

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Sylvia- Wow! What you have been through since this morning! It is hard watching our adult kids during times of illness and feeling so helpless to do anything for them. I, too, live in the provervbial "One horse town". We have one hospital, many doctors, but they all seem to know each other and refer patients to each other often. If my hubby or kids have an issue with our local hospital, we hike 50 miles to the one in a larger city. More experienced physicians and more technology. Prayers for you and your son.

    Michele- So sorry to hear of both your fall and your "skype/psyche" session. I have to agree with the other ladies who care for you and your situation when I say, this "doctor" is showing unethical behaviour. Perhaps, at your next "appointment" have a pad of paper and a pen handy and take notes, also find out her name, title, and where she was licensed or got her degree from. If she refuses giving the info, or any of it doesn't check out, you may want to consider not attending any more skype therapy sessions.

    Heather- I like the way you think! I think it's advisable for any one who is traveling to another country to learn a little of the language and customs. I think it is VERY much appreciated by the people of that country. It just irks me, whenever I hear of the "ugly Americans" that travel, and think that every one needs to speak English or cater to what they believe they deserve. Good for you and the Norwegian lessons!

    Allie- You are a busy lady! Remember to take care of yourself.

    Betty- I wish I had some arthritis advice for you; but my hubby was just diagnosed with RA, so we are trying to figure all of that out. Prayers for some relief for you and your hubby!

    Mary-safe travels as you go to visit your daughter (or was it sister?) <3

    Pip- good luck with the fence collection! It'd be nice if the others kick in, because it really is a beautiful and functional addition to the neighborhood! Safe doggies are happy doggies! Same goes for owners!

    It has been a week of "ick" at my house. With the wishy-washy Michigan winter weather, all of my kiddos are sick with the congestion and cough and endless amounts of gunk. My DH has caught it and of course is the biggest baby of them all. Lillian in Saskatchewan, I think you mentioned that the flu caught you and your DH. Men do make the biggest babies. Anyway, I don't think enough Clorox has been made to disinfect my house. SO glad the weekend is coming and all of the kids can stay home with their parents for a couple days and get over this stuff! Love and hugs to all!

  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Haven't had time to read today's notes. I will do it after working. My riding lesson got cancelled because of cold (22 F) plus strong winds. A huge disappointment. The wind is supposed to die down by tomorrow so we will try again. I had to walk inside instead.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    I hope Michele is able to read our comments. :ohwell:

    I've just downloaded an app called Duolingo onto my phone and tablet. It's free! I have signed up to 5 minutes a day of beginner's Norwegian. :D You can do lots of languages at any level. Apparently it's as good as a whole year at uni!
    I am carrying on with my Utube and will be starting advanced Spanish on Utube soon. I used to be advanced, but I'm so rusty I might have to step back to intermediate. ;)
    I know Irish Terri is studying languages. :flowerforyou:

    Love Heather UK

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Are biscuits in British English called cookies in American English? Enjoy cooking with your DGS! Thank you for the beautiful rainbow. :smiley:

    Pip: Good luck on winning the $100 Visa at your work's health screening. I'd say you have a very good chance. :smiley:

    Sue: Your advice to Michele is excellent, particularly the idea that she is a safe target for her son to blame for his own shortcomings. Good luck with your doctor appointment. I've decided to change doctors and my appointment with the new one is Friday morning. I've met her already because DH started going to her last week. I think she is just the right person for both of us. :bigsmile:

    Sylvia: I'm happy to hear that your son is doing better. It is shameful that he is getting "the treatment" from the hospital staff. Your son's test results should be negative and that will prove his innocence, but nobody should have to experience that level of judgmental garbage from hospital staff members who have no proof to back up their accusations. I am so sorry he is being poorly treated. :mad:

    Suzy and Kim: Click the blank star at the top of the screen. It will "bookmark" this thread so you can easily find it again by clicking the gray star at the top of the community page. :flowerforyou:

    DH's surgery to remove the cyst on his back scheduled for next week. It is day surgery but will be in an operating room. He has antibiotics to take in advance. We both liked the surgeon. He was knowledgeable and easy to talk to. We will need to let our kids know that the procedure is coming up.

    Tomorrow morning I will have my first appointment with my new doctor. I really liked her when I joined DH for his first appointment with her. It is a plus that I've already met her and liked her. I'll be seeing her first thing in the morning, and should be done in time to go to yoga. (I hope.)

