

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    I've eaten too much today and feel like seeing if I can go from this point onward to Sunday sometime without eating another thing to try and balance it out. I've got what can be considered a 'birthday blowout' coming up in two weeks and if I'm not happy with my weight, people are being told to leave me alone and eat cake themselves in my honour.

    I am not judging, please take this in the spirit it's intended. If you do manage to fast for 36-48hourd, you're just going to binge again on Sunday. I've been there and done that and it's an ugly way to live. If you're not hungry, don't eat the rest of today, but be sensible about eating tomorrow and going forward. You'll be much happier in the end and we are all here to support you.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Confession: My girl scout cookie order came in and I may or may not have eaten a sleeve of thin mints for breakfast.... :/

    ARGH! Girl Scout Cookies should totally be on the bingo list!

    I deliberately left them off. I didn't want it to be too easy to win and I knew it was cookie time. Someone was going to eat them all...
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Confession: My girl scout cookie order came in and I may or may not have eaten a sleeve of thin mints for breakfast.... :/

    ARGH! Girl Scout Cookies should totally be on the bingo list!

    I deliberately left them off. I didn't want it to be too easy to win and I knew it was cookie time. Someone was going to eat them all...

    Pick me.....(hides my head in shame..... :# )
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    So Day 2 of #lentchallenge didn't go too well. I am doing well on vegan, but I came into work early so no early morning workout, then my day got crazy then I was an hour and a half late to dinner with friends so didn't get home until 10:30. So no workout. :(

    I have to get up in the AM and just do it. I wake up to do it, think about work, get stressed, and just go into work. So, I have to mentally block the work stress and just work out. I wll try and do 2 hours of a workout tonight to make up for yesterday. That counts right? ;)

    Doing your best counts as far as I am concerned. Personally, I would make up the exercise over two days so you don't get too tired and aggravated with it.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I had grief bacon last night.

    Between sleeping crappy the night before, being worried all day about my son's wisdom teeth surgery and then him being a VERY needy patient last night AND trying to stay up past midnight for today's late shift.....the night ended in grief bacon.

    Me! Me! Me! N-36!


    That granny is HARDCORE. She even has her finger on the trigger.

    Also, I'm not made that you're getting all the squares. You need SOMETHING to look forward to. :wink:

    But are you mad that you had a typo?!? :p
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I had grief bacon last night.

    Between sleeping crappy the night before, being worried all day about my son's wisdom teeth surgery and then him being a VERY needy patient last night AND trying to stay up past midnight for today's late shift.....the night ended in grief bacon.

    Me! Me! Me! N-36!


    That granny is HARDCORE. She even has her finger on the trigger.

    Also, I'm not mad that you're getting all the squares. You need SOMETHING to look forward to. :wink:

    But are you mad that you had a typo?!? :p

    What typo?! :wink:

    You knew I HAD to fix it!
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I ate at maintenance *again* today :/ I'll start getting into a better routine tomorrow.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I exercised today & with work too I earned a lot of exercise calories.

    I was going to be an adult & eat two frozen Barber Foods Chicken Breast & a sweet potato, but the kid in me decided to have six cups of granola.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Well I passed my first day on #lentchallenge
    I was out and about for lunch and had to stop for gas, and didn't get myself chips or chocolate, even tho I had tons of room in my diary. I also was pleasant and didn't complain when I smashed and possibly broke my pinky toe at the pool yesterday, and wound up with a migraine headache when I over heated my supper and set off my super touchy smoke detector.
    I decided today has to go better and the kids are getting salad for supper. B)

    Oberon, those are great pics, that trail looks beautiful to run on. And line dancing is so fun, you look great.

    yikes about the toe and migraine!
    hope the toe isn't broken, is it still really painful?

    It doesn't hurt and it didn't when I did it, but I have a compressed nerve that makes me numb. Went for X-Rays, not broken, just bruised and the dr said sprained. So rest and all that jazz. Its actually very colourful but ok when I have it taped up.

    Totally #dancemomproblems that when I needed tape for my toes my daughter yelled "hang on" and went and got her toe tape from her pointe shoe bag. lol.

    Today was better. Had fillings today, and my dentist went a bit crazy with the freezing so I was talking like Rocky for a few hours after.

    And I really want to try the steel cut oats now that everyone is talking about them. Grocery day coming up so I just might pick some up.

