that's going to be the only way I can stick with this for the long haul.

    Busy week coming up, starting with a cavity filling tomorrow. Yuck! I am a little stressed about it. I absolutely hate having dental work done, so I am just going to be happy when it's over. Planning to go back to the YMCA on Tuesday to get my swim on. Love swimming and haven't been there since April, so it's definitely time. Hope everyone has a great week! Thanks again for the welcome, and for all the great advice I have gotten already. Y

  • lookingforonederland
    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    I am returning after a long stretch of not logging and not much exercise or eating healthy either (about 2 years). When I did it before I was vigilant and logged every day and it did work. Things got overwhelming and I let myself slip back. I need to lose more than 100 pounds and it really helps seeing posts of others that are going through the same things. :)

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Irish Coffee Day !
    It’s National Irish Coffee Day! Irish coffee is a delicious cocktail made with black coffee, sugar, Irish whiskey, and whipped cream.
    Joe Sheridan, a bartender at Foynes Airbase in Ireland, invented the drink in 1942. A group of passengers stopped at the bar after a miserably cold eighteen-hour journey across the Atlantic Ocean. Joe brewed hot coffee, added a splash of whiskey, and offered the concoction to the travelers. According to legend, one of the passengers asked him, “Is this Brazilian coffee?” and Joe laughed and said, “No, that’s Irish coffee.”
    Ten years later, Jack Koeppler, the owner of the Buena Vista bar in San Francisco, and travel writer Stanton Delaplane teamed up to bring Joe’s famous Irish coffee to the States. They experimented for months before they got the taste just right and put it on the menu. The popularity of the drink soon spread nationwide and it's been a favorite ever since.
    Curl up with a heavenly mug of warm Irish coffee to celebrate National Irish Coffee Day!

    ” In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.” ~Author Unknown


  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Monday Check-In: I'm feeling much better about myself and my ever-changing state of health! This silly respiratory mess is really trying to leave me alone, finally! Furthermore, experts estimate that I'll be at least mostly healed in time for a can't-miss appointment on the 1st, which I'm excited to attend because my DME provider will measure me for a new pressure management wheelchair seating system, which will take all day but it's worth it to finally find a balance between overall health and general comfort (I hope, I hope), since I've had to choose between those two factors. Needless to say, I'm really living for/looking forward to next Monday!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Just had 10 fillings done to cover the exposed roots of my teeth. Anesthesia is wearing off and moi is going to bed till the pain goes away or I have to take a pill. Having eye surgery next week so cant take aspirin or aspirin like meds Will check in tomorrow

    Morgori - Really enjoyed your quote for the day
  • alvin_grung
    alvin_grung Posts: 25 Member
    Unnnnnfortunately, MFP weight tracker apparently uses where you were one year ago, instead of where you started, as its baseline. Ergo, it's still showing 0 lbs. lost. Too bad - it used to go right back to where I joined MFP. Not a big deal, but would be nice to see some progress when I log in. Anyway, I'm almost there and feeling a lot better physically already, probably mostly due to exercise.
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    Monday Check in (physically) -- Today was a weird food day for me. I didn't have much of an appetite because my jaw was achy, like every time I opened my mouth to take a bite of food and chew, it hurt. I couldn't even finish my yogurt and blueberries this morning. For lunch I had soup, and then for dinner I could finally eat without it hurting. I had a large dinner to make up for the missing calories from all day. At least I got to walk today on my lunch break which was awesome. The sun finally came out and it was so beautiful and warm. It was too beautiful to not walk outside.

    (Mentally) -- This whole weekend was a crappy one. Actually, Friday was wonderful. I got to reconnect with a friend from junior high (we've been talking to a few years sporadically, but finally got to meet up), we went out for dinner and then watched Star Wars after. It was nice catching up with him and I think he might have a crush on me or something. I might have a little crush on him too, but I'm not going to let myself fall so far again. I'm simply not ready; I still don't know when and if I'll ever be able to feel in love again, but I know it's not soon. Even though it's been YEARS... Oh well. Today I just feel angry. I don't know why, I just feel it. I get like this every once in a while, where I just want to watch the world burn and everything around me just bugs me. Actually, lately I think I do know what's been triggering it. Again, oh well.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I thought I posted last night but I guess it did not go through. Well today was spent shoveling more snow and I can happily say that my car is out so I have freedom tomorrow. It will be a snow day from work, which is great since the school parking lots are not plowed yet. Here are the pictures of my street and the lovely snow.