    Have a great day!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

    1. Find a place I can learn to fall without getting hurt once my doctor says it is ok to try.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    My health screen says I am like a 41yr old
  • VeraWatkins1
    VeraWatkins1 Posts: 25 Member
    HI everyone. Had a good day. Nice and sunny here in Louisiana. I walked 6 miles with steps 16,185...
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Heather love the rainbow. Thank you1
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Medical personnel from nurses, aides, on up to MDs can be quite 'mean-spirited'. They seem to think that MD spells GOD. I 'might' agree to be admitted into the big 'city' hospital under medical conditions; but, NEVER for treatment for 'mental conditions'. The few times I have had to be admitted (usually for PsycheMD to 'tweak' my medications), it's been 200 miles away from where I live. I won't even have a local MD that has admitted me to Phoebe to have a consult with a local PsycheMD - not a good one in Albany; won't go to one within a 100-mile radius of Albany. DH has driven me up to Macon where my PsycheMD practices. MMC is the next largest 'trauma center' to where I live. It's just as bad if there is only one MD in a practice that specializes in an area of medicine when you need them and they get their fanny on their shoulders. It's ok for a patient and/or MD not to like one another; but, it should not be so bad that a patient has to change to get one that will treat them right.

    My regular Neurologist moved to Atlanta and I am going to one that comes to town 2 days a week because her partner had too many patients of her own to take on any of hers. Of course, if it is an emergency she will see them. It's been a year since I have seen him. I guess I 'like' him okay; but, really have not had any reason to feel otherwise. However, if I am showing signs of having a "Manic Moment" DH can call PsycheMD in Macon and tell him what is going on and whether or not he can bring me up that day; or, if at night ... bring me up the next. He gave us his cell phone number to use in case of an emergency; so far, we have not had to use it. The few times we have called him ... he has always been the one to return the call. If I can't be 'myself' with any of the 4 or 5 MDs I go to, then it is time to find another one. I'm NOT crazy ... it is usually because my medications gets 'whacked out' sometime because of a physical illness. IF you aren't happy with the treatment that son is getting there ... find another MD (even if it is in another town) and take him there. I want a MD that will talk TO me and not DOWN AT me. They have the same bodily functions that I do ... no different than talking to any other person in my life.

    By the way, I took one before the State Composite Board of Medical Examiners. While they did not 'jerk' her license; she was told they were not going to renew her 'hospital privileges' here. She has bounced 3 or 4 or more times around several 'jobs'. My complaint against her follows her wherever she goes to apply for a job. Most practices do not want a MD in their practice that has basically been 'sued' because of their medical malpractice insurance rates are high enough. I was talked out of trying to sue the hospital and her because it would have been like re-living the 2 1/2 months all over again and I knew the hospital attorneys and have seen them in action. This is why I took the route that I did. It's almost as good as winning a judgment against the hospital and her; no money, but I wanted to let her know that just because I am Bipolar doesn't make me 'stupid'. Probably was more of a jab at her. I had told her when she transferred me to a State mental facility for the Criminal insane (which I wasn't) ... that "I don't get mad; I get even." I think I succeeded in that game.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • linda_g_n
    linda_g_n Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I did post on another group on MFP but got no replies. I stumbled across your friendly group just now and was wondering if you mind if I add my little bit. This is my first time to post really and I will probably just take it slowly. I have read many of your posts and comments and much of it is just like me. Do you mind if I just "lurk" here and add a little bit when I can? Let me know if that's not ok and I will move along :)..... This is my original post mainly because I am over 50 but I also have a lot of weight to lose. Thanks again - Linda.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    My health screen says I am like a 41yr old

    lol well my brain read that as 14 yr old...hahaha.... You are in your 40's right? If you are in your 30's you can wack me later....
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    linda_g_n wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I did post on another group on MFP but got no replies. I stumbled across your friendly group just now and was wondering if you mind if I add my little bit. This is my first time to post really and I will probably just take it slowly. I have read many of your posts and comments and much of it is just like me. Do you mind if I just "lurk" here and add a little bit when I can? Let me know if that's not ok and I will move along :)..... This is my original post mainly because I am over 50 but I also have a lot of weight to lose. Thanks again - Linda.

    Linda, post away friend! This is a great bunch of ladies! I tend to end my sentences with an exclamation point! (I am the odd one but they accept me). I am over 50 as well, have 3 sons, (two are active Navy) and a teenager. Soon the Navy will get him as well. My husband and I have been married over 31 yrs, but as my teenager says, nauseatingly lovey-dovey. Get a room he yells...."Um son we ARE in our room silly". actually we are quite respectful and wait until he is as school.... Welcome to this group!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    ((((((((((((hugs to my ladies that are suffering, and dealing with health issues or family crisis's)))))))))))))))
    Tomorrow the little town down from me on the coast will close the city and have a funeral and memorial for a police officer that was shot. First shooting in 30+ yrs, so we are all in shock of it all. Today we saw many out of state police cars in Seaside, coming early. Jason Goodding was only 39 yrs old, with a wife and family, so its going to be difficult for them all.