    I <3 toe tape. And you should definitely get the steel cut oats.

    I just laugh at the name of the toe tape, but it is good. I like that the adhesive doesn't sweat off.
    When I get the steel cut oats, I will be back for recipes.

    You can find lots on Pinterest if you have it. Most of them are very good. I have done a few, some in the crock pot overnight.

    I always Pin a bunch of recipes to try & then never make them.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    I've eaten too much today and feel like seeing if I can go from this point onward to Sunday sometime without eating another thing to try and balance it out. I've got what can be considered a 'birthday blowout' coming up in two weeks and if I'm not happy with my weight, people are being told to leave me alone and eat cake themselves in my honour.

    Um? No, just no! @Scamd83 take it from my experience that this is a horrible idea! Why in the world would you think it would be a good idea to not eat anything from Friday until Sunday? Not only will you deplete your body of nutrients, but your body needs fuel to run on. Doing something like this will not only leave you cranky & miserable, but it will lead you to binge to make up for the missing calories & you may eat way more than you would have if you just let go of messing up.

    If you went over let's say one thousand you could make up 72 calories the next few weeks.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Confession: My girl scout cookie order came in and I may or may not have eaten a sleeve of thin mints for breakfast.... :/

    ARGH! Girl Scout Cookies should totally be on the bingo list!

    As should Peeps or the Peeps cleanse..... :D

    The Peep cleanse has been shut down by the moderators. It is now the He-who-shall-not-be-named diet. LOL

    What do you mean??? He is gone? Or just the idea of the Peep cleanse?

    I need to remember to buy a package of Peeps on clearance after Lent, & roast them on a campfire.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    I'll join the #lentchallenge
    I'm not Catholic but Lent is the one thing I do every year. This year I'm going to be abstaining from chips and chocolate bars, and adding in no complaining.

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins, I understand your point of view (that it is between God and you) I do let people know so that they don't unintentionally sabotage (like my husband bringing home chips from the store, or grabbing me a chocolate bar when getting gas).

    Eh, my husband is not responsible for my abstinence from item X. He is Protestant through and through and only observes Lent as far I won't serve meat in my home on Fridays until Easter. I don't even always tell him what I am doing, but he usually figures it out. Part of the sacrifice is that I may encounter the item x in my daily life and be tempted by it.
    And, I have had people (my husband's birth mother included) offer me the thing I am abstaining from to try and trip me up if they knew what it was. It's interesting how some people behave in the face of my trying to practice self control.

    How very sad of them to try to derail you.

    My in-laws are just very sad people and I don't work with the coworker who used to do it anymore, so it's all good. He was just an all around jerk.

    In another thread, I saw this spelled "co-irker." I love that play on words!

    I am SO using that one!

    I love it too!

    I work with a few of these co-irkers haha.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    I'm going to the local MMA fights Saturday night. Woo hoo! I'm excited! It will, however, be difficult to maintain my #soberdays streak... :#

    Very cool! You may have to let @Oberon21 win :wink:

    That made me cringe. I'm so freakin' competitive! LOL

    No you don't. I didn't drink tonight after a really rough work day and dinner with friends at a fabulous restaurant. You are not allowed to drink at a caveman like entertainment event where people beat each other up.

    Confession: I've done it before. Super fun! B)

    Just remember, if you drink this weekend I WIN!!!!!!!!

    I KNOW! (Yep...Monica.) Which is why I won't.


    I love this! I think this is my favorite gif ever!

    How I feel at work most of the time LOL.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited February 2016
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    asgentr wrote: »
    I bought a bag of popcorn thinking it would be a filling, tasty, low-calorie snack. On a stressful day I ate the whole bag, totaling something like 700 calories. Then I proceeded to eat chocolate for a snack and Indian food for dinner without weighing anything.

    I am capable of eating 10 quarts of popcorn without a thought.

    When hubby and I came home from our honeymoon I told him I was going to make popcorn. He said he did not want any. I proceeded to pop a giant stainless bowl of popcorn that was piled high above the bowl. He went to take a shower.

    When he came out and saw that I had eaten all of it, he looked at me as if I ate his share.