    This has been a busy couple of days and I am thrilled that I am almost done shoveling. There is one more wall of snow to knock down so I should be finished in the morning. YIPEE!!!!

    At least it is starting to warm up but everything is refreezing at night so that will cause problems throughout the morning.

    I am doing fine but will be happy to go back to the gym and get in a cardio workout. I have been working my core with all the shoveling along with the glutes. Triceps also have been in on the action.

    Have a great day and I will check in tomorrow.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    This morning I wrote quite a long post, but it hasn't shown up so I must have done something wrong. I think that it's about time for me to introduce myself to all of the new people. I am 71 years old, married 50 years, and have 7 children each with a spouse, 14 grandchildren, and some steps and fosters. I also have 4 sisters and numerous nieces and nephews. Needless to say, my family occupies a lot of my time and energy. I take care of 2 of my grandchildren daily. The youngest is almost 3 and she keeps us hopping.
    I joined MFP and Robin's Thread about 3.5 years ago and successfully lost 95#. I got complacent because I was so close to my goal. I thought that I could ease up a bit. I now weigh 20# more than I did last year at this time. It's time get serious again and not quit until I have lost the 30# to my goal. I have made many friends here on Robin's thread.
    I am a stress eater and there are a number of stresses in my life that I have to learn to deal with. DH had a very bad fall in July that has impacted both of our lives negatively. He is improving and things are finally moving with the insurance company so that helps.
    My exercise of choice is walking. After too many falls, I have decided that I can't walk outside after dark or when it is slick. I have a walking DVD for bad weather, which we have had plenty of lately. Today was beautiful and sunny so I got to go outside to walk. I'm glad that I'm not getting my exercise like Laurie is right now.
    I'm enjoying finding inspiration from all of you, including the new ones. It is good to have so much activity here. I appreciate the new insights of the new members and the steady of support of the long-time posters. For those who have followed my daughter's blog, she posted a couple more blogs today that are very insightful.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @kaye-- I agree that I don't envy all of laurie's shoveling even if it is a great calorie burn.

    @laurie-- I bet you will feel all that shoveling in your abs and arms in a day or two. Thank goodness you are in such good physical shape to be able to do all of that. On another note, I'm in a facebook group for my You vs. Year running challenge and someone posted asking for the best races we've done. I replied with a description of our Tunnel to Towers race and how awesome it was! I can't wait for you guys to come in April for the Shamrock Shuffle--we will have such a blast! Have you started looking at flights yet?

    @sarah-- is your mouth hurting for no reason, or did you have some sort of dental work? Glad you got some nice weather and also got to meet up with your friend.

    @alvin-- can't you reset your MFP weight to reflect where you really are right now?

    @katrena-- ouch! That's a lot of dental work. Hope the pain subsides quickly.

    @zoe-- glad you are feeling better mentally and physically!

    @L-- welcome!

    @steph-- Another member with dental or mouth issues. I sense a motif.

    @niki- those swollen feet are a sure sign of water retention. Hope you shed the excess quickly as your body adjusts to the new meds.

    Monday Check-in:
    Hanging in there. Scale was down a smidge this morning, so I'm hopeful the new lower calorie allowance will continue to move me in the right direction. I had a meeting after work so no workout today, but still stayed under even with a little treat of ice cream. I'm definitely feeling yesterday's 5 mile run, but tomorrow is another gym day, so hope it subsides by then.