    Today we went swimming. Then my husband and I went out to lunch. There is a place that serves the best salad, so I got my Quinoa, dried cranberries, slivered almonds, feta cheese, and spinach salad. Yummy!

    Tonight I will fix a kind of pizza thing on some Naan bread we have. My calories are 1472 which is high for me, but hoping I won't be paying for having that salad!

    Today the women's locker room at the pool was empty, so I was spying myself naked. Not that I am full of myself, just trying to stay in the moment and recognize my journey thus far. I am liking the view, and this time around I am in such a different place in my mind. I have confidence that this weight will be gone for good. It's empowering!
    For all the ladies in the TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) meetings/world, I can picture myself as a KOP, (keeps off pounds sensibly). I don't know if I want to dress all up in a long white dress to do it, though, but I will read my "testimonial" to my group.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome, Linda! I think most of us lurked for a bit before joining the conversation, so lurk away to your heart's content, then jump right in.

    Miriam - Thanks for your response. I just had lab work done and everything was 'normal' except I'm slightly hyperthyroid. I done have any of those symptoms so we're watching it for the next three months. My fit bit shows that I sleep for at least two hours less than I think I am so I might need to bring that up at some point. Anyway, I'm planning to go to bed early tonight and see if that helps.

    Sylvia - I'm glad things are looking better but I think I would want him transferred. You are his medical POA, right?

    Sleepy Carol from NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    HI everyone. Had a good day. Nice and sunny here in Louisiana. I walked 6 miles with steps 16,185...


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    My health screen says I am like a 41yr old

    lol well my brain read that as 14 yr old...hahaha.... You are in your 40's right? If you are in your 30's you can wack me later....

    I'll b 57 this yr. I think if I would have been younger had I been a little different on my answers. I put I am a moderate exercise person instead of very active
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good night all

    I have to watch Big Bank Theory...

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Michele, Absolutely that therapist is a goober.....your son is way too old to be blaming his mommy for his problems...he needs to man up and seek solutions to become a caring human being and learn to play well with others regardless of the wrongdoings of others, fancied or real.

    Sylvia, sending hugs to you and your son and your grandkids...you have a ton to deal with...you are a great parent full of love

    , The day surgery for your husband sounds great and it's great that you like the surgeon.

    , enjoy your time away and stay in the moment and don't give Tom and the "stuff" at home a single moment of your thoughts.

    Lillian, I hope you get your nap.

    Pip, we put up a fence in our back yard in a house we lived in about 12 years ago and paid for the whole thing even though it was it clearly useful to the neighbors on all sides. We decided that we wanted the fence and just asked them if it was OK. We enjoyed the fence (so did our Golden Retriever) and when we sold the house, it clearly had added value.....I wouldn't have needed a health screening to tell you that you're as fit and healthy as a 40 year old

    Linda, We are glad to see you on our thread....now that you have posted, it is your thread and we hope that you'll tell us more about yourself and join the conversation.

    :) This afternoon I saw the neurologist to go over my latest blood test results. He said that none of the tests that he has can tell why I have nerve pain, numbness, and tingling. He recommended that I see my primary care doctor regularly. The pain is fairly well controlled by medication and I am more active than most people. I sent my primary care doctor a message about the appointment and asked if she had any next steps.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Katla: So glad you found a primary care physician you like. All best to DH when he goes for his procedure.

    Barbie: Sounds like all the testing has at least eliminated the most common causes of pain, tingling and numbness in your legs. But, I do hope you and your docs are able to run down the cause. Glad you use meditation daily. I have found daily Reiki has greatly reduced my aches and pains.

    Sylvia: I echo the others who said ‘take care of you’. What a nightmare to see your son in ICU and hear his ‘caregivers’ talking so disparagingly.

    PiP: 41! You rock.

    Called today to schedule my annual physical, only to learn that my doctor has switched to the other location for this medical group. It’s not that far, but quite honestly I wasn’t so enamored of her that I would drive 15 minutes further. So come this April, I’ll be seeing a new doc. Meanwhile, DH is still treating his surgery wound with burn cream, and making a very nice recovery without having to get a skin graft.

    New FitBit has me confused. I’ve synched with the app on MFP and I’m not understanding the ‘fitbit adjustments’ of additional calories burned. Ignoring it for now. I sure do work harder everyday to hit the 10,000 step goal, and that is really the benefit I most appreciate.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    February Goals:
    > Practice Reiki every day
    > Eat mindfully
    > Reach out to 3 friends
    > Get physical scheduled
    > Get tax workbook started
    My word for 2016: Optimism