    I asked him if he wanted some and told him I could make more

    He replied " No I didn't want any. But..
    You just ate enough for my mother and father, your mother and father, my brothers (3) your brother and sisters(3)
    Your aunts and uncles, my aunts and uncles, my cousins, your cousins ....."

    At that point I stopped him and said I got his point so he would stop naming relatives.

    This is now an item I defiantly measure out.
    Estimate to the best ability what you ate. It will help you out in the long run.

    Weren't you the one that said your husband ate a ton of dried bananas then complained that his stomach hurt ;).

    Yep that would be him approximately 10 years later.
    He wasn't being mean to me he was just teasing me at the time. I was laughing at him and his description.
    He is very much a once a day eater and can consume enormous amounts of calories in one setting. He does not nibble because it " ruiens his appetite and then he forgets to eat." This works for him.
    Me I need to eat at least 2 meals a day and am prone to nibbling on new things just to see what they taste like.
    Let's say our boys have seen a broad spectrum of eating habits likes and dislikes.

    I need to eat 5 x a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner plus snacks at 10:30 and 2:30.

    I was thinking about you the other day. I brought three bags of beef jerky to work...I know you don't eat meat but that isn't the point here. They were gone by the end of the week. If I have food at my desk, then I HAVE to eat it even if I'm not hungry.

    And that's why it's bad news for me to have more than one protein bar at work at a time.
    I just can't be trusted with food. Dang.

    I know right? My drawer of protein bars/cookies is scary!

    I sometimes play Santa & give out some of my protein bars & protein cookies.

    My sister loves the Lenny & Larry Snickerdoodle cookie.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Flight to London booked for Nicci and my Ben Nevis Challenge!!!!!!!!!!!

    Enjoy the trip and give Nicci some big hugs from us



    Also we demand a ton of pictures!

    I got you covered @raymax4 :p
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I had grief bacon last night.

    Between sleeping crappy the night before, being worried all day about my son's wisdom teeth surgery and then him being a VERY needy patient last night AND trying to stay up past midnight for today's late shift.....the night ended in grief bacon.


    How is everything going today?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Myles_104 wrote: »
    Well I passed my first day on #lentchallenge
    I was out and about for lunch and had to stop for gas, and didn't get myself chips or chocolate, even tho I had tons of room in my diary. I also was pleasant and didn't complain when I smashed and possibly broke my pinky toe at the pool yesterday, and wound up with a migraine headache when I over heated my supper and set off my super touchy smoke detector.
    I decided today has to go better and the kids are getting salad for supper. B)

    Oberon, those are great pics, that trail looks beautiful to run on. And line dancing is so fun, you look great.

    yikes about the toe and migraine!
    hope the toe isn't broken, is it still really painful?

    It doesn't hurt and it didn't when I did it, but I have a compressed nerve that makes me numb. Went for X-Rays, not broken, just bruised and the dr said sprained. So rest and all that jazz. Its actually very colourful but ok when I have it taped up.

    Totally #dancemomproblems that when I needed tape for my toes my daughter yelled "hang on" and went and got her toe tape from her pointe shoe bag. lol.

    Today was better. Had fillings today, and my dentist went a bit crazy with the freezing so I was talking like Rocky for a few hours after.

    And I really want to try the steel cut oats now that everyone is talking about them. Grocery day coming up so I just might pick some up.

    I <3 toe tape. And you should definitely get the steel cut oats.

    I just laugh at the name of the toe tape, but it is good. I like that the adhesive doesn't sweat off.
    When I get the steel cut oats, I will be back for recipes.

    You can find lots on Pinterest if you have it. Most of them are very good. I have done a few, some in the crock pot overnight.

    I always Pin a bunch of recipes to try & then never make them.

    Me too.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I exercised today & with work too I earned a lot of exercise calories.

    I was going to be an adult & eat two frozen Barber Foods Chicken Breast & a sweet potato, but the kid in me decided to have six cups of granola.

    Wow that is a lot of granola...
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Flight to London booked for Nicci and my Ben Nevis Challenge!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh my gosh! So jealous!!!

    I can't wait!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Confession: My girl scout cookie order came in and I may or may not have eaten a sleeve of thin mints for breakfast.... :/

    ARGH! Girl Scout Cookies should totally be on the bingo list!

    I deliberately left them off. I didn't want it to be too easy to win and I knew it was cookie time. Someone was going to eat them all...

    That was incredibly smart of you!