    Still keeping up with some light grading. I really love my job when it's like this. :) Plus, in my AP classes we started Waiting for Godot. It's so much fun b/c we read it aloud and the students act it out with props. Hilarity inevitably ensues.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 45/60 Avalon movie guides

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week:
    Week 1 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 2/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 3 = 1/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 4 = 1/3 runs, 1/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice. 1/2

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 6/7
    Week 2 = 5/7
    Week 3 = 6/7
    Week 4 = 2/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    28k done/ 972k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- rest day (meeting)
    Tues-- walk gunner + gym
    Wed-- rest day (meeting a friend after work)
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Happy Spouse's Day 2016

    Spouse's Day is celebrated on January 26, 2016. It is a day to enjoy and appreciate your better half. Spouse's Day is a good reminder to show that special person in your life just how much you care and appreciate him or her. You can show your love in simple ways - just be a little bit creative! A good way is to smile and say "I love you". Spouse's Day is celebrated worldwide by all husbands and wifes and therefore by partners in a marriage, civil union, domestic partnership, or common-law marriage. The text "Spouse's Day" has been taken from

    ” A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” ~Herm Albright, quoted in Reader's Digest, June 1995


  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    @Morgori: Tom, that's definitely a great excuse for a holiday!
    AFM: my Tuesday Goal this week is to stay warm. It's chilly here in Texas!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning!

    @Laurie ~I’m originally from upstate New York so can empathize with the snow and all of the shoveling you faced, it was my job as a teenager—I was lucky though, we had a snow blower. My last winter there (1996) was one of the worst I had experienced, I was living in an apartment and had to dig my car out more than once—we had several storms dump more than two feet of snow and temps were well below zero on several occasions. It was miserable! I kept pictures, knowing it would be my last in that environment—it is very pretty to look at but I much prefer the Texas heat to the New York winters! :wink:

    @Karen ~Yay, I’m so glad you’re having a good time with your students so far this semester and that grading has been light. Hooray for the scale moving in the right direction! :smile:

    @Alvin ~You should be able to go into your settings or weight tracker and adjust your starting weight—I remember doing that a few years ago.

    @Katrina ~Ouch, that is a lot of fillings—hope you didn’t end up in too much pain.

    @Steph ~I hate dental work also, I’m okay with getting my teeth cleaned but anything beyond that stresses me out! Good luck today.

    @Sarah ~Do you wake with your jar hurting often? You could have TMJ or Bruxism (grinding teeth while you sleep)—both can cause headaches too.

    @Zoe ~Don't fret, I'm not sure where you are in Texas but north central Texas is heading into the 70s this weekend. Its a heat wave! :wink: :sweat:

    @Robin ~:lol: l at the snow angel pic from the other day.

    AFM~Work and my grad class have me busy, that’s for sure! It’s been pretty mild around here, like I mentioned to Zoe temps are expected in the mid-70s by the weekend—I can’t wait! :smiley: My former trainer contacted me this past weekend, he’s working at a new gym—I think he’s looking for clients, after I finish rehab I may go check it out. Its kind of inconvenient though and I really don't see me leaving the gym I love (its more like a resort). Also, not sure its in the budget--one of my goals this year is to get more money tucked away in an IRA for retirement.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    @kah68, I'm from Ransom Canyon (small town between Lubbock and Slaton). I'm not sure what the exact temperature is, but BRRR! Winters here are kinda brutal. :s
  • AndreaKim0508
    AndreaKim0508 Posts: 1 Member
    Howdy... Andrea from TX!
    Just following for now :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    @kah68, I'm from Ransom Canyon (small town between Lubbock and Slaton). I'm not sure what the exact temperature is, but BRRR! Winters here are kinda brutal. :s

    Yep, almost in the panhandle--much cooler!

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    @kah68, I'm from Ransom Canyon (small town between Lubbock and Slaton). I'm not sure what the exact temperature is, but BRRR! Winters here are kinda brutal. :s

    As I'm sitting here on the computer, I looked it up for you Zoe ... 45 degrees.
    You are going to have 76 on Saturday ... and everyday until then will be about 13 degrees warmer than right now until you get there!~

    Enjoy your heat wave!
  • cstlofdrgns
    cstlofdrgns Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, just now joining the thread. Been using MyFitnessPal on and off for some time but am determined to make this year my year! I restarted my seemingly ongoing weight loss journey to losing about 100 lbs. at the beginning of this month and am down 4.8 lbs. so far. Slow and steady wins the race. :)